marissamrobinson ¡ 5 years
In Conclusion
You can learn all the skills and tricks to having social media accounts and possessing the technology to aid in creating engaging material...
 But, without taking the time to develop an effective social media plan, and finding ways to influence your organization in a positive manner, you can risk not becoming a social organization and become, just an organization with social media accounts. 
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 Challenges I think my client may face when implementing my recommendations:
When it comes to the main focus, staying true to our mission statement. 
“Social media initiatives fail most frequently because of organizations focus on the technologies when they should focus instead on achieving a purpose through the collective behaviors that those technologies make possible.”
Having a realistic budget for technology and programs will be crucial in achieving our goals. Utilizing the mission statement to create online community engagement will help boost awareness of the group and generate more group members!
Social media accounts can fail when the “organization lacks knowledge of the fundamental principles of mass collaboration”. And also because they may not be suited for mass collaboration.
My client’s goals are not suited for mass collaboration in the definition sense but, locally it is beneficial! 
By engaging with the local students and young adults through effective social media waves, the group can generate content and create awareness with communal effort!
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The content should be used as a tool or a community, not a threat or a task (college students are SICK of those!)
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marissamrobinson ¡ 5 years
Why and how effective content can be developed and shared by our group to attain our social media goals. (My client)
“Content plays a crucial role in achieving business and social media objectives such as brand recognition, thought leadership, audience engagement, and lead generation.” 
Ensure the content reflects the content of our mission statement. Developing a content strategy will help us reach that goal by acting as a game plan for coordinating, creating, and distributing your organizations content. By not doing this we can lose the message of our purpose.
As we have been focusing on the Facebook goals on this blog, creating interesting and original content will help in engaging with the community. One-way Hootsuite ch.5 suggested to attain this goal was to go LIVE.
 Live topic examples:
¡       Q.A. about the group and meetings
¡       Wellness topics and discussions
¡       Ways to give back to the community topics and discussions
¡       And more topics that present the ideology and energy of the group.
Question: What does becoming a social organization have to do with the principles of effective content development and sharing?  
Sharing content that is informative, entertaining and timely is a key element of a successful social media strategy. -Hootsuite. It is also hard to do! By utilizing effective principles on content development and sharing, our group can effectively share our love and light as well as grow the group and online community. Thus, becoming a social organization!
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marissamrobinson ¡ 5 years
Who’s Your Mommy?
They say it takes a neighborhood- it does with raising a business on social media. 
           ---------- A strong community of engaged customers, interested prospects, exciting brand, and employee advocates can go a long way in growing the success of your organization. (Hootsuite Academy)----------
Just a day ago I had a conversation with my mother. 
She is a special needs educator and a part-time real estate agent (and my hero) In the summertime, she sells houses. 
Our conversation:
Mom: hi honey, a client hasn’t called me back in a few days, and I want to call him. Should i?
Me: Call him? Isn’t that what you're supposed to do?
Mom: No, video call him. A real estate guru does it and I could to... 
Reflecting on that conversation while reading effective principles on online community building with social media, I concluded that it would be very effective for my mother to grow her real estate business while finding effective and creative ways to communicate with clients is for her to build an online community!  
2 effective principles that would help my mom:
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Create a vision statement: I explained to my mom the importance of building a persona when connecting to clients online. Her voice and tone or online personality, if you will, needs to be consistent. Creating a clear and concise vision statement will help her with community collaboration while developing how she portrays herself online.         
  The vision statement contains the potential benefits of my mom’s real estate services. 
It requires patience when building a creative vision statement and it will often change as your organization does and it will take time to connect with knowledgable people. 
The importance of community collaboration will help my mom see how other real estate agents portray themselves across social media. It will also be important in connecting with local businesses and restaurants in the areas she’s selling. 
 Understand when community collaboration is appropriate: As I explained to my mom that some people might find a personal or friendly personality inappropriate. “Misuse of social media can expose your organization to high failure rates, mediocre results, and significant information management risks.” (Bradley, Mcdonald). Figuring out when and where community collaboration is suitable and not as suitable will help my mom connect online. 
More Suitable In reference to chapter 4 in “The Social Organization”, when different groups act independently to contribute and share information will result in heightened performance.
 My mom must connect to different real estate groups on Facebook and post some of her content or insights there. She needs to be seen as a knowledgable and resourceful person resulting in a potential high flow call-to-action on her own business Facebook page.
Less Suitable: This lady is busy and does not need any more work. “ Community collaboration is less suitable for challenges that require deep analysis...” (Bradley, Mcdonald).
By connecting within one platform at a time via different types of groups, my mom can participate in mass collaboration and remain consistent and up to date with key information at her own comfortability and pace. Because we know her generation isn’t “as hip”...
 Hootsuite Chapter 4, helped me organize my thoughts and process more with creating and building the FCC young adult group community (my client). 
Who will help us build a larger community?
Advocates: I.e. Group alumni or current students and group leaders. They can continue to post in the group after they have left CMU. They will share their updates in life, remain for connections- business and personal, and stay updated with the group’s activity. 
Quality over Quantity: Adding active members to help grow the social community takes a lot of consideration. First, we must create a vision statement that will help portray the goals and vision of the group. Next, connecting with people in person is a great way to drive people to the group’s social media pages.
An example of how to do so would be to really engage with the campus. Get the name and vision of the group known so young adults will want to know more. 
“Word of mouth recommendations are the most powerful advertising tools”
How would we really utilize Facebook to engage with communities?
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Facebook Business Page
Monitor, replay and react to comments on your companies posts
Automated direct message
Hide sensitive or bad content
Facebook Live ( group events or student church events*)
Facebook Groups
Connect with other related groups
Public, closed, and secret group options
Join existing groups and interact locally and globally
Entice people to our group page
With many other tools learned, I can help connect Faith community church young adult group with the Mt. Pleasant and CMU community to help spread our mission! 
*Future goals in the memos
Bradley, Anthony J.. The Social Organization . Harvard Business Review Press. Kindle Edition.
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marissamrobinson ¡ 5 years
Big Data Exposed...
What should businesses be aware of when using big data?
Businesses should be aware of a few things when using big data. First, big data is volumes of collected data by methods of computer analysis applied to the volumes of data to predict future outcomes and try to solve its future problems. Businesses use big data to help improve their strategy with selling or marketing to consumers or to understand the customer's focus.
Businesses should be aware of keeping reasonable efforts to maintain information as a trade secret.
           A Trade Secret is a program that derives economic value from not being generally known and is not readily attainable by regular means and is subject to reasonable efforts under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy. (UTSA)
So, basically, their main responsibility is to keep a trade secret a TRADE SECRET!
 What should consumers be aware of?  
The fact that the government has not taken proper security measures to protect our data assets. Which is a group of data or information about anyone or anything.
 Yes, it can be to help better products and services we use, but shouldn’t we give our consent first?
 Companies and the government buying our information or the fact that our data assets are available virtually to anyone! For example, sometimes my university email gets emails from random sketchy job offers. Sometimes, the university emails us to warn that we may get emails like these and not to take them seriously. How does the university know we are getting these emails? How are our emails getting linked? It’s a question with many answers.
 What is the best way to balance the opportunities and threats presented by the development of big data?  
The best way to balance the opportunities and threats is to take caution.
¡       Update passwords and employee access to information
¡       Confirm confidentiality agreements with vendors and make sure they have limited access to information
¡       Use restrictions, confirm confidentiality and confirm ownership.
¡       Address all problems
¡       Routine assessments of data and security
And as a consumer, be careful how much info you put online! 
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marissamrobinson ¡ 5 years
Am I a Victim?
After reading “Three Reasons Junk News Spreads So Quickly Across Social Media”https://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/blog/three-reasons-junk-news-spreads-so-quickly-across-social-media/ from the Oxford Internet Institute, I intensely contemplated my thoughts and actions on social media and my involvement in the current primary candidates and political news toxicity.
The three reasons are algorithms, advertising, and exposure.
Some of my views changed after reading this article. I analyzed my involvement in/on social media and how I may believe it. Search algorithms make sense to me. In a sense I like them. I get to use this website/app and many others for free. Well.. after I buy things from links and share them, or purchase bonus diamonds on my design app. But, it's free. But what bothers me is the idea that I am “paying” for the news I want to read. 
“Although the Internet has provided more opportunities to access information, algorithms have made it harder for individuals to find information from critical or diverse viewpoints.” (Bradshaw, Howard) 
I like A LOT of different things on FaceBook. From funny baby videos to the pictures of life, as I like to call it. -I know quite a few peoples.
 But lately, I have been paying attention to the primaries and mostly the blue wave... or whatever. 
No one really cares yet and I honestly found it EXHAUSTING to try to keep up. I don’t have cable. 
Some of the first posts I see on my wall (on my iPhone I may add) is political posts from Apple.News, Chicago, but mostly INSIDER. A lot of my “Pol-news” comes from there on FB for some reason.
and that’s where FB came in. From liking Anti-Trumps posts to posts of the Dem candidates. I have seen, read, and heard a lot of info. Not to mention ALLLL the other voices upon the media of social. But were my likes and clicks generating the content I was getting? But the question that frightens me more after dwelling on the concept of algorithms and the idea that everyone is just f*ing different, is what are other people seeing on their Facebook walls? 
Again, the business model makes sense - We “like” and “heart” things, so we see more of it- Why would people not want to make money off it.  
The economics of clickbait: “designed to provoke particular emotional responses that increase the likelihood, intensity, and duration of engagement with the content. In practice, one effective way to do this has been to play to people’s existing biases and sense of outrage when their identity or values are perceived to be threatened. This has directly fueled the rise of exaggerated, inaccurate, misleading, and polarizing content.” (Bradshaw, Howard)  .
I have been on Tumblr for about 4 weeks now. I have followed 11 profiles and liked 10 posts (two of which contained dogs). But, I follow a popular liberal political page. I don’ t create many notes, but I read some posts and like a couple. It has an outraged tone and teeter-toter content. I read a couple notes, one profile called him out on his somewhat blue side but constantly based the dem primary candidates. I got the point. But I am all sorts of confused. 
But I have decided to be patient with my political mindset and agreement on the change I would LOVE to see. But, I will sit tight for now while keeping an ear to the ground and my views to mee self :) 
Briefly touching base on The partisanship expanation and that connects political content and the ideological package the “type” of person fits into...
“Effectively this means that voters tend not to change political parties or favored candidates because they are unlikely to voluntarily or proactively acquire radically new information that challenges their perspectives and undermines their preferences.“
So basically, I rarely see good sh** about Trump.... *shrugs*
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(The first slideshow news page on my Bing page)
Businesses and individuals (myself included) should be aware of the content they are feeding into. What I mean by this is: 
Careful what you “Like”
Careful what you like
To answer the question, how can they (we) respond to these conditions?
Start liking posts of your Grandma on vacation and those cute puppy viral vids again...
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marissamrobinson ¡ 5 years
Week 4: Social Media Consultant Ad
Honesty........  Engagement...... Creativity... and a Sense of humor
***Qualities you want in a Social Media Consultant and those are the qualities you’ll get and more when you hire Marissa!
In today's day and age, I think a sense of humor- especially online- is important. I know when I log on to almost any platform, I want to be entertained. Usually, I am not logging on to be educated with paragraphs and 40-minute videos, I want to get a laugh out of the content, be engaged in the conversation or thought, and be able to know my information is accurate and written by someone who knows what they are talking about but in a new and creative content. Even wording can be creative!
If I was my own social media consultant, I would improve my engagement. Social media is a great way to connect with people who have similar interests or views! You can communicate, learn, and build relationships to hopefully make a difference! I love it when social media pages are active on their posts. When they answer questions in the comments or engage in digital conversations, I feel, their business will progress- especially online! So far, I have started to connect with informative pages and accounts across various social media platforms. For example, I have started digging around Instagram to follow young, developing entrepreneurs. I want to keep up with their early ventures and see how they are making important decisions and connections. I want to really use my business Instagram- well make one first. I want to follow and engage with similar ventures and companies, as well as ones with the same goal...
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marissamrobinson ¡ 5 years
Week 3: The Scary Truth
Big data and informaton privacy go hand and hand. Info privacy is like an invisible contract consumers have with other companies or platforms. The consumers trust that the info they are putting on the internet is protected and won’t be sold. That’s where big data comes in, it is the collection and dispersement of collections of data that is grouped and analyzed by tons of un-known comapanies. These companies sell the data and analytics of your information to other companies to do whatebver their hearts desire with the info. Big data is so powerful because of how we use technology and the internet in our daily lives.
 If you think about it, we put soooo much info online. Our birthdates, hometowns, friends, pictures, and more. Not to mention what we keep on our phones; credit card info, bank info, sensitive photos. Who really has access to it all? If we don’t really know. The “data brokers” can pull other information too, like medical history or online purchases. This is dangerous for anyone, especially those easiely influenced. What I mean by this is, for example, the elderly. If their info is taken by brokers and sold to, lets say, insurance companies. The companies can use scare tactics on the elderly pertaining to their health records and sell them into medications or treatments based on the information they bought of them. I think it’s just another scam we face in this money hungry country. 
My views on how we can limit the harm from big data on both personal and societal levels is to first, know the danger exsists. After that, individuals can take action in the websites and apps they give their information to and what kind of information. Looking at the websites to make sure your info is protceted. 
I think the internet business models, commonly or initially used, influence surveillance and data gathering by the fact that they choose money over improvment. It relates to, what I believe, is the money motivation model. If thier goal is to primarily make money- while keeping the app free- they need to sell ad space. Big data companies can sell the info they’ve gathered from, lets say, your search engines or online purchases to the app or web developers to post those dreadful pop-up ads. It’s a nasty cycle, driven by money. Instead, maybe we can think in a more socialist sway and webdevelpoers and such can provide us with free apps and websites to enjoy for just that, ejoyment ;) 
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marissamrobinson ¡ 5 years
Week 2: Neglecting my Favorite Lifeline
Everyone and their Aunt knows what Snapchat is. And if you don’t, you must live under a rock. I use Snap, like a lot. I use it to keep up with my friends around the State, especially in the summer, or to send silly pics to my best friends to keep our streaks. But those who really know me, know that I will answer a snap before I’ll answer your text messages.
The reason for this, aside from nosiness, is that I feel it more personal to send me a picture of your face and a quick typed message. I love it. I love seeing my dearest friends faces- silly or not- I love it when they send me things about their day or what they are up to at that very moment. I feel like they want to share their days with me or that they want to see my face as well. 
I enjoy posting pictures or videos of my dog or horse or I’ll check, hmm, around 15 of my closest friend’s stories... Not any of the other 80 Snap friends, usually. I even use Snap to catch up on the News or Political updates. It has become part of my daily routine as well as a major way of getting a hold of me. 
These feelings I have towards the app are the exact reason I chose to give it up for 24 hours... it was rough. 
4:30 A.M.: I went to check my snaps, reply to my streaks, and tell them I was to be MIA for the day. No one was awake to wish me luck.
5 A.M: I showed up at work. It was still dark. I wanted to post it on my story. I didn’t
8 A.M.: My co-worker was acting silly during our shift. I did not record her on Snap, I wanted to. 
11 A.M: I got off work. It was hot. I wanted to check stories and see if anyone was at the pool..... I couldn’t. 
My day was long, felt even longer without my beloved app. But it wasn’t until after the boredom at work that I accepted my day for what it was... Snap-less. Then, it started getting easier. The people I needed to get a hold of, at this point, knew to give me a ring and my day got less lonely. 
-Sad that I thought it was lonely without the app, but it was true!-
As I transferred my energy into the people I, actually, wanted around me, I was able to really enjoy being in the moment. As I reflected on that feeling, I thought to myself the real reason I use snap so much. I love sharing the beauty around me. Whether that be in nature, people, or funny moments. I enjoy portraying the world how I see it with filters, stickers, captions, and emojis. It gives my somewhat-cynical-mindset some relief from the world I see. I can take a picture or video and portray it to ‘the world’ the way I see it. And being without Snap led me to enjoy my views in the moment and for myself. I was able to enjoy it in a way I haven’t in a while... Alone.
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marissamrobinson ¡ 5 years
Week 2 Blog Post: Social Media and the Internet
I am going to start off by sharing my hate-love relationship with the internet and especially social media. Growing up in this era, I don’t think we realize, our generation has seen the development and climax of every aspect of the internet and social media today. I remember being barely two years old showing my grandma how to use the mouse on the first generation Macintosh. I also remember when every single one of my favorite apps first came out, like Snapchat and even Facebook. We grew up as the internet did. 
Not to mention seeing the VERY FIRST SMARTPHONE! 
The IBaby:
Sherry Turkle’s interview and standpoints really resonated with me. She touched base on a lot of issues I have thought about frequently. One that really bothers me is how plugged in the younger generation is, and I’m talkin’ about the young kiddos. You can go almost anywhere, whether it be the store, the park, or church, and see kids with their parents but it isn’t the parents glued to their phones, it’s the kids. I have seen children as young as a year old, plugged so far into their parent’s phone or even their own device that they don’t observe the world around them! I have witnessed little ones throwing fits and their parents not being able to calm them down- well, until they hand them the IPad they are crying over.
 Do you think parents relying on devices to control their young children’s emotions acceptable or could it be deemed bad parenting, even?
When My Mom Would Cook:
In the interview, Mrs. Turkle didn’t directly discuss the youngest generation and their phones but one big point she brought up was the importance of remaining device free at the dinner table, as well as having family dinners. My parents, when they were together, tried really hard to have my family sit down for dinner. Trying to get two teen girls and a young boy together in the evenings between after-school activities and homework was difficult. But I remember when we did sit down together I felt like I had a family when most of the time, we felt like roommates. 
My Pretend Family:
Turkle made a statement, from her research, that got me reflecting on the same point of family dinners,  “And you know this is going to be good, because dinner is the thing that we all know protects against juvenile delinquency, people stay in school if they have dinner with their families.  It protects against, you know, everything bad and it encourages everything good in the growing up as a child.” Now, I wasn’t THAT bad of a kid. I went to school, maybe I slept through most of it, but I had a job and good friends. I had this one friend, she was my best friend, and for my Sophomore and Junior year of highschool, I was basically a part of her family. I spent many nights there, had assigned chores, went to church with them and ate dinner with them. Her parents had the no-phone-at-the-dinner-table rule, and of course, I obliged. We talked about our days, school, laughed, and ate home-cooked food. I didn’t once feel the need to talk to any one of my boyfriends on the phone or check social media because I felt like I’d miss out on their conversation ( and because I’d have to do the dishes by myself if I did) ;)
The Future:
What really made me fear for the younger generation, in just regards to technology (not all the other sh** they will have to deal with after this era), is the fact they are missing out on fundamental communication skills. Turkle repeatedly brought up the point that people today can edit and delete what they want to say or what they have said through technolog... but that’s not how life works, honey. It was when she talked about a 16-year-old who says he doesn’t like to conversate much that stuck out to me. “Ok, fine.” I thought, but what he said he stated next really got to me. After Turkle asked him what is wrong with conversation, he said: “ it takes place in real time and you can’t control what you’re going to say”... My thought, at the age of 16, you should be learning those fundamental communication skills for adulthood. 
‘Cause lemme tell you I know a lot of effing adults who lack even decent conversation skills and that’s a big problem.
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marissamrobinson ¡ 5 years
Introductory Post
My name is Marissa Robinson and I am a senior at Central Michigan University majoring in Entrepreneurship with a minor in psychology. I grew up in the suburbs of Troy, Michigan. Just north of Detroit, I grew up experiencing the city and suburb life. But it didn’t stop there, I am a country girl at heart. At the age of 10, I discovered my love for horses and began to learn to care and ride them. My riding career grew as I did and by 16 I was driving over an hour to see my horse, Star. I adopted Star when we were 16 years old. I then learned and practiced natural horsemanship, a way of training and communicating with horses to build a bond and achieve all personal goals. Horses have been a big part of my life for over a decade, however, I have taken a break to pursue studying entrepreneurship at CMU. Star lives closer to me than she ever did when I lived in Metro Detroit, she’s 25 minutes away in Blanchard, Michigan and I visit her every week!
I hope to start a few successful ventures, social entrepreneurship is a new goal of mine in the near future. #StayTuned. I also have big future venture goals, if the world doesn’t end first;)
With this blog, I hope to achieve a new way of communicating with people via social media in a productive and informational way. I also hope to shed some of my eco-conscious insight and goals with my peers, as I have been pursuing in my personal and social life. I have adopted an interpersonal dedication to doing good in this world as well as sharing good. 
I believe LOVE will save the world <3
A company that I believe does particularly well is Pela Case. They make phone cases out of recycled plants that are 100% plastic free and bio-degradable. Some phone case designs donate to globally conservative companies that help with a multitude of human-caused problems on our planet. https://pelacase.com/  
Their mission statement reflects its goals very well. I believe they reflect all the components of mass collaboration, social media, community, and purpose. I actually discovered Pela Case form an ad on Facebook. I checked out the website, Facebook page, and Instagram page within minutes. The website was easy to maneuver, even from my phone. Pela Case collaborates with the mass as well as the other organizations they are in cahoots with via social media. They display their products, communicate their goals, share information, and build connections with the use of social media. The purpose: “to create a plastic-free planet, one case at a time”. Their purpose alone was the reason I spent over $50 on two Iphone cases, but I didn’t buy the cases just to protect my phone, but because I believed in their message and goals. They are building a community of globally conscious consumers and companies to do more than put money in their pockets, something I strongly believe in. 
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marissamrobinson ¡ 5 years
My vision
This 2019- 2020 final year at CMU is going to be one filled with goals, success, and change! I plan to Fire Up hard and leave my stamp on this campus🔥👆🏼
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