MasakiM2625's Blog
171 posts
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masakimiyamoto2625 · 4 years ago
Just a status report
Hello, I'm not dead. I just got moved to third-shift at work, and completely buried my computer in random shit over the past four months of, not only having my sleep cycle being completely destroyed, but also having my set schedule jumbled up to the point where I'm not sure when my next day off is going to be. I also got re-addicted to video games, so in the rare instances I'm not trying to sleep, I've been playing Pokemon Minecraft and Monster Hunter. Sorry... I'm slowly trying to catch up on things, then once my schedule hopefully levels out over the next few weeks/months like my boss is saying it's supposed to, then I'm hoping to get back into finishing some comics that have been in limbo since the beginning of the year. Also, apparently it's July!? Happy 4th everyone!
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masakimiyamoto2625 · 4 years ago
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I really need to post more here. Here's a WIP for a comic I'm doing. It's Mei-Lin from my original series, Star-Breeze, and Reznya from Moonshine Animations' Shrapnel series. Now that I'm getting a style down, I think I'm ready to try my hand at some comics that aren't crossovers.
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masakimiyamoto2625 · 4 years ago
ya im back
& i (barely) managed to survive 2020.... Hopefully stuff coming down the pipe soon.
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masakimiyamoto2625 · 4 years ago
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Really hard to finish drawing without having random laughing fits when you got these faces staring back at you
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masakimiyamoto2625 · 6 years ago
New Danganimation!
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masakimiyamoto2625 · 6 years ago
Text Aww, here it goes! Another Danganronpa Sprite animation!
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masakimiyamoto2625 · 6 years ago
Me this morning: *wake up* I'm gonna draw after I get off from work today! Depression: Lolnope
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masakimiyamoto2625 · 6 years ago
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masakimiyamoto2625 · 6 years ago
New sprite video!
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masakimiyamoto2625 · 6 years ago
Made another one!
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masakimiyamoto2625 · 6 years ago
Text Made another one!
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masakimiyamoto2625 · 7 years ago
Made another one. Am I SHSL Animator yet? (I'll settle for reserve)
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masakimiyamoto2625 · 7 years ago
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I'm working on another one. Atua help us all...
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masakimiyamoto2625 · 7 years ago
Behold! The fruits of my procrastination!
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masakimiyamoto2625 · 7 years ago
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Sooo, I'm working on some illustrations for an illustrated story I'm working on. It's basically a Danganronpa fanfiction, but with illustrations embedded into the story. It's the first time I've attempted anything like this, and the first time I've written anything remotely this serious (though Danganronpa does tend to have the silly humor that I do like to incorporate). I've noticed that Wattpad allows its users to do this, so I'm gonna be pushing their system to the limit. This particular story is like a blend between the games and one of my favorite Stephen King novels called "The Running Man" in which sixteen prisoners are incarcerated and either have to commit the perfect murder to escape alive, or risk being killed off one by one during "Deadly Prison Games" all while collecting memory fragments that give each prisoner/contestant clues as to why they've been incarcerated in the first place and uncovering the true reason why each prisoner is there... It has a more sci-fi theme than Danganronpa, and is a bit more coherently written than "The Running Man". There will be special guest appearances from Danganronpa characters from the games, some appearances in which can be voted on by the readers... Also, readers will be able to "gift" their favorite/least favorite characters items that can either help them during a trial. This little cutie is Subject 41D-A, AKA Aida, the Ultimate Predator. Or at least she will be once I've finished her. This is just a linework mock-up of how she will look. I'm still working out character design stuff, but basically she's a small monster girl with an extremely long prehensile tail that runs around wearing only a hospital robe and panties. She only speaks in one-word sentences, often parroting the last word she hears, but slowly becomes more communicable as the story progresses. Just a small spoiler, but she gets in a fight with a sentient vending machine in the second chapter!
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masakimiyamoto2625 · 7 years ago
Sooo, I guess people are still interested in my old Eddzone/Edtropolis Fanfics for some reason?
Just answering a few questions I've gotten. I know I'm very late at answering these, so I apologize. For context, I used to post Ed Edd n Eddy fanfiction under the pen name "Eddy" at an old fansite called the Eddzone AKA Edtropolis. For anyone who read these, I would like to thank you all. Also, I'd like to formally apologize for any damages caused... 1. "Where the f&%k did faol krop come from???"- It's basically just pork loaf spelled backwards. Long story short, I was a fan of an old Nick sketch comedy show as a kid called The Amanda Show, and one of the characters said "faol krop" and on an episode of EEnE (the clubhouse episode) Ed is being attacked by birds, and when he says "The birds are after my meat log!" I misheard him say "The birds are after my faol krop!" And that's basically where it came from. 2. "Do you still write?" - YES. I caught the Ed-bug again back in 2007 and posted a bunch more EEnE crap which fueled my love for the craft and I've been writing ever since. I currently have a degree in screenwriting and hope to create my own animated series one day, and am working on several stories, none of them EEnE related sadly. 3. "Why Ed Edd n Eddy?" - I loved the crap out of that little show growing up. Yeah, at school my favorite show was Pokemon, but once I went home, it was the Eds I really enjoyed watching. I still love the show and will occasionally binge-watch it every once in a while. 4. "Some of the Eds creators who worked on the show used to frequent the Edtropolis site back in the day. Do you ever know if they read your works?" - Probably not, though when I started writing Ed fics back in 2007/2008 I got a dubious email from some guy claiming to be "one of the writers for the show" claiming they were a huge fan of my stories from the site and wanted me to write some weird web series for them. I declined the offer and to this day, I still think it was some kind of prank/troll. 5. "Why was your stuff so batshit insane/what were you smoking when you wrote those?" - Honestly, I was maybe 9 or 10 at the time that I wrote some of those and I basically mimicked the style of writing that was being posted on the site at the time. I was also not a very good writer. I'm still not the greatest... but that's getting off topic. 6. "Do you still have Kit/Zeph's email?/Do you know if they're bringing the site back?" - Sorry, but no and no. I don't really remember interacting with them much, beyond submitting fanfiction to their website, and I suck at remembering things like emails, so once I lost the login for the email I used to submit my fics, I lost their contact. Honestly, I doubt it would even work today. If either of them do stumble across this, thank you for displaying my stories. Er...or maybe I should apologize???
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masakimiyamoto2625 · 7 years ago
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Cybernetic Solutions is a multifaceted tech company founded in the year 2145 during Earth's big spacefaring boom. The tech company was the firs Earth-based company to establish itself in other parts of the Milky Way Galaxy after coming across several major trade partners, the Sepian Empire, Solarian Empire, and Tetra Pirate Guild. As of the year 2625, their products include biotechnology, genetic engineering, weaponry, and colonial terraforming. They were one of the first corporations to declare independence from the Terran Federation in the year 2602, though it wasn't officially declared a separate entity until 2618. They're partially responsible for the fall of the Terran Federation, which was the first, and last, independent extraterrestrial entity run by pure humans. During the search for rare, powerful gems known as Ethrite crystals, the company struck a deal with one of their long-time customers, the Solarian Empire. They provide the location of a potential Ethrite source, the Solarians provide them with a large sum of money and resources to further their intergalactic footprint. The result, the destruction of Earth, the death over half the current human population, and the dissolution of the Terran Federation and all of its territories, bringing the Solar System and all of its inhabitants under Solarian control. This is just a couple of logos I created in Photoshop for the primary opposing force in a science fiction series I've been writing forever.
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