mathssssstuff · 1 year
Very short story I wrote a little while ago~
(Sorry for any mistakes)
Enjoy ^^
Bloody Truce 🩸
She turned the tap on and listened to the sound of water drizzling down as she hummed a peaceful melody to herself.
She slowly entered the tub feeling the cold water caress her skin.
She sat down fully and rested her head, blood was dripping down in the water gradually coloring it of a soft red.
As she continued to sing she felt the life draining from her body and her spirit drifting away.
Her voice progressively lowered until silence took place.
She could still feel the freezing wind coming from the open window on her features.
Soon her consciousness had fully left her body.
Her face was pale, her limbs were cold.
She wasn't ready to go yet however, she didn't bargain. She accepted her fate, maybe she shouldn't have.
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mathssssstuff · 1 year
First post on tumblr, here is the prologue for a story I’m currently working on :) I just wanted to post this somewhere.
Enjoy! (Sorry for any mistakes)
☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
The soft before noon sunlight enlightened Dorothe’s fine features. She was delicately cutting apple slices, humming a calming tune as she mixed her apples with the pie gelatin powder. She finished pouring the mix in her homemade fresh crust. The sweet scent filled the woman’s nostrils, she slid the dessert in the hot oven an setted a timer. She cleaned her hand on the flowery washcloth, a sigh leaving her lips. Dorothe walked over to the phone and tensely dialed her sister’s number. It had been weeks since she’d last seen her. The two sisters were usually very close but Evelyn wasn’t answering calls lately and Dorothe was starting to get worried. At first she thought maybe she was sick, but after two weeks without news the concern was getting more and more present. She had planned to invite her dear sister over for a piece of apple pie, her favorite, in the hope this time she’d answer. Dorothe picked up the phone, the rings blaring in her ears. After a little while an acute beep resonated before the answering machine went on. She squeezed her eyes shut in disappointment. Her lashes trembled as a stress ball formed in her throat. She opened her eyes and sluggishly put the phone back down. She took a deep breath and determinedly snatched her keys from the hook before leaving. The anguish had gotten too high, tragic scenarios built up in Dorothe’s head as she drove strained to her sister’s house. Why hadn’t she gone to make sure Evelyn was okay earlier, She asked herself. She didn’t want to bother her, but what if it was something serious.
“It’s probably nothing.” She mumbled, trying to reassure herself.
The woman pulled out from her soft blue car and approached the house door, looking around. She knocked hesitantly and waited a few seconds for an answer, nothing.
She knocked again.
“Evelyn! It’s me Dorothe!”
After a little while she grabbed the burning metal handle and turned it.
It was unlocked, Dorothe slowly opened the door and peeked inside. A cold breeze escaped from the entry, sending chills down her spine. She walked in closing the door behind her and traveled her eyes across the room. It was very vast, a strange atmosphere browsed over the space.
“Evelyn? Are you there?”
“I just came to check in on you!”
“You haven’t been answering my calls!”
The entrance opened onto a long dark corridor, Dorothe progressed in. The wooden floor creaking under each of her steps. She continued to call for her sister, anxiety filling her stomach at every inch farther she walked. Every door was wide open except one near the end of the hallway, a discreet yellow light emerged from under it.
The lady approached the source of luminance carefully. She stopped in front of the white wood door and put her ear to it. The dead silence lurking in the house made Dorothe’s head spin, the only sound being the beating of her heart. She turned the door knob and looked inside. Her whole body petrified at the scene before her eyes.
She felt her heart drop and tears forming.
A strident scream resonated through the neighborhood.
And then, … nothing.
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