mayflower437 · 3 years
Enthralled, Chapter 1
This is my fic for @silvereddaye’s L/V Exchange, written for @jackhawksmoor!
Summary: Only a few months after the Battle of Yavin, the Alliance achieves another great victory: the capture of Lord Darth Vader. But for a certain aspiring Jedi tasked with the Sith’s interrogation, burning desire for revenge quickly gives ways to a muddled mess of emotions. An AU three-shot.
Now available on AO3 and FFN.
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mayflower437 · 4 years
I just saw an anti who was posting on the pro Snape tag, amongst other tired and trite arguments, call fans of the character incels and apologists.
(Censors expletives)
I can’t overstate how angry that makes me. Incels are a very real and present group on both the internet and real life that follow a toxic, hateful and misogynistic ideology that has led to very real deaths.
It is not a term that applies to a fictional character laden with queer coding that has no canonical explicit romantic or sexual interests—in Lily or otherwise.
It is also absolutely not something one should accuse a fandom full of diverse people of being. For example, I a fan of Snape’s character, (both of which the user call incels) am asexual and aromantic.
I’ll leave the rest for them to figure out.
And, on the “apologist” front, most Snape fans love the character because of his flaws, moral ambiguity and complexity, not because we believe he did nothing wrong.
(Also, if you’re anti anything, please don’t post in the pro tag. It’s common courtesy.)
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mayflower437 · 4 years
Of Flowers and Fiends
Hello! I’ve just published the prologue of a Snape’s daughter AU that I’ve been working on since last year. I’d really appreaciate any feedback! It’s also a self-indulgent excuse to try to improve some of Rowling’s ill-conceived ideas and worldbuilding.
Summary: A one-night stand between Lily and Severus leads to the birth of one Anthea Snape. Growing up in her father’s dreary hometown, she cannot wait to receive her letter and learn to wield her powers. But she soon learns the Wizarding World is not the magical refuge she thought it would be.
Read it on AO3 or FFN!
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mayflower437 · 4 years
The Revenant, Chapter 2 - A Sneak Peak
Hello again! I am not dead, for those who were worried. I must say, however, that I underestimated the undertaking of writing a story. I am very sorry for the delay, but Ch. 2 is nearing its completion. For now, enjoy the sneak peek! As you will soon see, I took a considerable deviation from canon in this chapter. Still, it is the only major alteration (aside from anything caused by Anakin’s survival) that I plan to make.
”She’s dying, Your Majesty.” Said the man in white, facing his sire. Leia pored over his words; what did ”dying” mean?
“Take us to her quarters, Doctor, ” Said Papa, his tone grave and expression sombre. ”Hold my hand, Leia.”
The young princess nodded, clutching Papa’s hand tightly. What was happening? She hoped someone would hear her thoughts, as that kind babysitter used to, and clear her doubts, but no one did.
The next moments were but a blur of noise, colours, and desperation that remained until she reached the door to the North Tower.
There was only one thing of note hidden in that decrepit place, crumbling and long-abandoned by the monarchs of Alderaan.
And it was none other than her birth mother, Padmé.
Leia knew little about her; as Mama and Papa always deflected such questions, and Mother herself reaffirmed their decision.
”One day you’ll know everything, ” She had said, caressing Leia’s cheek. ”But for now, enjoy your youth. Your father and I had no such luxury.”
What was happening to her mother? Why was Papa so worried?
As Leia went up the tower’s creaking staircase, following Papa and the Doctor, a strange chill started to seep in. It was not like the gentle breezes of Aldera or even the ferocious blizzards in the mountains above it.
It was dark and insidious, unnatural, and, somehow, reeking of malice. But, strangely, none of Leia’s companions seemed to have noticed it. It was probably just her imagination, or so she hoped.
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mayflower437 · 5 years
The Revenant - A Star Wars Fanfic
In an ideal world, they would have had a life together, as a family. In this one, all they can do is lament, regret and mourn. A post-RotJ story in which Anakin survives, and both he and Luke have to deal with the consequences.
I plan on posting it soon, so here’s an excerpt.
Edit: Read it here on Ao3 or here on FFN!
Nothing could have prepared Luke for seeing his father unmasked. He had heard the rumours, of course, for there were countless tales of what lay beneath the Dark Lord’s mask.
Many thought he was just a droid, while some claimed the mask was a disguise, meant to hide a person of some renown. Others believed he was an eldritch creature, summoned from the netherworld to terrorise the galaxy at his master’s behest.
But what Luke saw upon removing the mask was but a dying man: scarred, wheezing and of a deathly pallor, aged far beyond his years.
He wasn't the Emperor's enforcer or the Hero with No Fear; he was a slave. A sad man who had made a deal with the Devil, and lost.
”Now go, my son.” His father rasped, his weak voice straining further. ”Leave me.”
But Luke had to save him. His father had proven himself, had shown his son that he still had good inside him, and had brought down the Emperor.
Anakin Skywalker was still alive and would remain as such.
”No, you're coming with me. I’ll not leave you here, ” Luke pleaded, holding his father's shoulder. ”I’ve got to save you!”
And Anakin could do nothing to protest as his son dragged him to the nearest shuttle.
Thinking about his decision now, seeing his father strapped to a bed and hooked to machines in a hospital, Luke questioned it.
How would the Alliance react?
Would it have been better to let his father die?
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mayflower437 · 6 years
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“Your questions are meaningless to me. I have let your kind roam free for far too long. I believe it’s time I truly get serious.”
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