Hi❤️❤️The point of my page is to give you guys/girls Marvel fanfiction recommendations or finding your lost Marvel fanfictions.Send in your question and I��ll find the fanfiction you lost. Or if you can’t find any of a certain type or idea you like i can find some for you.This is also a good way for people to find other fanfictions to read. Hope you have a wonderful day🙂❤️ I do Wattpad,A03,Fanfiction.net
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I’ve started spread sheets for all my fandoms I read with all my fics. So I’ll try to update on here but also other accounts for fics.
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if I had a nickel for every time a Marvel character named Peter had a girlfriend that didn’t remember their relationship decided to let go and move on without each other, I’d have two nickels.
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Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice right?
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Hello I’m back! I probably will not post for a while because I’ve not been making master lists sorry but hopefully I make a few more. I’m planning on coming back soon and trying to post at least once a week while school is in.
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Hi!❤️ Just so everyone knows I’m not going to be posting till next year (January 1st)!!! I’m still going to keep building up drafts but life is very busy and I think revamping my account is good. Please give Master list ideas would love to still hear them.
I’m going to try to post 2 or 3 times a week but no promises.
I have started a notes on all the fan-fictions I’ve read but it’s separated by ship so a lot of those master lists coming up in 2023.
I have a watt-pad especially for rating things and giving you fan fiction recommendations. The user is @ratingthings
I also read fan fiction of other fandoms I’m making recommendations on other accounts but this one is my main focus because I read Marvel more than anything else.
Hope you all respect this.
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About to go on a six hour road trip so trying to work on my master lists. I might also change my format on how I do them but I don’t know.
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Harley and Peter Master list Part 1
5 Times People Thought Harley And Peter Hated Each Other
and the 1 time they realized they didn't
no more lonely boy
A one night stand that isn't really a one night stand.
a show to remember
T een Rock Band Young Heroes has been climbing the popularity charts. And when they release their second album, they gain more fans than ever.
The people know Peter’s in a relationship with someone in the band, now more than ever.
No one was expecting the surprise at the end of tour that confirmed everything.
Keep On Following Canopus
Harley and Peter are stepping more into the public eye. People are getting more interested in them, thus they end up giving quite some interesting interviews. Peter is meanwhile struggling with whether or not he wants to be open about his dyslexia but thankfully Harley is right there for cuddles and words of support.
Off The Rails
Harley Stark and Peter Parker couldn't have come from more different starts.
Harley, the son of billionaire CEO's, is world famous. A heartthrob the world over, Harley lives in a bubble of his own narcissism and needs to learn a thing or two about humility.
Peter is a scrappy orphaned kid from the wrong side of the tracks, hiding more than a few dark secrets of his own.
When the two find themselves thrown together, sparks inevitably fly.
The Rain Will Fall
“What was your birthday wish?”
“To kiss you under the rain.”
Parkner Week 2019 Day Five: “Hat on Backwards” / Birthday / Secret Confessions
I love this ship and here are a few fanfictions I’ve read about them recently!❤️🙂 Such an underrated movie!
What do you want to see next?!
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I have some fan fiction master lists I’m planning.
Its hard because I have a phone now so I can’t just have a spilt screen.
But hope to have some stuff out soon.
Make suggestions!!❤️
I’m about to promote some stuff individually so stay tuned for that.
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Spideychelle Famous AU
You Must Like Me (For Me)
MJ is Tony’s daughter.
coming back to you
MJ and Peter have been broken up for a while now because of Spider-Man. But years later, after becoming an actress and moving back to New York, she finds herself still drawn to Spider-Man, to Peter.
Fake Out 'Til You Make Out
After an accidental meeting that is quickly spun by the world's press, Michelle and Peter must play the role of a lifetime as they fake an engagement to escape the wrath of Michelle's overzealous publicist. Will life imitate art, or will secrets buried deeper than their fake relationship destroy any chance they have of something real?
Just like a movie
MJ has a chance to win the first Academy Award of her career, and Peter is in their apartment three thousand miles away. Unsurprisingly, he's spiraling.
acceptance speech
Peter Parker wants to be a director. Michelle Jones is an actress.
Hope you enjoyed!❤️ This is one of my favorite AU/Tropes. Make more suggestions!
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One of my favorites!!!❤️
for the prompt game: rumors of actress mj dating costar and a jealous peter who isn’t famous
MJ runs to her room giddy with the promise of speaking to Peter in a few moments as he waits for her to answer the phone. She jumps on the pristine hotel bed, scowling as she does because it looks entirely unappealing even with how bone tired she is. It's not where she wants to be after a long day of press and interviews. Though to be fair, she never really wants to be anywhere other than with Peter.
They've been together so long she feels a little silly missing him after a few days but she can't help the way her chest aches when she sees her phone background and she's miles away from home.
The phone has been ringing too long, anyone else would have hung up by now, but Peter will wait until he's kicked off. So it gives MJ a chance to check her face before answering even though Peter has seen her in all states before. She still wants to look nice for him.
"There she is," he hums when she finally swipes to answer.
"Hey," she smiles. It's late for her and even later for Peter with the time difference but she feels more awake with every second she can see his face.
"Hey," he whispers, tucking his hand under his face where he's laying in their bed. He's on her side. "You look so beautiful."
"Flattery won't make me ignore the way you're ruining my perfect sleeping spot with your heavy thighs," she pouts, though her heart flutters with his praise.
"Sorry, baby," he laughs. "I just missed you."
"I miss you," she sighs, feeling it deep in her chest as she says the words out loud. "No patrol tonight?"
"Okay," she says, mirroring his position in her own bed. MJ much prefers when Peter doesn't patrol when she's not there, though she'd never tell him that, in case he does need to go. It's not his fault her job takes her all over the place. But it is his fault she loves him so much the fear of him getting hurt while she's not there is almost too much to handle.
"No crime on Wednesdays?" she asks.
"Everyone is being good and tucked up in bed by ten," he laughs. "Besides, I don't want you to worry about me."
She scoffs, rolling her eyes, "as if."
But then she looks at him and he's trying so hard not to call her out on it that she relents. "How did you know?"
"We've been married for years, Em. As if I don't know everything about you."
"Do not," she sulks. The pain of missing him increases tenfold as he laughs, the camera shaking as he does. He settles and there’s a period of time where they just look at each other. She catalogues the light bruise against his eyebrow and the way he’s not wearing a t-shirt. She watches his eyes trace her lips.
"When do your interviews drop?” he asks, his gaze lingering on her mouth before he snaps to her eyes. “I wanna see the green suit."
"I put a photo on Instagram," she replies. She knows he saw. He likes all her photos. From his personal account and Spider-Man’s.
"Mmmm but it's so fun to see Josh lusting over you," he says. He's not sly. Peter doesn't like Josh or the way he lusts over her. He's not about to shout out that she's his wife or anything - something they agreed to keep quiet the second she booked her first movie, what with his villains and her magnet for paparazzi.
"So you just wanna watch for the outfit?" she teases, finding the answer for him. "And not to see if Josh says anything inappropriate."
"Arsehole," he grumbles.
"True," she laughs. "You know you're my favourite, right?"
"Yeah," he smiles, his finger clearly tracing over her face on his phone screen. “I know.”
"I love you so much," she whispers.
"Mmm, and I love you. So come home now, okay?"
"Don't tempt me, Frodo."
"I'm kidding," he says quickly, never wanting her to feel bad about the amount of time she's away from home because he knows he could go with her but he can't give up the suit. "We need that cheque - I lost the Bugle job…"
"Good! Jameson’s an arsehole," she grumbles. He's always overly pleasant about her. But Jameson has had a hatred for Spider-Man for longer than MJ has known Peter was beneath the suit. And she won't abide his criticism even if no one knows who Spider-Man is but her.
"But -"
"Nope," she replies with a pop of her lips. "Use the time at home to practice being a stay at home dad and get used to using the joint account for gross sandwich combinations and unhealthy amounts of sour sweets."
"You're so sexy when you're bossing me around," he replies, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Don't start something you can't finish, bugboy," she says, her eyebrow raised as the look in his eye darkens at her tone.
“And what if I can commit?” he asks, tilting her camera down slightly so she can see his bare chest. Well, he knows how to give her what she wants. It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve helped each other out over the phone and she does miss him. And she does like the sight of him slipping his hand under his waistband.
“Come on, baby,” he whispers. And she’s never been able to deny him anything anyway. So she props her phone up as she slowly moves her hand under her vest, biting her lower lip as Peter groans.
“I just - it’s - ugh,” Peter says, this frustration evident in his tone even if he tries to be calm. “It’s not true. It’s not true so why do I care?”
“You’re cute when you’re jealous,” MJ jokes though she hates their situation even if deep down she knows it keeps Peter’s identity safer.
“Maybe it’s because it’s Josh,” Peter groans. “Maybe I wouldn't care if the press were saying you were dating someone I liked.
“Mhmm,” she chuckles knowing that Peter would be fuming either way. They’ve been married since they were eighteen, a high school romance that just worked from the get-go. He’s it for her. He knows it - but jealousy doesn’t care what you do and don’t know.
They don’t have rings because Peter loses things every four seconds and MJ was going to so many auditions and her agent suggested keeping her personal life separate. So they both have matching tattoos, Peter’s small MJ sitting neatly behind his ear and MJ’s ‘P’ above her inner ankle.
She’s had it so long the press doesn’t care anymore, they’ve moved onto the jewellery she’s bought herself and the smiles she makes at her phone.
Though right now they’re working on the fact her co-star won’t stop overly flirting with her and refuses to deny that they’re a couple. It’s infuriating and all she really wants to do is shout that she’s so in love it’s a little ridiculous. That every second she’s with Josh and on this press tour, she’s thinking about being with Peter. That she can’t wait to go home in two weeks to be with him.
“Sorry,” Peter groans and she can see him running his hand through her hair even as she stands alone in her hotel room. “Sorry, baby. Did you have a good day?”
“It would have been better with you,” she says.
“Oh yeah? Last night wasn’t enough for you?” he asks, his teasing tone coming back and it just makes her miss him more.
“You’re the one who woke me up with a sex dream, Peter.”
“You’re the one who refused to hang up the phone,” he grumbles.
“I can’t sleep without your snoring,” she teases. Really she just hates the thought of missing time with him and it makes her feel like she’s with him when she can hear him rustling in their covers.
“I don’t even snore, you’re so mean to me, MJ.” She can feel him pouting and the way she misses his face is insane. It makes her stomach ache and her chest feel like it’s about to burst and she’s just not sure how she’s supposed to be away from him any longer.
“Want a round two?” she asks.
“Don’t start,” he whispers. “I’m on a random rooftop and I don’t need Jameson calling me a perv again when I have to go swinging with a hard-on because my wife is a menace.”
MJ laughs hard, pulling the collar of her borrowed sweater past her mouth. It smells like Peter and it makes her feel better. “I didn’t know you were outside, sorry sweetheart.”
“I don’t like being home when you’re not there,” he says. “Feels weird.”
“Sorry,” she whispers.
“Don’t be. I’m so proud of you. I just miss you.”
“I miss you too.”
MJ storms down the corridor towards her hotel room. Fuck everyone. Fuck Josh. Fuck the press. Fuck Peter for not answering his fucking phone.
She’s dealt with the bad press before. From casual racism to sexist articles and she brushes them off. She doesn’t care. So she’s not sure why Josh winking whenever someone asks if they’re dating sets her off so much. She’s not sure why she’s so desperate to throw away eight years of secrecy just to prove the articles wrong. That she’s not head over heels for her co-star who can barely act. That she’s not moving to LA for him. That she’s not finally settling down. That there’s not someone who’s managed to lock her down.
Like she hasn’t been Peter’s since they were sixteen. As if she hasn’t been completely and utterly in love with Peter Parker for as long as she can remember.
She knows deep down it’s because she misses him. That if she went home to Peter she’d just laugh Josh off. But she can’t see him because he’s too far away. And Josh is right here. And he’s everything she doesn’t want. And she can’t argue in the interviews because then she’s the aggressive one. Then she can’t take a joke.
Her throat burns as she tries to call Peter again and she sighs as it goes to voicemail as she opens her hotel room door. Part of her is terrified he’s hurt - but she’s checking Twitter and she has notifications on for Spider-Man and she’d know. Right?
But the worry and the annoyance linger as she slams the door closed.
“Bad day, baby?”
She drops her bag, her phone goes flying and her keys probably slide across the floor. But she doesn’t care because when she looks up he’s right there.
“Hey,” he replies, a small nervous smile on his face as she looks at her.
“What are you doing here?”
“I missed you.”
“Yeah?” she laughs, something watery and light as she smiles at him.
“Yeah,” he replies and she catches the moment he turns from sweet to playful and she’s missed him so much she feels insane. But she doesn’t move fast enough because he sends a web out, catching on the waist of her dress as he pulls her closer.
“Hey,” he repeats when he wraps an arm around her waist and one buries in her hair.
“Hi,” she giggles, pressing her smiles to his. “You’re crazy.”
“Crazy in love,” he jokes.
“Ughhhh, you’re going to pay for that,” she whispers, pulling his face back to hers with her hands in his hair.
“God, I hope so,” he mutters against her lips. He lifts her effortlessly, walking them to her bed without tripping over anything and she notices his overnight bag by the door.
“You’re staying the night?”
“Is that okay?” he asks, as he lays her on the bed softly. As if she wouldn’t let him follow her anywhere.
“Ye - yeah, of course. But what about -”
“I don’t care,” he promises, his lips against her throat. “I don’t care. Not for tonight. I just missed you and fuck, MJ, you look so insane in this dress -”
“You’re taking it off,” she laughs, lifting her arms so he can throw the dress somewhere she doesn't care about.
“As I was saying,” he teases, moving down her body, brushing his lips to her chest, her ribs, her stomach. “You are so beautiful and I am just a weak jealous man who missed his wife. So New York can wait for tonight.”
“I love you,” she says, her hands running through his hair.
“I love you back.”
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A/N: I'm pretty sure i wrote this a year ago for a month of prompts that i lost inspo for in a week ksksksksk anyway i figured everyone needs some fluff rn. I'm not familiar with western weddings, don't @ me lmao
First dances are always hyped for no good reason.
Atleast, that's what Michelle tells herself as she slicks back her hair for the final time, smiles at her sister and takes a deep breath. Maya goes up first, behind two of her half sisters who'd grudgingly agreed to be her flower girls. Her father offers her his arm and kisses her cheek once.
She's not nervous about tripping and embarrassing her family, or of mixing up the vows or tackling her fiancé because he looks downright edible in that stupid tuxedo. Michelle Jones is scared of dances.
She's great at other activities that involve hand eye coordination, and mediocre at so called cultural events. What truly terrifies her is dancing, particularly when her husband is a ballet prodigy and swings around New York in his free time.
The ceremony goes by quickly and the speeches don't take as long as she hopes. The bouquet is caught by her sister of all people, to which her father shakes his head and jokes about too many marriages costing his pocket and sanity.
Finally, Peter grasps her hand and she manages a smile despite the butterflies that have made her stomach their permanent residence. He leads the dance and she follows. Leaning into him, they choose to sway after a while as the host invites others to join in. Her cheeks are wet but the grin doesn't leave her face.
"I thought you weren't going to cry?" He jokes as she looks up at him.
"I'm crying at your atrocious dancing skills, I'd expected the swan lake at a minimum."
"I'm pretty sure if you could get some ballet shoes for Aunt Nat we could set one up for you." At this, she rolls her eyes.
"So, Mrs. Parker, how does it feel to have interrupted everyone's holiday plans?"
"Parker-Jones, actually. And it doesn't really feel like a holiday wedding."
"Well, it's snowing, you'd only need a santa to complete the holiday aesthetic." He spins her around again.
"Tony could be one?" She quips as they continue to sway in place.
"Mmm." She giggles as he spins her around. There's so many people watching them, and yet she doesn't feel any fear.
Something catches her eye when she looks up in wonder. "Is that...mistletoe?"
"Mistletoe, at a Christmas wedding. How shocking." He leans down and kisses her, again, in a kiss that lasts forever, where they both are entwined and it's just them, in a moment frozen in time as if it's a snow globe.
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Still fell free to ask me questions but right now I’m working on Master lists for ships and friendships. Tell me who you want to see. IM STILL TAKING REQUESTS FOR OTHER FANFICTION FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS!!! Love you guys❤️
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The fanfiction is about Kate and clint. they have like a father and daughter relationship.Kates at the bar and it’s like the middle of the night and she calls clint because someone put something in her drink. I rember that Clint ended up flying the Quinten over there but thats it.
when all is going wrong and you're scared as hell, what you gonna do? (who you gonna tell?)
When Clint is woken up in the middle of the night to a call from one Kate Bishop, he is understandably not impressed.
When he hears her voice, all of that fades away.
I really love this fanfiction❤️❤️
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Ok well i know it was a oneshot.Matt and Peter were really close and Peter was dating Skip. I remember Tony was the bad guy. And skip was a ass hole too. Sorry if that’s not enough to go off of.Hope you have a wonderful day❤️❤️😁
Forget the World
Peter Parker knew that his love life was a disaster.
He knew he fell in love with anyone that smiled warmly in his direction.
He fell quick and hard.
But he knew that.
Who knew it would backfire so badly?
Hope this is it😁I actually really like this one❤️
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I forgot it but it was like the avengers keep killing spiders and peter got mad because he could talk to them and the Avengers are creeped out.Sorry it’s not alot. I do remember it was a oneshot
Hi thanks for asking!❤️😁i think i found the one your looking for❤️
Freindly Neighbourhood Spiders
The Avengers keep killing spiders and keep forgetting that it upset Peter. Peter gets his revenge.
Hope this is it❤️🙂
Ask anytime❤️
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Hi my page is to give you marvel fanfiction recommendations and finding fanfictions you lost. Send in your suggestions and I’ll do them as qucik as possible.❤️❤️😁😁
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