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Cave paintings, medieval tapestries, trompe l’oeil drawings: representing faraway places and fantastical stories on walls is an ancient tradition. Yet these techniques have all but disappeared, as has the culture of decorative storytelling. Locked up at home, Claire Saunier revived this custom of enlarging space with figurative surfaces. She found inspiration in ‘One Thousand and One Nights’, where the 602nd night is the strangest of all. That’s when Scheherazade starts telling the Sultan his story and the origin of the book itself, inside which they are characters. All the little stories already woven inside one another become interwoven forever and a day, or forever and a night. And so, the surfaces do not close, but open like windows to wonderful worlds.
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We know that the climate crisis is happening — but how do we comprehend its global effects? We have created the exhibition Climate Layers to visualise how climate stressors are affecting our shared home, the planet.
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Our increasingly online lives are not truly lived in the ‘cloud’. They depend on myriad huge, energy-guzzling data centres here on earth. As artificial intelligence takes off, that trend will only grow.
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MIT researchers found a way to integrate sensing capabilities into 3D printable structures made of repetitive cells, enabling designers to rapidly prototype interactive input devices.
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Cryptocurrencies and NFTs (non-fungible token) are an absolute disaster for so many more reasons than the ecological.
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Edward Said's book ORIENTALISM has been profoundly influential in a diverse range of disciplines since its publication in 1978. In this engaging (and lavishly illustrated) interview he talks about the context within which the book was conceived, its main themes and how its original thesis relates to the contemporary understanding of "the Orient." Said argues that the Western (especially American) understanding of the Middle East as a place full of villains and terrorists ruled by Islamic fundamentalism produces a deeply distorted image of the diversity and complexity of millions of Arab peoples. Director: Sut Jhally, 1998.
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The relationship between Europe and its former colonies is at the center of several upcoming exhibitions at Z33. In this article, Wolfgang Sachs explains how the "age of development" that followed the colonial era maintained a global order of unequal and unsustainable growth. by Wolfgang Sachs
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De discussie over desinformatie op sociale platforms bereikte afgelopen weken een kookpunt. Maar in plaats van te focussen op regels en richtlijnen om ellende op sociale media te voorkomen, zouden we het moeten hebben over hoe sociale media wel van maatschappelijke waarden kunnen zijn.
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“To be truly countercultural in a time of tech hegemony, one has to, above all, betray the platform.”
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Installation by artist, Victoria Manganiello and Designer, Julian Goldman. Victoria Manganiello Julian Goldman
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Wie stark wird die Wirtschaft durch die Corona-Epidemie leiden? Diese Frage beschäftigt Regierungen genauso wie Ökonomen. In einem Sondergutachten gehen die Wirtschaftsweisen davon aus, dass die deutsche Wirtschaftsleistung in diesem Jahr um 2,8 bis 5,4 Prozent schrumpfen könnte.1 Falls dieses Szenario tatsächlich eintritt, würde die Coronakrise glimpflicher verlaufen als die Finanzkrise: 2009 brach die deutsche Wirtschaft um 5,7 Prozent ein.
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We’ve trained a neural network called DALL·E that creates images from text captions for a wide range of concepts expressible in natural language.
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First Minister Nicola Sturgeon says divorce with the European Union happened against Scotland’s will.
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Hoe ziet de wereld eruit zonder racisme? En hoe komen we tot zo'n wereld? Inzichten van pioniers die dagelijks werken aan een post-racistische samenleving worden afgewisseld met de persoonlijke zoektocht van documentairemaker Ikenna Azuike en zijn gemengde gezin. Hij worstelt met vragen als: Hoe praat je met je kind over racisme? Op welke wijze voed je kinderen op om in de toekomst een post-racistische wereld te bereiken? Wanneer verandert er echt iets? De experts die de post-racistische wereld vormgeven worden voorgesteld als futuristische Marvel-superhelden. Met: neuro-informaticus Sennay Ghebreab, psychosomatisch therapeut Camille Barton, schrijver en dichter Musa Okwonga, schrijfster en anti-racisme educator Layla F. Saad.
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Shengnu – die Übriggebliebenen, werden sie in China genannt. Eine Frau, die mit 27 Jahren noch nicht den Richtigen gefunden hat, gilt als schwer vermittelbar. Hua Mei, Min und Qi sind moderne junge Frauen und wollen dieses Stigma für sich nicht akzeptieren und das streng geregelte Heiratsspiel nicht spielen.
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