Marjorie Phoenix
511 posts
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marjoriephoenix · 6 years ago
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#feelingmyself going into my 49th year on this earth. #saggitarius
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marjoriephoenix · 7 years ago
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No better way to kick off the #firstdayoffall with #pumpkinspice #coffee Shout-out @coffee_mate ☕️
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marjoriephoenix · 7 years ago
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Have I ever introduced you to my granddoggy, Soka? Short for Ahsoka from #starwars She is spoiled rotten but is such a sweet, lovable girl. I miss her! She lives in #Tallahassee with her mum. #puppy #doglover #pets
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marjoriephoenix · 7 years ago
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I don’t plan. I just draw and color #mindfulcreativity #freestyleartist #bedtimeritual #creativesafespace
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marjoriephoenix · 7 years ago
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My bedtime therapy. What’s yours? #creativesafespace #quiettime #artforthesoul #bedtimetherapy
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marjoriephoenix · 7 years ago
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Creative Safe Spaces to create the work that fills us and share our stories. An space where women are free to feel vulnerable and loved. #creativesafespace #womensupportingwomen #healing #storytelling
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marjoriephoenix · 7 years ago
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Why are some women so insecure that we would rather tear down and sabotage the careers, relationships and goals of other women? I’ve found when I work with women they will turn on you in a dime if they feel threatened. It’s quite sad, because when you work around women that are smarter or more successful, take that opportunity to learn from her. If you are the smartest one in the room, share your wisdom and knowledge with others. If you own a business that employs mostly women, encourage support synergy among everyone. This works in your favor. Let’s go into the week and water each other. We need each other more than you know. #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #creativesafespace #createhealthyworkenvironments
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marjoriephoenix · 7 years ago
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#fridakahlo was a complicated, yet brilliant woman. Most brilliant women are. We try to understand their brilliance through their actions, but we never can. There is no use. Enjoy what they give to their world. See the complicated brilliance within yourself. Embrace it! #womensupportingwomen #creativegenius #brilliantminds #womenartist
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marjoriephoenix · 7 years ago
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I brought this journal 3 years ago for the first #newbeginnings #retreat I hosted. There was only one on the store and I knew it was meant for me because I was writing a new story in my life and business. Since then I filled this book with dreams (some accomplished) and fears. But, what I love so much about this #journal is when I pick it up I decide what #story I want to tell. Everyday is a new beginning, that’s what I call the retreats the #artofnewbeginnings You create! You are the artist! What story are you writing today? What will you create in your life? #empoweringwomen #selfcare #selfdiscovery #creativesafespace
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marjoriephoenix · 7 years ago
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Everything we do should be about lifting up the lives of others. If it isn’t, then you have no real purpose. #empoweringwomen #womensupportingwomen #humanityatitsbest
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marjoriephoenix · 7 years ago
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Whenever I share my story I always hope that it can impact a life. Especially the life of a young woman, because I would never want her to feel disempowered or oppressed by the violence of abuse. When given the opportunity to speak at Pace Center for Girls, I wanted my message to not just be about the pain of my story, but the triumph of the experience. The #selfdiscovery The #selfforgiveness The #selflove that taught #selfcare and how much the #arts was a part of that. My #nonprofitorganization @forgottenwomenproject gifted #mandala and coloring pencils(with the help of our partners and donors) because those types of tools were huge part of centering myself and taking myself out of the head and into my heart where all the creativity lies. This is my wish for each one of them. #empoweringgirls to #empoweringwomen
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marjoriephoenix · 8 years ago
#wine cap #bunnylove #snapchat @marjorie.121069
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marjoriephoenix · 8 years ago
This country needs #comedy #snapchat #comey #fbidirector marjorie.120169
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marjoriephoenix · 8 years ago
#wth Just #snapchat @marjorie.121069
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marjoriephoenix · 8 years ago
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The grim reaper is coming. #democracy #resistance #wethepeople (at Oviedo, Florida)
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marjoriephoenix · 8 years ago
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Good morning world! Ready to write a new page in this #book called #life #lifeinism #motivation #creativeflow
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marjoriephoenix · 8 years ago
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Don't be scared! #blackwomen #womanist #blackfeminist #womensrights
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