maxellebragonfurry · 2 years
I was playing minecraft, and I was on a server with like, 3 other people. We made homes very close to this village we enslaved inaide a wall (you know, as you do)
We each had our own sugarcane farms. Some ran on bonemeal, some didn't. We would tirn the sugarcane into peper, and trade it with the villagers to ger boatloads of emeralds. You know. As you do.
For those of you don't know, villagers lower their prices if you consistently sell them stuff and raise their prices if you aren't kat least on bedrock).
The problem is that we were always compeating for eachother to get the emeralds. Each day, we would only be able to snag a few emerlds, if any, for our chests of paper, as the price rose to a stack of paper per emerald. We had to spend significant times growing our sugarcane farms.
It got to the point where we would threaten to burn the whole village down if someone "Hogs all the villager trades" So, I came up with an idea; I got everyone together everome together, and we all agreed to only sell them when rhey were at their minimum price. It took a couple days for the prices to drop, but when it did, it was like heaven.
While we didn't increase our revenue, we didn't have to harvest nearly as much paper.
Only now did I realize that I was creating an oligopolistic trust and particupating in uncompetitive behavior.
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maxellebragonfurry · 2 years
I was playing minecraft, and I was on a server with like, 3 other people. We made homes very close to this village we enslaved inaide a wall (you know, as you do)
We each had our own sugarcane farms. Some ran on bonemeal, some didn't. We would tirn the sugarcane into peper, and trade it with the villagers to ger boatloads of emeralds. You know. As you do.
For those of you don't know, villagers lower their prices if you consistently sell them stuff and raise their prices if you aren't kat least on bedrock).
The problem is that we were always compeating for eachother to get the emeralds. Each day, we would only be able to snag a few emerlds, if any, for our chests of paper, as the price rose to a stack of paper per emerald. We had to spend significant times growing our sugarcane farms.
It got to the point where we would threaten to burn the whole village down if someone "Hogs all the villager trades" So, I came up with an idea; I got everyone together everome together, and we all agreed to only sell them when rhey were at their minimum price. It took a couple days for the prices to drop, but when it did, it was like heaven.
While we didn't increase our revenue, we didn't have to harvest nearly as much paper.
Only now did I realize that I was creating an oligopolistic trust and particupating in uncompetitive behavior.
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maxellebragonfurry · 2 years
I found this weird cassette at my grandparents house. To my radical cousins; my positively tubular condolence.
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Jesus skating his way into their heart is likely the only way they can be saved.
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maxellebragonfurry · 2 years
Tis i.
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