massacrrdiets · 1 year
Its so embarrassing how I was laying in my bed and my brother was sitting down with me and my stomach growled.. It was quite comedic/devastating.
I had to eat a very CARBY meal just so he could see I'm doing better
But I had ate a salad in front of him and other small things
Even thoooo he talked about me to my mom about how I didn't have energy that daay :( boo fucking whoo
Thigh gap seaaasonnnn
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massacrrdiets · 1 year
i want
Cheek bones. A hollow voice. Frail body. Thin bony hands. Dark circles. Bruises. Pale. Dainty wrists. Worried glances. Skinny shaming. Almost fainting when you stand up. Growling stomach. It hurts to walk. Living off energy drinks and low calorie yogurt. So caught up in your weight that everything else fades away. No hunger. “I already ate”. “No thank you”. Chew and spit. Loose clothes. Bonespo. Deathspo. “Your so bony”. Water. Laxative tea. “Are you ok?”. Music all day. Tumblr. Food is gross. “Im not hungry”. Skeletal. Wandering through grocery stores for hours. Freezing. Perfect. 
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massacrrdiets · 1 year
It's 4am and I'm thinking about how my mom asked me for ed advice because I lost so much so quickly
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massacrrdiets · 1 year
Okay so now I think maybe my ED is really setting itself up for success
I've been feeling myself loosing weight and you also know what that means. I think I may be anemic..?
So I was with my Auntie on my dad's side and they are more on the skinnier side more than anything, but my aunt is relatively skinny but she has curves.
So as I get out the car with her she notices I was wearing a beanie (it was a still is a hot summer day) ‼️ I told her I get cold fast bc I do and I have no reason to lie... GUESS WHAT SHE SAYS TO MEE
"You may be anemic you need to go get checked out"
Oh ana you have blessed with coming out the 2's, nd apparently my Ed is Ed'ing if I'm cold all the time and fainting!! My bones are sooo brittleee
Plusss my skin has a rather yellowish tint now. All because of the sserafim workout.
We LOVE you sserafim
That was a word from today's spons-
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massacrrdiets · 1 year
new thinspo just dropped
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feeling demotivated? just tell yourself you wanna look like one of these bitches
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massacrrdiets · 1 year
Best meanspo ever.
"june will be my month!!" not if you keep eating like that
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