arthur morgans scarf
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mainly canon x oc stuff (especially arthur x maven LMFAO)
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mavenhavenn · 2 months ago
good evening, everynyan.
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mavenhavenn · 3 months ago
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mavenhavenn · 3 months ago
kinda forgot tumblr existed for a second I'll ramble soon maybe
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mavenhavenn · 4 months ago
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i’m so bored 😭
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mavenhavenn · 4 months ago
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i put arthven into my friends DS now I have to pray that they fall in love and get married
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mavenhavenn · 4 months ago
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modern au arthven cuz why not maven would be a popular rock/metal star, idk what arthur would be but from what I've seen he could like.. work on cars while doing art college and stuff... giggles
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mavenhavenn · 4 months ago
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i present to you my blind kieran AU where he lost his eyes when he got kidnapped and interrogated by the o'driscolls but he got rescued...
i have a bunch of notes about it i put under the cut.
ive had fun researching disability history and also how each disabled person finds their own solutions and methods.
white canes weren't properly invented until the 1920s but he would pretty quickly start using a cane and likes finding good sticks (+ different sizes for different things).
he already couldn't read when he was sighted so not much changes there but mary beth would learn about braille and teach him i feel like she would be into it shes nerdy.
the gang seems to hold an attitude of acceptance for societal outcasts and find ways of survival in harsh circumstances so he would be in good company i think.
being blind doesn't impair his fishing that much because fishing doesn't rely on sight and hes got a little bell on the rod (sighted fishermen use this too).
HORSE: he can still ride and care for horses. it's so cool seeing all the stuff blind equestrians do. horse is a lot of tactile and smells and stuff and it's more about bond than anything. Bro's best friend is his horse i think branwen would be a great companion for outings.
despite a glass eye making a slightly plot-relevant appearance in rdr1 kieran wouldn't bother with one. these days prosthetic eyes are made of acrylic and are much more comfortable but in his era they were delicate and uncomfortable. i imagine arthur looting a glass eye off a body and giving it to kieran, asking him how it feels, and kieran's like "it feels like i have a rock in my face." and he never wears it again lol.
reblogs are greatly appreciated :)
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mavenhavenn · 4 months ago
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i had a son
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mavenhavenn · 4 months ago
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mavenhavenn · 4 months ago
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would dutch eat hosea cookie
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mavenhavenn · 4 months ago
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mavenhavenn · 4 months ago
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mavenhavenn · 4 months ago
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Ao no Exorcist | Blue Exorcist, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Yuri Egin/Fujimoto Shirou, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter Characters: Harry Potter, Yuri Egin, Fujimoto Shirou, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Lewin Light, Osceola Redarm, Lucy Yang (Ao no Exorcist), Arthur Auguste Angel Additional Tags: will add more characters as I write, Crossover, idk how to do tags this is my first time, Plot, Slow Burn, Prequel Series: Part 1 of Blue Exorcist x Harry Potter Crossover Summary:
Two Different worlds, completely seperate from one another but soon to be destined to intertwine once a young wizard was given the ability to see into the other world. She has to find out everything she can of this new world for the sake of her sanity, before she meets her timely demise.
This isnt RDR related, but this was a fic that I made in my last fandom (I’m still in it tho LMFAO) I’m gonna update it and promote it here for those aoex fans like mes <3
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mavenhavenn · 4 months ago
trying to find male reader fics with arthur is so hard on ao3 like most of them are smut I DONT WANT SMUT I WANT THE PLOT PLEASEEEE somepne give me good arthur x male reader stuf pls...
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mavenhavenn · 5 months ago
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i love arthven they make me go "whats cracka-lackin!"
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mavenhavenn · 5 months ago
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Did this a while ago when i was trying to learn oil painting with a screenshot as reference.
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mavenhavenn · 5 months ago
synopsis: charles makes sure you're getting on okay as you continue to try to evade arthur (poorly, might i add).
word count: 3k
ships: Arthur Morgan/Modern!Reader, Van der Linde Gang & Reader
notes: i almost leaked this to my classmate when sending her a link. nearly shat myself but we're all good this is all still under wraps
TOSoA taglist: @one-green-frog (if you'd like to be added to the taglist, just ask <3!!)
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Charles was right. Even though you want to help, there’s really nothing to do besides hunt – and the good Lord knows you’re useless when it comes to that.
For the last day or so, you’ve just been hanging around the garage-made-kitchen. Even though Javier told you you weren’t intruding (and that “everyone needs shelter”), you feel like you are. It’s not a good feeling. So you stayed outside, in the company of a man who introduced himself as Simon Pearson and the camp cook, Charles, and occasionally Javier when he found the time to swing by. 
A fair few people have introduced themselves as well – Hosea Matthews, Bill Williamson, Lenny Summers, Miss Karen Jones, Miss Tilly Jackson, Miss Mary-Beth Gaskill, and little Jack alongside his mother, Miss Abigail Roberts. Those who didn’t directly introduce themselves to you were pointed out by Karen and you were given a run-down on them.
So far, these are the people as you know them: Missus Sadie Adler is a grieving, skittish widow. Uncle is a lazy sack of shit. John Marston is better at being wolf food than being a father. Miss Susan Grimshaw is stubborn (but caring – somewhat like how neighborhood mamas care). Miss Molly O’Shea has a stick so far up her ass she spits splinters when she talks. The man tied up in the barn, Kieran Duffy, is an O’Driscoll (or ex-O’Driscoll, if what he insists is true is really true). Oh – and the blond man that punched Bill? That’s Micah Bell: a man with the eye of a viper tasting the air and the nose of a shark waiting for blood in the water. From what you’ve deduced, his general vibe is “I would take sexual relationship advice from Bill Cosby if given the chance.”
All in all, a healthily diverse group of people – even if the traits that make them diverse aren’t all that desirable. (Mostly Micah’s. Especially Micah’s.)
But Charles is nice enough. So you’ve stuck with Charles. Even if you need to hang around Pearson to hang out with him. Pearson isn’t an intrinsically bad guy, just… a little off-putting.
Right now, you’re able to put your hands to use by opening canned vegetables and putting them in the cauldron-looking pot Pearson has for rabbit stew. Across the table, Charles is butchering and deboning a rabbit as best he can with his injured hand. You try your best to keep your eyes on the cans of carrots and celery you’re opening. 
There’s footsteps. You glance up. It’s Arthur. You look back down. 
“I can’t believe it’s come to this,” Pearson gripes to no one in particular. 
You watch Arthur approach the fire and he holds his hands out towards the coals in your peripheral vision. He shakes his head. “Ah, we’re okay.”
“We have a few cans of food and a rabbit. For, what – ten, twelve people?” Pearson gestures over to where you and Charles are working. “Even more with them and that widow.”
Despite yourself, you can feel the tips of your ears start to burn. What do you have to be embarrassed about? Needing to eat? If anything, Pearson should be the one feeling embarrassed for talking about you in front of you. Yeah… that’s it. 
Pearson continues. “When I was in the Navy…”
Arthur immediately interrupts him. “I – I do not wish to hear about what you got up to in the Navy, Mister Pearson.”
And yet, he keeps going despite Arthur’s protest. “We were stranded at sea… for fifty days.”
“And you, unfortunately, survived,” Arthur drawls. 
You glance up at him from underneath your eyelashes and smile. His eye catches yours, and your gaze drops, as does your smile. Instead, you work on getting your finger under the tab of a can of chopped onions – which is hard, considering the thickness of your gloves.
You feel Arthur’s eyes leave you and let out a soft sigh of relief that clouds in front of your face. Charles holds out his knife to you. You tip the top of the can towards him, and he wedges the (bloody – ew) blade of his knife underneath the tab and opens it. 
“Thank you,” you say quietly. You clench your jaw when you feel Arthur’s eyes on you again – yes, very briefly, but still. You can count the number of times you’ve made eye contact with him on one hand, and you don’t want to add to that total. 
Thankfully, Pearson seems ignorant to your plight and continues complaining. “When we ran away from Blackwater, I wasn’t able to get supplies in!”
“Well, when government agents are hunting you down, sometimes shopping trips need to be cut short,” Arthur snaps. “We’ll survive. We always have. And if needs be, we can eat you – you’re the fattest.”
You bite your lip to suppress a laugh and clear your throat to mask any noise you might’ve made. You pour the onions in the pot and glance at the rabbit carcass, now carved up and stripped of meat.
“Damn, there’s nothing left on that thing,” you say. “You’re good at that.”
Charles nods in response. “If you’re done, you can put it on the fire.”
You lift the pot with a grunt – it’s heavier than you expected, but nothing you can’t handle. You move over to the coals and hang the pot on a hook over the fire while Pearson and Arthur continue talking. 
“I sent Lenny and Bill hunting, and they found nothing,” Pearson says. 
“Well, Lenny’s more into book learnin’ than huntin’,” Arthur says. You perk up at that. “Bill’s a fool. Unless those mountains are full of game that wanna read, ain’t no wonder they haven’t found –”
“Enough of this,” Charles interrupts. Even though his voice is relatively quiet and deep, it still cuts through whatever Arthur was planning on prattling on about. “We’ll go find something. Come on, Arthur.”
“Well, take them.” Arthur gestures vaguely in your direction. “Since they seem so keen on helpin’ out, and all.”
“I, um…” You shake your head. “No, thanks.”
“They don’t even know how to hold a rifle correctly,” Charles says. (His bluntness stings a little, but it’s true. You know how to hold a handgun, but not these old-timey types.) “If they knew how to hunt, we would’ve gone already.”
Arthur sighs and shrugs. “If you insist.”
“Wait a second, hold on.” Pearson hurries over to the table you and Charles had been working at earlier. He pulls out a can from the small pile you had organized and tosses it to Arthur. “You’re gonna need something to eat out there.”
“Hm… “assorted, salted offal”,” Arthur reads off the label. He levels Pearson with a dead stare. “Starving would be preferable.”
You stifle a laugh and, again, clear your throat.
“Come on, let’s go,” Charles says, adjusting the bandage on his hand. 
“You can’t go huntin’,” Arthur says. “Look at your hand.”
“I can’t stay here listening to you two,” Charles says. He gestures to you without looking at you. “The conversation they make is tolerable, but, again, they can’t hunt. Look, if there’s game in those hills, I’ll find it – and you can kill it.”
“You need to rest, Charles,” Arthur insists.
“You think this is rest?” Charles’ face twists into a scowl, then he turns and walks towards his horse with a “Come along.”
Arthur scoffs under his breath and his eyes flick to you. You do your best to suppress the temptation to duck away from his gaze, as piercing as it is. You win, and he looks away, following Charles to the hitching post. They quickly mount up and ride out.
You draw your shoulders up to your ears and shudder. When Pearson shoots you a questioning glance, you excuse it with “What? It’s cold.”
When a few seconds have passed, you roll your shoulders back. You settle down on the chair that’s inside the kitchen, just watching a few late, fat snowflakes fall outside.
After a good ten minutes of watching Pearson and playing with your hands, you figure he’ll be fine on his own and wander out along the footpaths in the snow. You find who you’re looking for quickly. 
Lenny gives you a polite nod as you stand across from him, the fire on the ground separating you two. He has a rifle – the sight of which doesn’t surprise you as much as it first did – and he settles the butt of the gun in the inner corner of his elbow. 
“You’re Lenny, right?” You try. 
“Yeah. And you’re…” Lenny gives your name. You nod in response.
“I just…” You clear your throat and bat away the embarrassment and anxiety that’s creeping up on you – something that always comes with approaching strangers. “ Arthur mentioned that you like books. I, uh… I read, too. Sometimes.”
“Really?” Lenny says. “What kinda books have they got out in the Mojave?”
You look down at the fire and think, trying to come up with some excuse and build your backstory. “We don’t have a lot of books – I live in a pretty isolated part of the desert. But there’s traders, and they bring medical books, and a few storybooks. I like the medicine books they bring. You?”
Lenny seems to hesitate for a moment. “Poetry.”
“Poetry?” You hum. “Huh. Poems are nice.”
There’s a lapse in conversation. You don’t know how to fill it. You say the first thing that comes to mind. 
“Micah’s kinda a prick, right?” You blurt out. 
Your eyes snap up to Lenny’s face. He’s surprised, but his face quickly melts into a smile and he laughs. You feel the coil of anxiety in your stomach loosen. 
“Why, I didn’t expect you to come out and say it,” he says. “But your assessment is correct.”
“Yeah, sorry.” You laugh nervously, your eyes falling to the fire again. “I just get bad vibes from the guy.”
“Bad vibes?” Lenny echoes. 
The coil is tight again. You think for a moment. “Uh, yeah. One of the tribes I live with believes in, um… vibrational energy, that kinda thing. When you look at someone and you get a bad feeling without knowing them that well, they give you bad vibes.”
“Hold on,” Lenny says. “Vibrational energy?”
You nod and continue to pull things out of your ass and curse Lenny for being scholarly. “Yeah. Life… um, well. I don’t remember the explanation too well. But I remember White Bird – the Sorrows’ shaman – saying…”
You tilt your head and look to the side and think for a moment.  “He said, “All life is music – all music is rhythmic – all rhythm is life.” And that somehow relates to vibrations. I don’t know, you seem smart. Maybe you can understand what he was talking about.”
“Well, I don’t know what it means, but it sure sounds pretty,” Lenny says. 
“They’re good people,” you say. “Maybe you’d like to meet them someday – if you’re ever so far west you’re in the desert, I mean.”
Why the fuck did I say that?! You curse yourself in your head. They’re not real! The Dead Horses and the Sorrows and Joshua Graham and Daniel are all made up! They’re fictional characters –
“I don’t know, maybe,” Lenny says. “For now, it doesn’t seem like we’ll be goin’ that far.”
You hum and pretend to act disappointed while you fight the urge to crumple in on yourself in relief. “That’s a shame. I’m sure you’d like them. They’re interesting people, especially the Sorrows. Though, Joshua…”
You trail off as you check over your shoulder. Hoofbeats, you’re pretty sure. And you’re right – Arthur and Charles are riding back into camp, a dead, snow-dappled doe on the back of each horse.
“Brought some food back, boys,” Arthur calls.
They both hitch their horses at the post and hoist the limp does onto their shoulders, carrying them over to the kitchen. 
You look back at Lenny and jab a thumb over your shoulder at them. “Should we…?”
“I don’t think so,” Lenny says. “From what I seen, Arthur’s a butcher – a mean one, at that. I don’t think he’ll like it if his work’s disturbed.”
“That’s fair,” you hum. (Secretly, you want to thank Lenny profusely. You already know that Arthur’s a mean man – you don’t want to see him even meaner.)
You check over your shoulder again. From where you’re standing, you can see an old man has taken your seat in the kitchen, and you can hear Arthur giving him hell for whatever reason. What was his name again… Uncle, maybe?
Unfortunately, your staring caught Uncle’s eye. He beckons you over with a wave of his hand. You give Lenny a quiet, polite “See you later,” and head over, trudging through the thick layer of snow that’s settled on the ground.
“Yeah?” You nod at Uncle as soon as you step into the kitchen. You sidle up to the fire, warming yourself with the smoldering embers. 
“Thought it’d do Arthur some good to see the…” – Uncle waves you up-and-down – “…wonders some modernity will do you.”
“What? Modernity?” You repeat back. You tell yourself to calm down – you haven’t been found out. (Not yet.) “I’m far from modern.”
“Why, you’re perfectly modern!” Uncle says. 
“You don’t even know me.” You scoff and turn away. 
Your eyes catch Arthur wrapping wire around the back ankles of one of the doe corpses. He pulls it taut, then hooks both legs to the deer hoist. He lifts it with a grunt and puts the hoist on the hook sticking out of the wall. You avert your eyes before he turns around. 
“Well, I mean…” You shrug. “I guess I’m… sort of modern? But I don’t see any issue with what Arthur’s doing. He’s just hunting.”
Arthur’s eyes fly to you again when you say his name. You wish that the Spanish Flu had come sooner so you could wear a facemask to hide your pursed lips and clenched jaw. After a moment, he looks away.
“What a surprise,” Arthur drawls, “to find the camp rat loiterin’ around in the kitchen, chargin’ dimes for his thoughts.”
He pulls away from the deer hoist and walks over to the fire. He keeps a healthy distance, but you can still feel some sort of heat coming from him when he stands next to you. You guess a man that tall and broad would be a furnace in cold like this. 
“Is that any way to greet an old friend?” Uncle asks. “I feel we haven’t spoken for days.”
“I do my utmost to avoid you,” Arthur retorts.
Charles approaches the fire, standing on your other side. He gives you a small look that says “Ignore them. They can, and will, go on for hours like this.”
Uncle looks over at you and laughs. “He loves me, really. It’s his… sad way of showing affection.”
“I doubt that.”
“No, it isn’t.”
You and Arthur turn to look at each other. You hadn’t meant to speak over him, and from the kind of-surprised look he’s sending your way, you think he didn’t mean to speak over you, either. You nod,  gesturing for him to continue.
“It isn’t.” He turns back to face Uncle and waves a hand. “Now shoot, get lost.”
“Well…” Uncle shrugs and stands. “See y’all later.”
Pearson swipes a bottle from Uncle as he steps out. He then looks over at one of the deer. “See you got on just fine.”
Arthur nods toward Charles’ direction. “Charles is a wonder.”
“Have a drink, my friends.” Pearson holds out the bottle across the fire. “Ya earned it.”
Arthur takes the bottle after you wave it away. He takes a swig and sputters, coughing. “Jesus!” His voice cracks. “What is that?”
He passes the bottle to Charles, who sniffs the rim and takes a tentative sip. 
“Navy rum, sir. It’s the only thing – the only thing!” Pearson laughs as Charles hands the bottle back. “Keeps you sane, it does.”
“Yes, seems to have done a treat on you.” Arthur glances at Charles and waves a hand in his general direction. “You go rest that hand, Charles.”
“I’ll be fine in a few days,” Charles says. 
He makes eye contact with you and nods towards the cabins, indicating for you to follow. You do so while listening to Arthur and Pearson talk about skinning the deer. (And you hide a smile when Arthur asks Pearson if he gets to skin him, too. He’s mean, but at least he’s funny with it.)
“You settling in okay?” Charles asks when you’re in a somewhat secluded area. It’s not all that isolated, but it’s out of earshot for most people.
“Yeah.” You nod. “Thanks. For… y’know. Not being a massive asshole about everything.”
“You’re lost,” he says. (You notice he leaves out the very obvious “and scared” he could’ve tacked on the end.) “And you need help. It would be cruel not to give it to you.”
Yeah, totally! You think to yourself. You’re literally one of the kindest people alive and I’m… what? A scumbag that’s taking advantage of you? Oh, it’s so sweet that you’re ignoring the blatant lies I’m throwing in your face! Thank you, Charles! Thanks a fucking million.
“Still. Thank you,” you say instead. “You could’ve easily kicked me out in the snow and left me to freeze.” 
“We could’ve.” Charles looks out at the horizon. The way he pauses almost makes you think he’s considering it. “But we didn’t.”
You let out a shaky laugh. “Yeah. You didn’t.”
Apparently, he doesn’t feel the need to reassure you or continue the conversation at all. After a few moments, you awkwardly hook your thumb over your shoulder.
“I’m gonna, uh…” You nod. “I’m gonna go. I’ll see you later?”
Charles is still looking out at the treeline, looking at the way the snow weighs down the leafless trees and the way even the smallest sound could disrupt everything. 
“Yeah. I’ll see you later.”
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