Mauve Fayette
100 posts
Dead Poets Society One-Shots and Scenario REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!!
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mauvefayette6 · 2 years ago
Hey I saw requests are open!
Would you mind doing a charlie dalton comforting a gn!reader who's having a panic attack maybe? Preferably hcs but I'm okay with a one-shot too :)
[Head cannon] How Charlie Would Comfort You After/During A Panic Attack
- He would bring you a cup of your favorite drink.
- If you liked it he would message your shoulders to relive some tension.
- He would play your favorite song on his saxophone, you loved when he played music for you.
- He would hold you tight, the feeling of having someone there always comforted you.
- He made sure you knew he was there at all times.
- He played your comfort movie and gave you his weighted blanket.
- He slept over at your dorm to make sure that you were okay.
- In the mornings he served you a hot beverage and asked how you were feeling.
- If you still felt terrible he would skip classes with you.
- If you felt okay he would tell you how proud he was of you.
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mauvefayette6 · 2 years ago
Hi! I looooove your writing!!!! If it’s no problem, could you right about the boys (specifically Meeks, but I saw that you write for all of them too, so whichever you prefer doing) having a huge crush on keating’s daughter and maybe asking her out?
Mr Keating’s Daughter | [Steven Meeks/fem!Reader]
"I don't know why you read that, you aren't going to follow it anyways," you muttered. You saw a smile rise as he put the book down.
"It keeps me occupied before classes start," he winked and you rolled your eyes. "Shouldn't you be heading over to your school?"
You scoffed, "Why can't I just go here? It would be so much easier for the both of us," you complained. He only shook his head.
"For you to be surrounded by cute boys to distract you? Now, hurry along or you'll be late for your classes."
You groaned before getting off and heading out. You began walking, you looked around the school and admired the building. The walls adorned by ancient photographs of past alumni. You smiled at all of it.
"Hello?" You heard a boys voice say, it snapped you from your fantasy world.
"Hello?" You said back staring in front of you.
"Do you go here?" He asked and you shook your head.
"I'm a teachers daughter. Just heading to school..." You said approaching him. You noticed him and really took in his features.
Curly ginger hair, brown eyes, and big glasses that took up most of his face. You saw his cheeks turn a rose shade of pink and you smiled.
"Sorry, you must not get a lot of girls around here," you smiled and extended your hand for him to shake.
"No, not really..." He mumbled shaking your hand.
"Well, I really should get going. Another tardy and it's a detention for me," you winked before walking away. He watched as you walked away, still in a trance he didn't notice Mr. Keating behind him.
[POV switch]
"I like you very much Mr. Meeks," he said startling him. "Keep your hands away from my daughter, okay?"
Meeks turned around and nodded nervously. Mr Keating walked away as he stood there frozen. No way that beautiful girl is Mr. Keating’s daughter. He shook the feeling away and continued his walk back to his dorm.
He had forgotten his tie, which wasn’t the first time he did that. He walked it, grabbed it, and walked back to the dinning room. The fuzzy feeling resurfaced, the thought of the girl came back.
He sat by his friends still awestruck.
“Meeks?!” Charlie shouted finally throwing a paper ball at him.
“What?” Meeks said startled, he looked at Charlie who had a smirk.
“Who are you thinking about?” Charlie asked mocking Meeks’ lovestruck look.
“None of your business,” he mumbled moving his food from one side to the other.
“It is so my business,” Charlie scoffed offendedly, “If there’s a girl I have to know!”
“Just leave him alone, he must really like this girl if he is keeping it from us,” Neil defended. The bell rang, saving Meeks from Charlie’s interrogation.
Meeks and Pitts walked besides each other.
“You have to tell me who this girl is,” Pitts said looking at Meeks who was much shorter then him.
“I don’t have to do anything,” Meeks mumbled.
“At least tell me if she’s pretty!” Pitts begged.
“She is very pretty,” Meeks blushed.
“You have go introduce me to her! It’s not everyday that we see girls!” Pitts pleaded.
“Obviously not. Besides she doesn’t go here…” Meeks sighed devastated. Pitts and him entered the classroom, they sat at the back of the classroom. Todd and Neil were in the same class but sat in the front, and Charlie and Cameron were by the windows.
Meeks had trouble concentrating in his classes, the girl was still on his mind.
English rolled around and they all walked together to Mr. Keating’s classroom.
“Good evening gentlemen,” Mr. Keating said smiling at the boys entering. “Good evening Mr. Meeks.”
“Good evening Mr. Keating,” they smiled walking to their assigned seats.
Class went on as usual, until the girl from before interrupted the classroom.
“(Y/n)?” Mr. Keating said as she waved to him.
“Last class was canceled so I decided to come… early.” She whispered walking to him.
“That’s okay, go on to the back and do some homework,” Mr. Keating smiled and patted her shoulder.
“(Y/n),” Meeks whispered.
“Sorry gentlemen, that was my daughter,” Mr. Keating announced. He resumed class without another mention of her.
Class was over as everyone packed up for their final class of the day. It was a short Study Hall class. Yet no one was talking about school or homework or how hard the Latin test was. The only thing people were talking about how beautiful Mr. Keating’s daughter was.
“I so call dibs on her!” Charlie announced.
“You can’t dibs a girl, Charlie!” Neil scolded.
“I so can and I so did,” Charlie smirked. Meeks rolled his eyes at Charlie.
They entered the classroom and split into a group of three. Cameron, Meeks, Pitts and Charlie, Neil, Todd.
“That must be your mystery girl,” Pitts whispered to Meeks who blushed.
“Can you two stop talking about girls? It’s Mr. Keating’s daughter have some respect!” Cameron scolded.
Pitts rolled his eyes at him and continued to talk about her with Meeks.
“Cameron is right, that’s Keating’s daughter. We should be respectful and not talk about her like she’s an object.” Meeks whispered to Pitts.
“Tell that to Charlie, he is going around announcing that she’s going to be his girlfriend.” Pitts whispered back.
“Charlie is starting to piss me off,” Meeks whispered.
Class ended and everyone walked to their assigned dorms. Meeks decided to make a detour to the restroom. Deep down he was hoping to bump into her.
He sighed as he climbed up the stairs with no sign of the young girl.
“Meeks?” He heard a feminine voice say from behind him. He quickly turned around to see her at the end of the stairs.
“Yes?” He responded.
She climbed up the steps and smiled at him, “I was starting to feel like you were avoiding me.”
“Avoiding? Why would I ever do that?” He laughed nervously.
“Doesn’t matter, want to walk with me? I forgot something at school and really should get it,” she smiled and Meeks nodded.
[POV Switch]
You walked besides the nervous boy and began telling him about your day.
“Janine is such a bitch,” you told him. “She’s cheer captain and is so taking my spotlight. I voted for Amelia to be captain but everyone always picks the cheerful two faced girl to be cheer captain.” You laughed.
An awkward silence began. You enjoyed the leaves crunching on the floor.
“So… tell me about your friends, how is Welton like?” You smiled and he shrugged.
“Not as interesting as your school. Being in a school full of boys is kind of lame. We take everything seriously and really aren’t allowed to enjoy ourselves.” Meeks complained.
“I bet, for the tuition your parents pay I would think the staff would be awfully strict. Where I go no one takes anything seriously.” You smiled.
“Must be nice,” Meeks smiled.
You shook your head, “In all honesty… I don’t think I’m being used to my full potential. I take advanced classes yet those feel so unchallenging. I’ve been begging my dad to enroll me at Welton or at the very least Henley Hall! I mean I think I could really use the challenge!” You laughed and he laughed with you.
You entered the school with Meeks following behind. You opened up your locker and took out your math and science textbooks.
The walk back was more quiet then the walk there. You could feel your heart beating quickly as your face reddened.
“So, call me crazy but I really like you,” you smiled at him.
“W-what?” He stuttered.
“Yeah! Although you aren’t very talkative I don’t mind! I can talk for the both of us,” you laughed. “I know my dad probably told you to back off, but I would really like to go out. There’s this really cool library cafe combo Downtown if you’re free on Saturday.”
“I’m very free on Saturday,” Meeks smiled.
“Cool. I’ll see you then,” you smiled at him.
You parted ways from Meeks to go to your dad’s classroom.
[POV Switch]
Meeks walked to his dorm his face red like a tomato. His heart was racing and it felt like he could collapse from a heart attack at any point. He entered his dorm and with a giddy expression.
“What happened? You were gone for like hours,” Pitts asked.
“Well, let’s just say I have a date on Saturday,” he smiled.
“Seriously?! With who? Keating’s daughter?!” Pitts exclaimed and Meeks nodded happily. “That’s amazing! Charlie is going to be so angry!” Pitts laughed.
“To hell with Charlie! I have a date with the prettiest girl ever!” Meeks smiled and flopped on his bed.
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mauvefayette6 · 2 years ago
Hello !! First I hope you’re doing okay and you’re having a wonderful day ! I wanted know if it’s possible to request a oneshot with Neil Perry ! Like their first big argument and good old angst about him forgetting a date to go hang out with his friends or whatever you want 🤭!! but with happy ending because I love him way too much !! Thank youuu and have a wonderful day again !
Promises [ Neil Perry x fem!Reader ]
You waited, dressed and ready to go. Neil promised, he said he would be there by 9 pm so that you could make it to your reservation. It’s 10:30pm now with no sight of him. You decided to call his number again to see if he would answer.
The person you’re trying to reach isn’t available, to leave a voicemail wait for the beep. Beep…
“Hey Neil, it’s (Y/n) again. Just wondering when you’ll be back? Return my calls when you’re able to…” You whispered the last part before hanging up. You turned your phone off, your heart sinking as tears began to form in your eyes.
Neil wasn’t the type to just forget about you or a date or a commitment just in general. What if he was kidnapped? Mugged? Robbed? Shot? So many thoughts ran through your mind. You began to hyperventilate, you got up and began to pace around your apartments kitchen.
“Please answer,” you mumbled looking at your phone.
12am rolled around and you decided to call again. Maybe he was caught up at work and his boss was being an ass.
“Hello?” Finally, Neil answered.
“Hey, where have you been?” You mumbled. You felt your body relax at the sound of his voice.
“I’m hanging with Charlie. He thought it would be a great idea to come to the bar for a couple of drinks. Why?” He asked. The feeling of worry vanished and was replaced with disappointment and anger.
“Goodnight.” Was all you mustered up. You hung up and walked to your bedroom.
A bar? Drinks? Charlie Dalton? You weren’t mad about the date. It could have always been rescheduled. You weren’t the kind to stop Neil from hanging with his friends. But, to miss all your calls? To ignore you to drink with his friends? All he had to do was call you and ask to change the date! You didn’t care!
You undressed yourself and put on your nightgown. You took your make up off and did your face routine. You did it all with furry. Your heart was racing and your hands were shaking. Tears in your eyes you laid in bed. You checked your phone to see no new messages. You scoffed and fell asleep.
The next morning rolled around as you began to get ready for work. For a brief moment you forgot about it. That’s until you received a phone call from him. You decided to ignore him. You didn’t want to start the day off on the wrong foot. You opened up your door and began walking to work.
The busy streets of Chicago gave you a peaceful vibe. People hated the noise of the city but you loved it. You were from a small town in Virginia and Chicago was such a different vibe from there. You clocked in and turned your phone off. You wanted no distractions, no messages, nothing.
You walked out of work and to your apartment. Walking from the elevator you saw Neil Perry holding a bouquet of roses. You scoffed and walked towards him.
“You weren’t picking up my calls so I decided to see you…” He said but you ignored him. You unlocked the door and slammed it in his face. He knocked on your door but you ignored it.
“Is everything okay?!” He shouted knocking on the door. You grumpily walked to the door and opened it. “I’m going to take that as a no…”
“Yeah Neil, I’m not very happy with you right now,” you scoffed not allowing him inside the apartment.
“What did I do?” He asked and you rolled your eyes.
“Not only did you have me worried but you also ditched me to hang out with your friends,” you explained and the realization dawned on him.
“I thought I was missing something, I swear I’ll make it up to you,” he begged but you shook your head.
“It wasn’t about the date Neil, I don’t care about it. I care that I was here, crying and worried! I thought you were injured, I thought someone had mugged you and left you to die! Do you ever understand how scared I was? I left you hundreds of messages! A ‘I’m fine’ or a ‘I’m out with my friends’ would have been great! But no you decided to not answer me!” You shouted with tears in your eyes. Your voice was shaky, “I wouldn’t have forgiven myself if you had died Neil, but you didn’t have a care in the world!”
He stood there, his heart aching.
“I didn’t know… Charlie took my phone and I was out with my friends. You know I haven’t seen them in years.” He said attempting to defend himself.
“This is pointless Neil. I just, I just don’t want to see you right now. I’m angry and disappointed. Your lack of empathy is sickening right now. I want to be alone,” you said slamming the door in his face. You leaned on your door and began to sob. The feelings coming all at once like a wrecking ball. It was like he didn’t understand how it felt to be up all night waiting for someone to answer you.
You woke up the next morning. Luckily for you it was your day off. You laid in bed with your favorite candy and confort show on. Your phone was on your nightstand charging. You sobbed every few seconds. You hated arguing with Neil, growing up your parents were verbally abusive towards each other. Arguing and yelling was the thing you always tried to not do.
You heard a knock on the door. Maybe you could pretend not to be home.
“I know your home,” you heard from the other side. Neil. You sighed and got up. You walked to the door and opened it.
“Before you start talking hear me out, please.” He said and you sighed. “I realize how big of an asshole move that was. I didn’t want to worry you or ditch you or cause you any harm. I had a rough day at work and well I need to blow out some steam and Charlie offered to take me to a bar and grab some drinks while the guys were in town. I forgot about our plans and while I was going to check my phone Charlie took it out of my hands. I didn’t purposely ignore you and the second I got it back I answered you. It wasn’t my intention to ignore you and I will be having a chat with Charlie about not taking my phone. Please forgive me…” He stopped and looked at you. Tears were falling from your eyes as you brought him in for a hug.
“I don’t like arguing with you Neil. I was just so worried yesterday. My mind doesn’t work like everyone else’s. My mind doesn’t go to ‘he is probably still at work’ I instantly think you’re being murdered or something…” You cried, your face nuzzled on his neck as he hugged you tightly.
“I promise it will never ever happen again, I swear it.” He whispered not daring to let you go.
A/n: Hey!! I’m going to start doing all requests now just so I can get some stuff out! Requests are temporarily CLOSED!!
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mauvefayette6 · 2 years ago
heyy! I was wondering if you could do a Todd Anderson x fe!male
I read your rules I fully respect them but idk if you find this rather awkward but here goes nothing.
*stands up on desk*
Todd Anderson x fe!male reader- readers on her period and she feels completely awful, bad- HORRID cramps! can't even move her legs. Todd is a sweetheart in this! pls?
Just a oneshot- if you do onshots, if not hc are good. even if its short, idc. Love your writing! ur amazing!
Period. [ Todd Anderson/fem!Reader ]
TW/CW: Reader is on her period/talk of blood/ she/her pronouns are used!
of course this is one of the plots that are set in the 50s bcs yk i just do it thag way sometimes. There is 0 shame in being a menstruating person! But in the 50s that was a different story! So that will be shown here in the story of course if wanted I could do a similar story but have it be modern!
You sat at the library, you were studying for an upcoming exam in Trig. You took in a deep breath when it was announced that it was lights out.
You stood up when a rush of something went down. Your heart dropped when you realized that your menstrual cycle started. Your eyes widened as you checked the chair for a sign of a stain.
You sighed in relief when you saw nothing. You groaned before deciding to deal with this later. Your period usually was tamed and not at all messy. If you could get a pad from your roommate everything will be better.
Walking up the stairs the uncomfortableness of the feeling bugged you.
“Please, not right now.” You cried as you rushed up the steps and into your dorm room.
Your roommate gave you a confused look as you began searching all your things for anything!
“What’s going on?” Your roomie asked as you nervously sighed.
“I just started the curse,” you whispered here eyes widened. “I can’t find anything!”
“I have like one extra in my closet hidden behind my clothes!” She quickly got up and began to search her closet.
She found it and handed it to you with a gleeful smile.
“A life savor!” You hugged her before quietly and quickly walking out of your room and into the ladies restroom.
After the whole fiasco was over you decided to turn in for the night. Getting into your nightclothes you shut down for the night.
The worry of what you’re going to do with your problem haunting you.
The next morning you woke up with the absolute worst cramp humanly possible.
You held your stomach as you began to softly sobbed.
“You alright?” Your roomie asked as you shook your head. “Want me to go to the nurse? I can ask for some medication?”
“Could you? I have to get up for this stupid Trig exam,” you deeply sighed the realization that you would have to put up with this horrible sensation all day.
Your roommate quickly rushed to get some medication, anything would be helpful.
She came back in with a Tylenol and a cup of water. “This is all she would give me.”
You gave her an appreciative smile before taking them. “I just hope this keeps me alive for at least the rest of the day.”
Sighing you got up and the rush of blood came down as you held your stomach.
“I wish they did more to help the menstruating population of Welton.” Your roommate sighed as you two began the journey to class.
“Ha! Welton doesn’t care about us. We are only here because the parents insisted the girls get the same education as the boys,” you mumbled.
“Hey!” The cheery voice of none other then your boyfriend Todd Anderson smiled as he approached you.
“Hey! Good morning Todd,” you smiled as he hugged you.
“You okay?” He asked and you shrugged.
“Just some personal problems, no biggie,” you laughed as a terrible cramp began. You had to hold the smile so he wouldn’t notice.
“You sure? You look like you could use a cig,” he laughed.
“She said she was fine Todd, now stop insisting!” Your roomie shouted angrily.
“Oh…” Todd awkwardly smiled as the walk to Trig was silent and tense.
Class was over as you survived day one of your cycle.
“It wasn’t that bad!” You smiled as a cramp began. You groaned in pain as you and your roommate walked to the dorm room.
“You looked like you were in awful pain the entire time.” Your roommate said and you rolled your eyes.
“Probably because I was in absolute pain,” you mumbled as you two entered the dorm room. “I don’t even know if I have the energy for any studying or doing any homework!”
“You should rest, maybe I could go get another Tylenol from the nurse,” she smiled as you shook your head.
“I’m just going to take a quick nap to sleep away the pain.” You mumbled as you got into bed and shut off for the night.
You woke up the next morning, day two of your cycle to the most excruciating pain you have ever felt. It felt like knives were being impaled onto your stomach.
“You okay?!” Your roommate asked as she rushed to your side. You shook your head quickly.
“Tylenol will not help this,” you cried hugging yourself tighter as the pain increased.
“You have to stay in bed!” Your roommate said as she looked at you.
“I-I can’t! I have to go to class!” You groaned as you kept your eyes shut.
“Please, I will explain to the nurse and see if she can do anything about this.” Your roommate rushed out the room as you laid there holding your stomach.
You heard a knock before someone entered.
“You okay?” The sweet voice of Todd Anderson whispered. “I just saw Gregoria rush out the room.”
“I’m swell! Just not feeling my best!” You tried your best to keep a happy smile on your face as you turned to look at him.
“You don’t look amazing…” He whispered as he crouched besides you. He felt your forehead, “it isn’t fever.”
“Todd, darling, you’ll be late for class if you don’t rush over there right now.” You mumbled facing him.
“I’d much rather stick by your side then go to class.” He smiled.
In that moment your roommate barged in, “The nurse said she’ll talk to the professors and suggested that you stay in bed!” Her expression dropped when she saw Todd.
“What’s wrong with her?” He asked and Gregoria shook her head refusing to say.
“Todd, I’m on my period and the cramps are seriously killing me,” you whispered holding his hand. His dace went bright red as he nodded his head in understanding.
“My mom takes this tea when she was you know.. on her period.” He smiled as he caressed your hair. “I can sneak and make you a cup of it.”
“That would be lovely, I’m staying in bed all day.” You laughed as you turned and looked at him caressing his cheeks and bringing him in for a kiss.
“Well, I guess this is the que for me to go to class. I’ll share my notes for each class… For both of you of course.” She smiled before excusing herself.
“You really don’t have to stay here, you still have time to be in class…” You whispered even though you hoped he would refuse and stay by your side.
“Nonsense, I can’t leave my girlfriend to lay by herself in pain,” he laughed as he kissed you again.
“You’re so lovely Todd,” you whispered bringing him in for another lovely kiss.
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mauvefayette6 · 3 years ago
hello! i saw requests are open. this is pretty long. can i request a knox overstreet x fem!reader where they are bestfriends along with the dead poets (let's just say welton accepts both gender as their students). reader is an artist and loves to paint. she's been painting knox for a while now and admiring him from afar. then, when he went on a date with chris, knox saw the reader destroying canvasses and sketchbook. chris rejected knox cuz she saw how knox's eyes sparkle whenever he talks about her. angst and fluff pretty please. can you make it a bit of a longer fic? no pressure if you don't want to. but it kinda feels good when you read a one-shot that's not rushed and has a plot. THANKK YOUU SOOOO SOOOO MUCH. still, it's your choice if you want to do this or not. ADVANCED THANKKK YOUUU I LOVE YOU.
DENY || Knox Overstreet x fem!Reader
1st POV
I locked myself in my dorm, it was Saturday morning and my roommate was out in the Library studying like she always does.
Welton recently began to accept girls and I was one of the lucky ones to be chosen. I wasn't sure why, academically I wasn't the best.
I was working on a small sketch in my sketch book. Sometimes I just allow my hand to take control. When I open my book I'm never sure what I will be painting or sketching.
But this morning it was different, everything felt different. This morning I knew what I wanted to paint.
I set my sketchbook down as I grabbed one of my bigger canvas and began to do a rough sketch.
I heard a knock on the door 20-minutes after I started my sketch.
"Who?" I shouted.
"Knox!" The voice said. My heart dropped as I quickly put the canvas away, I hid my sketchbook under my bed and cleaned myself up.
"Hey Knox," I smiled when I opened the door. He looked around the room before looking at me.
"What were you doing?" He asked.
"Oh, you know... What's up?" I smiled nervously.
"Well, Neil was invited to a party, we were wondering if maybe you'd like to come with us, we'll be sneaking out tonight. What do you say?" He smiled his usual charming smile. I can never bring myself to say no to him.
"Okay, I'll go. I just have to find a way to sneak out." I laughed and he nodded.
"I'll come get you so be ready," he winked before leaving. I sighed relieved, I took my canvas back out and resumed my sketching. I wanted to capture the beauty of Knox Overstreet.
That was my sketch, Knox Overstreet. He was my muse, my inspiration. I would hate to admit this to the rest of the world but he inspires all of my art.
I smiled as I grabbed my paints, my dad was visiting France and sent me some paint for my art. With special exception from Mr. Nolan, I was able to keep my paints and canvases.
The sun was setting, I wasn't even halfway done with the painting, it was a bigger canvas. I decided to call it a night, I put my canvas away and began to clean up. My roommate joined me a while ago, I hadn't noticed she was here.
"I'm going to shower before bed, want to come?" I asked her. She was laying on her bed with a big book in her hand.
"No, I'm going to sleep early, I have big exam on Monday," she yawned. She took her glasses off before she turned around.
I shrugged and walked to the girls shower, there was about five girls when I arrived.
"Hey (Y/n)!" One of the girls shouted waving at me.
"Hey!" I smiled back, I set my things down before hopping in the shower.
"How's it going with Knox?" She winked at me causing my face to heat up.
"Nothing's going on, we are just friends..." I sighed, I continued my shower as she rambled about a boy she met.
Her name is Cassie, she's extremely smart but can say some of the darnest things. She's very popular in every good way, she's talkative and likes to take on more then she can handle. Sometimes it becomes annoying and other times it's admirable.
I said goodnight to her before heading up to my dorm.
The girls dorm is far from the boys dorm and girls had a stricter curfew then boys, which meant a harsher punishment.
I don't think it's very fair my parents on the other hand think it's amazing that the curfew is strict on girls.
I laid awake on my bed, I was anxious but at the same excited. It was going to be my first high school party. Ever since joining Welton parties and social gatherings were cut to zero.
I heard a soft knock, I tiptoed to the door and opened it. Knox's flashlight hit me straight in the eyes.
"Are you trying to blind me?" I whispered and he chuckled softly.
"Hurry, I was almost caught sneaking here," He rushed me and I followed.
We sped walked out of Welton and towards the gate where the rest were hiding in bushes.
"I swear if I get some sort of rash from these plants I'm taking everyone to court," I heard Charlie angrily yet softly complain.
"I got her, let's hurry before someone catches us," Knox ran first, then Charlie. Neil and Todd ran together and I ran after. Meeks and Pitts were the last to run out of Welton, they were usually the brains of everything we do.
"Did you guys not invite Cameron?" I asked once we were at a good distance away.
"Why? So he can snitch and get us all in trouble?" Charlie said rolling his eyes.
"Charlie convinced us not to invite him," Neil whispered to me with a laugh.
"How far is the party?" Todd asked after a while of silence.
"Just a bit further," Knox told him flashing his light. "It's about twenty or so minutes away from the school.
"Fantastic, we are going to be off our knockers walking back to Welton," Charlie complained.
"Then you shouldn't have come Charles, if all you were going to do is complain," Meeks rolled his eyes. He was carrying a flashlight, one of the three who actually brought one.
It was about 9 o clock when we arrived at their party.
"We met here at 12am," Knox told us before entering.
Neil and Todd went towards two very pretty looking girls. Steven and Pitts went towards the red solo cup table. Charlie disappeared somewhere and Knox, well Knox went towards a girl.
She was very pretty, blonde hair up to her chin, baby blue eyes and a beautiful complexion. She would be anyones dream girl.
I stood there, no cared to introduce me to anyone. That's when a slightly tipsy teen boy walked over to me. I hated the scent of alcohol, I looked at him in disgust before walking away.
I entered the kitchen for a glass of water, "designated driver?" A persons voice asked.
"Huh?" I asked turning to face the stranger. He had slick back brown hair and big brown eyes.
"You're drinking water at a party, the only reason I could come up with is if you're driving your friends home," he chuckled.
"Oh! No just not a fan of drinking," I laughed and he nodded.
"Why so alone?" He asked.
"My friends ditched me," I shrugged.
"Not fun, you go to Ridgeway?" He asked and I shook my head.
"I go to less popular Welton Prep School," I laughed.
"Ouch, how is that like?" We continued our small talk before he said goodbye and left. He was charming and not awful looking.
A tall blonde girl walked over to me with a smile and hugged me.
"Enjoying the party?" She asked, she had a sort of British accent.
"Yes, having a blast," I smiled back.
"I can tell by the look in your face that you're swell," she smiled before leaving.
Meeks then walked up to me with a devastated expression.
"What's wrong?" I asked him and he shrugged.
"Pitts ditched me for some brunette girl," he muttered pouring himself a drink.
I then walked away to find Knox, it was hard to miss him. Tall brunette boy with hazel brown eyes. It was harder to miss when a girl was attached to his lips.
Charlie appeared out of no where next to me, "you'll be okay." That was all he said before bringing me in for a hug.
I was confused at first, why would I not be okay? My best friend and long time crush was just casually Frenching a girl at a high school party.
I pulled away from the hug and looked at him confused.
"Why would I not be okay?" I asked and he looked confused.
"Aren't you in love with him?" He asked and I shook my head. Deny, deny, deny; that's what my dad always told me.
"I'm not, Knox and I are just friends..." Those words hurt me, it hurt to have to say it.
"Oh... then ignore my comment," he shrugged and left.
I felt my heart break, my stomach turned and I felt like throwing up. I walked towards the restroom and did what I had to do.
"Alright in there?" I heard Neil ask.
"Just fantastic Neil!" I shouted. I cleaned myself up before stepping out.
"Too much to drink?" He asked and I shook my head in disgust.
"I wouldn't touch a bottle of alcohol in my life," I told him and he rolled his eyes.
"Was it because you saw Knox Frenching Chris?" He asked.
Chris, so that was the girl he was with.
"No, why does everyone assume I'm in love with Knox?" I asked a bit annoyed. Deny, Deny, Deny.
"Oh, sorry." He mumbled walking away from me. I sat on the couch next to two teens devouring each others face.
The party went by slow as people danced and made out with each other.
Knox sat next to me with a huge smile on his face.
"What's up with you?" I asked him and he just smiled wider.
"I just asked out the prettiest girl... ever," he looked at me. I felt my heart ache as I looked away from him. We have been friends for so long and he's had loads of crushes, why do I feel like this now?
"Good on you Knox," I faked a smile.
"We are going on a date Sunday, we are going to this cafe. She says it has really good smoothies." He rambled on but I zoned out.
After a while we met up at the front, Charlie looked sick and pale. Todd looked like he always does, Neil looked a little too happy. Pitts was no where to be found and Steven was asleep in a couch. Knox had to carry him, we weren't able to find Pitts so we left without him.
We sneaked back inside the school,
"See everyone in the morning," I whispered before running towards my dorm. My roommate was still sound asleep, she looks so peaceful.
I fell asleep a while after hitting the bed. The next morning was a Sunday and I decided to sleep in.
I heard a fast knock, my roommate opened it.
"Knox?" She said which made my heart drop, I remembered everything from last night.
"Is (Y/n) (L/n) awake?" He asked, he knows me too well.
"Well, I assume because of your loud and desperate knock she is awake," she laughed. She walked over to me and shook me slightly.
I opened my eyes, "what?" I mumbled.
"Knox Overstreet is here," she whispered. I closed my eyes before getting up.
"(Y/n) I'm in need of a girls assistance," he sounded eager.
What's going on?" I asked walking towards him, "I should change first."
I closed the door and got into some casual clothes. "Okay, what do you need?"
"Remember when I said I'm going on a date with Chris?" He said and I nodded.
"I want to get her a gift and I need your help to find a perfect one, who knows more about girls then another girl?" He smiled. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him.
"Fine. I'll help you, what's the budget?" We began walking towards the exit/entrance of the school.
"I was thinking anything under $10 or so," he nodded. "Depending though, if it's jewelry then maybe $11." He laughed.
We walked in to town as he described what he wanted to get her. He talked about getting her a book but he wasn't sure what genre she liked. Then he wanted to buy her flowers but didn't want to be cliché and get her roses. He ended up buying her a bracelet.
It was a pretty bracelet, I picked it out. He described her as beautiful as a swan would be and that's what he got. A swan themed charm bracelet. It was under budget which was amazing.
We walked to a bookstore, if I traveled all the way here I would like to get something for myself. We entered the store and I began to browse around.
"I've been wanting to red more Walt Whitman, what do you think?" I asked as I looked over the poetry section.
"Hmm, I like Whitman, he has very nice work," he smiled.
"It's decided, I'll get this Whitman book, an Emily Dickenson one and then I'll get this Alice in Wonderland story." I grabbed the books. He smiled at me and my heart fluttered.
"Knox?" A feminine voice called. He turned and smiled, the smile felt different.
I turned and saw Chris walking up to us, "hi!"
I looked at her and then at Knox, "I should go and pay for these." I turned away to the register.
I paid for the items and headed out, I wasn't sure if I should say goodbye or just go. I decided to just walk back to Welton. I felt sad, I thought a lot about it.
I walked over to Charlie's dorm making sure no one saw me before I knocked.
"Come in!" He shouted and I opened the door and walked in. I sat on his bed, thank goodness that Cameron wasn't here.
Other then Knox I was closest to Charlie. We met when he and Knox became friends.
"What's wrong?" He asked facing me. I burst out in tears, he came over and hugged me.
"I love him Charlie, I'm in love with him," I cried hugging him back.
"I know, if hurts," he rubbed my back as I sobbed harder. I never wanted to admit it, I'm in love with my best friend.
"It hurts to see him with her, the way he looks at her," I sobbed louder hugging him tighter.
"Let it all out," he whispered.
"I wish he liked me not Chris, I'm an idiot for not telling him sooner," I silently cried for what seemed like hours. I laid in his bed after no tears came out.
"We should go get dinner," he whispered once he saw the sun was setting.
"I'm not sure if I'm in the mood to eat.." I mumbled sadly.
"Nonsense, let's go. You can't stay in here anyways if Cameron sees you here he'll report you." He chuckled.
We walked towards the dinning hall, girls and boys were separated, they really didn't want us talking to each other.
I sat by my roommate and her friends. I looked off in the distance.
"Someones in love," I heard the annoying voice of Betty Smith giggle. "I bet it's with Knox Overstreet."
"Isn't he going steady with Chris Noel from Ridgeway?" Another girl asked. They began to gossip about the alleged relationship. I had to suffer through it and eat.
After dinner we walked towards our dorm rooms.
"(Y/n) wait up!" Knox called, I turned to my roommate who waved goodbye and continued her walk.
"How was the date?" I asked.
"It was... alright," he shrugged, "you disappeared on me."
"Oh, yeah. I didn't want to interrupt you two on your date," I faked a laugh and smile.
"I was worried," he mumbled. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. I looked away and up.
"I should go, you should too. If they see us together I might get into some trouble," I smiled.
"Okay, goodnight..." He said sadly before walking away.
I walked towards my dorm, tears threatening to fall. I quickly put my night wear on and climbed into bed. I hugged my pillow and quietly sobbed.
The next morning was Monday, Knox went on and on about Chris. We sat at the study room, the only room girls and boys were allowed to mix.
"She's really pretty," he sighed dreamily. I rolled my eyes as I attempted to concentrate on my book.
"We get it Knox," Charlie snapped. He angrily closed his book and stormed out.
"What's his deal?" Knox mumbled.
"You've been going on and on about Chris since yesterday Knox, it's getting annoying." Pitts mumbled as he too began to pack his things.
"You guys think?" Knox mumbled sadly.
"We get you're deeply and madly in love with her but come on," Meeks too started packing his things.
"I don't think it's annoying," Todd said, "I think it's nice how much you like her."
I began to pack my stuff and without excusing myself I walked out. I couldn't handle it anymore. I wanted to get over him so badly.
I walked to my dorm, luckily my roommate wasn't there.
I grabbed my canvas, the big one I was working on and destroyed it. I grabbed my sketchbooks and ripped out every painting of Knox I ever made, which was almost all of the paintings. I threw them into a trash bag and began sobbing.
"Idiot," I repeated over and over again. The door opened and in came my roommate.
"Are you okay?" She closed the door and sat next to me. I shook my head and continued to sob.
"Is it because of Knox?" She asked and I nodded.
"I think I like him... like in a romantic way?" I whispered wiping away my tears.
"Yeah, I had my suspicions." She hugged me and I hugged back.
"I want to get over him but I just can't? I want to support him and be there for him but it's hard," I cried.
"You need to rest, it's almost lights out for girls dorm," she whispered.
I nodded and climbed into bed, I didn't bother to change into my night wear. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
The week went by as normal, I tried to fake my smile any time Knox talked about Chris.
"Let's go into town on Saturday ?" He asked and I shrugged. That was Friday, it's now Saturday and I was getting ready.
I heard a knock and opened it, I smiled when I saw Knox.
"Ready?" He asked and I nodded. We walked out in mostly silence, it's been a while since it was just Knox and I.
"Where should we go first?" He asked and I thought for a second.
"I could go for a smoothie right now," I smiled. We began walking to a smoothie stand and ordered our drinks.
"Do you think I'm annoying?" He asked out of no where.
"Not at all why?" I answered.
"I feel like we've been growing apart, maybe I'm paranoid?" He mumbled.
"I haven't been feeling that at all," I lied with a smile. He shrugged and we continued our walk.
We stopped at a few shops and got ice cream. We laughed and joke, it felt like we were back to normal.
"Knox!" The familiar voice of Chris shouted. We both turned around. He smiled, but yet again his smile felt different.
I've known Knox almost his entire life and I know a lot about him. But I wasn't able to recognize this smile.
The only other time I saw it was when he talked to Betty Smith in 8th when she came up to us. He used that exact smile, a smile that could be described as annoyed, happy and sad.
"Hey Chris!" He said as she walked up to us. She was out with her friends who stood besides her.
"Hey (Y/n)," she smiled.
"Hi Chris," I smiled back.
"What are you doing in town?" Knox asked. They began to chat with each other, I felt ignored and pushed to the side. If I could I would've started crying right there.
Knox glanced at me and then back at Chris and to her friends.
"We should be on our way," he smiled.
"Oh come join us! We are going to this fancy restaurant a few minutes from here," she smiled.
"I'm not in the mood to eat," I lied. "But you can go Knox."
Knox looked at me and then at Chris, he looked a little sad and confused.
"I'll be fine Knox," I whispered faking my smile.
Knox shrugged and I said goodbye to him, I walked back to the school still trying to hold in my tears. I don't want to third wheel Knox and Chris and I don't want to get in the middle of their blossoming relationship.
I sat at the student lounge when Knox entered the room. He immediately saw me, but it felt different.
"Can we talk?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow but followed him anyways.
We were in an empty hallway, the sun was setting and he looked angry.
"What's wrong?" I asked and he shook his head.
"You're becoming distant, at first I thought I was crazy but you are!" He shouted.
"What?" I stuttered confused. I've never seen him this annoyed.
"Yeah! I kept telling myself that we are just growing up," he shook his head. "But no, it's you. You're pulling away from me!"
"It's not my fault entirely though!" I shouted back.
"We are best friends (Y/n)! I know when you're annoyed and sad!" He looked sad.
"I'm sorry Knox..." I whispered tears threatening to fall.
"Sorry?" He whispered back more calm. I nodded and looked away.
"I— I don't know an easier way to say this..." I mumbled.
"Just say it, we are best friends and I want to help you and it's not easy if you won't tell me whats wrong." He looked at me, I could tell.
"Knox. I like you, I like you a lot and seeing you with Chris hurt me. But We are just friends and I tried to be happy and I wanted to be there for you," I whispered the tears now falling. "I wanted to be happy for you, be excited that you're in love with a really beautiful girl."
The silence overcame us, we stood there looking at each other.
"I know, I know you don't feel the same," I cried. "I just really hope we can still be friends... maybe not best friends hut friends..."
Knox looked at me and nodded. I walked away from him and towards the girls dorms.
•Knox's POV•
I watched her walk away, my heart ached and my body shook. All these years of denying and she finally confesses.
The second I start to try and get over her she confesses to me. I was angry, confused and overall upset by this. I couldn't believe she told me and I stood there like an idiot.
I walked up and towards Neil's dorm where Todd was laying on his bed reading a book. I sat by him in silence. He looked at me confused but didn't say anything.
"I'm an idiot," I whispered to him. "She told me she liked me and I stood there like an idiot."
"Chris?" He asked confused.
"No, (Y/n)... She told me she liked me." He was silent and I was too.
"How do you feel about her?" He asked me and I shrugged.
"I've always liked her, as friends and as more. But she's never shown interest in me until now, or maybe I just never seen it before," I mumbled.
"Well... What do you want to do?" He asked patting my shoulder.
"Honestly? I want to hug her and tell her that I love her too, but I'm afraid?" I looked at him and he looked at me.
"Maybe you should go tell her that you like her too?" He laughed and I shook my head.
"I'm not sure it's a good time right now..." I sighed and got up. "Thanks Todd, I'll see you in the morning."
"Maybe we should call for a meeting tomorrow and you can confess then?" He suggested and I thought about it.
"That doesn't sound like such a bad idea," I smiled at him. "I'll ask Charlie to convince her to go."
I walked over to Charlie's dorm and knocked.
"Knox?" He said surprised once he opened the door.
"I wanted to ask you a favor," I sighed. "Can you convince (Y/n) of going to the meeting tomorrow?"
"There's a meeting tomorrow?" Charlie asked confused.
"Yeah, Todd and I decided it would be a great time to have one!" I exclaimed.
"Oh, alright? What did you do to her that I need to convince her?" Charlie asked but I left, I was too ashamed to tell him.
I fell asleep doubting myself and wishing I could've told her I did like her.
I woke up and realized I had agreed to a date with Chris, I facepalmed and forced myself out of bed. First thing I did was tell Todd who agreed to push it back to when I got back.
I rushed into town and saw Chris standing. I walked up to her and took a deep breath.
"I hope I didn't make you wait too long," I chuckled. She just gave me a smile and we began walking.
"I've been thinking, long and hard about this Knox," she came to a stop and looked into my eyes. "I don't think this is going to work out."
"What?" I said taken aback by this. I was relieved but at the same time shocked.
"I know you like her, (Y/n). The way you look at her and talk about her..." She went quiet. "I know, and I want you to be happy."
"Chris..." I whispered and she brought me in for a hug.
"Invite me to the wedding," she laughed. She walked away from me. I smiled and walked back towards the school.
I knocked on Todd's dorm room where he and Neil waited.
Neil smiled and went to gather the rest of the group.
Me, Todd, Neil, Pitts, Meeks and even Cameron walked towards the cave as Charlie had to go get (Y/n).
It looked cloudy and I groaned.
"Should we post pone the meeting?" Neil asked as he noticed the clouds.
"We are already so far it'll be pointless to go..." Pitts mumbled. We sighed and continued our walk there.
I sat by Todd. "Chris and ai broke things off."
"Oh, how do you feel?" He asked and I shrugged.
"I don't think I ever really liked her in any way other than friendship?" I said confused.
"Well, as long as no one was hurt," he smiled.
We waited for what seemed like forever for Charlie and (Y/n) to come.
We began to worry they weren't going to come.
"We are here!" Charlie shouted as he ran inside. "Took a bit of peer pressure and lots of convincing but here she is!"
(Y/n) entered and rolled her eyes, she went inside and we locked eyes. Her eyes were sad, red and puffy like she's been crying. Her roommate stood next to her.
"Of course she wanted to bring her leech so here she is too." Charlie laughed and sat by Neil.
"Thanks stranger I met an hour ago for that lovely introduction," she sarcastically said before sitting down. (Y/n) sat besides her.
"What even is this?" She asked and the cave went silent.
"A secret society," Charlie muttered.
"We read poetry and discus current world problems and the dread of our parents high expectations." Neil began, he stood up in front of us like he usually does.
"My dad has been pressuring me into joining a military school in Alabama," Neil announced. "I convinced him to let me stay here in Welton if I become Valedictorian and a prefect."
"My grandad wants me to go to University in London where he went," Meeks mumbled. "I don't have a choice.
"My parents gave me an option, they said I either go to Yale and graduate as Valedictorian or I get disowned," Pitts laughed.
It went on like this where everyone shared something that was currently happening to them, good or bad.
I stood up which caught their attention.
"I made a mistake yesterday," I announced. "I indirectly rejected the girl of my dreams."
I looked over to (Y/n) with a smile and she shook her head and walked out. That's when I noticed it was raining.
I ran after her, "(Y/n)!" I shouted as I caught up to her. She turned to face me, she had tears falling from her eyes.
"Stop it Knox! You're playing with my emotions!" She shouted angrily.
"I'm not!" I said back. "I like you I do!"
"Why now? Did Chris reject you? Did she break your heart so you come to me?" She asked hurt.
"No! No! Chris and I were never going to work out!" I said back. The rain was making it hard to see.
She went silent and looked away, I brought her in for a hug. She cried onto my shoulder as she hugged back.
"I've liked you for so long, I just wasn't strong enough to tell you," I whispered.
She broke away from the hug and looked into my eyes.
She looked so beautiful, even if she was wet with rain water. Her eyes beautiful and her hair still amazing. I caressed her cheek and smiled.
"Can I kiss you?" I asked her and she looked away.
My heart began to race, maybe I was moving too quick?
"Yeah, I would like that... a lot." She chuckled and looked in my eyes with a smile.
I leaned down and closed my eyes and she did the same. The rain was still falling as I placed my lips on hers. It was beautiful, her lips were soft and smelled wonderfully. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around her waist.
We stayed that way, kissing, for a few moments before we heard the leaves crunching.
"Knox?!" I heard someone call.
"(Y/n)!" Another voice yelled. We broke away and rested our foreheads on each others. I smiled and she did the same.
"You look beautiful," I whispered.
"And you look handsome," she whispered back.
"There you guys are!" Charlie ran up to us and smirked. "We got worried you guys weren't coming back."
"We see why now," Neil laughed.
"Are you guys... together?" Meeks asked confused.
"I swear I think we are in different universes from our friends," Pitts whispered to Meeks who nodded.
"We should run back or we'll all die," Charlie laughed and we all began walking back.
The rain began to clear up the closer to the school we got. It's a good thing it wasn't the middle of the night.
"What does this mean?" (Y/n) asked me.
"We are a couple now," I smiled.
"Cool," she smiled and looked away. She's so beautiful when she gets shy.
I can proudly now say that (Y/n) and I are a couple, together. Hopefully this lasts forever.
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mauvefayette6 · 3 years ago
Taking Care of a Pet Together!
Charlie Dalton: Cat
Charlie was always insistent that he wasn't a cat person, he swore he disliked them so much. That's until you found a small kitten in a box on your way home from work and as a true cat person you took her in. You absolutely could NOT leave the poor kitten by herself. Charlie would be the one to do the absolute most for her. She couldn't get down from a bookcase? Don't worry Charlie to the rescue. She wanted specific treats? Charlie was already at the pet store for them.
Chris Noel: Dog
Chris wasn't the biggest fan of dogs, she grew up mostly with cats. You on the other hand loved dogs and would do anything for your dogs. Chris went over to dog sit with you while your parents were away and absolutely fell in love with the dogs. She even planned to adopt a dog once you two were done taking care of the little one.
Gerard Pitts: Bunnies (2)
Gerard and you wanted to adopt and raise an animal together. You two weren’t sure which one but then decided a bunny would be the best fit for you two. Considering your schedules for school and work are packed. Taking care of two bunnies was hard, they need attention constantly. But you two made it, the bunnies were sweethearts.
Knox Overstreet: Parrot
Knox always wanted a parrot because he’d see them on TV. But you as a huge animal lover wanted to educate Knox on birds and parrots first. After the long and heavily researched explanation about their diets, grooming and bird cages and activity you two felt ready to get one. He loved his parrot and fed him and took care of him like a child
Neil Perry: Cat
You were never a fan of animals, you didn’t like taking care of them. But Neil really wanted a cat or a dog or anything. He never grew up with pets because of how strict and mean his dad was. So you agreed to have a cat because they were sort of low maintenance. You quickly fell in love with the absolute beauty of a cat Neil chose.
Richard Cameron: Snake
Cameron didn’t like snakes, in fact he was sort of afraid of them. You on the other hand were a huge fan and admirer of snakes. You grew up reading and constantly learning about snakes and what they eat. Getting a snake took lots of convincing and preparations. In the end Cameron relaxed to the snake and learned that it wasn’t going to eat him in his sleep.
Steven Meeks: Rat
You weren’t so sure why you and Meeks chose to get a rat of all things. They have a short life span and you weren’t so sure about it. But Meeks convinced you that it wouldn’t be awful to get one. With research and preparation you got the small fat rat. He mostly took care of the baby while you bought all the necessary stuff for him.
Todd Anderson: Chinchilla
Ever since Todd was a small kid he wanted a chinchilla. He always thought of them as beautiful and adorable. When you two get one it was much harder then expected. With the food and what food and the taking car of it. He was a good Chinchilla dad though.
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mauvefayette6 · 3 years ago
Now that i’m getting back to writing one-shots and finishing up the requests that I still have i would LOVE for everyone to make requests for one-shots or scenarios! I do most of anything (check pinned)! I have a few other one-shots in the works that will be published once I finish the rest of the requests! So if there’s anything specific that people would like to read then just let me know!
- Mauve
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mauvefayette6 · 3 years ago
Heya! May I request smth with a male reader who’s like. The “secret-keeper” type? Like everybody tells him their secrets and he knows everything about everybody, even staff. He’s really quiet and a great listener. And he meets Charlie and Knox and befriends them and slowly gives them secrets as his way of affection? If you do polyamory, maybe all three get together? If not, though, that’s fine.
Secrets || Charlie/Knox/male!Reader (POLYAMORUS)
A/N: So this is my first time doing a poly couple one-shot so it’s not exactly the best but I did try! Any constructive criticism is more then welcome!
pronouns: he/him
TW/CW: underage drinking, mentions of weed, mentions of abuse (not detailed), gay slur (not f slur)
(Y/n) roamed the halls, his friend Markus had spilled the biggest secret last night.
"Knox and Charlie are secretly dating," Markus whispered to (Y/n). Yeah, he was a tad but tipsy but he must've seen something.
"How do you know?" (Y/n) whispered back as his roommate and only friend laid down on his bed.
"I saw 'em... Kissing each other..." He whispered as he doze off to sleep.
"You probably were imagining things, you are tipsy..." (Y/n) whispered back as his roommate slowly fell to sleep:
End of Flashback
It was the next morning now and he wasn't able to rid himself of that confession.
Yeah, he has been told worse, people seem to over talk around him and spill lots of small and big secrets.
Once in his third year there someone confessed to being in love with his best friends sister. Another year someone confessed to "knocking someone up" as they said.
That's when everything started, suddenly he knew everyone secrets, even some of the staff. He had so much dirt on Mr. Nolan, like how if you give him the right amount of money he'll let anyone in the school. Apparently even the greatest have a price.
Charlie and Knox walked past him, his stomach dropped as he watched them.
He had to admit that he had thoughts like theirs before. That's something he swore to take to the grave. But he wasn't alone, almost the entire school had thoughts like that.
"Hey Knox!" (Y/n) shouted nervously causing him to stop.
"Oh, hey (Y/n), what's up?" Knox smiled.
"Can we talk privately?" (Y/n) asked again a little less nervous this time.
"Oh, sure..? You can go without me Charlie, I'll catch up." Knox smiled before running towards the nervous boy in front of him.
"I know your secret," (Y/n) immediately confessed. Knox gave him a questioning look, but he wasn't convincing enough.
"What secret?" Knox asked, (Y/n) could tell that he was nervous.
"Come off it Knox, you know exactly what I mean!" (Y/n) whisper-shouted.
"Fine, what do you want? Money?" Knox asked.
"No! No!" (Y/n) shook his head. "Please, my roommate confessed it yesterday and I won't lie, I'm scared for you."
"Is he going to tell anyone? If he does I swear I'll fight him!" Knox said anxiously.
"I have too much dirt on him for him to do something like that Knox," (Y/n) said but he didn't even believe it. He nervously sighed as he could tell Knox was afraid.
"Thanks for telling me, I'll see you around..." Knox walked away, he was worried and (Y/n) could tell.
"Knox! Look, Markus' dad paid Mr Nolan for him to be accepted here, he isn't here because he is smart." (Y/n) confessed. "He told me himself..."
"He paid to get in here?" Knox said surprised.
"Yeah, and— and— Caleb his dad's business is crashing," (Y/n) wasn't able to keep quiet anymore. "I know lots of things about people and I promise no one will know about yours."
"Thanks," Knox smiled. "Follow me."
Knox lead him outside and towards the woods, (Y/n) was unfamiliar with the setting.
"If you know so much about everyone you must know about this," Knox smiled.
"I heard when you guys were talking to Mr. Keating, something about a secret club?" (Y/n) confessed. "Sorry, I should keep my nose out of other business but it's almost impossible."
"It's impossible for you, how come people go to you for their deepest secrets?" Knox asked as they neared the cave.
"I'm not sure, I guess they think I won't tell because I don't have many friends?" (Y/n) said with a hint of sadness and confusion.
They arrived at the cave, they heard whispering and laughter before entering.
Knox entered before (Y/n) entered, he was nervous. He was never a part of a big group and never a big group of guys.
"Who is that?" Cameron asked, as if he hadn't dumped a load of secrets on him before. Once he confessed to burning one of his fathers notebooks for his business.
Charlie stood up with a grin, Charlie confessed to having smoked the devils lettuce once or twice with a girl from Henley Hall.
"It's the very famous (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n)," he said walking up to him.
"Oh! I've heard lots about you," Neil Perry. He heard from one of the staff members that his father was abusive.
Todd Anderson, now Todd was a quiet kid and thats why he knew just so much about him. He heard things from other students and staff. Nothing bad, you can't be bad if you're an anxious kid.
"Why did you bring him here Knox?" Steven Meeks asked, Meeks confessed that a straight A student paid him to do his Latin and trig homework. He also heard from staff that his dad was mean and demanding.
"He knows everything," Knox shrugged sitting down next to Pitts.
(Y/n) was told by a girl from Henley Hall just how terrible of a kisser he is. Pitts confessed to being allergic to fish.
"I can go," (Y/n) said softly, the room felt small.
"No, please, stay," Neil said, he was smiling.
"Don't feel forced to let me stay, I won't tell anyone anything." (Y/n) said, he was unsure, no one really wanted him around they were more afraid of him.
"Nonsense, please. Sit." Neil said reassuringly.
Cameron gave him an evil side eye, but he didn't seem to notice. The rest of the group quickly welcomed him to the friend group, except Cameron.
The rest of them were worried he'd tell the school their secrets but at the same time that didn't matter so much.
Knox, Charlie and (Y/n) all walked to their dorm rooms. It wasn't night for once so they had could walk to their rooms and not have to sped it there.
Markus, (Y/n)'s roommate stepped outside of the dorm room. He made eye contact with Knox and Charlie and then (Y/n).
"Queers," he whispered before making eye contact with (Y/n) again.
"Markus, quit it. I have more dirt on you then anyone else in this school. Their secret comes out then everyone will know that your mommy is your daddy's mistress," (Y/n) whispered. Markus backed down and glared at him.
"Fine. Protect them," Markus walked away.
"What did you tell him?" Knox asked and he shook his head.
"Nothing of importance,” (Y/n) smiled. “He won’t say anything.”
(Y/n) said good bye before entering his dorm room.
• Small time skip •
Knox and (Y/n) had gotten closer through out the few months they’ve been friends. That cane with a lot of small cups of tea they shared. Occasionally Charlie would join on their tea time.
They enjoyed picnic together and dipping their bare feet on the small river near the woods they frequented.
(Y/n) hated to admit it but he was falling in love, and he was falling fast. It felt so wrong yet so right. He couldn’t confess the feelings since Knox and Charlie were basically a couple.
“Did you know that Valentina Harpet’s older brother dropped out of Welton when he was 16 and fled to France to marry a girl he was pen pals with?” (Y/n) told Charlie who was listening. Knox was in the river making rocks jump.
“I always wondered what happened to him, did they actually get married?” Charlie asked.
“No, apparently it was a façade, he is actually living with a guy in Amsterdam.” (Y/n) shrugged.
“That’s… interesting, so they built a story like that?” Charlie laughed.
“Actually, his parents said he got into a military school and then went on to be a lawyer.” Charlie nodded not surprised at all.
“I love our talks. There’s so much people are hiding.” Knox looked over at them.
“Yeah, Mr. Nolan loves money, I know at least 10 kids in our year that had their parents bribe Mr. Nolan to let them in here.” Knox didn’t seem so surprised.
“I have my suspicion on who those kids might be. You can imagine, Maybe William, you know the one who seems to always slack off? Or how about your roommate Markus, he seems like the type.” Knox laughed.
“Actually maybe there is more than 10 now that I think about it,” (Y/n) pondered a bit. “A girl at Henley Hall had her father bribe Welton to let her in to Welton.”
“That’s devastating,” Charlie mumbled, “considering the girls school isn’t as good as Welton.”
“Yeah, Betty T. the one with the curled blonde hair.” (Y/n) nodded, “she’s an only child.”
“Oh, I’ve heard things about her,” Charlie frowned, “her life has been tragedy after tragedy.”
“On a lighter note, (Y/n) we brought you here to discuss something kind of important.” Knox sat next to Charlie with a smile.
“Oh, what’s up?” (Y/n) nervously fidgeted with his fingers.
“So, you know me and Charlie are like together… romantically…” Knox began, (Y/n) nodded.
“Well, Knox and I really like you too, like we like you lots.” Charlie winked. “We were wondering if maybe you’d want to be apart of our relationship?”
“What?” (Y/n)’s tone was that of shock, was there such a thing?
“Yeah, like it can be all three of us in a romantic relationship, with healthy boundaries,” Knox nodded.
“That exists?” (Y/n) mumbled confusedly.
“What do you say? Of course you don’t have to, don’t feel forced. We just thought of asking.” Charlie smiled.
“I didn’t know something like this could exist! But yeah! I would love to be in a romantic relationship with you two!” (Y/n) excitedly exclaimed hugging them both.
“That’s great! We like you so much and since we met you and became your friend we instantly clicked,” Charlie confessed.
“How will we tell the others?” (Y/n) asked.
“We can think about that later, we can always do it when you’re more comfortable and ready.” Knox held (Y/n)’s hand before kissing them.
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mauvefayette6 · 3 years ago
hello!! i haven't read anything from you for a while and I MISS YOU AND YOUR WRITINGS!! by any chance, can i request a charlie dalton x reader? where they got into a big argument and went on a "cool off" and then after some time, they got back and comfort each other. i just rlly want something fluffy-ish to read. hope you see this. and no pressure by the way. love lots! ♡
a/n: Sorry for the long wait on this one! I will be catching up with requests asap so no worries! The reader is gender neutral!
TW/CW: Kissing, swearing
Arguments (Charlie Dalton x GN!Reader)
Charlie and I never got into arguments, we like to keep things calm in our relationship. We were walking when someone stopped Charlie and started to flirt with him? In front of me, I expected Charlie to blow them off or do anything but nothing! I frowned at him as I waited for them to end their little talk.
"Who was that?" I asked once said person walked away.
"A friend from Latin, she was asking about an assignment," he shrugged nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes a little angry.
We walked to breakfast together and I sat next to him. I attempted to ignore what happened earlier but I just couldn’t.
We finished up and walked outside, it was Saturday so there wasn’t much to do. Charlie and I were with the rest of the group, except they were in their own little bubbles.
“Hey, you alright?” Charlie asked catching my attention, “you seem a bit out of it.”
“Yeah. I’m splendid,” I muttered avoiding his eyes.
“Is there something bothering you?“ He asked again.
“Actually Charlie, no. She was clearly flirting with her and you did nothing, you two were in front of me for goodness sakes! Flirting in front of me!” I shouted getting up and storming away tears coming down from my eyes.
I couldn’t help it, I wish I had done it differently, maybe in a more calm manner, it wasn’t entirely his fault. I entered my dorm room before flopping on the bed. My roommate saw me and chose to mind their business.
“Want to talk?” They mumbled.
“No, I want to be alone,” I mumbled. I heard them leave as I faced my ceiling and cried for what felt like hours. I ended up sleeping after my crying session and was woken up by shaking.
“What the hell?” I whispered as I tried to focus my eyes, it was Charlie. “Go away Dalton I’m not ready to talk to you.”
“You can’t seriously be mad over something I didn’t know was happening, I told you we are just friends.” He whispered.
“Yeah, sure.” I muttered facing away.
“Fine. If you don’t want to believe me then fine. We can talk tomorrow when you’re calm.” He scoffed walking out the room.
I cried myself again after he left, I didn’t even realize my roommate was there.
I woke up early the next morning, sometimes on a stressful night I go for an early morning jog. I decided today would be an amazing time to go for an early morning run.
“Up so early?” My roommate asked still half asleep.
“Yeah, going for a run.” I smiled before leaving the room and going downstairs.
I jugged for a couple of minutes before resting at my favorite spot. It was a small river, the sun was coming up as I stared at the river. It was beautiful and peaceful, the birds were chirping.
I walked back to the school for a warm shower before breakfast. I made my way up the stairs after my shower when I was stopped by Charlie.
“Still mad?” He asked and I shrugged. “Look. I didn’t notice she was flirting, she is always like that with everyone.” He defended.
“I don’t want to talk about this here,” I said, “meet at the river in the woods?”
“Okay. We can discuss this there, in an open area where you could potentially murder me.” He laughed.
“Oh Charlie, if I wanted to kill you you’d already be dead.” I winked jokingly before entering my dorm room.
“You seem happier,” my roommate smiled.
“Early runs are always my favorite activity to do.” I smiled back. I decided to skip breakfast and go to the river for a little pep talk.
A few minutes passed before Charlie showed up, he looked worried.
“I’m not going to murder you Charlie if that’s what you’re so worried about.” I laughed which caused him to nervously chuckle.
“Should I go first or should you?” He whispered standing next to me.
“I should go first. I’m sorry that I acted the way I did, I know we like to be honest with each other and I shouldn’t doubt you. Sorry I blew up in your face and ignored you all day yesterday.” I frowned, he hugged me which caught me off guard.
“I’m sorry too, I know that I can be oblivious to some people’s flirting but I promise you that she wasn’t flirting with me, we are friends. I know that I had a reputation and everything but I swear to you that I am loyal to you only.” He hugged me tighter and I hugged back tighter.
“I’m sorry Charlie, I really am. I can promise you that I won’t handle a situation like that this way ever again. I know to trust you.” I smiled. I brought him in for a long and romantic kiss. “Gosh, I missed your soft lips.”
He smiled before bringing me in for another kiss. “I missed yours more.”
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mauvefayette6 · 3 years ago
How It Would Be Like To Be Married To Them
a/n: hey y’alls! I’m back. I know I have been gone for a few months days years, but I’m back and happy to continue with my one shots and scenarios! I will be writing the requests I have now so don’t be afraid to request a one shot! I’ll be more than happy to write for you <3 Enjoy this one!
Charlie Dalton: There isn’t a moment of silence with Charlie Dalton. He likes to play his vinyls as he is cleaning and loudly sing along to them. He also likes to help you cook although he isn’t very good at anything but chopping some of the vegetables.
Chris Noel: Chris and you are night owls and often sleep in on weekends and days off. You enjoy waking up to her beautiful morning face. You two like to sit together during dinner and talk about your day.
Gerard Pitts: Gerard and you have a lot of common interests and had an already similar way of loving. He enjoyed your company and you enjoyed his. You and him discus current events and how work was and what movie to watch and which ones sucked the most.
Knox Overstreet: After the wedding you and Knox went to a honeymoon to France where he attempted and failed at speaking French. You were no better at it so you couldn’t say much. He took you to Italy for a small tour and to watch the sunset.
Neil Perry: Neil and you didn’t think about getting married but after a play in New York City he asked you. He really did want to spend the rest of his life with you and you wanted to spend the rest of yours with him. Being married to him was exciting.
Richard Cameron: To be expected you and Cameron got married after graduation. It was a way of escaping his parents and yours. With the little bit he saved up throughout the years he took you to California and you two rented a small apartment. Being married to him was like magic, having your best friend by your side was just everything you could wish for.
Steven Meeks: You and Meeks weren’t fans of marriage. His parents insisted you two get married but you and Steven thought instead of a wedding you two will save up and travel to Europe. With lots of hard work and many months you two finally had enough to visit a few countries.
Todd Anderson: Todd proposed to you when you were 17 and didn’t get married until he was 18 (you’re older than him by a few months). Being married to him came with a lot ups and downs, all that you got through together as a couple. He wanted you by his side through everything and you wanted him by yours.
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mauvefayette6 · 3 years ago
Pretending (Charlie Dalton x male!Reader)
he/him pronouns!
tw/cw: smoking, weed, kissing
Being popular and an exemplary student was difficult, having to live up to expectations and doing what you're told. You were in honourary and advanced classes, you took more extracurriculars then anyone else at the school did. You scored hire then the rest and managed to do so much more then you could handle. All because your dad was the President of the United States and was Valedictorian at Harvard.
You could only do so much before you cracked, but thanks to your best friend Charlie that moment will never come.
You and Charlie snuck out at night to a little cave and smoked a bit of the devils lettuce with each other. It was a good relaxer for you, made you forget all your worries and responsibilities.
You had a secret, you're gay, a guy who liked other guys. You never came out to anybody afraid that they'd kick you out the school or maybe took your dads job or something worse. You wanted to come out so bad, you wanted to tell Charlie that you're gay and in love with him!
"Charlie?" You said high on weed with a smile on your face.
"Hmm?" He answered back taking another hit of his blunt.
"I'm like gay and in so much love with you," you laughed.
"Nice one dude, I'm bisexual and so deeply in love with you too," he laughed. You two laughed for a good ten minutes.
Soon the blunt ran out and you two decided it was a good time to go inside the school.
You two didn't talk about it and pretended everything was normal and you two hadn't just confessed two deep secrets. You instead blamed it on being high.
You slept like a baby that night, your mind didn't wonder like it would've before you met the magic of weed.
Your roommate, Knox Overstreet shook you awake again.
"You reek of weed dude did you forget to change? If they smell this they're going to hang both of us!" Knox shouted throwing you a towel to shower with.
You two were interrupted with a knock.
"Come in!" Knox shouted as he did his tie. "Charlie, perfect. Tell your little friend he reeks of weed," Knox laughed before walking out the room.
"We need to talk about yesterday," Charlie said once Knox was gone.
"About what?" I asked with a smile. "I should rush and shower."
"We need to talk, I said something yesterday and I meant it." He whispered his voice scared. "I'm bisexual and I do like you, I like you?"
"Well, I'm not gay. I don't like gay people either Charlie. It's best if we don't see each other anymore." I pushed him aside as I ran to the washrooms. I tried to hide my tears with the water but it was impossible.
I did like Charlie, I am gay and I love gay people but it was too much for me. I already had so many responsibilities and if I had to carry the thought of being gay and having a boyfriend on top of it all just seemed like too much for me.
I couldn't help but cry, I just wished things were different that I didn't have all this stress and could just be myself.
I walked to Keating's class, although I didn't have his class at the same time Charlie did when I did have his class I saw him like a father figure.
"Ahh, Mr. (L/n), how are you?" He smiled once he opened the door allowing me inside his classroom. "What brings you here?"
"Mr. Keating, I think I like men romantically..." I closed my eyes scared, I did my best to hold back my tears. "I told the boy that I like that I didn't like him and that I'm not gay," I began to cry.
I had so much to say but I just couldn't, Mr. Keating is the second person I told about this secret. I was afraid that he'd hate me or think who I am is dirty.
I felt him hug me as I released all my emotions and just cried. His hug was so comforting and made me feel just so safe.
"I regret telling him that, I wish I could've just told him how much I love him and how I want to be with him," I sobbed hugging him tighter.
"Tell him, it's never too late to tell someone that you love them," he told me. I nodded as I wiped away my tears.
"Thanks for listening to me sir," I smiled and he nodded.
"Now run along, class is to start soon." He smiled and I nodded happily walking out the classroom.
I nervously walked to the first class of the day which is just Study Hall. That's where I met Charlie and his friends. This class is for the top students and the students with the lowest scores. Basically like a study group, I was paired up with Charlie as I am the smartest one and Charlie not so much.
I sat down on the usual spot right across from Charlie and nervously smiled at him.
"Didn't see you at breakfast," he said opening his text book.
"I had to do something," I told him opening mine. "Charlie, we should talk about this in private after classes? Met at the cave?" I asked and he shrugged.
The rest of class time was silent as we studied and went over some of the things he needed help with the most.
This was the only class Charlie and I had together, which mad everything so much worse for me. I just wanted to apologize over and over again.
Class flew by and before I knew it I was at the cave waiting for Charlie. I hoped he’d come but at the same time my expectations were low. I knew I didn’t deserve Charlie.
I heard noise and leaves crunching, “Charlie?” I called out.
“Hi,” he looked at me awkwardly.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” J smiled bringing him in for a tight hug. “I’m such an idiot and I’m so sorry, I know what I did was stupid.”
“Yeah, really stupid,” he chuckled.
“Please forgive me, I like you Charlie, I really do!” I shouted hugging him. “I might even love you, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I like you a lot too, but are you sure you’re ready for this?” He asked me pulling away from the hug and turning around. “I don’t want to feel like a burden or to pretend around others.”
“It doesn’t matter, reputation is bull and all I want is to be with you, wake up to your beautiful brown eyes,” I caressed his cheek as his face went red and chuckled.
“It’s us against the world now Charlie, forever me and you and I mean that,” I was a tad taller then him as I leaned down and placed a kiss on his small pink lips.
He held my hand as we deepened the kiss, my hand caressed his cheek as I smiled.
“What about your dad?” He asked as we finally pulled away from the kiss and looked at each others eyes.
“To hell with him, I don’t care about it at all, all that matters is our happiness.” I brought him in for another kiss.
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mauvefayette6 · 3 years ago
Love (Todd Anderson x male!Reader)
You smiled as you watched your boyfriend sleep. Todd is one of the most calm and relaxed person you had ever met. It seemed like he had no worries.
You brushed a lose hair behinds his hair as he scrunched up his nose. You chuckled as you caressed his cheeks just taking in the moment.
"Stop staring at me," he muttered his eyes still close.
"No," you whispered back softly kissing his pink lips with a smile.
"It's literally too early for this," he sighed turning around.
"Someones in a grumpy mood," you laughed sitting up to see his empty room.
"School starts tomorrow," he sighed finally sitting up. His blonde hair was a mess as he tried to pat it down.
"Don't remind me. I still have to do that English assignment Mr. Keating left us." You muttered glaring at your backpack.
Your parents had gone on vacation, which funny enough they did not invite you to. You didn't mind, they convinced Todd's parents into letting you stay with them. It was Spring break so it wasn't that long of a stay at Todd's.
You and Todd had started dating your sophomore year at Welton. You were friends with Charlie which made you friends with Neil which helped you become friends with Todd.
Charlie and you were too similar, very gay, funny, and sarcastic. Neil described it as having two rats who were gay. Which quickly made you and Charlie the "Gay Rats" of the group.
Meeting Todd was one of your favorite most memorable moments in your entire life.
It was Chemistry class that you had with the little group. That's when Neil introduced Todd to everyone, they were going to be roommates for the rest of their school careers.
Todd was nervous and didn't want to speak to anyone, he didn't even want to look at anyone. You found it to be extremely adorable and you couldn't help yourself from falling in love with him.
Although you weren't even sure Todd was even queer in anyway. It didn't stop your heart from racing the second he got close to you.
"You really should do Keating's paper, you may be his favorite student but he won't let this slide." Todd chuckled going up to his dresser as he began to brush his messy hair.
"You're so handsome, you know that right?" You smirked looking at him as his face flushed red.
"Shut up, my parents could her you!" He whispered his face still red as you laughed.
"You're too easily flustered Toddy," you shook your head. You walked behind him as you wrapped your arms around his hips resting your head in his shoulders. You closed your eyes as you relaxed, he smelled like strawberries and mangos. "I am so in love with you Todd, you know that right?"
"I'm so in love with you too (Y/n)," he smiled. You two stood like that for a few seconds before deciding to get ready.
You were a morning person and usually woke up at 6am to get ready. Beauty takes tine as you tell Todd who quickly got annoyed of your habit.
"How are we supposed to stay together when I hate waking up so early but you wake ip early?" He grumbled one day.
"Don't worry darling, you can sleep in all day if you want to, just know I only make breakfast yo those who are awake with me," you smiled patting his head.
It was small gestures that Todd loved about you. How you pay so much attention to detail and you take your time.
You loved to be careful, you loved giving him surprises and your favorite thing was showering him with gifts and kind words.
Todd had a hard time really expressing himself and being himself. He constantly doubted himself and dismissed his feelings just to make everyone else happy.
But when he is around you it helps him to say what he has in mind. He finally lets go a little bit of his fears and doubts.
You remind him everyday of just how much you truly love and adore him. You make sure he knows that you are so deeply in love with him.
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mauvefayette6 · 3 years ago
hey! could i request something with a female reader whos the granddaughter of mr nolan? shes like really nice and kind but is one of those people to cry really easily over small things. and a lot of students dont like her but she tries to be nice, and like she manages to befriend the poes. maybe she finds out about the dead poets society but instead of telling she secretly leaves new poetry books for them or leaves them food and stuff. thank you!
Goodbye Home || Poets x fem!reader
"What don't you get?!" Yelled the tutor after slamming their fists on the textbook.
"Please stope yelling!" The poor girl cried covering her face with her hands.
"Stop crying, how do you expect to get into Harvard if you can't do basic math?!" The tutor shouted again.
"I do get it I just have some troubles getting there," she muttered bringing her hands down from her face as she glared at the floor.
"This session is over, you don't have the cells in your brain to do these simple trigonometry questions." The tutor slammed the textbook closed as they stormed out the room leaving the scared young girl sitting on the desk chair.
She sighed as she got up and sadly made her way to her dorm room. She wasn't going to make it far in life if she couldn't even do basic trigonometry.
"I'm a failure," she frowned as she sat on her bed. Her roommate, Rebecca, looked over to her from her desk.
"The tutor yelled at you again?" She laughed. "I don't know why Mr. Nolan tries so hard, you'll never even make it to a community college."
"Shut up, I'm trying really hard!" She shouted as she began crying again. She stormed out the room as she mindlessly ran towards the forest.
She liked the trees and the nature, she always felt at home when she was with nature. She wandered and wandered until she heard voices. She grabbed a stick just in case she needed to defend herself.
She got closer and closer to the source of the voices until she noticed a cave she hadn't seen before. She listened in as she tried to hide herself.
"Poetry?" She mumbled surprised as she heard a line from a Walt Whitman poem. She adored poetry and often read poetry when she got the chance. Her English professor Mr. Keating gives her poetry books he thinks she'd like.
She heard them began to chant and dance around and took that as a sign to begin leaving. She ran as quickly as she could back to the school.
"Poetry? Boys in a cave reading poetry?" She repeated to herself as she walked towards her room making sure she was as quiet as possible.
She went into her bed covering herself as she stared at the blank wall. Boys, in the woods, after hours, reading poetry? Questions raced around her head as she slowly fell asleep.
"Wake up!" Screamed her roommate, this scared the girl awake from a dream she wish she hadn't awoken from.
"I'm up," she sighed getting out of bed.
"Hurry and get dressed, breakfast starts in 10 minutes," Rebecca said before walking out the room and towards the dining hall.
"My grandfather wanted to talk to me before breakfast," she cried as she hurried to dress herself. She was down the stairs when she realized she forgot her shoes and ran back to get them.
Rushing to her grandfathers room she opened the door breathing heavily.
"Sorry sir, I wasn't-" she was interrupted by him as he raised a finger motioning for her to hold her tongue.
"I'm tired of these excuses." He began, "As headmaster of this school it brings me great shame that my sons only child can't do not even the most basics of Trigonometry."
"Sir-" she began trying to explain herself.
"You stay silent whilst I'm speaking!" He shouted. She stepped back in fear as she lowered her head trying to keep the tears in.
"I cannot continue to defend you and your outrages stupidity. I'm the laughingstock of the staff, at my own school!" He continued, "look at me when I'm speaking!"
She quickly looked up trying her best to hold in her tears.
"Improve your grades and become top of the school or I'm sending you to the all girls school in France, you understand?" He asked with his best stern face.
"Yes sir," she said looking at him trying to hide her fear.
"You can go eat your breakfast, if you still have time," he muttered the last part as he continued what he was doing. She walked out, she hadn't realized that she was holding her breath. She allowed the tears to fall from her eyes as she quietly sobbed all the way back to the dining hall where she only had five minutes to finish whatever was on her plate.
"What's with the long face?" Rebecca joked as her and her little clique laughed.
"You jerk," she muttered once she was out of sight. She couldn't help but feel isolated, the whole school knew that Mr. Nolan was her grandfather.
(Y/n) Nolan, the inly grandchild of Mr. Nolan and his son Micheal Nolan. Her father passed away during a trip to Norway. Her mother was absent and frequented bars and prison.
She forgave her mother for abandoning her years ago but never forgave her father. She blamed everything on his death. Her relationship with her grandfather, her grades, and her mother alcoholism.
"Meeting tonight," she heard someone whisper. She was snapped away from her thoughts and the familiarity of the voice.
"The boys," she mumbled under her breath as she took notice of a brunette boy walking with a dirty blonde boy. "Neil and Todd?" She muttered.
Mr. Keating was her favorite teacher at Welton and the only reason her grade in English was amazing. He grabbed her attention unlike any other professor had done before. Of course Mr. McAllistor attempts to catch students attention but fails.
"Neil and Todd are Keatings favorite students," she said out loud. "Of course they would start a secret society."
"Talking to yourself are we?" She heard someone say followed by snickers. "Not only are we dumb but also crazy."
"Shit up Rebecca!" She shouted holding back her tears before storming away. No matter where she went Rebecca would be there, not even in the comfort of a dorm room could keep her away. The irony is that her entire educational career they have been roommates and never got along.
She sneaked into the kitchens knowing the cooks were on their break. She began to make her specialty. She enthusiastically mixed the ingredients as she cooked them. After twenty or so minutes it was all ready. She quietly walked out and into the woods. Of course she passed by her dorm to retrieve a certain book she adored.
"Just say hi," she muttered over and over again as she walked to the cave. It took her a while to figure out where it was. As soon as she arrived she sat on a rock debating if she should stay or if she should go.
She heard crunching and footsteps nearing. She looked at the container of food and then at the book before deciding to leave. She left the stuff as she hurried away running and running until she arrived at her dorm room.
"Mr. Nolan was looking for you, he told me to tell you to go to his office immediately." Rebecca said dully.
"Did he say what for?" She asked and Rebecca just shrugged before returning to her homework.
(Y/n) made her way towards her grandfathers office. She knocked twice before going in as she saw her grandfather pacing the room.
"You wanted to see me sir?" She asked catching Mr. Nolan's attention.
"Where were you?!" He shouted angrily catching her by surprise.
"I-" she was interrupted again,
"Never mind that! Very important people are coming in two months to observe the school and the overall average of the school," he began nervously. "We are an exemplary school, it's just you and Mr. Dalton."
"Me?" She asked astonished.
"You and Mr. Dalton are messing up the schools average!" He shouted angrily. "I want you to retrieve Mr. Charles Dalton every Tuesday's for tutoring, I need the average to go up!"
"I don't know a Charles Dalton sir," she said in her most confident voice.
"Then look for him, I can't do everything for you." He grumbled. "You're dismissed."
She walked out his office confused as she began her search for a Charles Dalton. She walked towards her dorm room and opened her Chemistry book.
"Going to try to do homework?" Rebecca mumbled her eyes still on her book.
"Yeah, why?" (Y/n) muttered back still looking at the pages of her textbook.
"I don't know why you bother. Your abilities obviously lie elsewhere." Rebecca turned to look at her causing (Y/n) to turn and look at her.
Rebecca sat there holding up (Y/n)'s private journal. An expression of shock, disgust and betrayal was summoned upon her face.
"My journal?!" She exclaimed standing up tears threaten to fall from her eyes. "Thats my private journal!"
"If it was so private why leave it on top of your desk?" She smirked throwing the journal on her bed. "Nothing interesting anyways. I couldn't imagine living such a worthless and boring life."
(Y/n) stood up and walked out tears falling from her eyes as she attempted and failed to wipe them away. Again and again the tears fell from her eyes as small sobs escaped her lips.
"I can't believe she would stoop this low. Digging in my private thoughts? I couldn't imagine why!" She cried. She was now outside with the trees and nature like she wished she could always be.
She heard laughter and boys making jokes, its the secret club she found about yesterday night. She stood up and dusted herself up as she walked back to the school determined to befriend them somehow.
She envied their friendship in the best possible way. Considering that she's only ever heard them laughing with each other. After a while of debating wether she should return to her dorm room or not. She entered it, where else would she sleep? She wasn't exactly welcomed anywhere else.
She decided to make a plan before sleeping, she'd find out their meeting days and leave them gifts (food, books, ideas, etc).
The following day she crept behind Neil and Todd as they talked to a very handsome boy about their year.
"Meeting tonight, you can't miss out," Neil smiled before walking away. This afternoon? So soon already? She asked herself as she continued to walk deep in thought.
She accidentally bumped into someone as she stumbled backwards almost falling.
"Watch it!" Shouted a boys voice as he turned around.
"I'm so sorry!" She apologized quickly, "are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm fine. Are you?" He asked nonchalantly.
"Yeah, the names (Y/n)-" but she was once again interrupted.
"You're Nolan's kid?" He asked as she nodded. "Charlie Dalton."
"Charles Dalton?" She repeated as he gave her a confused nod. "I'm so glade I finally found you!"
"You were looking for me? Perhaps for an autograph?" He laughed smirking.
"You wish, Mr. Nolan wants us go meet up at the Library I suppose for tutoring. Every Tuesday." She smiled as Charlie rolled his eyes.
"I've been told by letter but I refuse to waste my Tuesday's on tutoring." He shrugged before leaving. She followed behind closely in attempts to convince him of going.
"Please Mr. Dalton! Mr. Nolan will be greatly angered if you don't show up! It's for the good of school!" She shouted as Charlie began to speed up.
"My father's Mr. Dalton. I'm Charlie!" He stopped angrily glaring at her as she attempted to catch her breath.
"Please go, I'll be in loads of trouble if you don't show up, please come?" She begged again with hopeful eye.
"Okay, I'll think about okay?" He said sighing in defeat.
"Thank you so much, it won't be for very long!" She smiled before walking away happily. She walked into the kitchens again and prepared her best deserts that she could think of.
She wondered the library for hours grabbing poetry books and writing down her favorite ones into a small notebook. She decided that this will be her project. She'll write her favorite poems on a notebook until she mustered the courage to befriend them.
She dug in her closet for any poetry books she had, her father was an avid lover of poetry. She smiled as she pulled out her father's favorite poetry book.
She gently put it inside her picnic basket along with the cookies as she quickly walked into the woods smiling as she heard the birds chirp. Although a rather long journey she sat in the rock she previously had.
She smiled as she sat the basket on the ground on top of a blanket she decided to bring. She smiled as she looked around. She wondered how the meetings went, if all they really did was read poetry to each other.
She heard rustling and laughter and took this a sign to hurry out of there. She ran back to the school and towards her dorm room.
"Where were you?" Rebecca asked with a smirk.
"Why does it matter to you?" She muttered angrily sitting on her desk as Rebecca shrugged and went back to her homework.
(Y/n) attempted to finish up her Chemistry project due tomorrow which unsurprisingly failed miserably. She was never good at Chemistry although she didn't completely hate it.
The next morning she woke late as ever and dressed late as ever. She barely even had time to eat a muffin before classes started.
She walked inside Mr. Keating classroom a great smile on her face as she sat in front.
Welton had barely allowed girls into the school after Henley Hall was burnt down a few years back. In attempts to make it work the girls and boys were separated, there were only a handful of girl students. The girls had one schedule as the boys had another schedule.
Luckily for the next class they'd be allowed into Henley Hall as it's quickly being rebuilt.
Mr. Keating was (Y/n) favorite teacher, she didn't have top marks in this class as she didn't have top marks in any other class but Mr. Keating didn't seem to pay much attention to that.
Classes were over as (Y/n) made her way back to the library to write down some more of her favorite poems. Maybe one day she'll be confident enough to finally talk to them. She sighed as she finished writing down the last poem.
She walked to the kitchen and baked and cooked a few things. Hopefully no ones was severely allergic to anything. She smiled at the thought that maybe one day they'll know her name.
Just like the day before she dropped the basket off before fleeing. This went on for weeks than a whole month went by and she was done writing down poems in the notebook.
"Done already?" She muttered to herself. She sighed before going back to her dorm room. She sat on the bed before checking the time. "Ten minutes."
She contemplated her next move, her grades hadn't improved neither had Charlie's. Mr. Nolan was fuming and she just knew she would soon be kicked out. She received a letter yesterday morning during breakfast.
She began getting ready, she packed ever article of clothes and items she owned. She looked at the dorm room sadly before making her way to her grandfathers office. She met Charlie half way there who didn't seem to be worried.
"Why do you think he asked to see us?" Charlie whispered and she shrugged.
"Come in!" Mr. Nolan shouted a tone of rage lingered as they entered the office.
(Y/n) stood tensely and Charlie looked unbothered and unnerved.
"You may be asking why I asked to see you two after classes," he began as he circled them. "As you may know, you two have the lowest marks at this school which is saying a lot as most don't go under a 97%."
She gulped knowing that her lowest mark was in trigonometry being a 39%.
Charlie shrugged nonchalantly, he was the richest student at Welton and if he really wanted he could use his dad's money to keep him in.
"I have talked to your father Charles," Mr. Nolan began, "he agrees with me that you must put extra effort in your marks but we have come to an agreement so you're dismissed but we will be having another talk with your father in two weeks, understood?"
"Clear as water sir," Charlie smiled before walking out of the office room.
"I'm greatly disappointed in you, you're a Nolan for goodness sakes!" He shouted slamming his fists on his table.
"I swear I've been trying sir-" she frantically attempted to explain but Mr. Nolan wanted to hear none of it.
"These are not the principles I've raised you on. Writing poetry and fantasizing about boys." (Y/n) tensed up. "Your roommate Rebecca confided in me about what you're up to."
"Sir-" she once again attempted to explain herself.
"I want to hear no more of this, you're dismissed now." He pointed at the door as he resumed the paper work. She left the room crying and she continued to cry until she reached her dorm room.
"(Y/n)?" Rebecca said in a soft voice.
"How could you? Not only did you read my journal but told Mr. Nolan?" She asked trying to wipe away the tears.
"I-" but Rebecca couldn't finish her sentence as she looked away in shame.
"It's okay, I'm leaving the school anyways. Mr. Nolan's going to kick me out so what use is there in arguing?" She chuckled sadly before once again leaving the room.
She went down to the kitchen with her poetry journal in hand. She grabbed a few cookies before heading to the cave. She was unsure if she was going to see them or not but what difference did it make?
She sat on her usual spot her journal in one hand and the baked goods in the other. She waited, she didn't care for how long she would have to.
That's when she heard laughter and footsteps. She stood ip and dusted her skirt standing tensely.
"(Y/n)?" Charlie Dalton said almost surprised as he entered the room.
"Hi," she smiled awkwardly waving.
"You know her?" Neil whispered and Charlie nodded before looking at the desserts in her hand.
"Are you the person that's been leaving us desserts?" A ginger boy with curly hair asked pointing at the basket.
"I- yes?" She said hesitantly.
"Well we finally put a face to the greatest baker in the world!" An overly optimistic Knox Overstreet smiled.
"I'm Steven Meeks, this is Gerard, Todd, Knox, Neil, Richard and as you may already know Charlie." He smiled introducing everyone.
"I'm (Y/n) Nolan, Mr. Nolan's ex-granddaughter," she laughed sadly.
"Ex? How can someone be someones ex-granddaughter?" Neil asked.
"I've been disowned?" She said in a questioning tone as she tried to hide her tears.
"Does that mean you're leaving Welton?" Charlie asked.
"Yeah, he's ashamed of me and honestly being under his rules are hell and I'd rather be by my own!" She smiled successfully.
"Good on you!" Neil said patting her back.
"Where do you plan to go?" Todd asked nervously.
"My aunt from my moms said she'd take me in, she's all the way in California, I called her and she agreed!" She smiled widely, "I leave next weekend for California."
"We'll miss you even though we barely met each other," Knox smiled bringing her in for a hug.
"I'll miss you guys too, here have this," she smiled reaching for her bag. "I gathered all my favorite poetry just for you guys to enjoy."
And just like that they enjoyed a meeting where nothing else mattered but each others company. (Y/n) left the next weekend as she had joined them for many of there following meetings.
She felt at home for once in her life although she was sad to depart them she knew it was for the best.
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mauvefayette6 · 3 years ago
can you do hc of a female reader being best friends with ALL the dps but she’s super chaotic & rebellious?
How it would be like to be friends with the Dead Poets Society Characters. (fem!reader)
• Lots of sneaking around the school at night.
• Having a secret business where you and Charlie would do other peoples homework.
• Never taking anything Mr. Nolan says seriously.
• You and Charlie being a chaotic duo.
• Teasing and bother Meeks about EVERYTHING
• Discouraging Knox from pursuing Chris
• Dating Chris Noel bc gay rights
• Knox and you not getting along very well
• Being mean to underclassmen with Charlie
• Stealing/borrowing food from the cafeteria
• Never paying attention in class yet having the best grades.
• Complaining about Latin class
• Neil and you auditioning for plays together
• Lazily writing poetry
• Always initiating the meetings
• They see you like a sister
• Introducing them to mostly underground musicians
• Forming a band that never really went anywhere
• Refusing to wear a skirt to school
• Lots or demerits/detentions but never being expelled
• Surprisingly good grades
• Doing lots of slam poetry
• Encouraging bad behaviors
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mauvefayette6 · 3 years ago
Hi!!! I love your writing, and I was wondering if you could maybe write something fluffy for Todd X f!reader waking up together from his pov. Thank you so much. <3
Cuddles (Todd Anderson x fem!Reader)
sorry it’s so short!
-Todd's POV-
I laid on my bed, it was early on Saturday. Luckily I had no work that day, but waking up early was just a habit of mine now. I turned to my side as I stared at my girlfriend, (Y/n).
Shes's a beautiful girl, I fell in love with her the second I saw her. The way her eyes twinkled and the way her smile lit a dark room.
I caressed her hair as she softly snored drooling a little bit. Even snoring and drooling she was the most perfect girl in the world. I couldn't help but smile at her sleeping figure. She really has my heart and I never want it back.
"Why are you staring at me?" She mumbled her eyes still closed.
"You're beautiful I couldn't help myself," I chuckled.
"Theres drool coming out of mouth Todd," she muttered before turning around covering her eyes.
"I don't care about that, you're still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," I defended. All she fid was laugh before I heard her soft snores.
I couldn't help but keep staring at her, how did I get so lucky?
"Todd stop staring I'm trying to sleep," she groaned rolling around.
“But you’re so beautiful I can’t help it,” I defended once again hugging her.
“You’re a weirdo,” she mumbled a smile on her face.
“I’m a weirdo in love with a beautiful girl like you,” I smiled caressing her cheeks. “How did I get so lucky?”
“Hush Toddie, you’re being weird,” She sat up looking at me with her beautiful (e/c) eyes.
“Your eyes, they’re beautiful,” I mumbled. “Your lips, your eyes, your scent, just a few things I love and adore about you. What would I do if I weren’t with you?”
“So poetic this morning aren’t we?” She laughed.
“You bring out the romantic in me, I can’t help but list the thousands of stuff I adore about you.” I groaned dramatically. “I could list every thing I absolutely love about you!”
“You’re being odd this morning,” she laughed again.
“I’m always like this,” I frowned sitting up.
“Hmm yeah but I guess you’re being overly cute,” she bopped my nose before kissing my lips.
“I wish you kissed me every second of everyday,” I muttered kissing her again and again.
“I would let you kiss me every second of everyday but we have to start our day,” she playfully rolled her eyes.
“What if we just lay in bed all day and just hold each other?” I asked hopefulness in my voice.
“We don’t have work today,” she thought. “Screw it, we can have a lazy day.” She winked before cuddling closer to me as I cuddled closer to her.
“I adore you, more than anything in this world, there’s absolutely nothing you could do or anyone could sag to make me hate you,” I mumbled kissing her again and again.
“And I absolutely adore you and everything about you,” she smiled kissing me.
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mauvefayette6 · 3 years ago
could i request a charlie dalton x male reader where the reader doesnt know about the dead poets society, but bakes a lot, and follows charlie to give him something sweet and ends up finding out about them? maybe theyre already dating but nobody knows and the other poets find out bc of this? thank you so much!
Baker (Charlie Dalton x male!Reader)
It was an unusual yet a loving pairing, Charlie Dalton and (Y/n) (L/n). They were practically polar opposites in every way possible.
(Y/n) (L/n) loves to bake, usually bakes when he is stressed out or when he is excited. Contrary to the rest of the Welton population, (Y/n)'s parents actually supported this dream. He had amazing marks and could get into an amazing culinary school if be so desired to.
Charlie Dalton was the opposite in the sense that he had no care in world and no plan. His father wanted him to be a banker and so he will be one. He had no say in anything about his life, nor did he have a say in who he'll date.
(Y/n) and Charlie met one Saturday morning, it was sunny and warm not the usual Vermont weather but beautiful nonetheless.
(Y/n), with the permission of Mr. Nolan, would cook breakfast every first Saturday of the month. Which he took extremely serious and would go all out for the staff and the students who got really amazing food.
Everyone always looked forward to the first Saturday specifically because of this. Charlie Dalton got a little too excited that Saturday that his mind and body woke him up a tad bit earlier then planned.
He had no choice but begin to get ready for breakfast. He wore casual wear as it was Saturday and the Professors weren't going to yell at him for being out of uniform. He made sure he was loud enough to at least disturb a sleeping Cameron.
He walked out and towards the Dinning Hall where he'd wait. That's when he saw a very handsome (Y/n). He was standing outside the door with a grin on his face. (Y/n) looked up and noticed Charlie Dalton walking up to the breakfast.
"Early bird always catches the bird!" (Y/n) enthusiastically cheered smiling at Charlie Dalton who chuckled.
"I'm not a usual early riser, just wanted to be first in line for (Y/n)'s famous breakfast," Charlie winked.
"I'm flattered, Breakfast isn't till 8am, it's 6am?" (Y/n) questioned slightly laughing.
"Was a bit too excited, are you done making the food?" Charlie asked.
"I'm done with the three cakes, the sweet bread and the croissants," (Y/n) began. "I'm still making the eggs, the famous small burgers, and just about to make orange juice for over a hundred people!"
"You must really love this to do it unpaid," Charlie laughed.
"Baking os my favorite art, getting the chance to serve everyone and put a smile on their faces is beyond rewarding. That and this is perfect practice for me," (Y/n) shrugged smiling.
Since that day (Y/n) and Charlie became unusual friends. (Y/n) helped Charlie with homework and sometimes even let Charlie help out with the giant breakfast.
In exchange Charlie helped (Y/n) with being more sociable and soccer which (Y/n) isn't proud of saying he wasn't very good at. Charlie was far more athletic and better at talking to others.
(Y/n) slowly discovered feelings he had never felt before. He was unsure if they were always there of if Charlie changed something in him to help him realize said feelings. (Y/n) never thought about dating or having a for life companion. He thought the whole forever partner would come to him later in life.
Charlie Dalton also began to develop more than friendly feelings for (Y/n). He always knew he liked both girls, boys, and everyone in between. He knew of this but was afraid to confront the feelings. He thought it would ruin any friendship he had with anyone.
(Y/n) and Charlie were out by a lake together dipping their feet in the cold water laughing with each other.
At that very moment nothing else mattered, not the school, not the professors, not the world. It was just them two, and that was the only thing on Charlie's head.
(Y/n) was a few inches taller than Charlie which on one hand made Charlie fall more in love with him and on the other hand made him extremely jealous.
"Why are you so tall?" Charlie laughed.
"My dad's really tall, my moms a tad shorter then him," (Y/n) shrugged laughing.
Charlie smiled as he stared into (Y/n)'s eyes, (Y/n) did the same as he looked into Charlies dark brown eyes.
(Y/n) and Charlie couldn't help but lean in as their lips soon meet. It was a beautiful and long kiss as their lips synchronized with each other. Charlie rested his hand on (Y/n)'s cheek in an endearing way.
(Y/n) pulled away resting his forehead on Charlie's. They were smiling at each other as they stood in silence.
"I have never felt this way about anybody else Charlie Dalton," (Y/n) began. "But with you I feel free, I feel new."
"I feel the same way (Y/n) I adore you and hold you so dearly to my heart, as cheesy as it sounds," Charlie chuckled.
"Does this mean we are boyfriends?" (Y/n) smiled his forehead still on Charlie's.
"Yeah, but can we keep it on the low for now? You know how they treat us gay people," Charlie sighed sadly pulling away and sadly staring at the ground.
"It's okay, I was thinking the same. I don't want you getting hurt so we'll keep it a secret until the world is ready," he replied caressing Charlie's cheek and bringing him in for another kiss.
In secret they did everything, from dates far from the school, to their birthday celebration. They passed notes to each other in class and sometimes would sneak a kiss. They were sad that their relationship had to be kept quiet but at the end it was the best for them and their safety.
It was a year as they were now officially Juniors, a new student began to go to Welton. A so called Todd Anderson, Jeffery Anderson's younger brother. Charlie and his friend group befriended him which automatically meant that Todd is (Y/n)'s friend too.
Their one year anniversary was coming up as (Y/n) planned a small celebration. He spent some time baking Charlie's favorite cake and foods. They'll celebrate their anniversary near the lake in the evening, the right time in (Y/n)'s opinion.
The time arrived as (Y/n) began to bring the stuff out, of course he intended it to be a surprise. But he was more surprised seeing Charlie walk into the woods by himself. With a raised eyebrow he began to jog to him. But this seemed to make Charlie run, (Y/n) was unsure if he knew that he was behind him.
"Charlie?" (Y/n) called out. "Charlie! Babe? What are you-" He was cut off the second he saw the cave he saw Charlie enter full of Charlie's friends.
"(Y/n)?" Charlie mumbled seeing the surprise look in his friends face.
"Wrong person?" (Y/n) quickly said as he walked away from the cave but before he could Charlie stopped him.
"I think it's time that we at least tell my friends," Charlie whispered with a smile.
"Are you sure?" (Y/n) mumbled back as Charlie only nodded.
"You guys, I have to say something," Charlie took in a deep breath as he looked at his friends confused face. "As most of you know, I am bisexual. Or at least Neil knew, and (Y/n) is my boyfriend."
"Boyfriend? So you two are gay?" Knox asked, "Cool."
"Yeah, why were you so worried? Aren't we in a secret poetry society?" Meeks laughed.
"Congrats, we are so happy for you," Todd who is usually quiet said smiling.
"The reaction I thought you were going to have was different. I'm so happy you guys don't absolutely hate us," Charlie laughed wiping away the tears that began to form.
"We wouldn't hate you for your preferences, we have been friends for too long!" Pitts exclaimed patting Charlie's shoulder.
"How come I didn't know you were in a secret society?" (Y/n) asked.
"It's a secret society, I also didn't know if you would be interested?" Charlie laughed.
After that (Y/n) spent a while with Charlie's friends before resuming his small surprise for their anniversary.
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mauvefayette6 · 3 years ago
can i request a steven meeks x reader? maybe something where meeks comforts the reader when they’re having a bad day? thanks so much :)
I hope you enjoy!!
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Study Partners (Steven Meeks x Reader)
pronouns are they/them!! (platonic)
It was a quiet November which meant end of term at Welton Academy. That is the hardest time of year for the students and administrators. If you failed two or more exams you would be expelled, it made getting and staying so much harder.
The pressure was real for the students, most had break downs in the study room. Others had a really bad breakdown that they had to be sent home causing them to be expelled for not presenting their exams.
The case for (Y/n) (L/n) was similar, they were on the verge of a break down but always found a way to cope. This time it was going to be harder, their Chemistry score was already below average and they were on the edge of completely failing the class.
"You don't understand! My dad will never forgive me if I don't pass this class with a high score!" They shouted to their closest friend, Meeks.
"I can always help you get your grade higher," Meeks suggested but before he knew it (Y/n) began crying.
"I hope I get kicked out, I don't want to be here," they sobbed their hands on their eyes.
"Hey, you'll be fine! A little bit more of studying and I'm certain we can get your grade up!" Meeks optimistically smiled.
"Chemistry has never been easy for me Meeks! You know that!” They sobbed their hands on their face as Meeks rubbed their back comfortingly.
“Hey look, you’re strong and you can do this okay? Lets study and then I can test you,” Meeks smiled.
(Y/n) looked up at Meeks their eyes red as they attempted to wipe it away.
“You’re right Meeks,” they smiled. “I just have to believe in myself.”
Meeks patted their back a smile on their face, “We can start off easy.”
They spent the next few days leading up to their final studying. Day and night no matter what, all in the hopes of succeeding.
“I passed!” (Y/n) shouted running up to Meeks and hugging him.
“That’s great! You see I told you that you’d pass!” Meeks smiled hugging them back tighter.
“All thanks to you Meeks, where would I be without you?” They smiled bringing him in for a tighter hug.
That day they celebrated (Y/n)’s success with the rest of the Poets at their cave.
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