meepthemeeping · 4 days
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Stay And Sound (Lambert X Aiden)
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meepthemeeping · 6 days
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Cat In The Wolf Den
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meepthemeeping · 7 days
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meepthemeeping · 9 days
Quotes from 'Please Don't Forget Me.' Entries from Aiden's Journal:
“It seems like summer never lasts long enough when I'm with Lambert. This time, I’ve chosen to keep my feelings in check and not let them get in the way of our parting. I don’t want to spoil our goodbye with my emotions. Lambert knows how much I love him, but it’s still so hard to hold back.”
“I realized some time ago that I was being followed, and hopefully it's not actually Jad. He still can't deal with the fact that I kicked his ass. This whole mess wouldn’t have occurred if he hadn’t tried to rob Joël—the asshole.”
“Axel and Cedric are gone, and I’m at a loss for words. It doesn’t seem real; it just doesn’t feel right. I know Gaetan isn’t lying about what happened… At least they were together in the end.”
“I stumbled upon a bunch of kittens curled up and sleeping in the bushes. I tried to draw them because they looked so cute, but the drawing is shit, honestly.”
“Guxart never mentioned me being close to Lambert. I could tell he had figured out what was happening, largely because the other cat witchers can’t seem to keep their noses out of things. A long time ago, before the sacking, Guxart had a close relationship with a wolf witcher, though I can’t recall their name for the life of me.”
“Today was unusual; I received a letter from a mage, of all people. They’ve offered me a contract, but something feels off about it. They’re specifically requesting me, even though I’m nowhere near Lyria.”
“Lambert and I are camping on the coast, and I have to say, the stars are stunning. We’ve decided to spend the night on the beach. Sure, I’ve got sand in my ass, but the view is so incredible that I don’t want to leave.”
“Damn it, what is wrong with me? I accidentally told Lambert I love him, and he completely fucking lost it again. I didn’t mean for it to come out like that, but it seems like it only made things worse. I’m at my breaking point. I’ve had enough of this. I need to start respecting myself and stop letting Lambert’s reactions control how I feel. It’s time to move on and have some damn self respect.’
“I got another letter from that mage. I was hesitant to accept it at first, but since I’m trying to dodge Jad and this contract offers the best pay and is conveniently nearby, I might as well take it.”
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meepthemeeping · 22 days
(Secret scene from Please Don't Forget Me)
(Guxart X Vesemir)
Guxart moved through the cramped interior of the caravan, his movements slow and deliberate as he scanned every surface for his missing book. The cluttered space was dimly lit by a single lantern swaying gently with the motion of the wheels beneath them, casting long, flickering shadows across the piles of belongings that littered the floor. He muttered to himself, half in frustration and half in disbelief. 'It was just here,' he thought, his fingers brushing over a stack of rolled maps, old and worn, before shifting them aside. Every step seemed to disturb something else, sending small items tumbling to the ground with soft thuds.
Just as he was about to look through a pile of notes in the corner, a voice cut through the silence.
"Guxart!" The call was clear, unmistakable, and familiar.
Standing there, framed by the doorway, was Aiden, now with one less eye.
"Aiden?" Guxart’s voice was tinged with disbelief, his mind struggling to reconcile the sight before him with the information he’d been given. "Last time I heard, Jad had killed you."
Aiden’s lips curled into a sly, toothy smile, a glint of dark amusement in his eye. "It's a long story," he replied, his tone casual, as if he were discussing nothing more than the weather. "But you won't be hearing from Jad again."
He didn’t press for details, though a part of him wanted to. Instead, he let out a slow breath, relief mingling with the confusion still swirling in his mind. "Well, that’s… good," Guxart said, his voice softer now. "Most of the others are gone already, but I’m sure the rest would be happy to see you."
Aiden reached into his coat and pulled out a small, weathered envelope, extending it towards Guxart. "I have a letter to give you," Aiden said, his voice steady, though there was an undercurrent of something else—something Guxart couldn’t quite place.
Guxart took the envelope, his fingers brushing against the rough paper as he brought it closer. His eyes widened as he saw the seal—a wolf’s head embossed in dark wax. His heart skipped a beat, and a thousand questions began to race through his mind, each one more urgent than the last. He glanced back up at Aiden, searching his face for answers, but found none.
"Who is this from exactly?" Guxart asked, though a part of him already suspected the answer.
"Vesemir," Aiden replied coolly. "He let me stay in the keep this winter."
Guxart’s brow furrowed in confusion, the information only adding to the tangled mess of thoughts in his head. 'Vesemir?' The name alone stirred memories long buried, memories of a time before everything had changed. Why would Vesemir, of all people, send him a letter? And why, in the name of all the gods, would he let a Cat School witcher like Aiden stay with him? Vesemir had always been vocal in his disdain for the Cats, had never hidden his contempt for their methods. The idea that Vesemir had not only written to him but had also harbored Aiden was… baffling.
"I… I’ll find you in a second," Guxart said slowly, his mind still reeling as he stared down at the letter in his hand. "I guess I’ll be reading this now."
Aiden nodded, turning to leave without another word. Guxart barely noticed his departure, his attention wholly consumed by the envelope in his hands. His fingers traced the seal, lingering on the familiar design, before he broke it open. Guxart’s heart quickened as he began to read, each word sinking into him like a stone dropped into deep water.
With every sentence, a wave of emotions crashed over him—excitement at hearing from Vesemir after so long, pain as old wounds were reopened, joy at the possibility of reconnecting, and another emotion he refused to name, one that twisted in his gut and left him breathless. It had been so many years since they’d last seen each other, so many years since the sacking had torn them apart. Guxart had often wondered what had become of Vesemir, whether he had moved on, forgotten, or perhaps… missed him.
And now, here he was, standing in the middle of the cluttered caravan, staring at a letter that said everything he had hoped to hear. Vesemir missed him. The words were simple, yet they carried a weight that nearly overwhelmed him. Guxart’s hands trembled slightly as he held the letter, his eyes lingering on those final words. The memories, the shared moments, the words left unspoken—all of it surged back with a force that left him reeling.
He leaned against the rough wooden wall of the caravan, clutching the letter as if it were the most precious thing in the world. The book he had been searching for was forgotten, replaced by the flood of emotions that now filled him to the brim. Vesemir missed him. The thought echoed in his mind, over and over, a refrain that stirred up feelings he had long tried to bury.
Guxart bit his lip, a small, bittersweet smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
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meepthemeeping · 26 days
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Wolf Witchers (ALL OF THEM)
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Cat Witchers!!! (ALL OF THEM)
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meepthemeeping · 26 days
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Griffin School (ALL OF THEM 😞)
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Cat Witchers!!! (ALL OF THEM)
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meepthemeeping · 27 days
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Please Don't Forget Me
Lambert loved Aiden, but he had always been too much of a coward to admit it. The words lingered on the tip of his tongue, aching to be said, but every time he tried, they stuck in his throat, unspoken. Now, with Aiden's memory gone, Lambert is left struggling with the weight of his unspoken feelings, fighting desperately to keep Aiden close and not lose him all over again.
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meepthemeeping · 1 month
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TW for Chapter 3: Sex work, Jealousy
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meepthemeeping · 1 month
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meepthemeeping · 1 month
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Viper Witchers (ALL OF THEM)
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Cat Witchers!!! (ALL OF THEM)
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meepthemeeping · 1 month
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Please Don't Forget Me
Lambert loved Aiden, but he had always been too much of a coward to admit it. The words lingered on the tip of his tongue, aching to be said, but every time he tried, they stuck in his throat, unspoken. Now, with Aiden's memory gone, Lambert is left struggling with the weight of his unspoken feelings, fighting desperately to keep Aiden close and not lose him all over again.
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meepthemeeping · 1 month
Part 2
Aiden had managed to walk away from the strange encounter with that wolf witcher, but his mind was a tangled mess of confusion. How did the witcher know his name? Why did he seem so devastated when Aiden claimed not to remember him? The whole interaction was unsettling, leaving Aiden with more questions than answers. The most perplexing part was that, despite the fog in his mind, he recognized the man’s scent...
Aiden knew his memory was off— it had started after he had managed to escape from the mage who had imprisoned him. That had been a brutal fight, one that had left him battered and barely alive, but he had won. He had killed the mage, severing whatever dark ties had been binding him, and with that victory had come a strange sense of disorientation. It was as if pieces of his past had been rearranged or even erased entirely.
After escaping the mage, his first instinct had been to find his horse, Qamar. But when he had finally located where he had left her, she wasn’t there. Instead, there was another horse, one that was black and white, starkly different from Qamar’s entirely black coat. Yet this horse acted as though she had known him for years. She nuzzled him affectionately, followed his commands without hesitation, and responded to his every move as if they were perfectly in sync. It was unnerving. He knew Qamar as well as he knew himself, and this wasn’t her. But the bond between them was undeniable, leaving Aiden more confused than ever.
His confusion deepened as he went through his gear. His bag, once organized and familiar, now held a strange assortment of items. There were weapons he recognized, worn from years of use, but there were also new ones—blades and tools he had never seen before, yet they were mixed in with his belongings as if they had always been there. The gear was a bizarre blend of the old and the new, adding to the growing sense that his life had been tampered with in some way.
But the most disturbing discovery came when he tried to return to the cavern... The school wasn’t where it was supposed to be. Aiden had traveled to the spot where they were supposed to gather this year, he doubted that Gaetan would lie about that... How could his memory betray him like this?
Aiden paused in his tracks, glancing back at the tavern he had just left. The wolf witcher was still in there—he could feel it, a lingering presence that gnawed at his thoughts. He hesitated, torn between the instinct to walk away and the nagging feeling that this man might hold the answers he so desperately needed. Could this witcher be playing some sort of trick on him? It was possible, but the raw emotion in the man’s eyes suggested otherwise. Maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe there was something Aiden had forgotten, something important.
His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar scent, one that clung to the shirt in his bag. He pulled it out and brought it to his nose, inhaling deeply. The scent was unmistakable—it belonged to that witcher. The recognition hit him like a punch to the gut, stirring a deep, unnameable emotion within him. How could this be? Why did this scent feel so right, so… familiar?
With a heavy sigh, Aiden made his decision. He couldn’t just walk away from this, not when there were so many unanswered questions. Slinging the shirt over his shoulder, he turned and began walking back toward the tavern, the black and white horse—his new Qamar—following closely behind. As he approached the door, his heart pounded in his chest, a mix of anticipation and dread coursing through him. He didn’t know what he would find inside, or if the wolf witcher held the key to the mysteries plaguing his mind. But he had to try. He had to know if this man could help him piece together the fragments of his shattered memories, or if he was simply walking into another illusion in a world that no longer made sense.
Aiden X Lambert (Who are you?)
(TW Angst)
Aiden looked up at Lambert, his eyes locking onto the other man's with a curious intensity. After a moment of silence, a sly smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "And who might you be, handsome?" he asked, his voice laced with a teasing tone that was almost playful.
Lambert froze, the unexpected question throwing him off balance. He blinked in surprise, his mind scrambling to make sense of the situation. After a brief pause, he took a step back, his heart pounding in his chest. "Aiden, don't fuck with me right now," he said, his voice hardening as he struggled to maintain his composure.
But Aiden's expression didn't change. In fact, his brow furrowed in genuine confusion as he studied Lambert's face, as if searching for something familiar that he just couldn't place. "Have we met before?" he asked slowly, his voice filled with uncertainty. "I… I don’t remember."
Lambert's stomach twisted, a cold knot of dread settling in the pit of his gut. This couldn't be happening. This had to be some kind of sick joke, but the look on Aiden's face was anything but humorous. Lambert's jaw clenched as he fought to keep his emotions in check, but the frustration was beginning to seep through. "This isn’t funny," he growled, his voice low and strained. "I thought you were dead, Aiden!" His words came out louder than he intended, drawing curious glances from the other patrons in the tavern.
Aiden didn't react to the outburst. Instead, he slowly rose to his feet, his movements deliberate and calm, as if he was trying not to startle a wild animal. He began gathering his belongings, his attention seemingly elsewhere, before he finally spoke again, his voice soft but firm. "I believe you have the wrong man."
Lambert's mind was reeling. He couldn't wrap his head around what was happening. The Aiden he knew—no, the Aiden he missed—would never look at him like that. But the man standing in front of him, with the same face, the same voice… he was acting like a stranger. Lambert's thoughts spiraled as he tried to find some explanation, some way to make sense of this nightmare. He—he’s not joking? This has to be some kind of joke, right?
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meepthemeeping · 1 month
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Cat Witchers!!! (ALL OF THEM)
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meepthemeeping · 1 month
Aiden X Lambert (Who are you?)
(TW Angst)
Aiden looked up at Lambert, his eyes locking onto the other man's with a curious intensity. After a moment of silence, a sly smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "And who might you be, handsome?" he asked, his voice laced with a teasing tone that was almost playful.
Lambert froze, the unexpected question throwing him off balance. He blinked in surprise, his mind scrambling to make sense of the situation. After a brief pause, he took a step back, his heart pounding in his chest. "Aiden, don't fuck with me right now," he said, his voice hardening as he struggled to maintain his composure.
But Aiden's expression didn't change. In fact, his brow furrowed in genuine confusion as he studied Lambert's face, as if searching for something familiar that he just couldn't place. "Have we met before?" he asked slowly, his voice filled with uncertainty. "I… I don’t remember."
Lambert's stomach twisted, a cold knot of dread settling in the pit of his gut. This couldn't be happening. This had to be some kind of sick joke, but the look on Aiden's face was anything but humorous. Lambert's jaw clenched as he fought to keep his emotions in check, but the frustration was beginning to seep through. "This isn’t funny," he growled, his voice low and strained. "I thought you were dead, Aiden!" His words came out louder than he intended, drawing curious glances from the other patrons in the tavern.
Aiden didn't react to the outburst. Instead, he slowly rose to his feet, his movements deliberate and calm, as if he was trying not to startle a wild animal. He began gathering his belongings, his attention seemingly elsewhere, before he finally spoke again, his voice soft but firm. "I believe you have the wrong man."
Lambert's mind was reeling. He couldn't wrap his head around what was happening. The Aiden he knew—no, the Aiden he missed—would never look at him like that. But the man standing in front of him, with the same face, the same voice… he was acting like a stranger. Lambert's thoughts spiraled as he tried to find some explanation, some way to make sense of this nightmare. He—he’s not joking? This has to be some kind of joke, right?
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meepthemeeping · 1 month
Hello! I'm currently looking for a Beta reader! I'm dyslexic so my writing can be a little jumbled up at times. If anyone wants to I would be happy to offer some type of compensation like artwork.
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meepthemeeping · 1 month
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