marvelousbr · 4 months
Beautiful view in Mdina
We went to Mdina recently and got one of the best views we have had in whole Malta. And this is one of the things I thought I should share with you guys😉😉
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marvelousbr · 4 months
Funny taxi in Sliema
So we were walking around in Sliema and we saw one of the funniest cars in have ever seen. It was a one person taxi where the driver has to get out of his car too to let the passenger out. Never in my life will I ever see something like this ever and especially in Belgium.
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marvelousbr · 4 months
Visiting Patisseries
So on our way home from work we have been passing by a Patisseries and I have been dying to go there and we finally did. I got the meat pie and Adrian got an apple pie. Let me tell you guys it was delicious. The meat pie was made up from meat but also vegetables en a nice saus it was really nice. Enjoy some of the pictures below.
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marvelousbr · 4 months
Beautiful view in Sliema
Hey guys,
We recently went to sliema and got to see this beautiful view. I just had to share it with you guys so here it is.
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marvelousbr · 4 months
Innovation Guide MCAST
Hey guys,
Recently we were allowed to participate in this amazing event MCAST was holding. Let me tell you guys, this was an amazing opportunity for me. I got to learn a lot about the problems with Malta. It was one of the best things they did. We got to hear about different stakeholders and their opinions on Malta. There was 1 man who gave me a different perspective on things in Malta and tourism. But the whole event was really fun and a positive experience overall.
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marvelousbr · 5 months
The last post for today guys so stick with me
But we decided to go to the St. Peter's Pool and it was beautiful. It has everything from beautiful waters to amazing places you can jump from to some nice ice cream you can eat to cool you off.
10/10 experience would definitely recommend to any of you.
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marvelousbr · 5 months
Eu-Startup Summit
Hello everyone
So recently, Adrian and I got the amazing opportunity to participate in the Eu-Startup Summit.
And OMG let me tell you guys it was an experience to have. We got the chance to meet a lot of entrepreneurs and got the chance to listen to successful entrepreneurs give advice to people who recently started up their first business. We got to meet a lot of funny people who we shared contact info with and got to talk to after the event.
Hopefully you guys will stick and keep following this blog to hear about more fun and interesting this here in Malta.
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marvelousbr · 5 months
Exploring Valletta
Hey guys
I'm here to post about me and the boy's exploring Valletta in our own time. So last Tuesday after our internship we decided that we wanted to explore the city of Valletta. And all I can say is that it truly is beautiful and exciting to see the ocean from the middle of the city. It really is something you would never experience in Belgium.
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marvelousbr · 5 months
Hey guys
I know I haven’t updated my blog in a while but I have been really busy enjoying the area and getting used to all the different things.
Wa have done a few activities but nothing that i put up on the poll that’s for the weekend.
All we’ve been doing is going to the beach and eating out. The Maltese cuisine is very delicious and different from what we are used to.
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marvelousbr · 5 months
Must do activities
Hey guys,
I thought I should give you guys a little preview of the activities I want to do the most in Malta. Since it will be my first time in Malta it will be a lot of sightseeing but bare with me there will also be alot of fun activities. Like lasershooting or paintballing with the boys
If you guys have any recommendations about things you guys would like to see first I would love to hear about it below.
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marvelousbr · 5 months
exciting internship Malta (paola)
hey everyone
As you guys may know I will be leaving Belgium soon to go on my internship in Malta. Ill be doing my internship at the Malta College of Arts Science and Technology (MCAST). The internship will be 3 weeks long and I am so excited to share all activities I will be doing in Malta but also inform you guys about MCAST.
Stay updated for more exciting news and funny pictures/videos about it.
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