“Er - no.” Megatron responded almost immediately, the eidolon of a scoff buttressing the huskiness of his tone as he refrained from snorting in cynical agreement with her assessment of him. This harnessing the rather apt adjective ‘horrible’. While he was not one to utilise the term for himself, he had to agree, it had suited him well a mere year or so ago. He merely hoped it was now obsolete. “I mean, yes, I’ve cloned myself… In a manner of fashion. They were a mere extension of myself, however. Thousands of my past, handgun alt mode designed to vanish in the black market of Earth return and transform into additional weapons and armour when summoned via internal space bridge. They were clones technically speaking, but not capable of thought or even a bipedal mode. Just… basic nervecircuits and Sentio Metallico. Nothing more. Incapable of what you just described. And they were destroyed years ago.” He elucidated thoughtfully, the crook of his index finger, caressing the tip of his chin as he thinned his blazing optics in contemplation. There was that theory out the airlock. However, his ceaseless mind would not relent until an answer was discerned from the riddle that was this most peculiar Autobot before him. Certainly, strange things were a common occurrence on board this gargantuan vessel of his, but Silverblade was about the strangest at this given moment in time and thus demanded most of his carefully restrained fascination.
Her admittance on the fact that she understood his concerns shook him from his innermost thoughts, shattering them like glass and inviting him to fixate his gaze upon her once again as she tested the energon stick. “Energon naturally fluoresces within the purple colour range. But I suppose it’s often changed to alter its appeal… I don’t see why they’d make you ill though. If anything, that vile synthetic formula utilised on Earth ought to reap that sort of consequence.” He uttered in mild bewilderment. He had never heard of an individual whom had never encountered energon in its natural form – even if they had not viewed it raw and crystalline, it was consumed without alterations to its colouration on a regular basis. “And while injection is definitely a common occurrence when in a hurry or emergency, most people I know prefer to recharge on a circuit slab. Which reminds me, you’re welcome to use one of the empty habitation suites if you’d like. Spare you from more injecting.” Megatron added, sliding off topic once again as his thoughts whisked him away. Not a common occurrence but given the very mild concussion he was now beginning to believe he had sustained, courtesy of the barstool he had been bludgeoned over the back of the head with prior to meting Silverblade, he could forgive himself that much. “It’s no replacement for your home – which you rightfully appear incredibly eager to return to – but I cannot guarantee a short trip back. The Lost Light can cover large distances quickly, but it can still take months to traverse the galaxy.” The silver Autobot cautioned her in an almost apologetic tone as a ripple of empathy flickered within the fiery depths of his optics. Indeed, he assumed it ought to have been frustrating for her, this (as it was for many) was definitely not where she had wished to be. But it certainly was better than drifting through the infinite, irradiated depths of space alone.
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The full run of Transformers Holiday Mishaps gifs.
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HBD Megatron,wish the best for u
You have my thanks. I appreciate the gesture of amity and return it in kind. 
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Megatron’s creation day Dec.1st.
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are there any objections?
Well in that case…
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Although you wears autobot logo,i still reckon you and call you a decepticon but i guess its doesn't matter anymore,anyway....i heard you can do medics from ratchet?,if so...how you can describe him?
While I've done my best to distance myself from that dark aspect of my past, I suppose it is unreasonable of me to expect everyone else to let go of it so willingly. I only ask you keep an open mind in light of this new and better direction I've steered myself in. I assure you I am no threat to anyone anymore. It's true I have developed enough knowledge and skill to serve as a qualified medic, but I was not tutored to do so by Ratchet. I'm an autodidact in the subject. - If that unnerves any future patients I may encounter then they have my apologies. - But to answer your question, I have known Ratchet long enough to forge an opinion during his time on the Lost Light: Dedicated, skilled and profusely sarcastic. I respect him. He's well deserving of any commendations he receives. 
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He is sooooo beautiful💗💗
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“Trypticon?” Megatron parroted in astonishment, his optics blinking incredulously for a fleeting moment. It was a name he was more than familiar with. Her summery of him was roughly correct, too, albeit divergent on a number of key details. He was indeed an ancient titan from Cybertron, and he had been harnessed to serve the Decepticon cause as both a weapon and a ship. A gargantuan, Stygian beast clad in a pitch, inky black paint. “Trypticon isn’t mode locked. Or he wasn’t the last time I saw him. I’ve never stationed him on Earth. Or called him The Nemesis for that matter.” He uttered contemplatively, thinning his carmine optics critically as they scanned the orchid and blue Autobot before him in an analytical manner. The burning heat of his gaze, searing against her countenance as he scrutinised her before dropping the subject once more. “I can’t help but notice you keep talking about another me.” He digressed cautiously, the tempo of his voice, slowing as he cautiously approached the issue. “And not in the same, poetic manner most others do, given the rather dramatic alteration in my personality as of late. Are you…? What are you suggesting? There’s two of me?” He questioned, furrowing his silver brow slightly. In fairness, it would hardly be the strangest thing he had ever heard. At this point, he had grown to expect the absurd since integrating into the crew. His life since leaving Cybetron had been nothing short of a parade of utter nonsense after all. They’d already encountered quantum duplicates of the crew in the past in a macabre and visceral display of the Decepticon Justice Division’s handiwork. What was to say that, though some quite possibly complex and implausible sequence of unseen events the universe had not spawned a duplicate of himself at one point? It was a thought he elected to dismiss as soon as it blossomed within the forefront of his mind. Primarily because it made him deeply uncomfortable.
Upon hearing her bewilderment in regards to his assessment of her condition, and his offering to her, Megatron paused. Halting in his stride and ceasing the percussive clanking of his weighted footfalls against the pristine, alabaster metal of the floor below. His servos whirring gently and in an almost inaudible volume, he pivoted to cast his unforgivingly stony and nigh hiemal glower to Silverblade. “I meant no offence.” He assured her sincerely, a somewhat apologetic tone bleeding between the rather unpleasant, innate serrations of his voice. “But considering you don’t seem to recognise an energon stick when you see one, I have to say, you’re beginning to give me cause for concern… Addled was the most apt term I could come up with.” He mused, raising his onyx finger to point to the magenta cluster of sticks cradled within her palm. Its soft light, casting an amethyst hue against his dark paint. Then, he raised his shoulders as he inhaled a sigh of composure, the overhead lights dancing across his chassis and igniting it with an almost garish, platinum coruscation as he frowned to her, thinning his lips. “It’s just energon. You’re meant to eat it.” He then informed her sedately with a modicum of a shrug. “Or not. It’s your choice.” The silver Autobot added as an afterthought.
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Have u talk with Optimus since you joined the lost light?
Not... Exactly. No. I have, however conversed with Orion Pax over four million years in the past via a Time Phone if that counts at all. At the terminus of my mission however, when I return to Cybertron, I would like to. One final redress provided he’s willing to listen.
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Thank you for support to spinister!,have you ever heard that Thundercracker just become film producer?,his movie is popular in earth
I haven’t. If I’m honest, I’ve heard little about happenings back on Cybertron. But I’m glad to hear he’s found himself an outlet in the absence of war. We’ve been fighting so long, peace almost feels like an alien concept to us now - a mere calm before yet another tempestuous storm. So many, particularly war-born, Cybertronians are struggling to adjust. It’s reassuring to learn that there’s at least one ex-Decepticon out there who’s found success in his nascent freedom.
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Continuing on with my digging into the locations of Cybertron throughout continuity streams, there is a common star system often designated to be the home of (or origin of) Cybertron throughout a number of continuities.
Within the Aligned (Uniend 812.21 κ and also potentially Uniend 911.05 α), Marvel (Primax 984.0 γ and Primax 984.20 γ), and Dreamwave (Aurex 402.24 γ) continuities, Cybertron is confirmed to have originated within the α Centauri system, located in the Centaurus constellation.
This star system is visible to the naked eye in the Southern hemisphere and a slither of the North, appearing as a single star with an apparent magnitude of -0.27 making it the brightest star within its constellation and the third brightest star in the night sky. It is a trinary system consisting of two stars akin to our own, a G2V which is the same spectral class as the Sun albeit it is 1.1 solar masses, making it 10% more massive, a K1V (10% less massive than Sol at 0.907 M☉), and an M class, or red dwarf, star with a mass of 0.12 M☉. Both larger stars are extremely similar to the sun in surface temperature (between 5000 - 6000K), life stage (yellow main sequence) and metallicity (ratio of elements contained within). The three stars are known as, in descending mass: α Centauri α (Rigil Kentaurus), α Centauri β (Toliman), and α Centauri C (Proxima Centauri) which orbits the other two, larger stars at a vast distance.
The α Centauri star system is the closest neighbour of our own, with Proxima orbiting the system’s barycentre at just 4.37 Lightyears away. It has one confirmed Earth-like, terrestrial exoplanet orbiting Proxima Centauri. This planet is called Proxima AB and is orbiting within the Goldilocks (habitable) zone. There has also been many other hypothetical planets suggested to inhabit the α Centauri system. Unfortunately, however, Proxima Centauri is a tempestuous star and released a superflare on 18/3/2016 that was so potent, it would have been lethal to all life as we know it. It is also suspected that the quiescent X-ray emissions produced by Proxima Cebtauri are capable of stripping a planet of its atmosphere within a mere five years. It is unlikely, as a result, that life as we know it could exist upon the one confirmed exoplanet.
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You deserve a world ❤❤❤❤
While I appreciate the compliment I’m afraid my destruction and forced cyberforming of countless others has rendered me deserving of something far less pleasant. 
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Given there’s so little ever mentioned about it, I decided to dive into the properties of Cybertron’s star system in the IDW 2005 continuity. And although this information was never mentioned in canon, Simon Furman did state the intended location of Cybertron in an interview.
Cybertorn in the Primax 1005.19 γ universal time stream has been said to orbit the star, Lambda Scorpii (λ Sco). This is also known as Shaula, the second brightest star system in the Scorpius constellation, and the 23rd brightest star in the night sky with an apparent magnitude of 1.62, ranking it as 5000 times more luminous than our own star. It’s visible to the naked eye, predominantly in the Southern hemisphere and briefly in the North. It is a trinary star system, meaning there are three stellar bodies orbiting a common barycentre. These stars consist of two B class subgiant stars and a protostar (also known TTauri) all located within the same orbital plane. These stars are both B1 class, meaning they possess a surface temperature of roughly 25,000K (24,725 ֯C) which are likely to have ceased fusing Hydrogen at their cores, or are otherwise close to doing so. All three stars have a greater mass than the Sun with the primary star, Shaula, being 14.5 times more massive, Shaula B being 10.6 times more massive, and Shaula Ab (the protostar) being 2.0 times more massive. The Shaula system is located about 570 light-years away from Earth, and is a Beta Cepheid Variable star system, meaning it pulses rapidly and regularly, alternating its magnitude and diameter in a stable and defined manner.
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Megatron,what is your thoughts about Spinister??
I find it to be a crying shame that individual so complex is often judged for his…unusual, extrinsically paranoid, antics. While almost certainly hindered by his rather warped perception of the world around him; and somewhat challenged by his narrow slant, I am confident there’s more to him than one may have been initially inclined to believe. With the correct opportunities, there’s little doubt in my mind he may even be able to prove it to me. If not first-hand, then by proxy. Then again, I’ve been wrong before.
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Just in case anybody else was as curious as to the change of heights in Megatron between continuity streams as I was, I decided to make a rather crude visualisation. I have to say, I was rather shocked by a couple of them. I’m intrigued as to what the change has been like for other characters now.  
I would also like to stress how difficult it was to obtain a decent, full body image of Armada Megatron - I had to resort to screenshotting my DVD and cropping it. So I apologise for the poor quality of the picture.
All of the above measurements are canon sourced from TFWiki, as well as somebody else’s previous calculations to discern the heights of tfp characters which I have also provided below. Since there doesn’t seem to be any other data regarding Transformers Prime beside a vague reference from Fowler suggesting Optimus is roughly 30ft (9.1m). Which their calculations agree with.
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Casting his blazing optics back to Silverblade, Megatron's expression shifted. Swept clear of its previous discomposure precipitated by the blatant and somewhat exasperating teasing he had warranted from his crew, the harshness of his silver and angular countenance was dulled, softening to a degree. “It's... My home.” He uttered in a significantly quieter tone than previously. While it remained tainted beyond salvage with the carnal serrations of his natural timbre, he was clearly conveying sincerity toward her remark. Certainly, he seemed to have been agreeing with her while edging around the admission simultaneously. “I'm unfamiliar with this Nemesis of which you speak, but, yes, I take your point. The engineers in Unitrex were clearly compensating for something when they constructed it.” The silver Autobot rasped as he adjusted the position of his onyx fingers, wrapped tightly around the steering wheel of the Rodpod.
Before them, the snowy white metal of the Lost Light's hull could be seen shifting. A ripple of sliding metal, allowing for a vast, rectangular aperture to gape open before them, displaying the contents laying just within. A vacuum shield, maintaining the air pressure inside the ship, barely visible as an ethereal azure sheen caressing the edges of the opening, and a large number 1 painted clearly on the alabaster metal flooring waiting to be perched upon with a series of large, articulated metal gantries poised to catch the entering vessel and anchor it place. With great ease, Megatron then steered their shuttle elegantly toward the shuttle bay, the radiant lights within, casting a glistening shimmer against their chassis, highlighting their every edge with its scintillation, the whirring of the engines began to diminuendo as they surpassed the threshold of the interior controlled climate. With a gentle declination of altitude, Megatron set them down with a soft jolt of the landing gears as they contacted the ground below. Reaching his arm forwards and releasing the wheel, he began to deactivate the shuttle's systems. His fingers, dancing over the keys of the consoles before him with rehearsed familiarity. He had done this many times before, it seemed. Curious, considering how much he had expressed he detested this particular vessel. Particularity given that there were clearly other ships to utilise within the shuttle bay. Parked neatly in their own ports, and squatting in silence. None of which continued the head theme of the Rodpod much to the relief of those whom had to work there.
Clearing his throat, Megatron slipped out of his seat before ducking aside to retrieve his items – the golden canister bearing his name and serial code upon its flank, and the datapad he had been amusing himself with prior to Silverblade's appearance. And, upon wrenching a small, dark dataslug from one of the consoles he had been reclining beside, the gentle cadence of the music ceased abruptly. “Follow me.” He instructed Silverblade curtly, already beginning to stride toward a hatch in the centre of the shuttle's floor before deactivating a locking mechanism beside it, and descending a ladder to the lowest point of the shuttle, through which a ramp had unfolded, enabling their exit from the garish manifestation of ego they had been riding within. “We'll have our medic see to you first. You don't appear to have suffered any significant injury but I'd prefer to put any doubts to rest. And I have to be honest, you seem a little... Addled.” He confessed, an ounce of concern, seeping through his words as a mildly apologetic frown developed upon his face. Even for his standards, Silverblade was an oddity. If not in appearance, then through her claims. Needless to say, it worried him to a degree. He did not believe her dangerous, or even a danger to herself, but it would have been callous, not to mention despicable to simply ignore this fact when it could have been a warning of something severe. “In the meantime, here.” He offered, having partially opened the cockpit nestled between his shoulder blades with a soft whirr in order to deposit the datapad and canister inside before procuring a small metal box no longer than his palm and passing it to her. “I don't know how long you were out there for. You could probably do with this.” Megatron then added, pressing his thumb against the corner of the box so that a small lid popped open. Then, gesturing for her to offer him her hand, he shook some of the contents out into it. These being short, thin sticks of a brightly glowing magenta substance. A substance which bore a striking resemblance to energon cubes in every way beyond the colour. Continuing to hold out the box to her, he snapped the lid closed once more, and repositioned it in his hand in a gesture for her to take it from him. “Take it.” He insisted calmly.
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Well, it took a little longer than expected thanks to a lack of correct equipment I should have had prepared in hindsight, but after several hours slaving, swearing and primal screaming over a pile of sprues, I’ve pieced him all together.
I have to say, I am quite pleased with the results. I elected not to use the stickers for the decals on his chest since the plastic on his chest is metal flaked grey and the sticker was chrome, making for a mismatch I wasn’t entirely comfortable with. But all other stickers have been applied. I would also like to assure anyone interested in this model kit that no painting is required (albeit it is an option), but glue is advised for the hip joints and shoulder joints, so ensure you have some polystyrene cement on hand prior to beginning this project.
He’s taken the title of the shortest Megatron I own, but there’s some decent scaling between him and my Rodimus so I’m not too fussed. So long as he’s taller than Tailgate, I don’t mind. Especially considering how well articulated he is, and how accurate he is to the comics. 
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