141 posts
sideblog for top gun related stuff because the gay pilots from the military propaganda movie are living in my head rent free
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maverices · 13 days ago
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maverices · 15 days ago
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maverices · 21 days ago
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TOP GUN Tom "Iceman" Kazansky | 1986
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maverices · 27 days ago
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SR-71 Blackbird - I’ve been wanting to draw this one for months!
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maverices · 27 days ago
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SR-71 Blackbird - I’ve been wanting to draw this one for months!
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maverices · 1 month ago
sub-specialty: epic badass
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maverices · 1 month ago
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Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw appreciation post! ❤️
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maverices · 1 month ago
To Just Know
hangster, fluff + crack + humor | lighthearted fic that i'm finally throwing out from my wips!
“Who’s Babygirl?” Rooster looks up from where he’s been trying and failing to sink a solid place. “Hm?” Coyote picks up Rooster’s phone from where it’s sitting at the edge of the pool table, buzzing incessantly. “Your notifications are going crazy, Bradshaw. Seven texts from Babygirl and still coming in.” “Oh,” Bradley props the cue stick by his hip, pulling at his mustache. “Y’know.” read more on AO3
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maverices · 1 month ago
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the unsent project—icemav
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maverices · 1 month ago
Iceman doesn't get a pep talk from an instructor, because Ice is fine. He's ice-cold, no mistakes (one mistake, now), so he simply works harder, flies better, until his maneuvers could be traced straight into a textbook.
who gave ice a pep talk? mav got one from viper? who gave ice one, who shook ice’s shoulder and said, “you’re alright kid. you’ve got this.”
he knows he’s going to win the trophy, even before the … accident , he was ahead of mav. it doesn’t do anything to comfort him to lighten the weight for he guild as he holds the plaque aloft. its heavy in his hands and he’s not sure if he’s strong enough to hold it up.
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maverices · 1 month ago
New favorite Mav pic just dropped
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maverices · 1 month ago
Maverick, now promoted to Admiral: Hey guys, I got takeout, so we can get down and pig out
The Daggers: ADMIRAL!?!?
Mav, whirling around *wide eyed*: WHERE?!???
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maverices · 1 month ago
post-TG AU, in which Mav gets re-assigned to another squadron after his own is dissolved, and is greeted by a familiar face. set a couple of years after the movie. (wordcount: ~1k)
„Commander Kazansky, I believe you know Lieutenant Commander Mitchell? He’s been assigned to fill the spot in your squadron.“
Wait, what?
„Yes, thank you, Captain.“ If Iceman is surprised to see him, he doesn’t let it show on his face. Maverick isn’t too sure what his own is doing, in part because he has no idea what he’s feeling.
He controls his face, takes the offered hand and squeezes it, briefly.
The captain glances between them, looking for god-knows-what, and then nods. „I’ll leave you to it.“
They both stand to attention until he’s left the room.
„So,“ Mav drawls, turning to face Ice, „who am I replacing?“
„Our CO was injured and had to take an extended medical leave. The position has been filled, but we’re still a pilot short.“
„And by the position being filled you mean…“
„I am the commanding officer of the VFA-25.“
„So you’re like, a Commander-commander now.“ Ice’s blank expression is definitely straining now, and Maverick really needs to move on from this.
„Is this going to be a problem? I can ask for you to be re-assigned, if that’s what you want.“
„And leave me with yet another mark on my record? No, thank you.“
„There are ways to do this that wouldn’t reflect badly on either of us.“
„I’ll manage. Sir.“
Ice doesn’t bare his teeth at him the way he used to, but Mav is still intimately familiar with the way frustration looks on his face.
„Look, Mav. I didn’t request for you to be here, but I am glad that you are. I would love to fly with you again, and that’s why I need to know that we’re on the same page here.“
„And what page would that be?“
„You are my friend, Mav, and my wingman. I trust you, with my life.“ He draws a deep breath, clenching his fist around the backrest of his chair, a concession to his emotions Mav has never seen him make. (Only heard, guessed at, in an empty locker room back at Miramar.) „But as of today, you are also my direct subordinate. I need you to separate Ice, your friend, from Commander Kazansky, your CO.“
„You give this speech to everyone in your squadron?“
„So you trust them to keep things professional, but not me? Jesus Christ, Ice, I’ve been in the Navy as long as you. I clawed my way up from the Reserve to become one of the best aviators the Navy has, and I can guarantee you, while my sheer talent and my irrestible charm has opened me a lot of doors, they would have closed just as quickly if I didn’t learn the importance of keeping my mouth shut, occasionally. I know how this works.“
Under any other circumstances, Mav would tease the hell out of Ice for his stunned expression. In contrast to his usual aloof arrogance, he’s doing the Iceman-equivalent of staring at Mav with his jaw on the floor.
Ice rubs a hand over his face, and sinks into his chair.
„I know,“ he mumbles. „I know that. I didn’t mean to come at you like this, it’s just-- it’s not you, it’s me.“
Ice grimaces the second he says it, and Mav starts laughing despite the tension in the air.
„Real original, Kazansky. Got any more where that came from, or are you going to tell me what’s really going on here?“
Ice hesitates, so Mav adds with a conspiratioral smirk, „Y’know, just as a friend telling a friend his troubles.“
„Did you know I’m the second-youngest officer in the squadron? Third-youngest, now that you’re here. I’ve only served as XO for three months. Commander Rowles was training me up to replace him, eventually, but that was not going to be for another few years.“
„You think you’re not qualified for the job?“
„What? No, of course I’m qualified.“
Mav can’t help the snort that escapes him, and immediately shrinks under Ice’s glare.
„You disgreeing, Mitchell?“
„No, no, not at all, it’s just-- I forgot how fucking arrogant you can be.“
„It’s not arrogance if--
„If you’ve got the skill to back it up, yes, I’m aware, it’s basically my life motto. So if you’re qualified, and you presumably want the job, what’s got your panties in a twist? Not to inflate your ego even more than it already is, but you’re a natural leader. Most of our class fell in line behind you after day one, and let me tell you, that’s not how it usually works.“
At least that’s what Viper told him when after the first week of training the class had been clearly split into three groups who were constantly antagonizing each other. Apparently, theirs was the only group in years that hadn’t needed any more than the initial speech about teamwork to cooperate in any combination. Well, almost any combination.
„Except for you.“
„Except for me, but I respected you, even if your by-the-book flying annoyed the hell out of me. Honestly never thought it possible to be as good as you are without stretching the rules a little.“
„And yet, orthodox flying wouldn’t have gotten me or anyone else out of a confrontation with five MiGs alive.“
Mav blinks, once. „Careful, Kazansky, that almost sounded like a concession to my superior skills.“
„Imagination has always been your greatest strength.“
Tone, lock, hit. Mav cracks up, bending over from the force of his laughter, before collapsing into the visitor’s chair. Ice’s face is doing something strange, caught half-way between amusement and something far, far softer that Maverick carefully catalogues, but doesn’t point out.
„You’re still dodging my question. You’re qualified, you’re a good leader, if a little young. So what?“
Ice sighs. „I need them to respect me. Not just as a fellow aviator, but as their CO.“
Mav frowns. „Do they not? I’m sure your CO wouldn’t have picked you as a XO if they didn’t.“
„They do.“
„So, what? Come on, Ice, just spit it out.“
„How can I demand respect and subordination from aviators older and more experienced than me, if I can’t earn it from my peers and juniors?“
„To be entirely clear, am I your peer or your junior in this scenario?“
„Because depending on the answer I might take you up on that re-assignment offer.“
„I’m kidding. What do you need from me?“
„I need you to pay me the same respect you would any other commanding officer.“
„Done. Although I’d like to point out that I’m not exactly known for my polite and respectful conduct.“
Ice pinches the bridge of his nose. Mav is getting more expressions out of him in this conversation than he’d seen in the weeks they spent getting on each other’s nerves at Miramar.
„I’m aware. That’s why we’re having this conversation in the first place. Just-- I don’t know, reign it in a little? At least for the first few weeks, especially around the rookie. I don’t want him to get any wrong impressions about me.“
„What, that you’re not just ‚ice-cold, no mistakes‘?“
„Ideally, yes.“
„Why?“ Mav wishes he could take the question back the second it’s out of his mouth. He’ll need to work on his impulse control, if he doesn’t want Ice to kick him off the squad within 48 hours.
Ice looks just as taken aback, so Mav starts back-pedalling.
„Nevermind. Forget I asked.“ There could be any number of reasons for Ice being the way he is, and none of them are Mav’s business.
He rises out of his chair and salutes. „Commander.“
Thankfully, Ice gets the message, and stands up.
„My XO is expecting you in the mess hall. He will show you around, introduce you to the squad, and answer any additional questions. Report in for the briefing on your first hop at 0700 tomorrow.“
„Yes, sir.“
„I look forward to flying with you, Commander. Dismissed.“
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maverices · 1 month ago
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A love you don’t find every day 💙 🌅
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maverices · 1 month ago
Ice and Mav get together shortly after the events of the first film, teaching together at Top Gun and then going home together. They're insanely, crazily, never-getting-over-this in love with each other.
But always in the back of Mav's mind is Ice's ambition for his career, knows those shoulders should bear stars, and that being tied to Mav, or worse, anyone finding out about them, hell even gossiping, will turn Mav from albatross to anchor and Ice would be lucky to stay in the Navy at all, let alone advance and climb the ladder the way he wants, the way he deserves.
The way, in Mav's opinion, the Navy needs.
So, despite it tearing his heart from his chest, despite it nearly killing him, he breaks up with Ice, leaving behind the man he loves and the secret vows they whispered to each other when nobody else could hear.
Time passes. Deployments come and go. Suicide missions are survived. Orders are generally followed.
And Ice advances, promotion after promotion filling his file, the man becoming a part of the Brass as though born to it, a natural leader, a man those under his command want to follow, want to impress, want to emulate.
Nobody has ever met Kazansky's wife but he's worn a wedding ring for years, decades even, but he always attends events alone. His staff begin to wonder if he's a widower but they sure as shit aren't asking about it. Fair he might be, but the Admiral is also firm about one rule: personal life is private.
Nor do they ask about why he always steps in for a Captain Mitchell, winkling him out of whatever trouble he'd gotten himself into this time, the man a menace as much as a hero.
They chalk it up to the mural that graces the halls of every command that the Admiral has ever led, the Layton Rescue, a feat so heroic it's whispered about in the halls even to this day.
But never is it mentioned to the Admiral.
Not until The Mission.
Not until said Captain ends up on their doorstep, not until he walks into the Admiral's office like he belongs there despite his lack of appointment. Not until ice's aide, scurrying after the man, the myth, the menace, almost crashed into the Captain's back at how he stops short in the doorway.
The aide's blustering attempt to apologize to the Admiral stop short as he hears the Captain speak, the man gaping at the ring that encircles the Admiral's finger and asks "you still wear it? You kept my ring?"
When the aide tries to recount the story later to an agog staff meeting, he can't for the life of him capture the depth and rawness of emotion in the Admiral's voice, the distraught yet fond expression on his face as he spoke.
"I kept everything."
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maverices · 3 months ago
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"You up for this one, Maverick?"
[Click for better quality, reblogs and tags appreciated]
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maverices · 3 months ago
i'm going to start tagging the reblogs of the TG:M post with "discourse tag" so block that tag if you don't want to see them
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