mcgriddles-blog · 10 years
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Columbia student will carry her mattress until her rapist exits school September 2, 2014
While most students at Columbia University will spend the first day of classes carrying backpacks and books, Emma Sulkowicz will start her semester on Tuesday with a far heavier burden. The senior plans on carrying an extra-long, twin-size mattress across the quad and through each New York City building – to every class, every day – until the man she says raped her moves off campus.
“I was raped in my own bed,” Sulkowicz told me the other day, as she was gearing up to head back to school in this, the year American colleges are finally, supposedly, ready to do something about sexual assault. “I could have taken my pillow, but I want people to see how it weighs down a person to be ignored by the school administration and harassed by police.”
Sulkowicz is one of three women who made complaints to Columbia against the same fellow senior, who was found “not responsible” in all three cases. She also filed a police report, but Sulkowicz was treated abysmally – by the cops, and by a Columbia disciplinary panel so uneducated about the scourge of campus violence that one panelist asked how it was possible to be anally raped without lubrication.
So Sulkowicz joined a federal complaint in April over Columbia’s mishandling of sexual misconduct cases, and she will will hoist that mattress on her shoulders as part savvy activism, part performance art. “The administration can end the piece, by expelling him,” she says, “or he can, by leaving campus.”
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As painful as I know the constant reminder of attending school with her rapist must be, I’m glad she won’t be the only one forced to remember. I hope the rapist drops out immediately…or better yet, I hope he faces the justice he deserves. 
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mcgriddles-blog · 10 years
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mcgriddles-blog · 10 years
being fat is NOT good. I'm not going to go out of my way to bully someone overweight, but being fat will cause health issues.
SHUT THE FUCK UP AND CRAWL UP YOUR OWN ASS AND DIE! You are not a fucking doctor! You are not MY fucking doctor! You are not any fat person’s fucking doctor! You don’t know anyone’s fucking situation. I have been fat my ENTIRE life. I have also played volleyball, softball, lacrosse, and I was a cheerleader and a gymnast for THIRTEEN YEARS. I was easily the heaviest girl on my cheerleading squad but you know what? I was also the strongest, I could jump the highest, and I was the most flexible. My high school didn’t have a lacrosse team for girls, so I played with the fucking boys. I was faster than every single person on my team out of a 40-man team. I could do every single thing my skinny teammates in gymnastics could do. I have been bullied my entire fucking life for my weight. And you know what that caused me to do? I binged, I purged, and I starved myself. I took laxatives and diet pills. I skipped meals and destroyed my system, so upset that I couldn’t lose weight despite the fact that I worked out and played sports and barely put any calories into my body. Then you know what I found out my senior year? That I have hypothyroidism. An underactive thyroid that can cause inexplicable weight gain and makes weight loss extremely difficult. I had it my entire life and I didn’t even know. So I was destroying my body that was already resistant towards any sort of change. Now, losing weight is extremely fucking difficult for me. Even more than it would be had I not ruined my body trying to fix it. Being fat isn’t so fucking simple. I am healthy. I eat well. I work out. I’m in no shape to run any marathons but I’m NOT by any means unhealthy in any way, shape, or form. But I am also fat. And I can’t fucking help it. This is the body I have, and I have spent twenty years of my goddamn life hating it, putting scars into it, making it hurt, making it more and more difficult for it to function on its own. I DESERVE to love myself how I am. Because nobody else will. Do you think all fat people just sit around shoving Cheetos into their faces all day? I’m sure there are plenty of people who do that, good for fucking them. It’s their fucking choice, and absolutely NONE of YOUR business. Fat people KNOW they’re fat. And a lot of us fucking HATE that we are, and a lot of us work tirelessly, every day, trying to change it. And sometimes it just doesn’t fucking change. It is an eternal struggle. And you can sit here on your high fucking horse and say, “oh well I would NEVER bully a fat person but being fat causes so many HEALTH ISSUES!” Guess what, shitcannon? That’s bullying. It’s fat-shaming. Because a lot of times, a fat person spends so much fucking time hating themselves, having everyone around them (including YOU) think that they know their body better. They deserve to love themselves, and you have no business impeding on that. Instead of spending your time being a preachy little twat, why don’t you go out and create a cure for hypothyroidism? Why don’t you go out and become a scientist and search for ways that people who have eating disorders can repair their bodies after all the damage they have done to it? And if you really don’t want to or can’t do any of that stuff, why don’t you try this; it requires no schooling, no medical degree, you can even do it from the comfort of your own home: shut the fuck up and stay in your own fucking lane.
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mcgriddles-blog · 10 years
person: she--
me: it's he.
person: *condescending smile* well, on your birth certificate--
me: yeah, it also says ' 8lbs, 6 oz ' -- a lot has changed over the years
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mcgriddles-blog · 10 years
seriously though, how cool would it be to have that one best friend that’s like your other half and you can literally talk about everything and they’ll completely understand you and not judge you.
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mcgriddles-blog · 10 years
OMG this is so gross and rapey and disgusting!!!! this person follows my personal blog even though i never gave them the URL and i have asked them to unfollow multiple times and they have just ignored me!!! i'm so grossed out!!!!!!!! Fuck out of here you nasty ass
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No caption needed…….
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mcgriddles-blog · 10 years
weeps softly i hate coding
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mcgriddles-blog · 10 years
he'll yeah
he'll yeah
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mcgriddles-blog · 10 years
I got buns, But do you have the Anaconda?
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mcgriddles-blog · 10 years
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It’s finally happening. Donald Glover is Miles Morales as Spider-Man.
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mcgriddles-blog · 10 years
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mcgriddles-blog · 10 years
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mcgriddles-blog · 10 years
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there is now a tinder knock off that instead of matching you with sleazy weird dudes it matches you with dogs looking for a new home www.barkbuddy.com
go nuts tumblr
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mcgriddles-blog · 10 years
i never see pictures of katy perry on my dash and i just wanna thank yall
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mcgriddles-blog · 10 years
clean and clear commercial
white/lightskin/racially ambiguous girl: i had a pimple one time and i was ugly and dying and everyone spit on me and i was exiled from society but then i used clean and clear and now i am a healed and whole person with jesus in my heart
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mcgriddles-blog · 10 years
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Trigger Warning
Image Credit” UniteWomen.Org
In 2005, 19-year old army private LaVena Johnson,  was the first woman from Missouri to die in Iraq, according to the Army, of suicide. Only after her family insisted on seeing photographs taken at the scene of her death did they realize she was found in her tent with a gunshot wound to the head, a broken nose, black eye, loose teeth, acid burns on her genitals (there is speculation that this was done to cover up possible sexual assault), and a trail of blood leading away from her tent. The army ruled that her death was a SUICIDE.  Her father, a doctor who has worked with military personnel for more than 20 years, believes his daughter was raped and murdered.  A documentary, “LaVena Johnson The Silent Truth,” their attempts to uncover the truth was released in 2010. There is a website with updates, LaVena Johnson and a petition asking Senator Claire McCaskill to investigate her death. As Cilla McCain, founder of Military Families for Justice asks, would this case by taken seriously if LaVena Johnson were not a black woman? Her parents have established a scholarship fund in their daughter’s name. Donations can be made to The LaVena L. Johnson College Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 117, Florissant, MO 63032 
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mcgriddles-blog · 10 years
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"What’s your favorite color?"
"Radical Carrot."
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