masterbuilder-benny · 9 years
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Went on a drawing spree tonight with my two favorite Legos <3
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masterbuilder-benny · 10 years
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masterbuilder-benny · 10 years
Benny felt like this was the kind of thing that only happened in cheesy movies. The fact that it was definitely the cops on the other end of the line did relieve him somewhat, at least to know that his body was in capable hands. 
It was bizarre however, to hear his own voice coming from the phone, it was bizarre to hear his voice tinted with the same accent that the cops spoke in. It gave him a sense of cognitive dissonance that he wasn't quite sure how to respond to. The cop was right however, they needed to figure out how to fix this.
"Yeah, this is Benny!" he said, trying to flatten the Irish accent he wasn't used to speaking in at all. "I mean, yeah, obviously something's wrong. I actually spent so much time trying to just keep my- er... your, head from spinning," he said sheepishly. 
He hadn't even thought about his job. He realized if this was permanent, he'd have to take on the responsibilities of the cops, and that made his heart drop into the pit of his stomach. He would be a terrible cop. "Do you have any idea how to fix this?" he asked, "Yeah, I agree. We need to fix this as soon as possible."
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masterbuilder-benny · 10 years
1980sspacegay here, just reblogging it over to the RP account if that's okay!))
Benny’s vision was still alarmingly blurry, not sharpening into focus as he flipped the light switch in the bathroom he found himself. Still, even without the clarity of his normally good vision, he recognized the figure in the mirror as the body of his friends, the cops. And immediately he was totally confused, even panicked. 
The bizarre nature of what he saw in the mirror sent his head spinning, and yes, literally spinning. Despite his lack of a dual personality, he was apparently still capable of shuffling between the cops’ two faces. This was terrifyingly disorienting, and the spaceman stumbled around the bathroom, trying to get his-no, it wasn’t his, don’t say that-body under control. His arms felt for his face, holding it still long enough for him to at the very least, subdue some of the panic. 
Leaning closer to the mirror and squinting, he tried to make sense of what he was looking at. His immediate thought was that this was only a dream, this wasn’t actually happening, he wasn’t actually seeing Good Cop’s reflection in place of his own. But pinching himself wasn’t working, it actually hurt, and he couldn’t seem to shake himself awake. 
“What the brick-“he said, almost immediately clapping his hands over his mouth, surprised by the accented voice that escaped. What was going on?
Finally, he remembered the glasses he’d seen on the bedside table upon waking up. Returning to the bedroom, he grabbed the round spectacles and put them on, clarity returning to his vision. This brought only a little relief however, as the sharpness of his view only add certainty to his situation. Somehow, he’d woken up in the cops’ body. 
Which begged the question, what had happened to the cops? He got his answer when he heard the phone ring, making him jump. He searched for the source of the ringing noise, wondering if it was appropriate to answer the cops’ phone, almost ignoring the call. Until he saw the name on the caller ID.  Benny Blu Chu. In other words, himself. His heart raced nervously as he picked up, choking out a “Hello?”
Good Cop switch out, leaving his other half to deal with the sight before them. …Or he tried to, at least. He couldn’t very well physically force Bad Cop to take control of their body, now that they…
Good gosh. They- they really weren’t in their own body, were they? Up until this point the...
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masterbuilder-benny · 10 years
Benny snickered mischievously, folding paper airplanes- rather, paper spaceships, and tossing them at the cop, floating high enough to stay out of his reach. As he did so, he whispered little Star Wars-esque sound effects as the paper ships hit their target.
The officers liked Benny, usually. He was excitable and interesting and generally a rather nice guy. But sometimes, on days like today, when things hadn’t been really going their way, the astronaut’s antics got just a tad annoying.
Bad Cop scowled and huffed at Benny who was rather inconveniently staying out of reach. When the next paper spaceship- how was the astronaut folding these?- came his way, he caught it and crumpled it up, hurling it away with more force than was strictly necessary.
"Th’ next one I’m throwing back up ‘t you."
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masterbuilder-benny · 10 years
Guess who's alive
It's me thats who
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masterbuilder-benny · 10 years
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He kisses you and you taste stars…
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masterbuilder-benny · 10 years
how do astronauts say they’re sorry?
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masterbuilder-benny · 10 years
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tonight’s slapdash celebration!
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masterbuilder-benny · 10 years
Send me asks or rp requests guys, because I'm TOTALLY BACK IN BUSINESS!!!!
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masterbuilder-benny · 10 years
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masterbuilder-benny · 10 years
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masterbuilder-benny · 10 years
He's beauty, he's grace, he is a dandy in space:
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masterbuilder-benny · 10 years
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little quick before bed because I’ve had the idea of cosmic-entity!Benny since like, the tiny Benny week started and can’t get it out of my head. Hopefully now that it’s on digital paper, I’ll be freeeee.
Also what is it with me and ethereal beings? I blame this on how much I rped as Sandy
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masterbuilder-benny · 10 years
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I donno, this looked a lot crazier in my head
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masterbuilder-benny · 10 years
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He makes a cute Poodle <3
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masterbuilder-benny · 10 years
What do Suzanne and Benny have in common? They talk to mops!
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