NCAA Basketball Tournament Preview: Mike Bako on America’s Radio News Network
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Santorum picks up southern primary wins: Mike Bako on America Now Radio Victories in Alabama and Mississippi boost conservative candidate’s campaign for Republican US presidential nomination.
Daily National associate editor Mike Bako on America Now Radio.
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5 crisis PR lessons from the Goldman Sachs resignation letter
In an Op-Ed in today’s New York Times, Goldman Sachs executive Greg Smith issued a damning resignation letter, in which he says the firm’s culture has deteriorated in his 12 years with the company. The problem, he writes, is that the firm cares more about making money and less about taking care of the customer.
“I attend derivatives sales meetings where not one single minute is spent asking questions about how we can help clients. It’s purely about how we can make the most possible money off of them. If you were an alien from Mars and sat in on one of these meetings, you would believe that a client’s success or progress was not part of the thought process at all.”
Smith, who was working in Goldman’s London office, started at the firm after college, according to his Op-Ed.
The letter became a trending topic on Twitter this morning and has already spawned a clever parody, “Why I’m Leaving the Empire, by Darth Vader.” And it’s a major PR headache for the much-maligned firm. In London’s Telegraph paper, Iain Thomas writes, “This is what is known as a public relations disaster.”
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Encyclopaedia Britannica stops printing, goes digital
The Chicago-based publisher said 2010 edition will be its last one in print.
In a series of blog posts on the Encyclopaedia Britannica website, editors and executives remained optimistic about the decision.
“Today is a commemoratory moment at Britannica,” wrote Jorge Cauz, president of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. “We are energized by the fact that our efforts of the last few years have been successful. We have completed our transition from print publisher of the Encyclopaedia Britannica to a digital provider of knowledge and e-learning solutions.”
Encyclopaedia Britannica was first published in 1768. According to The New York Times, they became a status symbol for families in the 1950s. Sales of the encyclopedia peaked in 1990, when 120,000 editions were sold in the U.S., the Times reported.
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Inside Communications Radio: Steve Olenski Inside Communications Radio program welcomed Steve Olenski to discuss the world of Twitter and professional sports. With a recent spike in interest and use of Twitter in games and off the field, Steve discussed its impact on the sports and fans. Steve, who writes his own blog, also expands on the future of Social Media and what effects it may have.
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Inside Communications Radio: Richard Levick
Inside Communications Radio program welcomed Richard Levick to discuss the world of strategic communications. Richard discusses many different topics such as politics,crisis communications and the world of 24/7 news cycles.
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Mike Bako analysis on Headline News: Newt Gingrich's Ex-Wife Gives Interview On ABC News  
Mike Bako on Headline News: On the eve of another republican debate the ex-wife of Newt Gingrich has given an interview to ABC News in which she says Gingrich wanted an "open marriage" and that he is morally unfit to be president.
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Inside Communications Radio with Mike Bako: Gursharn Kandola  
Mike Bako was joined by Gursharn Kandola in the latest installment of Inside Communications Radio. She discussed her article at Social Media Today “How Do You Use Pinterest?” about Pinterest. The interview included her interest in the site, the difference in Pinterest from other social media sites. She explained how its cult following is becoming a staple amongst young woman and the creativity it is installing to social media. Here is a link to the interview
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10 Ways to Pitch New Business in 2012
Ms. Thomas, CEO, Trainer Communications, recently called into Inside Communications Radio with host Mike Bako to discuss her enlightening article on CommPRO entitled: “10 Ways to Pitch New Business In 2012.”
In this article, Ms. Thomas explains how 2011 in the business She explains that 2012 will be about innovation and creativity, It will important for companies to build proper networks, pitching your personal specalities and skills, and establishing excellent rapport with prospect customers and investors.
In the interview, the first major step Susan discusses is being a listener. Ms. Thomas states that “a good listener is always going to be a little bit better as a sales person”. Her firm uses many quantitative measurements to find prospect investors to increase business. She also discusses that the toughest part of doing business is walking out of an opportunity, especially dealing with a bad business investment.
Ms. Thomas’ article is available at http://blog.commpro.biz/?p=3556 well as many other articles in the world of Public Relations at CommPRO.
About Susan Thomas: Susan Thomas established Trainer Communications in 1995 to support technology companies with integrated marketing and public relations services. Since that time, the agency has gained acclaim as the 7th largest privately held communications agency in the Bay Area and one of the Top 10 agencies to work for in the U.S. and in 2010 was named the best small agency in the United States.
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Secrets Of Crowdsourcing Social Conversations: Inside Communications Radio With Mike Bako
Mr. Spiegel recently joined Inside Communications Radio with Mike Bako. In his interview, Richard discussed his article at CommPRO, “Secrets of Crowdsourcing Social Conversations.’ Within the nonstop news media cycle and even more chaotic social media world, businesses look for ways to capture large trending topics.
Mr. Speigel states in his article, “Big brands have been using crowdsourcing to activate consumers for some time now…many large consumer brands use crowdsourcing when developing contests. These contests act as the centerpiece of a social media marketing campaign and often help to shift the burden from creating engagement to managing it.”
In the interview Mr. Speigel expanded on the importance of connecting fans and followers within the product. His example of Toyota taking advantage of crowdsourcing through there campaign called “Toyota Sponsafier.” Spiegel “they gave NASCAR fans the opportunity to actually create the graphics package for their Toyota Camry Nascar… the one that got the most votes was literally produced and featured in a race and used as a pacecar.” The importance of connecting though fans and allowing them to see their input used has created a link between Toyota and the social media community.
To read this articles, you can go to http://blog.commpro.biz/?p=3059. For more Richard Spiegel and public relations news articles, please visit CommPRO’s website at http://blog.commpro.biz/
About Richard Spiegel Richard Spiegel is the founder of CrowdTogether, an online crowdsourcing platform. Connect with him at [email protected] or on Twitter at @@CrowdTogether
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A Self-Published Author’s $2 Million Cinderella Story Source: NPR 
Best-selling e-author Amanda Hocking grew up in the small town of Austin, Minn., which, she says, is known for Spam — as in the food, not the email kind.
“We invented Spam,” the 27-year-old novelist tells weekends on All Things Considered host Guy Raz.
Hocking’s dad was a truck driver. Her mom was a waitress. Even as a very young child, she was kind of a natural storyteller — especially when it came to fantasy stories — stories about dragons, unicorns, pirates and more.
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More Marketers Going Long With Super Bowl Spots Source: AdAge 
Remember Master Lock’s one-second, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Super Bowl ad of 1998? In 2012, you’ll be able to leave the couch, grab a beer from the fridge and make it back in time to catch the end of several of the game’s spots. (Not that you would, of course.)
After years of grinding out TV commercials that are increasingly brutish and short, advertisers seem to be going long. That trend is most evident in the Super Bowl broadcast to air Feb. 5 on NBC, where sports ad-sales chief Seth Winter expects more ads that are longer than 30 seconds. “You’re going to see the art form of storytelling take on a greater role in the Super Bowl,” Mr. Winter said.
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Tablets Helping Publishers Sell Back Issues Source: Adweek 
Here’s some good news publishers probably didn’t anticipate when they started selling their titles on the iPad.
When Apple launched the tablet, single copies were the only way most magazines were available, and the consumer backlash was brutal. Because single issues usually were priced the same as the print edition, readers balked at having to pay almost as much for a single digital issue as a year’s print subscription. So not only did publishers sell very little in the way of copies, but they also got a lot of ill will in the process.
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Ideas And Creativity In Public Relations: Inside Communications with Mike Bako On Inside Communications with Mike Bako, Florence Quinn, president and founder of Quinn & Co., joins the program to discuss creativity and innovation in public relations.  Quinn & Company, a PR agency specializing in real estate and leisure, is best known for sporting a purple couch in her office. Quinn discusses the use of social media and its importance in the future of communication. She also discusses how her agency has been able to succeed by not being afraid to think outside the box.  Tired with the stuffy, boardroom theme for the office décor, Ms. Quinn and her staff decided to buy the couch, to make the room “a little bit more homey, more relaxed.” A journalist wrote an article about the couch and called the conference room, “the dream room”. Many clients heard about the article and the purple couch became more than just a couch. “It became a symbol of our creative thinking and an icon for the firm.” Clients have asked the firm to “…Go into the dream room, sit on your purple couch and come up with some great ideas for us.” The couch is also a metaphor as to how Quinn & Co. comes up with creative strategies to attract more consumers for their clients. She stresses the importance of thinking outside the box. “The first thing I say to people is ‘Forget that you’re in the industry you’re in.’” The objective is to try to think contrary to the competition. Instead of being glued to the amenities involved with the product, Quinn & Co. saw new visions. With hotels, instead of just including basic Broadway tickets with a room, they added tickets to talk shows. There were also shopping catalogs added to each room so consumers could shop without leaving their bedroom, or glance at the products they would later purchase outside. Florence emphasizes the ability to use creativity instead of using big budgets or plain advertising.  Mr. Bako and Mrs. Quinn also discussed new aspects of internet media and the growth of ‘branded’ content. Instead of using multiple sources to book for a room as well as find and explore places to visit, new sites can create a one stop shop that reduces time and creates more efficiency for travelers. Ms. Quinn also states that many sites that having shopping available online have created resources for user reviews. Companies like Starwood and Marriott have created reviews straight to the site, or in Marriott’s case, a separate site. She explains this growth has created a new medium for communication amongst consumers and companies.  The growth of the company was organic and authentic to Florence and her vision of public relations. The agency is one of the best known travel and leisure firms in New York City and deal with many clients worldwide. 
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Sports Stars on Social Media – 10 Engaged Athletes on Twitter Source: Commpro.biz 
Almost all sports superstars have big numbers on social. That’s a given. That’s why we dug a little deeper and focused on finding athletes worldwide who are tearing it up on Twitter by actively engaging with their fans.We started with each sport’s top 10 most followed athletes at Tweeting-Athletes.com. We then sifted through @replies, activity level, popularity and reach to find those athletes fully leveraging their social media bases. We also included our trademark twist surprise, so don’t be a hater if you find something unusual! Go grab a cold beverage and enjoy this week’s offering. It’s time to talk some sports!
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Louis C.K.’s lesson for marketers: Honesty is the best strategy Source: GigaOM 
Comedian Louis C.K. recently self-released a video of his stand-up special, “Live at the Beacon Theater,” for $5 online. He personally paid for the production costs up front in an experiment to see if this was a cheaper, more efficient, and less restrictive method of getting his content to his fans. In doing so, he cut out paying the middlemen — including the marketing team — and avoided the red tape of working with studio executives.
In twelve days, Louis C.K. earned more than $1 million from people downloading the special — far more than the $170,000 it cost to produce the video. Louis C.K. gave his thoughts in a post on his site:
“I would have been paid [less than $200,000] by a large company to simply perform the show and let them sell it to you, but they would have charged you about $20 for the video … This way, you only paid $5, you can use the video any way you want.”
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MSNBC’s Ed Schultz Take To Web Came To Record Message To Liberal Critics Source: Mediaite   
We already know how much trouble a singer can get in for just saying she likes Ron Paul, so what happens when a liberal firebrand has the gall to say Rick Santorum’s oratorial skills rival President Obama’s? That’s what Ed Schultz is discovering this week. However, there is one big difference between Schultz and Kelly Clarkson.
…ok, there are a few big differences between the two. But, for the sake of this post, lets focus on one. Whereas Clarkson attempted to make peace with her Twitter attackers, Schultz recorded a video for his critics with one simple message; “Shut up!”
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