megguiemcgarden · 11 hours
Tin's Favorite Sterek Fics (Part 2)
Hello again! Welcome to the second installment of me sharing with you a mere fraction of the too-many Sterek fics I have read and bookmarked on AO3!
Before we get to the list, I just wanted to say thank you all for liking and sharing the last post. I'm not someone who comments that often on fics (I don't do things that make me anxious, as a rule, and commenting on fics makes me unreasonably anxious), so I want to give back to these authors outside of my kudos and bookmarks. This is how I'm doing that. So thanks for noticing, and I hope you enjoy the fics! I have loved them dearly for a while now.
Alright, enough from me.
Smooches, darlings!
List and links to previous/next part(s) below the cut.
DISCLAIMER: This is me warning you all that some of the fics I've included in this list may cover explicit, dark, and/or "taboo" subject matters. I cannot express enough how little I care what anyone thinks about any of that; all I want is for you to use caution when reading anything I've listed here and to please review and heed whatever tags the authors have provided in order to keep yourselves safe. Your experience from this point on is your own responsibility, not mine and not the authors'.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17
Aftereffects by Dira Sudis (dsudis) (G | 1/1 | 1,473)
Stiles lives with the aftereffects.
Shadowplay by Medie (T | 1/1 | 1,576)
Since the day of his birth, the shadows have loved him.
It's a Jeep Thing by riventhorn (T | 1/1 | 2,629)
On the day she arrived at the Stilinski home, the Sheriff stayed in the driver’s seat for twenty minutes, fingers kneading her steering wheel anxiously. He had been muttering to himself the entire way back from the lot, all variations on: Am I insane? How can I give this to him? He’s going to kill someone. He’s going to kill himself.
Stiles's Jeep's pov on werewolves, hyperactive teen boys, and Derek Hale.
After All by Dira Sudis (dsudis) (T | 1/1 | 2,954)
Being a magical fairy-gift whose whole existence is a demonstration of the supernatural amazingness of your fathers' love story ought to be a good thing.
Cuckoo by herlovewasajoke (T | 1/1 | 3,790)
Deaton uncovers a secret. What he does with it could destroy everything Stiles has built.
To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar by FaeryQueen07 (E | 1/1 | 5,241)
It’s the summer before senior year and Stiles is doing just fine. Right up until he gets shitfaced and tells a room full of drag queens that he’s attracted to an alpha werewolf and that oh, yeah, he’s been wondering about whether or not they have knots. It all goes downhill from there, but in a good way.
No place for no hero by ellievolia (M | 1/1 | 5,370)
But now, as he looks at Derek’s face, the storm lurking right underneath his eyelashes, the frown firmly back in place on his features, the Sheriff can’t help but hope that he will do something Sheriff Stilinski himself can’t do, nor ask for Derek to do. They nod at each other over Stiles’ hospital bed, and Sheriff Stilinski stands up.
Warning for graphic depiction of a mugging that degenerates into a stabbing.
There's A Wolf-Shaped Float In This Parade by concernedlily (G | 3/3 | 7,524)
Two ways Sheriff Stilinski finds out and one he doesn't.
(Non-graphic references to past underage.)
Your Face is Like a Melody (It Won't Leave My Head) by samshhh (T | 1/1 | 8,386)
Originally for a prompt on the kink meme:
"Since age three, Stiles has been dreaming of Derek. When he was younger, he would always babble about Derek and draw pictures of them together, etc. but everyone just assumed that Derek was his imaginary friend. Stiles himself didn't realize that Derek was a real person until he heard about the Hale fire but by that time, Derek and Laura had moved to New York. "
But it somehow mutated into a 8400 word behemoth featuring actual psychic Stiles Stilinski, soul bonding and wolfy mates.
Solstice Alpha by Dira Sudis (dsudis) (E | 1/1 | 11,152)
The traditional Hale pack solstice party gets resurrected by the new and improved-from-ten-months-ago Hale pack.
The Quiet Between Our Words by mytimehaspassed (M | 1/1 | 12,500)
Laura had told him that she would be right back.
Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil by lemyh (T | 1/1 | 12,830)
When Stiles Stilinski signed up for his social psychology class, he wasn't sure what he expected from it. He definitely didn't expect the professor, a month in, to tell them they'd be spending the next three weeks actually living with certain handicaps.
Hell is Other People series by tsukinofaerii (2 works | T-E | 15,937)
1. 9/10ths of the Law (T | 1/1 | 6,875) Stiles discovers the hazards of growing up a real boy when, at heart, he's not a real boy at all. 2. Something that Finds You (E | 1/1 | 9,062) Stiles always smelled like sulfur. After Derek finds out the truth, he and Stiles get closer than they'd ever planned.
last night's dress (tiptoe out of this mess) by hito (M | 1/1 | 16,730)
Written for a prompt on the kinkmeme.
TFLN: My dad just asked me if my booty call guy that comes over at 3am and leaves at 6 would like to stay for Sunday brunch next week. You in?
Wanderlust by Cheshyr (G | 8/8 | 18,147)
Stiles needs to move, to leave, and after graduation he has every intention to do just that. Unless his pack can convince him otherwise.
To Build A House by theredhoodie (M | 1/1 | 19,590)
It's senior year and everything is fine. Except that it isn't, but it will be. Or that's what Stiles keeps telling himself. And there's only one person who can make sure that everything really will be fine.
How To Be a Werewolf (And Other Extreme Sports) by gayfantasticfour (foxxing) (M | 7/7 | 23,971)
Derek decides that Stiles needs to be... trained. As much as Stiles can be trained. So Derek, with help from The Wolf Pack, teaches him how to be a werewolf without, you know, actually being a werewolf. Hijinks (of the emotional kind and otherwise) ensue.
Culpa by ACR (M | 8/8 | 30,728)
Things for Stiles are really complicated. There’s a Harpy on the loose, his friendship with Scott is distant, and he might have feelings for Derek Hale. Oh, and also, he’s being possessed by a Demon.
DILF by twentysomething (E | 1/1 | 30,871)
"Today is Scott's first day of kindergarten and Derek is terrified."
The Boy and the Beast by Dira Sudis (dsudis) (M | 7/7 | 116,686)
In which events in Beacon Hills go rather differently from the start, and a Beauty and the Beast (ish) story ensues. (Scott is not a teacup and no one sings about their feelings.)
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megguiemcgarden · 2 days
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Teen Wolf Incorrect Text Posts 12/?
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megguiemcgarden · 2 days
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Peter would absolutely be there stirring shit up
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megguiemcgarden · 3 days
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Steve: Well... guess it's time to get in a situation-ship for about 100K words and then fall in love...
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megguiemcgarden · 3 days
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-Night Scene-
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megguiemcgarden · 3 days
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i won't leave
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megguiemcgarden · 3 days
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beyond evil + incorrect quotes (6/?)
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megguiemcgarden · 4 days
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This is the age-accurate version of Han Joowon that Dongsik would’ve met and I genuinely believe Dongsik wouldn’t have been able to resist for that long because look at him
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megguiemcgarden · 4 days
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The First Supper.
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megguiemcgarden · 4 days
sharks every time theres a cataclysmic extinction event: damn thats crazy. anyway
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megguiemcgarden · 4 days
Weak Hero Class 1 - fanfic recs
Pt. 2
punishers by despiteviolence(34k)
How could he begin to tell his best and only friend that he misses him even when they’re together? That even with Suho right in front of him, he feels a hole in his middle—somewhere in his chest, maybe on the top of his stomach—like a pulsing, living thing. Like hunger.
Take Down by halahan(2k)
Thinking about it, and being so close, Sieun admits Suho is kind of tall, and he's got a nice bone structure with high cheekbones, a straight nose, and thick eyebrows. His chestnut haircut makes him look a little stupid, and a little boyish.
“The chin must always be tucked.”
Come Back To Me by halahan(4k)
Something is wrong. But Suho gives him the benefit of the doubt.
“Come back soon,” he says. “I can’t wait more than five minutes. I’m serious.”
Broken wings and broken bones (gather me back together) by thefrenchmistake(9k)
Suho wakes up on a Tuesday.
They figure it out from there.
the sleeping arrangement by wallacepark(7k)
Sieun watched with a glimmer of concern in his eyes. "You should come and sleep at my apartment during the nights you do delivery," he suggested.
Suho considered it for a second then shook his head. "The whole point of not sleeping in my own bed was so I don't miss school by falling asleep for too long."
"Have you ever seen me come late to class?" Sieun asked rhetorically. "I'll have you out of bed and at school before the teachers even arrive."
In which Suho has back pain from sleeping on the desks at school and Sieun offers Suho to crash at his place during the nights he does delivery.
the sky tinted gold by killzcount (moondaisies)(5k)
But Youngyi doesn’t react. In fact, her smile completely wipes off as she narrows her eyes at Suho. A somewhat tense moment passes before she says, “You love Sieun.”
Pause. Suho drops his unpeeled garlic clove at the same time his jaw falls open. He glances at his grandmother, who’s fortunately too engrossed with cutting carrots to have heard what Youngyi just said. Suho feels his face heat up, and he knows he’s gone red because Youngyi looks like she’s about to laugh.
“You—” Suho shakes his head. “That wasn’t even a question.”
or, Suho's long and painful journey to finally confessing.
Stay Alive by EightLeggedFox(23k)
If you could do it all over again, what would you change?
Sieun has to learn to come to grips with the fact that maybe there really is no changing the past, that fate is so called for it cannot be reversed—only accepted.
I don't want to lose you by NeedSleepBut(2k)
Soo-Ho finally wakes up and Si-Eun doesn't know how to handle all of the feelings he been trying to ignore.
Stupid by juliaforevermore(1k)
Suho is awake and Sieun has to deal with newfound feelings for his best friend.
His hand-warmer by dotindomain(1k)
Sieun finds himself missing Sooho’s after cram-school company.
Sooho arrives just in time.
Si-Eun is cold. Soo-Ho has just the perfect warmth.
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megguiemcgarden · 4 days
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Inspired by this TDJ post.
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megguiemcgarden · 4 days
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@asiandramanet ✦ Jan-Feb Bingo ✦ Animation
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megguiemcgarden · 4 days
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like or reblog if you save. 
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megguiemcgarden · 4 days
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Q19 - The Heart Killers
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megguiemcgarden · 4 days
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-Lilacs, Grey Weather-
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megguiemcgarden · 4 days
Katsuki and Izuku argue that they can stay in clas A1 because they're both eight which means Katzuku is 16. So actually they didn't lie, they pass the age and quirk requirement so they should be allowed to skip 8 grades and go to high school.
Also because there's only 20 desks in clas A1, when they're unfused, Katsuki and Izuku just squish next to each other on the one chair. Which will inevitably result in one pushing the other out of the chair.
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they make a compelling case
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