may17th ¡ 7 years
I️ just want you to want me
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may17th ¡ 7 years
I replay us having sex in my head 24/7
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may17th ¡ 7 years
Man fuck your pride
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may17th ¡ 7 years
To the one who hurt me,
I want nothing more to just tell you how much hatred I have for you now. I had so much love for you that I am now turning it into hatred because it’s just much easier to feel hate more than love. I hate how you made me think we were going somewhere. I hate how you knew how to talk to me. I hate how you knew I had a genuine weak spot for you. I hate how you used it to your advantage. I hate how you knew you could just come in and out of my life as you pleased. I hate how you had arguments with me because it made me think you cared. I hate how you’ve once said kind words to me. I hate that I knew you were involved with other girls and I still stayed. I hate how I’m friends with some of your friends. I hate how I’ll never forget you because I gave you what you wanted. I hate how you made me believe that there was hope. I hate how you called me baby. I hate how you talked about me to people. I hate how you’ve changed my perspective on love. I hate how you’ve made me want to graduate and move off even more just to get away from you. I hate how I think of you every single fucking day. I hate how you made me think so little of myself. I hate how you made me feel like I wasn’t enough. Mostly, I hate you for making me the girl that I said I would never become, the girl that goes back to be treated like shit every single damn time thinking it’ll change.
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may17th ¡ 7 years
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may17th ¡ 7 years
Thought I was doing okay until I heard he was doing better
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may17th ¡ 7 years
Why do we tend to go back to the person who hurt us the most for comfort
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may17th ¡ 7 years
how do you uncare for someone that you’ve cared about for so long?
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may17th ¡ 10 years
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This movie was my childhood reblog if it was yours too
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may17th ¡ 10 years
every single day
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may17th ¡ 10 years
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