mauricedavenport · 4 years
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One who better stay safe is [ Maurice Davenport ]. They are a [ journalist ] who have been in New York City for [ six months ]. They are [ neutral about the bianchi/syndicate ] and what they stand for. People say they are [ confident ] and [ witty ] but their enemies would say they are [ bossy ] and [ impulsive ]. They are described as [ all-nighters in front of the computer, fake smiles, starting fights at the dinner table ].
Name: Maurice Davenport Age: 44 Date of Birth: July 31, 1976 Hometown: New York City/London Current Location: New York City Gender: cis man Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: homosexual Occupation: journalist
an older brother to Ainsley, except that she’s only found out he exists fairly recently. His father, Theo, walked out on him and his mother, Ava,  soon after he was born. When it was clear that Theo didn’t want to start a family with her, or even have anything to do with her and his child, Ava and Maurice moved to London, to stay with Ava’s brother.
his mom never mentioned his father again and Maurice went with it; he went on to have a pretty comfortable life, both because he’s always been hardworking and because his uncle and his mother knew the right people that managed to set him up with plenty opportunities.
worked his way up from tabloids to The Times, where he worked as a news editor up until a year ago. Fired for sneakily twisting a story one too many times and general journalistic misconduct, he went back to writing for shitty tabloids and online magazines. He ditched all of that after three months and if anyone asks now, he says he’s freelancing. He’s not; he’s not even working now, instead lives off his fairly substantial savings.
he’s always been curious about finding his father so in his early 30s, he hired a PI and had them find out as much as possible about Theo — that’s how Maurice found out about his half-siblings and about the line of work his father was involved in. He dropped it then, knowing was enough, he didn’t feel the need to meet any of the new-found family.
up until recently — after losing his job and becoming dissatisfied with the general state of his life, he hired the PI again, had them update Maurice on his father and his family. With nothing to lose, Maurice decided to move to New York six months ago and hopefully connect with the family that, as far as he knows, doesn’t even realize he exists.
he reached out to Ainsley first and then found an opening into the business her and their father ran; he learned all about the Bianchis and about the power they hold in the city. Even though he knows that being a Davenport in New York City is pretty much synonymous with working for the Bianchis, Maurice has kept himself mostly out of it. What he has been doing, though, is listening, watching, learning — he’s been studying the city’s dynamic, trying to figure out where to stand, whether siding with the Bianchis, with his family is a good idea, whether it’s going to pay off. He’s also trying to see if there’s any other option; Maurice is a total sell-out, if there’s a way for him to get ahead, he’ll do it at any cost. His connection to the Bianchis, through his family name, could get him places, he’s sure and he’s still thinking of ways to use this advantage.
— Bianchi affiliated people who have taken a liking to him & then Bianchi affiliated people who are rather suspicious of him; I even imagine that someone could’ve been assigned as an occasional tail to him, just to see if Maurice isn’t being too friendly with the wrong people — same as above but for the syndicate members; maybe someone, without specifically mentioning what’s planned for the future, has been trying to get Maurice onto their side, maybe completely, maybe as a double-agent. Maurice, even though having learned the ropes only recently, could be a valuable asset for the syndicate, with him being a Davenport. — fwb/flings/any romantic connection are absolutely on the table, fun extra lil fact, Maurice is a divorcee.....i’m open to the idea of someone else playing his ex-husband, should someone be interested eye emoji. but anyway, maurice is v casual on that front so if ur interested, u can throw whatever at me — he’s very charismatic and charming, he’s always networking so he tries to make as many friends as possible; frequently goes out so he’s always calling someone. one or two closer friendships would make sense for him, even though he’s been in the city for six months. so if your muse likes shit-talking and being sophisticated dicks together, he’s kinda ur guy — on the topic of being a dick....would b a shame if someone didn’t particularly like him.......hahah jk...unless......but yeah, if your muse won’t vibe with Maurice, that’s understandable, he liked getting under people’s skin for Fun, tends to say the wrong things, especially now when his life is a Mess..midlife crisis anyone? anyway someone should punch him sometime is all im saying — if there’s a reason for your muse to have traveled to england in the past, maybe they could’ve met sometime in the past already and now that he’s nyc they could literally have a reconnection by chance — ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING!!!!!! if u have an idea for a connection dm me!!! or if u don’t, dm me too and we can just talk about the general vibes and feelings and figure something out
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mauricedavenport · 4 years
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mauricedavenport · 4 years
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