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The only love affair I've ever had was with music. Hurricane girl.
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mary-ross16-blog · 7 years ago
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she likes the sea she likes to see she likes to think she has all of it 🌊 happy birthday to one of my heroes, Kurt Cobain! 🖤 . . . . #happybirthdaykurt #today #mood #iwish #toocoldtolive #tb #tobefree #songoftheday #ohtheguilt #nirvana #inyourhonor #brazil #canoaquebrada #wanderlust #whereidratherbe #gottastop #takemeback #andleaveme #beachin (at Canoa Quebrada)
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mary-ross16-blog · 7 years ago
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22enne fortunata 🙏🏼🎂 . . . . #photooftheday #birthdaygirl #lucky #feeling22 #casadiriposo #happydays #fortunata #mybaby #babybea #birthdaylove #cakefordays #gettingfat #specialday #specialpeople #somanyblessings #pourtoujours #happiest #myday
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mary-ross16-blog · 7 years ago
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and be careful of what you do cause the lie becomes the truth . . . . #today #busyday #calmbeforethestorm #mood #billiejean #songoftheday #michael #michaeljackson #myfavman #favs #earlycelebrations #compleanniallungati #cakefordays #classic #routine #sundayfunday
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mary-ross16-blog · 7 years ago
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io di carnagione sono già un po’ verdognola ma al @pirelli_hangarbicocca sono passata da un leggero verde malattia a un potente verde Dende di Dragonball 🐲 #senzafiltri #gokudovesei . . . . #photooftheday #today #tuttoverde #verdissimo #sonoverde #fontana #hangarbicocca #milano #art #architecture #lights #greenlight #verdognola #dende #viacolvento #funtimes #happydays #experiences #milano #milanomia #davedere #places #allgreeneverything #fotodianna #cosedafare #pirellihangarbicocca #likesforlikes #explore #sisterday (at Hangar Bicocca Milano)
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mary-ross16-blog · 7 years ago
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brighter things 💡 . . . . #aboutlastnight #brescia #castello #cidneon #lightsfestivall #alloffhelights #lightitup #installation #art #concept #coitacchi #pazza #experiences #inlove #amazing #festivaldelleluci #places #gitoafuoriporta #liltrip #likesforlikes #beoutside #explore #happynights (at Cidneon)
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mary-ross16-blog · 7 years ago
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potrei vederti ovunque negli angoli delle città . . . . #today #libera #forse #milano #milanomia #innamorata #brera #accademiadibrera #places #architecture #milanochesplende #oggisplendi #quantoseibella #bellacomepoche #faraway #salmo #songoftheday #art #happydays #esameodioso (at Pinacoteca di Brera)
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mary-ross16-blog · 7 years ago
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la spiaggia era piena di viscide lumache di mare e meduse lilla che avevo già rischiato di calpestare più e più volte, ero salita abusivamente su una barca non mia mentre il legittimo proprietario stava tornando e mi guardava come se volessi rubargliela per veleggiare verso l’infinito e oltre su una zattera di 1metrox1 e mi ero letteralmente carbonizzata la faccia però ci tornerei così velocemente che non avreste neanche il tempo di dire “mas que nada” 🇧🇷 (comunque domani finisce la sessione quindi potrò uscire nel mondo e non dovrò più postare solo throwback invadenti e molesti del Brasile e di tutti gli altri posti in cui ho girovagato nel corso degli anni) . . . . #tb #pls #staserano #nonmelasento #brazil #thelife #lumachedimare #meduselilla #praiadaredonda #ceara #getaway #wannagoback #travel #dadomanibasta #tbmolesti #beachlife #unpobrasiliana #masquenada #sorrynotsorry #abusiva #wanderlust #aroundtheworld (at Praia da Redonda)
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mary-ross16-blog · 7 years ago
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oggi ti ho pensato 🇳🇦 #2012 . . . . #photooftheday #tb #yearsago #africandays #apieceofmyheart #sunsets #travel #wolwedans #wolwedansduneslodge #beenawhile #indimenticabile #lionhead #tracks #desert #reddesert #intothewild #africa #mylove (at Wolwedans)
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mary-ross16-blog · 7 years ago
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dall’altra parte del molo un signore sulla settantina si è tuffato di testa nel mare di dicembre e io cinque minuti prima avevo fatto fatica a salire su quella roccia........ . . . . #nonoggi #ovvio #meraviglia #palese #puglia #trip #neltacco #tuffi #loshock #bellegiornate #happydays #famtime #funtimes #poser #places #lungomare #sulmolo #wanderlust #explore #italy #ipostidisempre #atletica #quasicaduta #seaside #ilmareininverno #inlove #likesforlikes #vibes
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mary-ross16-blog · 7 years ago
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I got dreams of my own but I want to make yours come true . . . . #tonight #augurimamma #mybaby #babybea #sorrisoni #persempre #sempreecomunque #ziaenipote #myangel #igotyou #iloveyou #serateimportanti #happynights #bianchine #fantasmine #girls #mygirl #songoftheday #heavensgate #fam #famiglia (at Ristorante Baretto di San Vigilio)
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mary-ross16-blog · 7 years ago
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won’t you help to sing these songs of freedom? 🦁 happy birthday Bob 👑 . . . . #photooftheday #happybdaybob #bobmarley #missing #redemptionsong #songoftheday #swish #mood #takemeback #beach #travel #wanderlust #blessed #songsoffreedom #howlongshalltheykillourprophets #emancipateyourself #frommentalslavery #wanderlust #cruise #adventureofalifetime #nowomannocry (at Fortim)
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mary-ross16-blog · 7 years ago
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oggi vorrei fosse così . . . . #wishing #oggicosì #magari #bali #indonesia #manchi #bellissima #places #missing #wanderlust #aroundtheworld #travel #myheart #vacay (at Unesco World Heritage - Jatiluwih Rice Terrace)
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mary-ross16-blog · 7 years ago
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piccola pausa di riflessione sulla vita e cioè su come sarebbe bello il mondo se nell’ingresso in discoteca fosse incluso anche un kebab senza cipolla🦄 . . . . #aboutlastnight #spuntinodelle4 #fotodisarah #soloconlei #seratina #affamata #rocket #milano #dovemiportate #tuttorosa #tuttomosso #funtimes #nightout #happydays #places #club #withbae #happiest #serateimportanti #wheremyfoodat #navigli #lights #asociale #nellangolo (at ROCKET)
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mary-ross16-blog · 7 years ago
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abbiamo stesso sangue no, non serve che mi spieghi . . . . #photooftheday #sis #quandosistavabene #notoverityet #fissatina #riodejaneiro #copacabana #brazil #happydays #funtimes #takemeback #gemelletortelle #twins #nonsiamocapaci #occhichiusi #sempre #travel #wanderlust #ilrossoeilnero #missing #stessosangue #songoftheday #sempreindue #carlbravexfranco (at Copacabana Beach Praia de Copacabana)
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mary-ross16-blog · 7 years ago
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quando guardo il cielo ti sento, sopra i chilometri e le ore ☀️ . . . . #photooftheday #tb #barcelona #flying #view #wishes #travel #caniplease #threeyearsago #timeflies #inlove #wanderlust #spain #catalunya #sopraichilometri #writing #stuff #mood #quandoguardoilcielo #likesforlikes #travelphotography #beoutside #adventure #beautiful (at Barcelona–El Prat Airport)
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mary-ross16-blog · 7 years ago
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I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you but not as much as I do 🏙 . . . . #photooftheday #nottoday #clearly #bastanebbia #castellosforzesco #milano #home #thiscityneedsyou #notasmuchasido #songoftheday #lastoftherealones #falloutboy #asmuchasido #ineedya #inlove #places #view #likesforlikes #milanomia (at Castello Sforzesco di Milano)
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mary-ross16-blog · 7 years ago
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start my day up on the roof there’s nothing like this type of view 🌊 #sopraaitetti . . . . #photooftheday #praiadaredonda #ceara #inlove #songoftheday #superrichkids #frank #frankocean #fav #brazil #travel #travelphotography #takemeback #vacaymood #wanderlust #explore #adventure #wanderess #likesforlikes #happydays #funtimes #seaside #ontheroof #view #fromabove (at Praia da Redonda)
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