mbmdotlife · 4 years
The Power of Rest
Psalm 127: 2- In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves.
Rest is something that we all need in order to live. God created us will a need for rest to sustain us, rebuild/renew us, to grow us and expand our capacity. Sometimes we look at rest and only see what it limits us from instead of what it empowers us to do. We see the…
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mbmdotlife · 5 years
The Devil Made Me Do It
How often have you heard this term the devil made me do it. Though not always directly stated we often find ourselves blaming our adversary, “The DEVIL” for many of the things that may afflict us. Its like anything bad going on in our life we automatically claim the influencer or creator of all the turmoil in our life as the devil.
Though I don’t disagree that he his power and heavy influence in…
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mbmdotlife · 5 years
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
Before I begin this blog post I want to let you know I’m not trying to come for anyone’s life, or bash/attack anyone. But to simply give insight and inform believers about the truth behind this holiday. I myself used to celebrate Halloween. However when I got insight behind it’s true meaning and learned what many do on this day, I began to realize that this isn’t something that I should be…
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mbmdotlife · 5 years
What Are Your Values?
What are Your Values?
Your values are essentially the source of what drives you. Usually whatever you value is whatever you go after in life. They define who you are as a person. Your values are what your character is shaped around.  They are the core of your beliefs. They are what give you a since of meaning to life. The dictionary defines values as relative worth, utility, or importance.
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mbmdotlife · 5 years
The Caged Bird Is Free
Sustaining Freedom
Have you ever felt like the caged bird that’s finally been set free. Who once only had a song, and a glimpse of hope to live off of?
Have you ever found yourself finally in a place of freedom. Immersed in the state joy. Walking in the liberated space of owning who you are, where you are, and finally embracing the moments of self discovery that comes from being liberated.
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mbmdotlife · 5 years
Seafood Inspiration
If you know me then you know I love seafood. Since I haven’t done any food posts in a while. I figured why not do a food post. Hope you enjoy. Let me know your favorite type of seafood.
These are dishes that I recreated after finding inspiration online. The first picture is the inspiration and below it is my attempt to recreate the dish.
Dish One: Seafood Mac and Cheese
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My Attempt:
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mbmdotlife · 5 years
Divine Strategy Is In YOU!!!
Divine Strategy Is In YOU!!!
I believe that there is a lot going on on the Earth. Truth is though, I don’t believe God lacks the strategy to counteract all the evil in the Earth. I hear many people say “If there is a God, then why are all of these awful these things happening?” What if the truth is that a lot of things that are going on are a result of the gifted and the called not arising to combat the turmoil in the world?
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mbmdotlife · 6 years
Richmond Art/ Murals
One thing I love about Virginia’s state capital, is its live for the arts. Painted on buildings throughout the city are beautiful murals and artwork. I wanted to share some of the beauty of our city by displaying its artwork.
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Which is your Favorite?
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mbmdotlife · 6 years
Change The Way You See
Change The Way You See
So I began writing this blog post at the end of November and like many other blog posts I  have yet to finish it. As I was getting dressed this morning. I began to hear a sermon by TD Jakes he began preaching on the same subject matter here that God had been dealing with me with. So I stopped what I was doing this morning and decided to be obedient and release what God has been dealing with me…
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mbmdotlife · 6 years
Favorite Looks of 2018
I wanted to share some of my Favorite Looks from 2018…
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mbmdotlife · 6 years
Show Up and Show Out
When we look at the life of Jesus we see that purpose called him even when he dealt with grief agony, pain, and despair.
I believe we should find balance in knowing when to discharge and take time for yourself as Jesus often did when we removed himself from his disciples to go to a separate place to hear from the father. But also understand that our feelings shouldn’t dictate when we do and don’t…
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mbmdotlife · 6 years
I’m not a big fan of trends. However, when there are trends I love I like to try to find them on sale or find a DIY alternative.
You all may have seen the fringe/ tassel earrings trending…see below.
So I thought I bring you a DIY PROJECT. (These tassels earrings below for only $6.00.)
  All you need is yarn, scissors, and earring hooks. All items below were purchased from Joann’s. 
Step One: Cut about 42 pieces of yarn about 6-7 inches long depending on how long you would like your tassles.
  Step Two: Cut another 6-inch piece of yarn then tie it around the middle of the strings. See the pictures below…
        Step Three: Take another piece of yarn and tie it around the top of the
      Step Four: Take your earring hook and place it around the piece of yarn you tied in Step 2
Step Five: Try you your earings and cut the ends to your desired length.
Thanks for checking out this post. If you decide to make a pair. Tag me in your posts. This blog was inspired by @chrissmas on Instagram
              Trend Stop w/out the Shop I'm not a big fan of trends. However, when there are trends I love I like to try to find them on sale or find a DIY alternative.
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mbmdotlife · 6 years
Trust Issues
Ever find yourself in a place where you feel like you just don’t trust anyone? Ever been in a situation that left you questioning everyone’s motives. Leaving you with the feeling that everyone is cynical and only out to look out for self?
If you haven’t you may have heard it from others who may have said things like, “All men are cheaters, you can’t trust anyone in this world, sayings like if…
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mbmdotlife · 6 years
Favorite 2018 Met Gala Looks
Favorite 2018 Met Gala Looks
This year the Met Gala themed its event around Catholicism and Divine and Heavenly inspiration the theme was entitled “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination”. Many of our favorite celebrities teamed with some of fashion’s leading designers to create heavenly inspired art and garments. One of my favorite designs came from Vercase. Below are my favorite looks from the event:
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mbmdotlife · 7 years
Breaking the Strongholds That Hold You Captive
I truly feel that in this season God is truly breaking strongholds and releasing those that are willing to confront their past in order to find freedom and move forward. God is rising up his army to do great thing in the earth. But in order for his generals to be equipped for battle they must be whole and free and renewed in mind and spirit. Breaking free from the bondage that keeps you from…
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mbmdotlife · 7 years
Thoughts and Encouragement
In order to find freedom in Christ you have to be willing to constantly let go and renew yourself in the present of what God is doing. Its so easy to get caught up in the disappointment of the past. Some disappointment that is sometimes simply created by our ownselves creating false expectations around when and how God will move and make things happen in our lives. I remember not to long ago. I…
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mbmdotlife · 7 years
Favorite Grammys 2018 Looks
Which looks we’re your favorite?
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