masseffectladynerd35 · 9 months
I'm back I suppose
I haven't been on or anywhere NEAR this website since before The Great Purge. I hardly knew how to navigate it even then, so hopes aren't terribly high for this iteration, HOWEVER. I do intend to stay well away from toxicity and drama and 'outrage clickbait' stuff. I will never get into politics, current events, PC crap; if I have it my way, this will be someplace I nerd out about my favorite things and or my artwork.
My life lately has been hectic and stressful enough, I just want someplace to blog and share things and relax with like-minded people. <3 All that being said...
My name is Andria, 35 F, I'm a digital artist first and foremost! I also: Write original stuff and occasionally fan-fiction, I RP (mostly via Discord), I'm a bit of a spelling and grammar stickler and I'll write text walls if you let me. I have a wonderful, loving boyfriend, I live with one of my best friends and I have 2 black cats!
Current obsessions: Mass Effect 1, 2, 3 and yes even Andromeda. If played with a few minor mods it's great! The Angara... <3 O///O
DINOSAURS. I'm a dinosaur nerd. Literally you'd hate watching any of the JP movies with me, I spend 70% of the time critiquing what they got right, wrong etc. I'm awful.
I'll chitchat all day about metal or rock music! (Though I have everything from Britney Spears to The Beatles to Cannibal Corpse on my spotify).
SO YEAH, that's about me in a nutshell! I don't bite or judge! Feel free to drop me a message or ask about art commissions, cuz I DO take commissions! Might make a post on that later when I have a decent pricing sheet.
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