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mayalamayamusic · 2 years ago
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We slipped up and had the last one scheduled during the holiday weekend and @craighandley was awesome enough to come back and do it again so you guys can still come! Craig has 30 years of marketing experience and he’s recently put his experience into a TEDTALK entitled “why networking is better than sex” - and he’s going to share his experiences and how he used his experiences to create relationships that are driving his success in music. We’re super excited about this workshop, so register in our bios if you’re interested! And if you can’t make it you’ll still receive the playback and resources! — view on Instagram
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mayalamayamusic · 2 years ago
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Happy Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈🦄🌈🥳 Being a part of the LGBTQIA+ community has taught me about love and family on a level that not many people experience. I’ve found the love of my life, and a group of individuals I would die for ❤️ @hrdrv is the cheat code 🙌🏽☀️🔥 come join me and my bestie @michaellopezjunior for the GAYEST COLLAB EVER tomorrow at 11am PST 😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️ #pride #gaylove #lesbianlove #myforever #mypartner #mylove #pridemonth #collab #collabsession #pridecollab #indiemusic #lgbtqiapride #lgbtqiaartist — view on Instagram
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mayalamayamusic · 2 years ago
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Ok, now that I’ve had a day to wrap my head around what the fuck just happened 😅 Here I go… Wow. Just, I have literally no words to describe just how much this means nor do I think that I can express enough how much this community means to me. Working full time on music with the support of the most genuine, real, undeniably talented group of individuals has completely changed my life. I’m beyond proud of all I’ve accomplished this year, and all that WE’VE accomplished as a community ❤️ Winning Best Collab Leader is unreal to me 😭 The Song Factory collab session is the highlight of my week every week, and the amazing musicians who show up (shout-out to @brittanyleeaccardimusic @michaelassongs @ree8006official @melaniejoy_music @hector.the.alchemist for never missing a session 🥹🙏🏽❤️) are what make the sessions so special 🥹🥰 thank you to everyone who comes and brings amazing energy 🤗💥 Winning most consistent releases just makes me want to push myself harder and keep putting out the music that makes the world a better place ✨ thank you to everyone who listens to my projects, it’s crazy to me that I went from barely releasing anything to having a song out every two weeks 😱 This Is Not A Concept for best EP could not have been achieved without @carlisiokeys and @loveycruzz ❤️❤️❤️ It’s just people like @mickeyshiloh that change lives, and so I couldn’t have done it without her or my other mentors @jhnywzdm and @geohgetthatwrk 🙏🏽❤️ they are who pushed me and paved the way, making an environment full of inspiration and the ability to thrive 🌟 If you made it this far, thank you. Thank you thank you thank you and congratulations to every single winner and nominee, we are about to completely take over this industry and I couldn’t be more honored and grateful to do that with all of you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 3 WINS MAMA I DID IT 😭😭🥰🥰🥰 #feelinglikeastar #unreal #gohrdrv #hrdrvartist #winner #bestcollableader #bestep #mostconsistentreleases #drvawards #awardwinningartist #awardwinner #heylookmaimadeit #grateful #moretocome — view on Instagram
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mayalamayamusic · 2 years ago
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She’d be really proud of me 🥰🌟❤️ #throwbackthursday #bringingitback #lookatme #iwasalwaysthiscute #sogladidonthavebangsanymore #summervibes — view on Instagram
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mayalamayamusic · 2 years ago
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Lil bro time is the best time ❤️ So proud that I get to take over the music industry with my right hand man, to the bops we make and barriers we break 🍻 Swipe all the way to see baby siblings 🤪🙌🏽 #family #lilbro #twopeasandtheirpod #siblinglove #brother #breakinggenerationalcurses #glowup #musicmakers #indieartists — view on Instagram
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mayalamayamusic · 2 years ago
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Exploring different ways to do what I do. Music Admin Mondays was a success with @bthatmindset 🔥 thanks to everyone who stopped by it’s been so awesome watching it grow and become something bigger than ourselves. I’m going to continue striving to better myself and the people around me by leveling up 🙌🏽🙏🏽 catch me next week you might not recognize me 😈💪🏽 #growth #better #exploration #selfimprovement #career #musicindustry #indieartist #musicproducer — view on Instagram
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mayalamayamusic · 2 years ago
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In case you ever wondered what Dora the Explorer would look like if she were a 24 year old indie artist named Maya La Maya 💁🏽‍♀️ Featuring @mickeyshiloh jacket from way back when she was selling her wardrobe 😂🙌🏽❤️ 📸 by #photoshoot #doratheexplorer #indieartist #promo #indiemusic #utah #photographer #valleyoffire — view on Instagram
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mayalamayamusic · 2 years ago
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40 MINUTES TIL THE SESSION 😍🔥🥳 Since starting Song Factory we have completed 8 sessions with a total of 27 songs 👀😍 So proud of everyone who comes through bringing their amazing talent and energy it’s always such a blast collabing with everyone ❤️ Come on thru 🔥 #hrdrv #collabsession #collab #session #music #indiemusic #gohrdrv #sessionleader — view on Instagram
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mayalamayamusic · 2 years ago
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Music Admin Mondays have been some of the most valuable 2 hours of my week, just getting in that work and laying down the foundation for success with these brilliant people who just want accountability and knowledge on how to get ‘er done!! 💪🏽🙌🏽🔥 special thanks to @bthatmindset for hosting with me, COULDNT do it without him!!! ✨ Come join us next Monday 10am-12pm PST link in my bio 🥳 #businessmindset #getthatwrk #wereonourway #gohrdrv — view on Instagram
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mayalamayamusic · 2 years ago
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Growing in my own, knowing my heart, and accepting blessings have been my goals as of late ❤️ Everyday I learn more and more that everything I wanted for myself I’m creating around me, step by step ☀️ — view on Instagram
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mayalamayamusic · 2 years ago
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It’s official, I got a Christmas song with @cousinchesthecomposer 🔥😍🙏🏽 Coming Dec 20th, a week from now! Grab the PRESAVE in my link in bio I’m so excited for you guys to hear the whole thing 🤩🥳🥰 swipe right to hear a taste 👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽 #newsingle #newsong #christmassong #originalchristmasmusic #originalsong #indieartist #collab #newcollaboration #producer #singersongwriter #somethingdifferent — view on Instagram
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mayalamayamusic · 2 years ago
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HEY YALL 😍 So High Functioning is coming out midnight tonight, grab your PRESAVE in my link in bio, and I also have an announcement for 📣 ALL MUSIC CREATIVES 📣 I have trouble allocating time for music administration, be it registering songs, pitching or just organizing releases. Now I have a BUDDY SYSTEM EVENT tomorrow called MUSIC ADMIN MONDAYS 😍🙌🏽 from 10am PST-12pm PST. RSVP in my link in bio under EVENTS 🔥 we can all do it together, help each other out, and just learn more about the music industry from each other 🥰🥳 Also a reminder to @hrdrv members sign up for my collab session coming December 9th 11:00am 🙌🏽🙏🏽💪🏽 Y’all know what to do LOVE U GUYS and thank you to everyone who checked in on me yesterday 🥹 y’all the MVPs 😘 #announcements #newmusic #indiemusic #indieartist #newsingle #buddysystem #noartistleftbehind #collabsession #collabsesh #playlistspotify — view on Instagram
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mayalamayamusic · 2 years ago
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Truly thinking about what to drop next… in the meantime jamming out to Background we almost at 10K guys 😍🔥💪🏽 #keepingoing #keepstreaming #indieartist #jammingout #happylemon — view on Instagram
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mayalamayamusic · 3 years ago
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Nothing Matters is 3 days old, that means you gotta listen to it 3 times today to get good luck 🤪 @loveycruzz have been up and down the west coast living fully and musically, I hope today y’all look at this second half of the week as an opportunity to live the life YOU want to be living (if you’re not already 😜) Everyday is an opportunity, and life isn’t a paint by number canvas. There’s no lines, limits, or colors that exist. You are in full control of how the map of your earth looks like, so go out there and GRAB IT BY THE COJONES 🤣😈🤘🏽🙌🏽🔥 And THAT is what Nothing Matters is about 🥰 Hope you take a listen, I’m beyond excited for how this song will shape the next few weeks 😍 Thank you to everybody for your support love and sincerity ❤️ the best thing you can be in this life is genuine 💯 #newsong #lifelessons #wordstoliveby #newsingle #indieartist #musiclife #musiclifestyle #westcoast #justasmalltowngirl — view on Instagram
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mayalamayamusic · 3 years ago
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Looking at the views I create myself, it’s only up from here 🙌🏽 Look out for Nothing Matters, coming this Monday the 5th with my other half @loveycruzz ♥️🥳 HRDRV released, cuz they are THE CHEAT CODE I’m beyond driven (see what I did there 🤪) and beyond pumped for all the incredible musicians I work with and all of the musicians I’m about to work with, got bops in the works with @_j.saenz @9dmbeats and @carlisiokeys and I couldn’t be more excited 😍🤘🏽🔥❤️ It’s about to get real 💯 #newsingle #newmusic #enjoyingtheview #enjoyingmylife #lifeofamusician #stayingpositive — view on Instagram
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mayalamayamusic · 3 years ago
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Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!!! Best birthday ever… I’m a week late but I couldn’t be more grateful to be with the beautiful humans (and doggos!) that are in my life ❤️ still wild with the move but my world is looking brighter everyday 🥰 Gotta get back to the swing of things music wise, but I’m enjoying the hiatus to recoup mentally and physically 💪🏽 it’s the views for me 🥳 #grateful #birthday #24 #myfamily #itsallcomingtogether — view on Instagram
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mayalamayamusic · 3 years ago
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Happy Father’s Day to my dad 🥳 He’s such a funny guy, supports me and pushes me to follow my dreams by leading by example. So lucky I have you in my corner, love you dad ❤️ #likedaughterlikefather #daddysgirl #musicalfamily #appledoesntfallfarfromthetree #lovemydad — view on Instagram
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