marketorders-blog · 6 years
Press Release
New Post has been published on http://marketorders.net/press-release-2/
Press Release
    We are excited to announce that our co-founder and COO, Sukhi Jutla,  has been shortlisted for the prestigious Variety Catherine Awards in the Entrepreneurial Spirit Award!
  This award recognises women who have ‘done it their way’ by founding and running their own company and have worked to achieve significant results in their chosen field.
  We are super proud of Sukhi who continues to lead the way as an inspirational role model to many female founders and entrepreneurs and we wish her the best of luck!
    The judging panel will be made up of the following amazing women:  
Paula Radcliffe MBE
Lucy Choi – Owner, Lucy Choi London
Dr Maggie Semple – Owner, Maggie Semple Limited
Suzan Antonowicz – Head of International, Beauty, Fashion and Luxury – ESI Media – The Independent and Evening Standard
Kanya King MBE – Founder, MOBO Awards
Christina Blacklaws – President, Law Society of England and Wales
Lisa Francis – CEO, Barclays Private Bank, UK and Ireland
Lesley Batchelor OBE – Director General, Institute of Export and International Trade
  The winner will be announced on Nov 13th at an awards ceremony. You can get your tickets here:
  Good luck Sukhi!
  Written by MarketOrders
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marketorders-blog · 6 years
New Post has been published on http://marketorders.net/londons-tech-sector-plays-down-brexit-fears/
    On Oct 11 2018, MarketOrders attended a roundtable hosted by Business Cloud to discuss the impact of Brexit on the UK tech scene.
  The event hosted in the capital heard from the heads of fast-growing technology businesses, who remain defiantly optimistic in the face of Brexit uncertainty but admit that recruitment will be a challenge.
  Our COO, Sukhi Jutla, commented she was optimistic because entrepreneurs are pragmatic and have a ‘can-do’ attitude, they will adapt and survive. This sentiment was echoed by the other entrepreneurs in the room.
  Read the article below which captures the key points raised and discussed:
  London’s start-ups will find it more difficult to find and retain technology talent after Brexit – but tech leaders remain upbeat in the face of uncertainty.
  That was the general view from BusinessCloud’s latest roundtable discussion in the capital, which was held at KPMG’s offices in Canary Wharf and heard from a panel of experts and tech companies.
  Ben Corrigan is co-founder and chief revenue officer at shopping tool Pouch, which has a team of 11, with the majority being non-UK nationals.
  The entrepreneur insists that he remains optimistic providing that access to talent isn’t limited following the UK’s exit from the European Union.
  “If very talented tech people decide not to come to London because they fear that it’s too difficult then we’ll all be fighting over the same talent,” he said.
“We have to make sure we communicate as a city and a country that we are open and tolerant and that we want the best and the brightest and that has to be then followed through with a political solution.”
  Felicia Meyerowitz, CEO of Akoni Hub, admits there will be “a big bump” but is confident that the UK’s economy is “strong”.
  She says most of the clients she meets aren’t concerned and all have plans in place.
  “It’s been fascinating for me watching the play-out of the media and then going out to speaking to clients and asking them questions,” she said.
  “Of course they have actual work to do but there’s no reflection on what I’m seeing in the media.”
  You can read the rest of the article here: http://www.businesscloud.co.uk/news/londons-tech-sector-plays-down-brexit-fears?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=&utm_source=UKFastMailer1172&uuid=
  Written by CEO & Founder, Ram Krishnna Rao
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marketorders-blog · 6 years
MarketOrders featured as a success story for Mayor of Londons’ Business Growth Programme
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MarketOrders featured as a success story for Mayor of Londons’ Business Growth Programme
  The Successes #GrowinLDN is a new campaign brought to you by the Business Growth Programme. This campaign was launched to showcase the businesses on the programme who are now successfully growing.
  We are pleased to announce MarketOrders was featured in this video!
  Watch the video here which features the CEO and COO of MarketOrders, Ram Krishnna and Sukhi Jutla
      About the Business Growth Programme :
  London & Partners’ Business Growth Programme (BGP) offers impartial advice and support to businesses based in London with between three to 250 employees and turnover of less than £40m looking to grow across London.
  Launched in July 2017, the programme has gone on to support nearly 400 companies and has already proved an important network for cohort members of the Business Growth Programme to grow their business across London.
  These exciting startup companies have already expanded their teams, created jobs, strengthened their management talent and teams and raised finance through investment and funding rounds.
  Key benefits of the programme also include helping companies unlock their business potential by providing strategic solutions including mentoring, workshops, business growth advice and opportunities across our London network.
  Written by CEO & Founder, Ram Krishnna Rao
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marketorders-blog · 6 years
Behind the scenes at MarketOrders 
New Post has been published on http://marketorders.net/behind-the-scenes-at-marketorders/
Behind the scenes at MarketOrders 
    In this weeks blog post we are taking you behind the scenes at MarketOrders to share all the work we are doing. 
  This past week was particularly exciting as our co founder and COO, Sukhi Jutla, spent a full day filming for a very special project in collaboration with Captial Enterprise. 
  Sukhi is a vocal advocate for promoting female entrepreneurship so it was fitting she was working on a very special campaign to help support more diverse founders in the start up community. In particular, how can we make tech more inclusive for everybody. 
  Stay tuned as we launch more updates about this campaign which will launch officially on 30th Oct. 
  The film shoot centered around Sukhi’s journey from the corporate world into the start up world. 
  She was also interviewed on what challenges she faced and how she overcome them as an ethnic female founder. 
  Sukhi also shares her top tips and provided guidance to those considering starting up a business. 
  The film shoot ended with a few shots of our customers and they will also feature in the short film. 
  Our founder and CEO also makes an appearance so do look out for him in the video when it launches!
  Here are some pics from the video shoot.
  And you can sign up to attend the official launch of the #OneTechNation campaign here:
  Written by CEO & Founder, Ram Krishnna Rao
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marketorders-blog · 6 years
Behind the scenes at MarketOrders 
New Post has been published on http://staging.marketorders.net/behind-the-scenes-at-marketorders/
Behind the scenes at MarketOrders 
    In this weeks blog post we are taking you behind the scenes at MarketOrders to share all the work we are doing. 
  This past week was particularly exciting as our co founder and COO, Sukhi Jutla, spent a full day filming for a very special project in collaboration with Captial Enterprise. 
  Sukhi is a vocal advocate for promoting female entrepreneurship so it was fitting she was working on a very special campaign to help support more diverse founders in the start up community. In particular, how can we make tech more inclusive for everybody. 
  Stay tuned as we launch more updates about this campaign which will launch officially on 30th Oct. 
  The film shoot centered around Sukhi’s journey from the corporate world into the start up world. 
  She was also interviewed on what challenges she faced and how she overcome them as an ethnic female founder. 
  Sukhi also shares her top tips and provided guidance to those considering starting up a business. 
  The film shoot ended with a few shots of our customers and they will also feature in the short film. 
  Our founder and CEO also makes an appearance so do look out for him in the video when it launches!
  Here are some pics from the video shoot.
  And you can sign up to attend the official launch of the #OneTechNation campaign here:
  Written by CEO & Founder, Ram Krishnna Rao
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marketorders-blog · 6 years
MarketOrders at the eCommerce Expo Summit
New Post has been published on http://marketorders.net/marketorders-at-the-ecommerce-expo-summit/
MarketOrders at the eCommerce Expo Summit
    On the 26th Sept 2018, MarketOrders COO, Sukhi Jutla, spoke on a panel on how and why retailers need to embrace blockchain.
  Sukhi was joined by:
  Denis Baranov, Principal Consultant – DataArt
Tony Long – Global eCommerce & Digital Marketing Lead, Kimberly-Clark
Terry Igharoro, Founder & CEO – InventoryClub
      Panel: Bracing to Reap the Benefits of Blockchain
  The impact that blockchain will have on retailers is huge! Companies that are educated in how to implement this effectively and efficiently will find themselves at a significant advantage over those still scrambling to figure it out. In this session hear how blockchain will impact data security, supply chain and payments!
  Check out some of the video clips to catch up on the event
        Written by CEO & Founder, Ram Krishnna Rao
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marketorders-blog · 6 years
MarketOrders co-founder quoted in City AM on Books and Blockchai
New Post has been published on http://marketorders.net/marketorders-co-founder-quoted-in-city-am-on-books-and-blockchai/
MarketOrders co-founder quoted in City AM on Books and Blockchai
    As some of you may know, our co-founder and COO, Sukhi Jutla, is also an author. But not just an ordinary author!
In April this year, Sukhi made world history when her book, Escape The Cubicle: Quit The Job You Hate, Create a Life You Love, was the first book in the world to be published on the blockchain. This means readers can now purchase books using cryptocurrency. 
  Sukhi was quoted in the City AM for their ‘CryptoInsider’ Feature on 21st Aug 2018, and Sukhi said:
  As an author and entrepreneur, I am always looking for new ways to reach my readers. The blockchain allows authors an unprecedented and original way to crowdfund and distribute their books and Publica is the leading platform to do this with.
  You can read the full edition here: http://dev2.cityam.com/assets/uploads/content/2018/09/crypto-spread-21aug2018-5b9a54a015d78.pdf
    You can also read Sukhi’s post on publishing on the blockchain here: Sukhi Jutla, Founder and COO of Market Orders, presents an author case study in blockchain experiments with Publica
  Written by CEO & Founder, Ram Krishnna Rao
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marketorders-blog · 6 years
Why Retailers should be embracing blockchain
New Post has been published on http://marketorders.net/why-retailers-should-be-embracing-blockchain/
Why Retailers should be embracing blockchain
    There have been many stories in the press lately about how the high street is dead. But is this really true? Will the high street die…or is it just time for them to embrace blockchain?
  We at MarketOrders are always keen to bring fresh ideas and new approaches to our customers, the retailers. We help them to keep up to date with the latest technology and help them to embrace the digital world.
We know from our vast experience that the use of technology in brick-and-mortar shops is vital to help drive deeper customer engagement and emotional connections with local retailers and customers. This, in turn, will elevate the customer experience and create an incentive for shopping offline and driving purchase intent.
  At MarketOrders, we believe the future of retail sits at the intersection of e-commerce and brick and mortar. We call this the converging platform and this is what MarketOrders is doing.
  The reason why the giants of e-commerce such as  Alibaba, Amazon and eBay are flourishing today is that they embraced technology and its potential from the very beginning.
  This is critical. Tech cannot be an afterthought or a side dish. Retailers must embrace technology and have a digital strategy present from the very starts.
  The rise of cryptocurrency
  As blockchain tech turns 10 years old, it’s becoming a household word among the millennial generation. While the cryptocurrency market is establishing itself in the world of speculative trading, it has not yet been widely accepted as a viable transaction method for goods and services.
  Undoubtedly, one of the most common questions people ask is, “How can I use my cryptocurrency aside from trading on an exchange?” Marketorders will bring a practical solution for customers to utilize cryptocurrency to buy, sell and reward in exchange for products and services, within the ecosystem of the platform.
  Cryptocurrency is inspiring entrepreneurs to create startups, millennial generations to have ownership and association with their own currency of choices that they are craving and desire to make better choices in pursuit of their life quest.
  Marketorders converging platform and its MOT Token [cryptocurrency] can be the lifeline the offline retailers need to transform. MOT will create the ability to transact with an opportunity to experience a smart retail phenomenon in the future of a cashless society. And we are still only at the very beginning in terms of seeing what blockchain technology can accomplish.
    MOTokens [cryptocurrency] envisions and working towards a future where ultimately MOT, the native currency, will be the cryptocurrency of choice for millennials to spend, earn and transact in the digital world.
  Our fresh and new strategic platform and approach will pave the way for offline retailers to engage with millennial generations in an experiential economy.
  This will give millennials a direct say to how their community spends and supports the local retail scene.
  To align the transformation of brick and mortar of the future and millennial thinkers in entering a new market free of centralization and rich with intelligence and innovation. The cryptocurrency may be just what is needed to enter the smart retail space.
  Written by CEO & Founder, Ram Krishnna Rao
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marketorders-blog · 6 years
Creating the future of millennial retail with cryptocurrency
New Post has been published on http://marketorders.net/creating-the-future-of-millennial-retail-with-cryptocurrency/
Creating the future of millennial retail with cryptocurrency
  While the volatility is positive for speculative investors, it is also causing more hesitancy on the part of consumers to use it as a reliable fiat currency alternative. Unfortunately, the cryptocurrency craze has attracted too many ICO startups whose intentions are focused solely on watching their valuation being pushed to the pinnacle by the speculators. Often, there is no other utility outside of their cryptocurrency merely being a way to inflate their bank accounts.
  MarketOrders solves the problem and challenges faced by offline retailers in dealing with millennial generations of consumers by creating a tech marketplace for them. Millenials are Smartphone driven and attention deficit and need to be able to access information on demand and on their mobiles.
    photo credit: https://pixabay.com/en/office-meeting-business-partners-336368/
  How is MarketOrders solving this challenges?
  MarketOrders is bringing a Converging platform for offline retailers to future proof it by embracing new technologies using blockchain technology- NOT the least of which is the advent of cryptocurrency.
  Blockchain invented a trust-less decentralized currency, owned and transacted by entire communities and movements. This could not be accomplished with traditional [fiat] currency in the circulation.
  photo credit: https://pixabay.com/en/block-chain-shaking-hands-handshake-3468276/
    For the first time in the modern history, communities can be served by currencies of choice without geographical boundaries, language, race, and religion restriction.
  Despite a multifold of possibilities this new technology presents, it is critical that MarketOrders focuses initially on embracing this digital era and the millennial uprising that is causing disruption to offline retailers [brick and mortar].
  This trend is being driven by a desire to tap into the rise of the experiential economy.
  This experience became the blueprint for every brick and mortar shops. Digitization brings so much of convenience but customers are still looking for surprises and spontaneity in their shopping experience, which can only be achieved with a physical environment.
  This actually creates positive tension between convenience and smart shopping with the experiential element to it and bring realization to an entire retail industry that in today’s digital and fast-moving technology world, only remain constant is the change.
  Therefore, retailers are under pressure to move quickly to implement technology into their business. Retailers are constantly seeking technologies to both bolster customer experience and increase efficiency. To execute this vision of online and in-store experiences powered by technology, retailers need to leverage the critical skill sets of both business leaders and infrastructure and operations professionals, which can be very expensive for small retailers.
  Written by CEO & Founder, Ram Krishnna Rao
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marketorders-blog · 6 years
MarketOrders is Interviewed on Women's Radio Station: Smart tips on how to raise money for your business
New Post has been published on http://marketorders.net/marketorders-is-interviewed-on-womens-radio-station-smart-tips-on-how-to-raise-money-for-your-business/
MarketOrders is Interviewed on Women's Radio Station: Smart tips on how to raise money for your business
      MarketOrders co-founder & COO, Sukhi Jutla, was invited onto the Women’s Radio Station, the online radio station dedicated to women, to talk about how to raise funds for your business.
  Sukhi continues to be a thought leader and influential voice for female founders and entrepreneurs and she talks about her journey to create MarketOrders and shares insights on her funding journey to date.
  Sukhi was joined by female founders, Georgina Wilson-Powell from Pebble Magazine, a stylish take on sustainable living, covering food, fashion, travel and design and Winnie Mak, from One Dear World, who created a collection of multi-cultural dolls.
  The show will be aired from Monday at 2 am and pm each day and can be listened to here, if you click on the Listen button: http://womensradiostation.com/
  Written by CEO & Founder, Ram Krishnna Rao
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marketorders-blog · 6 years
MarketOrders is Interviewed on Women's Radio Station: Smart tips on how to raise money for your business
New Post has been published on http://marketorders.net/marketorders-is-interviewed-on-womens-radio-station-smart-tips-on-how-to-raise-money-for-your-business-2/
MarketOrders is Interviewed on Women's Radio Station: Smart tips on how to raise money for your business
      MarketOrders co-founder & COO, Sukhi Jutla, was invited onto the Women’s Radio Station, the online radio station dedicated to women, to talk about how to raise funds for your business.
  Sukhi continues to be a thought leader and influential voice for female founders and entrepreneurs and she talks about her journey to create MarketOrders and shares insights on her funding journey to date.
  Sukhi was joined by female founders, Georgina Wilson-Powell from Pebble Magazine, a stylish take on sustainable living, covering food, fashion, travel and design and Winnie Mak, from One Dear World, who created a collection of multi-cultural dolls.
  The show will be aired from Monday at 2 am and pm each day and can be listened to here, if you click on the Listen button: http://womensradiostation.com/
  Written by CEO & Founder, Ram Krishnna Rao
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marketorders-blog · 6 years
Sukhi Jutla profiled in the Sunday Telegraph as part of Management Today’s ’35 women under 35’.
New Post has been published on http://marketorders.net/sukhi-jutla-profiled-in-the-sunday-telegraph-as-part-of-management-todays-35-women-under-35/
Sukhi Jutla profiled in the Sunday Telegraph as part of Management Today’s ’35 women under 35’.
  MarketOrders is pleased to announce our very own COO and co-founder, Sukhi Jutla, was profiled in the Sunday Telegraph as part of Management Today’s ’35 women under 35’. 
    This year’s 35 Women Under 35 list, published by Management Today in association with Accenture to shine a light on the country’s top young businesswomen, is packed with career chameleons. 
    These women entered the workforce during the financial crisis. They watched established companies crumble, entirely new industries spring up and technology evolve at an extraordinary rate. 
    The launch was celebrated at a wonderful drinks reception at the Foundling Museum, a historic venue in the heart of London.
    Congratulations Sukhi for continuing to be a shining powerhouse and role model for other women leaders and entrepreneurs!
Sukhi’s feature can be accessed here: https://www.managementtoday.co.uk/sukhi-jutla-34/article/1488779
  The full feature can be read here: https://www.managementtoday.co.uk/35-under-35-2018-profiles
  Written by CEO & Founder, Ram Krishnna Rao  
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marketorders-blog · 6 years
MarketOrders COO, Sukhi Jutla, talks about Why Diversity Matters with @FintechChat on 8th Aug 2018 - Do tune in!
New Post has been published on http://marketorders.net/marketorders-coo-sukhi-jutla-talks-about-why-diversity-matters-with-fintechchat-on-8th-aug-2018-do-tune-in/
MarketOrders COO, Sukhi Jutla, talks about Why Diversity Matters with @FintechChat on 8th Aug 2018 - Do tune in!
  Why “Diversity Matters” and how can #FinTech build a diverse workforce? Don’t miss our #FinTechChat and join the conversation with Sukhi Jutla, World’s 1st #BlockchainAuthor, next Wednesday, 8th Aug, 10AM. Follow us @FinTech_Chat.
      Next week on 8th Aug 2018 at 10am GMT, Sukhi Jutla, MarketOrders co-founder & COO,  will be live on Twitter talking to @FinTechChat on why diversity matters and how #FinTech can build a diverse workforce. They will discuss topics such as:  
Why diversity matters in #FinTech
What are the biggest challenges in building a diverse workforce?
Why do we need more Women in FinTech?
How do we make the FinTech sector more Inclusive and Diverse?
  …and much more so please do join in the conversation.
    Don’t miss out and ear mark the date and time and join in the conversation. Follow us @FinTech_Chat and see you then!
  Written by CEO & Founder, Ram Krishnna Rao
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marketorders-blog · 6 years
MarketOrders Celebrates Diversity at the London Stock Exchange
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MarketOrders Celebrates Diversity at the London Stock Exchange
    The London Stock Exchange Group welcomed Diversity UK on Monday 11th June 2018 to mark its contribution to improving equality and inclusion in Britain and to mark the publication of the 2018 edition of the #Top100AsianStarsinUKTech #innovation #women #tech #entrepreneurship.
    Our very own Sukhi Jutla, Co-founder and COO of MarketOrders was invited to the LSE to celebrate being listed on the Top 100 Asian Stars in UK Tech.
  The date coincided with the launch of London Tech Week 2018 and the 171st birthday of women’s rights campaigner, Millicent Fawcett. 
  Diversity UK members and guests were welcomed by Nikhil Rathi, CEO of the London Stock Exchange Group and senior colleagues from the organisation’s diversity and inclusion team. 
  Lord Gadhia, who was a judge for Diversity UK’s Top 100 Asian Stars in UK Tech 2018 list, gave the keynote address emphasising the importance of diversity and inclusion for Britain.
  Read more here:
  Sukhi Jutla with Rav Bumbra, Lopa Patel and Farrah Quereshi
    Written by CEO & Founder, Ram Krishnna Rao
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marketorders-blog · 6 years
MarketOrders in the Top 100 Asian Stars in UK Tech 2018 launched
New Post has been published on http://marketorders.net/marketorders-in-the-top-100-asian-stars-in-uk-tech-2018-launched/
MarketOrders in the Top 100 Asian Stars in UK Tech 2018 launched
  The official list of the Top 100 Asian Stars in UK Tech 2018 was launched on June 4th in London by Diversity UK in association with the Ethnic Minority Foundation (EMF), KPMG and NewAsianPost.com.
  We are super proud to announce that our very own co-founder and COO, Sukhi Jutla, made it into this list, flying the flag for MarketOrders!
    Guests heard from Jacqueline de Rojas, President of techUK and Chair of Digital Leaders and took part in a Tech Showcase Q&A session featuring Echo, a healthcare platform; Trik, 3D modelling software and Kraydel a social care solution for the elderly. FinTech Leader Monica Kalia, the Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer at financial wellbeing provider Neyber, was honoured with the Chairman’s Award by Dilip Joshi MBE, Chair of Diversity UK.
  Congrats to everyone who made it onto this list and thanks to Lopa Patel for shining a spotlight on Asian tech talent!
  See the full list here: https://asiansintech.com/top-100-asian-stars-in-uk-tech-2018/page/8/
  Written by CEO & Founder, Ram Krishnna Rao
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marketorders-blog · 6 years
PRESS RELEASE - A Winning Week for MarketOrders - Winning £100k investment + Rising Star Award
New Post has been published on http://marketorders.net/press-release-a-winning-week-for-marketorders-winning-100k-investment-rising-star-award/
PRESS RELEASE - A Winning Week for MarketOrders - Winning £100k investment + Rising Star Award
    It’s been a winning week for MarketOrders who this week won first prize at the Blockchain Accelerator held in London on 6-8th July. 
  Sukhi Jutla, MarketOrders co-founder and COO pitched to a panel of judges and investors and won the winning pitch from 20 other companies competing for the top prize.
  This win is further testament to the work we are doing at MarketOrders as well as the realisation that the gold industry is ripe for disruption. And this is exactly what the investors see – they see incredible growth opportunity with MarketOrders.
  This win also signifies MarketOrders entry into the blockchain space where we this technology will be used to create trusted transactions across the gold jewellery industry where currently only 4% of gold jewellery transactions occur online due to a lack of trust in the marketplace. MarketOrders is on a mission to change this and to bring greater transparency across the gold industry.
  Sukhi’s excellent pitching skills also secured MarketOrders sponsored WeWork office space a well as private mentoring from top entrepreneurs worth £20,000.
  Well done Sukhi for leading the way and being an excellent role model for other female founders and entrepreneurs!
  Winning the Rising Stars Award
This week, Sukhi also collected her Rising Star awards from We Are The City (WATC). 
    The WATC awards received over 1250 nominations and we are really proud to announce that our co-founder and COO walked away with the winning entry for the Entrepreneurs & Startup category. 
  Well done Sukhi for being a shining example and a leading role model for tech female founders. We are super proud of you!
  In addition MarketOrders and Sukhi were featured in the presstigious “The Sunday Times”.
        Wow, what a winning week it has been for MarketOrders!
    Written by CEO & Founder, Ram Krishnna Rao
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marketorders-blog · 6 years
MarketOrders at the London Blockchain Summit 2018
New Post has been published on http://marketorders.net/marketorders-at-the-london-blockchain-summit-2018/
MarketOrders at the London Blockchain Summit 2018
  Publica’s Author Advisor, Sukhi Jutla, returned to the Olympia Hall in London, where Publica, earlier this year, attended the London Book Fair, to speak on the panel named “How ICOs are Revolutionising Start-Up Funding” at the London Blockchain Summit on Wednesday, 27th June.
    The conference was attended by over 4000 people with over 100 events over the 2 days. The room where Sukhi spoke was filled to the brim roughly 200 people attended the panel!
  Sukhi talked on the panel about how ICOs are revolutionising the start up funding scene. Sukhi talked about how authors are now operating as start-ups and can use ICOs as a source of start up-funding support.
    The audience were amazed when Sukhi reminded them that the eBooks they buy from amazon and other stores don’t belong to them – you purchase only the license to read them – you don’t own them. Sukhi emphasised that Publica allows you to own your book and even better — gift copies away and buy multiple copies. Many had no idea authors could do book ICOs and said it would change the publishing landscape.
  We at MarketOrders are also excited about how blockchain can be used in the gold jewellery market.
Stay tuned for more updates regarding blockchain and MarketOrders!
    Written by CEO & Founder, Ram Krishnna Rao
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