mason-ridley · 9 years
Don’t call me that again. I don’t care what you call me. Just… not that.
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Fine. Apologies. Sleep well, River.
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mason-ridley · 9 years
Yeah, lose the attitude or find yourself collared again.
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mason-ridley · 9 years
[River moved back to the bed and picked up the shirt, mentally marking where the material could be tucked and shortened.] I’m done. [She was done with alterations for now. Mason’s shirt would last her a couple more days and she was tired.] I’m going to sleep now. 
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Is there anything I can get for you before you lay your head, master?
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mason-ridley · 9 years
[River shrugged as she stood up. She couldn’t imagine not knowing what the seasons were like. They were as natural as breathing to her, and the idea of living, stuck in some temperature-controlled mountain just seemed wrong.] Paintings and photographs only show one moment of it. Before it gets dirty and starts melting and freezing over again. After the first snowfall, it’s just… there. [River didn’t mean to dampen Mason’s expectations about snow, but the girl would be sorely disappointed when the winter months came.]
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[Mason’s lips thinned into a line and she sighed quietly, lifting her head now.] Are you finished?
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mason-ridley · 9 years
[River didn’t avert her eyes as Mason shimmied into the pants she had just hemmed. Nudity was something she had no qualms with. Out in the wilderness, there was no reason to be ashamed of the human body. She’d seen plenty of others barer than Mason, but she didn’t comment. Instead, River just stood and tugged at the fabric here and there to gauge her success.] It’s cold. I hate it. [River had never liked when the lakes froze over and she had to wear layers of furs on scouting trips. It made her feel too constricted and heavy, something that was not conducive to her job.] The days get shorter and the sky’s always gray. And the snow makes it hard to walk. It’s fine for a day before it gets old.
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[Mason listened, looking down at River as she tested the pants. She stood still the whole time, fingers curled into fists at her sides.] I didn’t really think about any of that. [She said honestly, her voice quiet.] Paintings aren’t cold. What I’ve seen of snow... is just beautiful. I always imagined enjoying it, though I never believed I’d get to.
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mason-ridley · 9 years
Right, right. [River continued to alter the clothes, focused on the small neat stitches as she hemmed the length of the pants.] Well trust me, once the snow starts to stick, you’ll be thankful for hides. Maybe they’re not as pretty as the stuff you’ve got now but at least you’ll be warm. [Biting the thread with her teeth, she tossed the pair of pants back to Mason.] Try them on. I want to make sure I got the length right.
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[Never in her life had Mason been particularly modest, but suddenly she felt her nerves shoot through her like lightning. Swallowing thickly, she stood, slowly shed her pants from the mountain before quickly pulling the thicker hide trousers up her thin legs.] What is it like? [She asked, standing still so River could gauge whether or not the length of the pants were correct.]
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mason-ridley · 9 years
[River didn’t pay Mason’s little flinch any mind. The garments were tossed over to her casually and she rifled through them, before starting with a pair of pants that were easily three inches too long for the girl in front of her.] I’m sure you do but once the weather starts changing, you won’t like them so much. [She leaned over to grab her mending kit, a bone needle and some thick thread to do the hemming.] Have you ever even seen snow?
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I’d never been outside the mountain before this... Of course I’ve never seen snow. [Mason stared at her hands hard, trying not to watch River. Too afraid of giving into any kind of curiosity.] Only pictures, and paintings.
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mason-ridley · 9 years
[River just shrugged. There was no point in dwelling on it. She doubted chocolate would enter her life any time soon.] That we are, but we won’t always be. [She conceded Mason’s point as she moved back to her bed, toeing off her boots and laying back. It felt good to be off her feet.] Let me see those clothes. [River gestured at the items that Mason had brought back.] I think I could probably get some modifications done tonight.
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[Mason stiffened as the outsider laid out across her bed, instinctively scooting just the tiniest bit away from her.] You don’t have to rush. [She said, handing off the clothes with little care.] I like my clothes.
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mason-ridley · 9 years
Well, you don’t know what you’re missing. Otherwise you feel bad for you, too. [Mason stiffed as the other woman came closer to retrieve the plate, watching her closely.] I know. I could say the same about you, though. [Long fingers threaded into the fur of the hide that served as River’s blanket.] We are strangers...
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[River imagined what it might be like, to taste chocolate. The stories she’d heard, mostly from elders, said that it was one of those things that people hoarded. A delicacy, especially after the end of the world. She could see why Mason liked it.] I see. [The girl seemed faraway in her thoughts, probably thinking of her former home, and River looked away, uncomfortable with how sad she seemed. Then, as always, Mason threw her for a loop. Raising an eyebrow, River looked back at her.] Why? Because I’ve never had chocolate? Can’t miss what you don’t know. [It seemed strange, to feel sorry for her over such a small thing. If anything, it should be the other way around. Mason had technically lost more than River had, and here she was saying she felt sorry for her. Pursing her lips, River stood and scooped up the plates, depositing them on the table.] You’re a strange girl. 
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mason-ridley · 9 years
[Though her hunger wasn’t entirely staved, talking about food from her home made the boar meat even more unappealing. Mason set the tray aside, lightly brushing off her hands.] It’s sweet, sometimes a little bitter, but in a good way. [Mason closed her eyes, conjured up memories of the luscious candy... which came hand in hand with memories of Asher.] There’s no one right way to eat it. It can be flaky, or warm and chewy. Sometimes it’s coated in sugar, or nuts. Melted, it’s like a syrup. [The girl swallowed thickly, pushing images of her boyfriend out of her mind for now. She didn’t want to cry in front of her captor.] I feel bad for you.
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Yes. [River didn’t add any more to that. She continued to eat, finishing off most of the rest of her dinner. As Mason began to talk about the things that she used to eat in the Mountain, River could see why boar meat was unappetizing to her. Some of the stuff she talked about, River had never tried. She’d heard stories of things like coffee and chocolate, but it wasn’t exactly a priority for the Grounders to make. For them, it was all about survival, not luxury.] I know what it is, but I’ve never had it. What does it taste like? [She pushed her empty plate away and focused her attention back on Mason.] How do you eat it?
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mason-ridley · 9 years
[It didn’t surprise River that Mason didn’t know how to sew. It was a necessary skill out in the woods, one that everyone learned as a child. But she supposed there were less chances of tearing a hole through one’s shirt when they weren’t tramping through the wilderness every day.] I’ll fix it for you so you don’t look like you’re drowning. Wouldn’t do to have you walk around like a mess. [She continued to eat in silence, tearing off chunks of the meat with her teeth, only occasionally using the knife. She was amused by the distaste on Mason’s face. She doubted the mountain men were used to eating such things.] What did you like? To eat I mean, in the mountain. [The question was abrupt and it surprised River that she’d actually said it out loud. But she looked at Mason, waiting for her to respond. A part of her was curious what her answer would be.]
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Does a sloppy servant reflect poorly on her master? [She questioned, her tone completely sarcastic as she continued to pick at the food on her plate. Mason hated the clothes at it was -- they were heavy, and itchy and stiff. She couldn’t imagine something as minor as some stitching fixing that.] A lot more than unseasoned boar’s meat. [Blue eyes looked up, her face stoic as she found River’s gaze for a brief second, then looked down again.] Bread... Warm bread, with preserved jam. Coffee... Chocolate. You probably don’t even know what chocolate is, do you?
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mason-ridley · 9 years
[Mason eyed the clothes warily. They looked uncomfortable, and heavy. But she supposed that was the point.] I probably can’t. I worked in preservation and restoration in the mountain. Never learned to sew. [She’d never had any interest to. Still didn’t. And when River told her to eat anywhere, she simply sat down on the edge of the bed and began to pick at the slab of boar meat. The girl grimaced slightly as she chewed -- there wasn’t much flavor. It was nothing like what she was used to.]
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[River just nodded as Mason set everything down on the bed. She eyed the clothes that she’d managed to gather, and made a noncommittal sound. They wouldn’t be River’s first pick, but they would be much better than what Mason was wearing now.] I can teach you to make them fit better. Unless you already know how to do that. [River reached for the food, bringing her portion to the table. She took a huge bite, uncaring whether she seemed unladylike or mannerless.] Eat wherever. I don’t care.
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mason-ridley · 9 years
[Mason did her best not to let her fear show as she walked through the village, amongst men and woman who seemed like giants under layers of fur and earth. It was beyond intimidating, but she did her best to keep her chin level with the ground. Only once she’d procured food and clothes did she return to River’s tent, having eyed the tree line for only a few seconds before dipping inside.] Yes. [She replied simply, placing the contents of her arms on River’s bed. Enough meat for both of them, and the clothes that would soon replace her thing garments from the mountain.] A woman named Ashelin gave me those. They look big.
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[River fumed as Mason left the hut, unsure whether she was more angry at herself or at the other girl. It was all confusing. She had never been interested in owning another person, and had hoped that working with Mason wouldn’t be quite so difficult, but she shouldn’t have expected much different. She knew she would be just as angry, or even more, had the positions been switched. Moving to the small table in the corner, she waited for Mason to return, head lifting only slightly as she came in.] Find everything okay?
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mason-ridley · 9 years
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Not necessary, master.
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Cook fire is just around the corner. Don’t dawdle or I’ll stick a leash on the collar next time.
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mason-ridley · 9 years
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... Fine. I’ll be right back.
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I.. you know what, sure. Go get us some food. Tell them River sent you and not to skimp on the good stuff. If you find some clothes out there that you like, you can ask, politely, for them.
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mason-ridley · 9 years
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I thought you were getting food? Or are you waiting for me to go get it, since that is what servants do.
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mason-ridley · 9 years
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Sure. Whatever you say, master.
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No, and they won’t be comfortable once they get wet. I’ll be back. Feel free to wash up, or whatever. Your life here doesn’t have to be horrible, Mason. You’ll find that I’m fair, much fairer than most around here.
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