mcsleepynightmare · 7 years
I was walking down a street and saw Tessa Violet. I ran up to her and told her I love her music and I´m a big fan. She wasn´t sure how to respond and just smiled, said thanks and went away. 
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mcsleepynightmare · 7 years
My brother argued how it was prove of God that there are imprints of fingers on the inside of our pouches (those things underneath our eyes) 
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mcsleepynightmare · 8 years
I was at my grandparents house. I was outside when I heard my grandpa and a neighbour talk about how crazy my grandma was and as soon as that man said something bad about her I snapped and screamed:”HEY!!!! YOU!! GET THE HELL OUT!! OUT!!”. He was laughing at me, but he left.
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mcsleepynightmare · 8 years
My family and I were at church and we saw an old friend there, T., who also goes to church quite often. After mass there was an “after party dance” and my family went there, but I was held up by someone familiar. It was M. with the long blond hair, whom I haven´t see in years, since school. He was always nerdy and we never talked, but now he stopped me and said how nice it was to meet me again. “I really, really like you.” he said and hugged me. He then whispered in my ear that he always had loved me, which was extremely confusing to me, so I didn´t respond at all. 
There was also a christmas market outside the church, which was apparently at my uni, and I´ve sat down on a bar stool for a  hot drink at one of the booths. I talked to someone, when I suddenly hear an announcement. Apparently the “festivities” were about to start. I looked up and I saw a colossal carrot horse walking past me, on top of it sat a man. The horse was orange and textured like a carrot and tail was bigger than my whole body. Three more horses walked past me. 
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mcsleepynightmare · 8 years
I was getting abducted by aliens and it was terrifying.
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mcsleepynightmare · 8 years
My former crush posted the nudes I´ve sent him on his tumblr blog. I was mortified. I looked through his blog some more and saw that he had posted every single one of my pictures online, comparing it to his current girlfriend and himself, saying I look “pretty” and that my body was “normal”. (There were also pictures of me with floor length hair, which reminded me of a goddess.) 
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mcsleepynightmare · 8 years
My childhood friend N and her male best friend O announced that they were getting married. 
There were a lot of people, inclunding N, my best friend C and myself, waiting in an auditiorum hall. We were all carrying bags and waiting for something. WE were sat in the back and as soon as I sat down I started chatting with my best friend. I didn´t pay attention to my surroundings at all. Suddenly commotion. I turn my head and in front of me stands an older woman, wearing a black witch hat and a long black gown. She looked at me, leaned a bit forward and shouted my name. “Y-Yes?” I stammered, worried and confused about what I should do next. She was making her way back though the students so I got up and followed her, C carrying my bad and having a frightened expression on her face. 
The old woman, now standing on a podium, orders me to show my bare leg to the whole room. Only now I´ve started to look at where I was. Besides the podium lady stood a young woman with short hair, wearing a sparkly green cloak, her face showed worry. As I took in my surroundings I realized there were two groups of people here. One group with luggage and regular clothes, looking uneasy and the other group dressed in cloaks and hats, looking like something from a magical video game or harry potter with a knowing look on their face. I would later learn the latter are representatives of each guild.
As I came back to my senses I realized I have been ignoring the podium lady and just stood there in the middle of the room doing nothing. She showed a mean grin and asked me again to show my leg, because she wanted to school me. I´ve bared my leg and was told to put it high in the air and spin so everyone could see. I felt kinda punked. She then told me because of my disobedience she would tattoo a quote (from something) on the sole of my foot. I was unimpressed and didn´t care much for it until I remembered how fucking painful that will be. 
After that the speed suddenly changed, C pushed my bag in my face and the woman in the sparkly green cloak urged me to follow her quickly. In front of me was a goblet with many folded up pamphlets in it. The podium lady urged me to finally decide which programm/class/guild I wanted to join. Perplexed about her question I started to regret my decision chatting with C instead of looking at what each program had to offer. Heavily sweating now I remembered the titles of two programs so I cautiously said “Blood Magic or Witchcraft, I´m not sure.”, and I sure as hell wasn´t, because of my idiocy I didn´t look at any of the schedules so I had no idea what I was picking here. The podium lady seemed really nice and eager to help me now and looked frantically for those pamphlets. She found them fairly quickly and asked me again “Hurry, which one do you choose?”, but I still had no clue. I was reaching for Blood Magic, because it sounded cool, but then I thought what if that involved using my own blood and lowered my hand agan. The people in the auditorium grew impatient and started chanting the two names of the programs. This did not help me make up my mind.
I was shoved out of the hall and into a huge corridor. I didn´t know where I was, but this building was huge, it looked like an old castle and again reminded me of harry potter. I was baffled by this place, but didn´t get a chance to look around, because the green cloaked lady pushed me into a hall and vanished. I stood there yet again in front of a woman dressed in black, grinning wickedly. She was the leader of Witchcraft, but in my mind this was what i´ve had pictured for the leader of Blood Magic. She welcomed me with a few words and gave me the tattoo of the guild. It was a water transfer tattoo, but I suspected once you put this on your skin it won´t be temporary. So I´d hold on to it until I decided the perfect place for it.
After the introduction I wanted to explore the place a little bit and soon found a store. I was greeted by two familier faces shoving their shopping carts around. It was my musical friend L and a friend from school, who loves basketball, M. We chatted for a bit and when I asked about which guild they were in they apologetically said “Blood Magic” and looked for any sadness in my face. “That´s great guys!” I said and told them that it didn´t bother me, because after all it was my own fault.
I started to look around some more and came to another hall with big white stairs, which looked like they would lead me to the exit of this place. As I wanted to take the first step down I suddenly felt really light. A smile spread on my face and I jumped the stairs down only to find I was able to fly a bit or at least levitate. My hunch was right and I found the exit soon after. I went out and saw that it was winter in the city, wherever this city was. There was a last fllight of white stairs in order to get out so I jumped again and levitated down. I didn´t land very smoothly. I wanted to quickly explore more of this power and so I started jumping again, but this time I face planted in the snow. I got up and noticed I was bleeding. I didn´t have a plaster or anything else to cover the wound. So I quickly removed the foil from the tattoo and stuck it on my forehead without thinking. I regretted that decision right away, because now I´m going to be that idiot who has a huge tattoo on her forehead. Too little too late I tried again and the levitating didn´t go as smoothly anymore and only lasted for 2-3 seconds.
I noticed people staring at me, looking shocked and surprised. In the distance I could make out the green cloak lady running towards me with a look of shock on her face.
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mcsleepynightmare · 9 years
I was slowly waking up when I noticed the clotheshorse standing in front of my window. Suddenly a flying squirrel appeared and bit me three times in my right hand. I was bleeding, but called my friend M to tell her about what just happened.
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mcsleepynightmare · 9 years
My uncle, youngest brother from my mothers side, was sentenced to death, because he caused a car accident. The woman in the other car had both her legs broken, my uncle had one leg broken and my father broke his hand. This was all very surreal to me and I screamed and cried a lot, because I couldn't comprehend his crime being deemed so bad he had to die because of it. As they put him in an elevator with a chair, I knew it was going to happen any minute now. I got outside and was watching from a few meters back. I couldn't handle the view in front of me. My knees couldn't hold the weight of my body and I fell to the ground while sobbing.
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mcsleepynightmare · 9 years
I was making food in the kitchen with my mum and we were bickering as usual. Then I got really pissed and went to the bathroom. On my left temple I saw a streak of something red nearly reaching my jaw. I had the same thing on the other side.
I was really confused and didn’t know what it was. Until I found out. I run my fingers through my hair and felt a lot of warm sticky liquid. I took my hand out and it was covered in blood. I checked my hair again and saw that a chunk of my scalp way hanging there on my head, nearly detached from it. How the hell did I not feel this?! I went back to the kitchen, grabbed my mums phone and told her to call an ambulance.
I was shaking a bit and every second now tears would start running down my face. My mum was at first annoyed and wanted to finish cooking the meal, but when she looked me in the eyes she was worried. I showed her the streaks of blood on my face. When she told me to show her the detached piece of scalp I said no and went back to the bathroom.
One again I checked my hair. The dangling chunk on my head was gone, but instead there was an enormous bald spot on my head, which looked like a nasty infection. It was yellow and red and it looked like it could open up any second. I checked my whole head now and my scalp was covered in redness and blisters. I was freaking out.
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mcsleepynightmare · 9 years
I was in a home, which reminded me of the house my grandparents live in, with my brother and my crush. We all were searching for something, because we had to leave the house soon to get to an event or something. My crush kept smiling and telling us about his life and how happy he is with his girlfriend, his great job and life in general. My brother left the room to search in the storage and he kept going on and on about his amazing life. Then I snapped. I started screaming:”I don´t want to hear it, stop! I don´t want to hear any of it! How happy you are and I-, just, it´s annoying!”
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mcsleepynightmare · 9 years
I found about 200 € in my room. I was being followed by five magicians. Trying to get away I ran into the woods and over hills. On my way a goat started following me and because I nearly tripped over it it wss angry. After a while the magicians caught up to me and one of them had a huge sword pointed at me. Upon seeing the goat beside me he said they were allergic to it.
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mcsleepynightmare · 9 years
I was at this cool apartment, which belonged to my crush. We were in bed when he suddenly had to leave. My mum appeared out of nowhere while I was watching tv to kill time. We talked for a bit and then she asked me if she should give me her method of contraception since it was obvious we were going to have sex. I was a bit surprised and a tad embarrassed, because it wasn’t obvious to me we were going to be intimate. I tried to laugh it off and told her if she had condoms I’d gladly accept them. She answered no and told me the only thing that actually worked was the contraceptive coil. She wanted to give me hers. I was beyond confused and told her I’d be safe with the pill and condoms. She left. We were in bed again, when he whispered something in my ear. He said: “Why don’t you finish that blowjob you were so eager to do the last time?”, I giggled a bit and turned bright red. After a moment I positioned myself on top of him, but quickly turned away, because I didn’t want him to know how much I was blushing. My back was facing him and I took him in my mouth. I wasn’t sure what to do since I didn’t had any practice since the last time. Of course I had read a few tips on how to give good blowjobs, but when I tried to suck in my cheeks it didn’t seem to work so I just did whatever I thought was going to feel good. After a short while he caressed my back up and down and that was when he came. I was surprised at how quickly he had come and really pleased with myself. I tasted him, but I spat it out right away, because I didn’t like it. I was so glad I wasn’t facing him at this point. His cum got everywhere. On my face, the floor, the pillows and on his face as well. No clue how that could happen. I sat up with a grin and kissed him when I noticed how much cum he had in his beard. Weird, I thought. He seemed happy as well. Soon after he left to clean his face.
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mcsleepynightmare · 9 years
It was an interesting movie like dream. I was being chased and had to run and hide all the time. I woke up a few times, but after falling asleep I was right back in the dream. Also I cuddled with my crush. Third night in a row he was in my dreams. 
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mcsleepynightmare · 9 years
My brother and I were somewhere on vacation. We rented a little beach house and his best friend lived in the house next door. I was getting tired so I layed down beside K. He was very surprised, because usually I’m very cold and distant. We were cuddling and I caressed his hand with my thumb, mumbling how nice that felt. The next evening we were looking forward to cuddling again.
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mcsleepynightmare · 9 years
It was a game, maybe a race a few people had to partake in. Friends from my crush were there and some of mine. He kinda switched bodies with his dad and was so polite and nice that I immediately knew this wasn’t him. Maybe it was his birthday. After the game had finished a friend of his Y. said something funny to me in front of everyone. I finally felt like they’ve accepted me.
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mcsleepynightmare · 9 years
Kitties were scratching and biting my hands. At first it didn’t look as bad then I showed he scratches to my brother and they were so bloody and huge. They hurt so bad.
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