mayaxirvine-blog · 6 years
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mayaxirvine-blog · 6 years
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Closer (2004) dir. Mike Nichols
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mayaxirvine-blog · 6 years
Astrid knew everything about asshole fathers, the kind so bad not even brothers could deny it, so she definitely felt empathy for Maya’s situation. “That sucks,” she said simply and matter of factly. “I was on my way over to The Bread Basket. I was gonna go visit AJ and maybe try to score some free pastries. Wanna join? You seem like you could use the girl time.” 
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              “Eh, that’s life, right?” Unfortunately it was, at least at the moment. It bothered Maya more than she was willing to let on, even if it was somewhat obvious. For now though, she would try not to waste too much time thinking about her dad, and cursing her brother for thinking it would be cool to ambush her with him. Astrid was someone a lot more worth of Maya’s time anyway, and she would happily forego any other plans to spend it with her. “That actually sounds really good, so yes, thank you — I would love to join.”
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mayaxirvine-blog · 6 years
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It took Rhys several moments to realise her reaction wasn’t quite the norm, too wrapped up in his own thoughts to even notice to begin with. So he took a moment himself to study the woman in front of him —- a woman he recognised actually, even if he wasn’t sure where from. “Can never go wrong there,” he found himself saying, a very nonchalant shrug accompanying his words. Then, when she continued, going on to ask his name, he frowned very slightly. “Rhys,” he answered. “Have we met before?”
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               She more or less ignored everything he said up until his name was given, her furrowed brows smoothing back into place a couple of seconds later when she recalled where she had last heard that voice, seen the face and gotten the name. “Right. You’re the paediatrician I got stuck with in that bank vestibule a couple of years back. So this is where you’re from?” She asked, remembering he said something about living in a small town outside of the city. “It’s a small world, huh?”
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mayaxirvine-blog · 6 years
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Cecilia features screwed up and an inevitable laugh parted from her lips when Maya painted a pretty fitting picture of Viola, her brother’s crazy ex girlfriend. “I guess she didn’t bring enough food and needed a pizza break,” she replied in a jesting tone. She wasn’t exactly above mocking the woman, not after all the crap she had put Diego through. “We do,” she said and pulled out a drinks card from the slot underneath the counter, sliding it across for Maya to inspect. “Nothing special, no cocktails or anything like that, but there’s wine and beer.”
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             “Sounds very plausible,” Maya agreed with a candid nod, serious in demeanour before a grin cracked the surface and blew her cover. She genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if Viola was the kind to wait around for her brother outside his place though— it seemed like something she wouldn’t even think twice about doing. “Oh well in that case,” she said and skimmed the drinks card. “I’ll have a glass of red.”
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mayaxirvine-blog · 6 years
                    Familiar faces weren’t taboo in the seaside town. In fact, unfamiliar faces were the oddity, which was a cognizance Ava was grossly aware of; disappointed, too, that Lanford hadn’t quite crossed to threshold of being able to be anonymous. One day–– one day that was not today, as the recognition of one another passed through their expressions like zephyr, before they settled for a silent, mutual understanding, and could move on with her companions mission, “No, no… well, unless you get the custard tarts made with rum,” She offered a smile, small hands finding settle in her back pockets, a comforting resting place, “Um, there’s just this place, near North End. Family owned. You just… you order something, anything – could be a whole chicken or a slice of bread, it doesn’t matter – and happy hour starts early, under the table,” A fond smile of all things found her lips, a coy curve, “Two dollars a drink. You can’t beat it…”
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               There were hidden gems all over Lanford, special treatment for the regular customer, or pretty people, and it seemed that the young brunette had found the best kind— two dollar drinks. She was right, you couldn’t beat that, especially not anywhere else in town. That was the beauty of North End; everything was affordable because it had to be. “Sounds very promising,” Maya said and smirked lightly, forgetting everything about her brother and her father, and how they had probably planned to ambush her. That was to be expected from her father, but her brother? Maya had clearly overestimated him. “So, how do you know about that place?” She asked, curious to know a little more about the familiar-featured girl, without knowing too much at the same time.
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mayaxirvine-blog · 6 years
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When the reply aired, Emma listened intently; she knew nothing of the others story or why such a response was illicit, but she was naturally sympathetic (and empathetic) in her nature. Thus, she was happy to do anything in her power to improve the woman’s mood, flashing a smile as she stepped easily into a conversational and open aura – emitting as much of that as she could. “Well, green tea and a walk it is. Do you like hot or iced tea? I feel like green’s way better iced, and we can get it to-go so this little nuisance doesn’t get too antsy,” Emma offered whilst gesturing with her leash-wrapped hand. “How do you feel about dogs? Because you may just be surrounded by them if Yankee paves the way.”
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                 Maya thinned her eyes a little as she watched the woman, initially thinking she probably had an agenda, because no stranger was this nice just to be nice. Of course, there were exceptions, and there wasn’t anything in the woman’s face that suggested she was being insincere, nor in her lilt or the way she carried herself, which made Maya feel a little bit better. “This time a year I like it iced better, and you’re right about the green tea thing, I guess.” She had never thought about it before, but it was true, green tea was better cold. She smiled down at the dog, clearly a bigger fan of four-legged creatures than the two-legged ones in general, even if the brunette seemed to be of the nicer kind. “I love dogs, so I’m cool with that.”
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mayaxirvine-blog · 6 years
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Jamie Chung
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mayaxirvine-blog · 6 years
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On one hand, Gray knew he needed to pay better attention to his surroundings. If he was wandering the streets, he was often found with sunglasses perched on his nose to cover up the fact that his gaze was decidedly cast upward toward the sky instead of in front of him like it generally should have been. On the other hand, he was perfectly fine relying on the better people of the world and their natural instincts to not run into someone. Like now. His eyes cast down, he barely missed running into the person ploughing for him. Stopping in his tracks, his arms raised and eyebrows shot heavenward. “Mm, could’ve done some real damage here if you ran into me. We both could have died, definite close call,” he drawled slowly, his lips pursing. He was joking. He knew he was joking, but knew that to the human eye, or ear, that his words were probably more harsh than anything. His brows shot up at her next phrase though, a slow-rising smirk working its way onto his lips. “Why yes, I do. There’s a little bar not too far from here. Drink. I know the manager, can get you in a good word for him to open early…” he trailed off, thinking he was being smart before he decided he hated himself for speaking of himself in the third person and shook his head. “I take that back. I’m the manager, I open whenever I feel like. And perhaps I will feel like it if you inform me what’s driven you to day drinking. I’ve heard it all, so lay it on me.”
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                       Even though she wasn’t really in the mood to joke around, Maya mustered enough energy to offer up something that was at least akin to a witty reply. “Would’ve been a quick and painless death,” she said and curled her lips into a strained smile, hoping it wasn’t too obviously forced. She certainly had nothing against the guy — not yet at least, but handling her own emotions had always been a bit of an unpredictable ride for her, and she often reacted outwardly in not exactly the healthiest ways. It didn’t seem to matter much in this exact case though, the dry undertones to her own humour met by the same flatness of his when he had suggested a deadly collide was only just avoided. When he answered her question about alcohol though, there was something else in his voice and her eyes narrowed with offhand confusion and intrigue, both equally as present as the other. It wasn’t until he clarified who exactly the manager was that he’d reeled her in though, and she softened slightly— just a little. “Get me in the chair, show me the alcohol and I promise I’ll tell you why,” she said, countering his offer with one of her own. “I don’t think I can manage relaying it for anyone without at least one drink in my system, you know?”
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mayaxirvine-blog · 6 years
               Death was painful for the ones left behind, but even more so when the explanation didn’t make sense… When he looked down at Maya, he felt the remnant ache that belonged to Daniel, once a bright content friend who had been added to another suicide statistic. They had talked about it long and hard years ago, how it seemed so out of character for a man with seemingly everything in place — Everyone had their demons, but how did the woman closest to him not even see a sign? There were too many other possibilities, but too few opportunities to challenge the decision and here they were years later, still fighting. Except this time, Parker was fully there… No half-in or half-out, dedicated to the cause after his own sister’s death triggered something dangerous within him. Maya was a mastermind and leader, he was merely a pawn in their movement but it felt better than sitting back and doing nothing. After all, he needed as much help as he could get. “Good to know people don’t change around here—-” He mumbled, putting a hand between her shoulder blades to guide her out and away from them. “Would’ve thought something gave, but once an asshole, always an asshole…” The man mumbled as he pushed the door open and stepped outside, sacrificing his coffee in the hopes of something even better. “You been to the bar down the street?” Parker asked, letting his arm fall to his side as he turned down one of the alleyways, “They start serving at midday.” Which is where he was headed, except through the narrow paths that pierced between apartment blocks in an effort to avoid her family, “How’ve you been? I skipped the last few meetings—-”
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                    Just like Maya’s parents were ashamed of what she had become, she was ashamed of what they were — what she had come from, the divide between neighbourhoods too big and the disconnect from rich to poor laughable and untimely. In a world where everyone supposedly wore a social justice badge with honour, something was still very wrong in Lanford, and though nothing had been uncovered, it wouldn’t surprise her to find corruption among those highest up, and just plain arrogance. Why else would someone neglect a case like Amber’s? How come someone could disrespect a death of that significance so blatantly? Why? Maya asked herself this every day since the news hit, and she could only imagine how much space that question took up on Parker’s mind, and that was why she wouldn’t once veer off the path until she and the rest of the N.E.T had helped him get answers. On a personal level, it mattered to her deeply— despite their differences, Parker had been there for her after Daniel died, helping her stay sane when she could’ve so easily falling in. 
                  “It’s shocking, isn’t it?” She glared back at the cafe where she knew her brother and dad was waiting for her now, her teeth meeting in a hard set before Parker guided her away, his timing impeccable. “Nothing ever changes around here — especially not the assholes.” It was an afterthought, mumbled between stubborn lips, but if anyone understood the frustration that came with the truth in her words, it had to be Parker. North End had always, always gotten the short end of the stick no matter what politician spearheaded campaigns with loaded promises of reviving the North End, of shovelling money into it to make it prosper again. Bullshit. When he asked about the bar, she shook her head and looked in the direction they where headed, “I don’t think so,” she said, “but one time has to be the first, and today is a good day for that.” Following him through an alley way, she glanced over her shoulder and watched Westbrook shrink behind her before she looked back at Parker again, feeling a tad more at ease now that her dad and brother was far out of sight. “You know,” she shrugged, “Same old stuff, not much new.” She was bad at talking about herself — it always took a couple of tries even with people she trusted. “What about you? Everything okay?” She asked and searched his profile, downplaying whatever worry that seemed to always exist in the back of her mind now when it came to Parker.
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mayaxirvine-blog · 6 years
“Most things beat forties from a convenience store. It’s a pretty low standard,” Erin replied. If anyone knew how low mini mart liquor could take a person, it was Erin. She wasn’t one to judge. “European backpackers? I didn’t think many of them came here. So maybe. But hipsters? I don’t think so. Hipsters don’t really go to the beach, right? At least not in the summer when it’s hot out. That would be too mainstream,” Erin mused, a twinge of sarcasm noticeable beneath her smile. “Although, there will probably be people taking selfies for Instagram and that kind of shit.” She sighed, the idea of people consumed by social media one she tried to ignore.
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                 “It is. And I guess there’s nothing wrong with low standards, but I was looking for something... stronger. I don’t think there’s enough forties in the world right now to help me,” she joked flatly, a hint of a smile pressing at her lips though, for good measure. “Really? I figured they’d be all over a place like this by now, but I guess not. Eventually they’ll come though, I’m sure.” Maya shrugged because she didn’t actually care about European backpackers as long as they left her alone. “You’ve got a point about the hipsters, though I really wouldn’t have known. I guess it’s worth checking out the beach then — if I’m lucky, I’ll manage to steer clear of any selfie taking people. I don’t really wanna end up in the background of one of those honestly...”
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mayaxirvine-blog · 6 years
              Sierra laughed and hushed her voice, nodding to a cabinet that seemingly only had glasses inside, “Keep it on the hush but for a few customers—-” The brunette smirked and looked back to the floor, “There’s a bottle of whiskey in there. When it gets busy too, they might put a drop in to get through the shift…” They had been caught multiple times, but seeming as they weren’t selling it there was no need for a license. “We don’t qualify though, sorry.” She shrugged and took a sip of her coffee, stepping outside with a small smile. “Well, don’t be shocked if you meet a lot of them. The job is stressful…” Though apparently she knew that and Sierra looked over to her, “Around here?” Her last few years on the job had been spent in Lanford, unwillingly and begrudgingly but thankfully it spurred her on to leave. “I’m happy to come, but I won’t be drinking. Got a little girl at home, not sure I’ll be much use to her if I’m drunk.” She made a habit of not drinking during that day, at least not anymore. A few years ago a few mimosas or a cocktail at lunch was standard, but nowadays she preferred to have a clear mind during the day. With Mia and her new job, it was too risky to entertain the idea. “Sierra, by the way…” Had they already met? A flash of familiarity lit up behind her eyes, but the brunette was terrible at recognition. 
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                   “No way?” She lowered her gaze and pushed up her brows in subtle interest, clearly intrigued and a little surprised to hear this well kept secret about The Beanery. Maybe staying on the baristas good side was well worth it if it meant her coffee came out Irish every now and then. “I can’t blame them though — that afternoon rush in insane, and people are so obnoxious,” she said and rolled her eyes. Maya clearly had never been fit for a service minded job herself, even if she had gone through a bunch of them in her younger days. When the other woman mentioned the job of a cop being stressful, Maya could only agree, remembering all too clearly her days as one in the city. Being a detective had almost been less stressful, at least at times, if she were being honest. The fact that some cops were driven to drink, well? It made sense to her unfortunately, and it wasn’t like she was much better herself, seeking out one before noon. “You know what,” Maya said, her voice sounding a little more decisive than earlier, less irritated too — by far, “I’ll skip the drink, but I’ll still take the company. Where were you headed?” She asked. It was unusual for Maya to seek out company, but there was something about the brunette. Something familiar in a way, even if she still wasn’t sure if they’d ever met before. “Sierra?” Her brows pinched for a moment, names shifting inside her head until Moore stuck. “Yeah, I remember you... I’m Maya. We went to school together for a little while, I think.”
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mayaxirvine-blog · 6 years
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It wasn’t the question that Rhys expected to get faced with upon crossing the street, but there it was, especially not when said person asking it had almost walked straight into him. For a moment his brows knitted together and it took him several moments to register exactly what she had said. No, definitely not expecting that today. Still, he had an answer for her all the same, even if it had surprised him a little. “Restaurant?” he suggested with a light shrug of his shoulders. “Surly you can order something there… At least, I’ve always ordered more alcohol than food when I end up in one at this time of day.” Probably not the best thing to admit.
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                   “Huh,” Maya said and stepped back a little further, brows pinching in that unruly way that spoke of light confusion and a bit of interest. Didn’t she know this guy? She thought back on the many mug shots she’d seen throughout the years, the witnesses whose statements she’d taken and assigned co-workers, but none of them was a match. “Yeah, a restaurant,” she said instead, still trying to uncover where she knew the guy from. “That’s a good idea, I should do that— I could eat anyway.” Come to think of it, she hadn’t eaten anything since last night. “What’s your name?” She asked flatly, seemingly not interested in the drink anymore. Not until she’d uncovered this mystery at least.
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mayaxirvine-blog · 6 years
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Angel folded his arms, eyeing the woman as she offered him an alternative to the assessment he’d given. His lips curved slightly at the corner, uncertain if she was being truthful or playing with him. Either way, she seemed keen on remaining in his company for a little longer and he wasn’t going to argue. “What kind of dumbass would cheat on you? Finest soccer mom I ever seen,” he grinned, presuming the brunette was aware of her physical appeal already. “I’m pretty sure the best way to tick off your husband then is to hang with another dude.” He suggested. “A dude with tattoos ..and a motorcycle if you could find one.”
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                 “Only the really stupid kind,” Maya said with the hint of a devious grin on her lips. As far as she knew, she’d never been cheated on, and that was definitely for the better— not that she had cared enough about recent flings to have invested herself enough to actually get mad if they happened to see someone else too. Commitment weren’t exactly on the horizon for her as of right now. “A dude with tattoos, huh? Well, how convenient,” She snorted, a chuckle leaving her lips either way. “As for motorcycles, I have one already. But if you’re the guy with the tattoos, how about you show me to the nearest bar and buy me a drink?”
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mayaxirvine-blog · 6 years
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                 “Well, it’s a nice town you’ve got here,” She said and smiled, feeling unusually giddy to find a familiar face in Lanford. She had moved here for the sake of strangers, her dad being one of them, and she supposed his family was the rest of them— and out of them all… well, only her dad seemed to welcome the mere idea of her.
Having someone else around who wouldn’t look at her suspiciously or assume she was some sort of curse was a relief, even if it had been a while since her and Maya had caught up. 
“Are you sure?” She asked, blinking a few times before she inevitably followed anyway, too curious to miss out on a chance to sneak into the more exclusive part of town— the part she would’ve probably been kicked out of if she’d gone there on her own.
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              “I’ve seen nicer,” she said and pushed a chuckle as if she was just joking, when in fact she wasn’t. Her history with Lanford was long and complicated, and Maya wondered at least twice a week why she came back in the first place, and lastly, why she stayed. At the end of the day though, her ties to North End were too strong, and she still felt tethered to Daniel’s family. “But I guess it’s not the worst place in the world to live either.” That was true, she knew that even in her warped anti-Lanford mind, or anti-Kingsgate mind that is. “Yeah,” she said, “I wouldn’t have offered if I weren’t sure, and I guess for you... it’s hard to say no anyway.” She smiled sincerely at her old friend over her shoulder and continued up towards the road, Kingsgate Island bound.
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mayaxirvine-blog · 6 years
                    Her utterance regarding the stance of the situation showed the complete opposite. ‘It’s fine’, was indeed, not fine, and felt partial dejection. Anyone wanting a drink during the day though had to have had something decimate their morning, unattached from any strangers that may bump into them later on. She was still here talking to him so there was something, and so he managed, or more accurately, accidentally roused a small laugh from her with the suggestion. His smile widened, slow but resolute in response, head beginning to give a few nods as his jaw cocked to one side and he glanced over her head, “I mean,” The blonde began, “Worse comes to worse you can go to the liquor store,” He ‘corrected’, a small, on-the-end-of-a-breath laugh leaving him in a wisp, “I’d say most places start servin’ at around five or so… You just gotta kill an hour–”
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                   He was cute. Had that wholesome thing going for him that probably had women of all ages falling at his feet, from adolescents to grandmothers — it definitely worked for him somehow, maybe most of all because it felt genuine much to Maya’s surprise. “I could and I think I might just do that,” she answered and tagged on a sigh at the end of the sentence, no real weight to her words though, even though she was far from above going to the liquor store any time of the day. “I should probably do something more productive though, right? What would you suggest?” She asked, curious to hear his answer. “I bet you’re the type who goes to the gym to kill an hour or two, or goes running, am I right?”
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mayaxirvine-blog · 6 years
At the complete transparency, a goofy grin lit up Dexter’s features; it was as if his eyes sparkled with the amusement as he breathed an airy laughter. “Yeah, yep. Absolutely.” Settling back down into his customer service ruse – which wasn’t entirely out of character for his typical demeanour, considered one of the nicest boys in town for a reason – Dexter then rocked on his feet, talkative but expression calm. “Ten bucks for a dozen, but I could probably get them lower if you really want. At this point, I’m down to do whatever you want, because you’d be my ticket to finishing early.”
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                  “Thought so,” Maya said and crossed her arms with a hint of smugness, harmless though and mostly overshadowed by amusement. She couldn’t blame him for wanting to finish up early if possible — especially not when he probably had that age where work was mostly fulfilling because it meant a surplus on a bank account. “Ten bucks is fine, I’m not looking to rip you off or anything. Do I pay you, or do we go inside?” She asked and looked through the glass to the inside of the cupcake store, colourful and inviting. Every kid in town probably begged their parents to go there on weekends.
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