17 posts
Weight: 68.78kg/Height: 1.72m/Goal:56kg
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manson-av · 25 days ago
ED movies
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manson-av · 25 days ago
my dream<3
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manson-av · 1 year ago
tips from my weight loss doctor (and me):
• don’t go under 1200 cals. it will mess up your metabolism and make losing weight harder and gaining weight easier.
• don’t go over 1500 cals (this depends on your height and weight tho. if you are a tall and big person, don’t go over 2000 cals. if you are small, don’t go over 1500)
• get at least 90g of protein a day
• drink at least 64 ounces of water a day
• eat your vegetables !!
• try to cut out most processed foods. otherwise you will be bloated and your abdomen will appear bigger
• if you eat a meal, eat the protein first, then the vegetables, then your starches last
• a little bit of exercise is better than no exercise. try to at least take a mile long walk everyday. that will burn between 100 and 200 cals
• you can give into your cravings once a day, but only eat a small amount
• try not to binge. if you do and end up going over your cal limit, eat half as less for the next few days (if you eat 500 cals over, eat 250 cals less the next 3 days)
• if you restrict too much and continuously go under 1200 cals a day, you will not be able to eat normally again without gaining weight. so for the sake of your body and mental health, PLEASE EAT 1200 CALS A DAY !!
• if you are already ana/mia and continue to be ana/mia for too long, your body will suffer major consequences (ie. fucked up metabolism, dizziness, weakness, increased risk of heart attack, etc)
• if you exercise and burn off calories, try to eat half as many as you burned
• vitamins are important !! especially if you are ana/mia
• only weigh yourself ONCE a week in the morning
• you shouldn’t be losing more than 2 pounds a week. it’s unhealthy to lose it too fast. larger people will lose 10 pounds fast, whereas a small person will lose 10 pounds slowly. it all comes down to your metabolism and how much your starting weight is
• be smart and healthy about weight loss. otherwise you WILL fail
stay safe out there <3
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manson-av · 1 year ago
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THINSPO Wallpaper
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manson-av · 1 year ago
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manson-av · 1 year ago
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manson-av · 2 years ago
Niskokaloryczne przepisy!!! ⬇️
! wszystko jest z motylkowego blogu z 2014. link tutaj:
Domowa frappe (10 kcal)
• kawa rozpuszczalna
• dwie pastylki słodziki
• łyżka zimnego mleka
• trzy kostki lodu
Parzymy zwykłą kawę rozpuszczalną, słodzik, odstawiamy do wystygnięcia.
Ubijamy mleko na leciutką piankę. Do wysokiej szklanki wsadzamy trzy katki lodu,
po czym nalewamy na przemian mleko i kawę (najlepiej zrobić to łyżką i bardzo powoli wtedy
powstanie taki ładny efekt kawy warstwowej). Można dodać kropelkę aromatu do ciasta (np. migdałowego).
Zupa z ogórka zielonego (37 kcal)
Składniki na 4 porcje:
• 300 g świeżego ogórka zielonego
• 2 ząbki czosnku
• 1 litr rosołu z bulionu warzywnego ( 2 kostki )
• 100 ml kefiru
• 1 łyżeczka soku z cytryny
• 1 łyżka koperku
• 1 łyżka natki pietruszki
Obrane ogórki i czosnek opłukać, pokroić, zmiksować z bulionem, zagotować.
Kefir zmieszać z sokiem z cytryny, pokrojoną pietruszką i koperkiem i wlać do zupy.
Jedna porcja ( 200 ml ) zawiera 37 kcal
Mizeria (30 kcal)
Składniki na 4 porcje:
• 300 g zielonych ogórków
• 100 g cebuli
• 2 ząbki czosnku
• sól, szczypiorek
• 1/2 szklanki kefiru lub jogurtu naturalnego
Ogórki pokroić w krążki, cebulę w półkrążki, czosnek zmiażdżyć i dodać do kefiru.
Kefir wymieszać z warzywami, przyprawić solą, posypać szczypiorkiem.
Jedna porcja ( 130 g ) zawiera 30 kcal
Sałatka z arbuza (29 kcal)
•500 g arbuza
• sok z 1/2 cytryny
• 1/2 łyżeczki cukru waniliowego
• 1/2 łyżeczki cukru pudru
Miąższ arbuza oddzielić od skórki, pokroić w dosyć grubą kostkę, usuwając gniazda nasienne.
Ułożyć w salaterce, skropić sokiem z cytryny, oprószyć cukrem pudrem i cukrem waniliowym.
Wstawić do lodówki. Sałatkę podawać mocno schłodzoną.
Koktajl kefirowo-warzywny (35 kcal)
• pół litra kefiru
• pół litra soku wielowarzywnego z kartonu
• kilka listków mięty
• łyżka drobno posiekanego kopru
• sól
• pieprz
Kefir zmiksować w blenderze lub ubić trzepaczką z sokiem wielowarzywnym (oba składniki dobrze schłodzone),
liśćmi mięty i przyprawami. Wymieszać z koperkiem, rozlać do wysokich szklanek.
Bulion pomidorowy (40 kcal)
Składniki na 4 porcje:
• 2 puszki (á 425 g) zupy pomidorowej
• 100 g pomidorów koktajlowych
• 100 g pieczarek
• 1/2 pęczka bazylii
• według uznania 1-2 łyżeczki dżinu
• czarny, świeżo zmielony pieprz (lub pieprz cytrynowy)
Zupę należy zagotować w odpowiednim garnku. Pomidory oraz pieczarki oczyścić, umyć i osuszyć.
Pieczarki pokroić na cienkie plasterki. Warzywa dodać do zupy i podgrzać. Bazylię umyć, osuszyć i oberwać z niej małe listki.
Zupę doprawić do smaku dżinem i pieprzem, a następnie rozlać do filiżanek. Do gorącej zupy włożyć listki bazylii i -
natychmiast podawać do stołu. Zupa smakuje najlepiej ze świeżą, chrupiącą bagietką.
Koktajl pomidorowy z selerem (40 kcal)
Składniki na 4 porcje:
• 8 małych łodyg selera naciowego
• 12 pomidorków koktajlowych
• butelka (500 ml) soku pomidorowego
• tabasco
• sos worcester
• łyżka octu winnego
• 300 ml zimnego bulionu warzywnego (może być z kostki)
Łodyżki selera naciowego dokładnie oczyścić i umyć. Pomidorki koktajlowe umyć,
nadziać na cztery długie drewniane wykałaczki. Sok pomidorowy przyprawić do smaku tabasco,
sosem worcester i octem winnym, wymieszać z bulionem warzywnym. Wstawić do lodówki, aby napój dobrze się
oziębił, wlać do przygotowanych szklaneczek. Latem, gdy można już dostać gruntowe pomidory, wyciskaj z nich sama świeży sok. Napój będzie równie zdrowy, a przy tym dużo smaczniejszy.
Rosół z surową marchwią (40 kcal)
Składniki na 4 porcje:
• litr chudego rosołu
• 3 małe marchewki
• 2 łyżki posiekanej natki pietruszki
Utartą marchew ułożyć na talerzach, posypać natką i zalać wrzącym rosołem.
Surówka z kalarepki (40 kcal)
• 2 jędrne młode kalarepki
• 15 dag fety
• pół strąka papryki konserwowej
• kilka rzodkiewek
• 2 łyżki posiekanej zieleniny (koperku lub rzeżuchy)
• 2 łyżki kiełków sojowych
• 3 łyżki jogurtu naturalnego
• sok z cytryny
• cukier
• sól
Kalarepki obrać, pokroić w bardzo cienkie słupki lub zetrzeć na tarce o grubych oczkach.
Dodać pokruszoną fetę, rzodkiewki pokrojone w plasterki i paprykę pokrojoną w słupki.
Jogurt przyprawić solą, cukrem i sokiem z cytryny.
Dodać zieleninę, sparzone i starannie osączone kiełki, polać surówkę sosem jogurtowym.
Surówka z selera i marchewki (45 kcal)
Składniki na 6 porcji:
• średni seler korzeniowy
• 3 marchewki
• pęczek szczypiorku
• łyżka chrzanu
• 3 łyżki śmietany
• sól, pieprz
Seler obrać, oczyścić. Marchewki obrać, umyć. Seler i marchewki zetrzeć na tarce o małych oczkach.
Szczypiorek opłukać, posiekać. Chrzan wymieszać ze śmietaną, przyprawić solą i pieprzem.
Warzywa i szczypiorek włożyć do salaterki, polać sosem, wymieszać.
Pomidorowy cud (45 kcal)
Składniki na 6 porcji:
• 1 l soku pomidorowego
• 3/8 l wody mineralnej
• sok z 1 i 1/2 cytryny
• duża marchewka
• kawałek selera łodygowego
• 3 łyżeczki sosu worcester
• szczypta soli morskiej
• łyżeczka posiekanej natki
• szczypta pieprzu cayenne
• kostki lodu
Marchewkę i seler oczyścić, umyć. Wycisnąć sok w sokowirówce.
Dodać pozostałe składniki, miksować w mikserze ok. 30 sek. Napój rozlać do szklanek, włożyć kostki lodu.
Szklaneczki z drinkami dowolnie udekorować. Podać natychmiast.
Brukselka duszona z marchewką (45 kcal)
• 50 dag brukselki
• duża cebula
• 2 marchewki
• łyżka oleju
• łyżka majeranku
• sól
Brukselkę oczyścić i ugotować na półmiękko. Cebulę drobno posiekać,
marchew zetrzeć na tarce o grubych oczkach i razem podsmażyć na oleju.
Gdy warzywa zmiękną, dodać ugotowaną brukselkę, majeranek, sól i dusić pod przykryciem jeszcze około 10 min.
Surówka wielokolorowa (45 kcal)
nieduża główka kapusty
• dwa pomidory
• po pół pęczka koperku i grubego szczypioru
• cebula
• dwa ogórki małosolne
• kilka rzodkiewek
• po ćwierć strąka żółtej i czerwonej papryki
• ząbek czosnku
• trzy łyżki oliwy
• pieprz
• sól
Kapustę pokroić w jak najcieńsze długie makaroniki, wypłukać, osączyć na sicie.
Dodać pokrojoną w piórka cebulę i posiekaną zieleninę. Pomidor pokroić w grubą kostkę lub kliniki,
ogórki w ćwierćplasterki, rzodkiewki w talarki, a paprykę w cienkie paski, czosnek przecisnąć przez praskę.
Tuż przed podaniem wszystkie składniki wymieszać z oliwą, przyprawić solą i pieprzem.
Pikantna zupa pietruszkowa (50 kcal)
Składniki na 4 porcje:
500 g pietruszki (z natką)
• 3 szklanki rosołu instant
• 1/2 pojemnika (80 g) kwaśnej śmietany
• 50 g mięsa krabów
• sól
• biały pieprz
Odciąć natkę pietruszki od korzenia i odłożyć.
Pietruszkę obrać, umyć i pokroić w możliwie cienkie plasterki.
W półtoralitrowym garnku zagotować rosół. Gotować w nim jarzynkę ok. 15 min., następnie starannie zmiksować.
Doprawić do smaku solą i pieprzem. Zagotować, powoli mieszając dodać śmietanę.
Natkę pietruszki wymyć, otrzepać dokładnie z wody i oberwać listki. Kraby dobrze opłukać na sicie pod bieżącą wodą i osączyć.
Dodać do zupy mięso krabów i natkę pietruszki, podgrzać na niezbyt silnym ogniu. Rozlać na talerze i natychmiast podawać.
Kwaśnica po żywiecku (50 kcal)
• 750 g kapusty kwaszonej
• 800 g schabu z kością
• 250 g włoszczyzny
• 2 cebule
• 10 g suszonych grzybów
• ząbek czosnku
• pieprz
• sól
Schab, obraną włoszczyznę oraz grzyby zalać 6 szklankami wody i gotować na małym ogniu pod przykryciem.
Gdy mięso będzie miękkie, wyjąć je z garnka i oddzielić od kości. Kapustę i pokrojoną w kostkę cebulę udusić
osobno w niewielkiej ilości wody. Ugotowane grzyby pokroić w paski. Podzielony na porcje schab oraz pozostałe
składniki włożyć do odcedzonego wywaru, doprawić czosnkiem roztartym z solą i pieprzem, zagotować. Podawać z ziemniakami
Sałatka z delikatnym sosem (50 kcal)
Składniki na 4 porcje:
• 1 główka sałaty (może być masłowa lub lodowa)
• 1/2 główki sałaty fryzyjskiej
• 30 dag marchewek
• 20 dag pieczarek
• 100 ml maślanki (lub chudego jogurtu)
• 1 łyżka chudego twarogu
• sól, świeżo zmielony czarny pieprz
Oba rodzaje sałaty opłukać, osuszyć, porwać na małe kawałki. Marchewki oczyścić, obrać, umyć,
pokroić w cienkie plasterki. Pieczarki oczyścić, opłukać, również pokroić w cienkie plastry.
Przygotowane składniki delikatnie wymieszać. Jogurt utrzeć z twarogiem, doprawić do smaku solą i pieprzem.
Sałatkę podawać na talerzach, polać sosem.
Zawijane liście sałaty (50 kcal)
• 3 główki zielonej sałaty
• po 30 dag marchwi i selera
• po pęczku rzodkiewek i cebuli dymki
• łyżka oleju
• 2 jogurty naturalne (po 200 ml)
• jajo
• natka pietruszki
• sól
• pieprz
Zewnętrzne liście sałaty dokładnie umyć i osączyć z wody.Na tarce ze średnimi otworami zetrzeć marchew oraz seler,dodać drobno pokrojone listki ze środka sałaty, pokrojoną cebulę, sól, pieprz, olej i delikatnie wymieszać.Na liściach sałaty rozłożyć wymieszane warzywa, zwinąć, spiąć wykałaczką i ułożyć na półmisku. Ruloniki zalać jogurtem, udekorować ugotowanym na twardo i posiekanym jajem, rzodkiewkami i natką pietruszki.
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manson-av · 2 years ago
Devuelvanme a esos días donde tenía control sobre mi misma.
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manson-av · 2 years ago
Lo siento, pero a mí ya nadie me puede arreglar, pasaré el resto de mi vida con un gran desprecio hacia mi cuerpo y a mi no deseada existencia..
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manson-av · 2 years ago
Estricta es mi dieta
No debo desear comer
Diré mentiras cuando me acueste hambrienta
Ayúdame a pasar por las confiterías
No dejes caer mi fuerza de voluntad
Guíame a través de los caminos donde mi cuerpo no es como se ve
Aunque camine a través de la tienda de pasteles no compraré nada
Los pasteles y pays me tientan
Ante mí hay una mesa con verduras y lechuga
Llenaré mi estómago de líquidos
Los cuadros de calorías y pesos me siguen todos los días de mi vida
Y descansaré en el temor a las básculas por siempre.
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manson-av · 3 years ago
Here you have a list of food with their calories, hope it's useful to you ✧*。
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manson-av · 3 years ago
Encontré unas dietas super buenas y una rutina de ejercicios de Mikasa, espero y nos funcionen
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manson-av · 3 years ago
Jerome Valeska x sister reader smut (+18)
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Warning: ⚠️incest⚠️
I do not think incest is okay and do not suggest do anything like this with your own family this is for entertainment purposes only that being said enjoy.
The circus had just come to Gotham City and it was packed with Families spending time with each other and young couples out on dates kissing and grinding against each other all the while the young Y/n Valeska watched from the window of the trailer she lived in with her abusive mother Lila and her brother Jerome who the young girl was crushing on since puberty hit Y/n knew it was wrong to have feelings for her brother but couldn't help it Jerome had gotten even more handsome and taller now that he turned eighteen while Y/n was only fourteen she wanted her brother so bad she even had wet dreams about him but she knew nothing could happen between them because it was wrong but know use sitting around feeling sad the young girl got up threw on a sweater and leaving the trailer upon leaving she noticed a boy approach her.
“Excuse me,” said the boy
“Yes,” said Y/n
“I-I um was w-wondering if you could help me with something nothing sexual but could you pretend to be my girlfriend I'll pay you, please,” said the boy blushing slightly
Y/n thought about it she was being paid and this could be fun
“Yes I'll help you but do you mind telling me your name,” said Y/n
“Oh um my name is Ethan and what's your name,” said Ethan
“Okay Ethan my name is Y/n and why do you need me to pretend to be your girlfriend,” said Y/n
“M-my friends think I don't have a girlfriend so that's when I saw you then that's why we're here now,” said Ethan
“If you don't mind me asking but where are your friends now,” said Y/n
“They're over there so I was wondering if I could introduce you to them as my girlfriend then that's about then you'll get paid then you can leave,” said Ethan
“Ok sounds easy enough,” said Y/n
That being said the young Valeska walked over to where the group of friends was with Ethan beside her holding hands acting like there together.
“Hey guys this is my girlfriend Y/n,” said Ethan
“Hi Y/n,” the group said all together
“So your Ethans girlfriend,” said Friend 1
“Yeah I was just using the restroom,” said Y/n
“Ethan your girlfriend is quite the looker,” said Friend 2
“Thanks but Y/n can't stay too long she has a doctors Appointment say bye Y/n,” said Ethan
“Bye guys it was nice meeting you,” said Y/n
“You too Y/n hope to see you again,” said the group of friends
Y/n and Ethan turned around walking away between the games to not be seen.
“Thanks for that I appreciate here's the money,” said Ethan
Y/n took the money and only nodded back to Ethan who had walked away as soon as he'd given her the money before she could walk away as well she was grabbed and yanked into a firm chest.
“Hey let me g-” said Y/n
She couldn't finish her sentence before a hand covered her mouth she looked finally seeing that it was Jerome Y/n noticed that he did not look happy at all his green eyes looked dark and cloudy.
“What we're you doing with that guy” growled Jerome
“That's not any of your business,” said Y/n
“It is my business you're my little sister and it's my job to look out for you,” said Jerome
“I can look out for myself,” said Y/n
Jerome growled in anger wrapping his hand around Y/n’s throat and kissing her on the lips making the young girl immediately kiss back she could feel Jerome smirk against her lips she pushed away to admit her feelings.
“Jerome I've been wanting to say this for a long time now but I'm in love with I can't help it but I love you and If you don't love me in that way back I'll understand, “said Y/n
“Y/n I love you too and I don't care if you're my sister or not dollface,” said Jerome
Y/n smiled and kissed the ginger on the lips with love and hunger while rubbing her hand on the tent in his pants Jerome only growled in response grabbing her hips pushing away much to Y/n’s disappointment
“We can't do this here baby girl too many people are around here go wait for me in my room the whore shouldn't be back for some hours I want to see you on hands and knees and know clothes on do you understand,” said Jerome
The young Valeska nodded her head and headed back to the trailer going inside her brother's room taking off her clothes laying butt naked on the bed in a doggy style position not that long later she heard footsteps walk into the room and Jerome get behind her.
“Wow baby is this all for me,” said Jerome slapping her ass that would surely leave a bruise
Jerome immediately got to work he started to eat her out like a starved man drinking in every single moan she made it turned him on, even more, this was his little sister enjoying being eaten out by her brother just the thought of fucking his sister made his cock leak with pre-cum then he pushed in his fingers thrusting them in and out finally making Y/n reach her orgasm l then licking her juices off his fingers.
“Mmm you taste so sweet just like cotton candy,” said Jerome
The ginger pulled off all his clothes revealing his lean but muscular frame he got in front of Y/n putting the tip of his cock on her lips the young girl's eyes widened in shock her brother was most definitely packing he was at least 9in and thick she could feel her mouth water at the sight of it opening her mouth Jerome pushed in hissing in pleasure as her tongue made contact with the underside of her member touching a sensitive vain Jerome couldn't control himself he grabbed Y/n’s head with both hands slamming into her mouth constantly making the girl gag and tears run down her face
“Damn Y/n just like that suck your big brother’s cock like a good little whore,” said Jerome
One last thrust the older boy came down his sister's throat making her nearly choke he pulled out tilting her head back.
“Swallow and don't waste a single drop,” said Jerome
Y/n did as she was told and swallowed the cum opening her mouth to show him she did as he asked.
“Good job now time for the main event it might hurt doll so are you sure you want to do this,” said Jerome
The girl nodded her head with a sigh Jerome got behind his sister placing his tip at her entrance pushing in slowly stopping hearing Y/n whimpering in pain.
“It's okay sweet cheeks the pain will go away soon,” said Jerome
Jerome was trying so hard to hold back and let his sister adjust to his size but she was just so tight and warm before he knew it Jerome started to ram Into his sister like a wild animal gripping her hips so hard they'd probably leave bruises later not that either of the siblings cared at the moment Y/n felt like she was on cloud nine from the way her brother's dick was hitting that spot inside of her making stars come into her vision Jerome leaned down and wrapped his hand around the front of her throat bringing her back against his chest still fucking into her after a couple more thrusts he struck that spot inside of Y/n making her cum with a shout of his name the ginger followed shortly after filling her with his seed letting her drop face-first into the bed the older sibling pulled out and got up to get some wipes after cleaning himself up and her Jerome laid down on his back then placing Y/n on his chest pulling the cover over the both of them now noticing it was nighttime they deserved some shut eye.
“Goodnight Jerome love you,” said Y/n
“You to doll and I love ya as well,” said Jerome
Y/n just smiled then buried her head into Jerome's neck falling asleep then Jerome shortly after.
The End.
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manson-av · 3 years ago
Cute little thing
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Pairing: Jerome Valeska X Reader
Warnings: funny, fluff
Words: 787
Summary: Jerome is interrogated at the GCPD
Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English.
The interrogation room was silent, Jerome was sitting all by himself in handcuffs, waiting for Commissioner Gordon who had left a few minutes earlier for a problem that had arisen.
The ginger had been there for a few hours still not opening his mouth and revealing the things Jim wanted to know, he was starting to get bored in there or so he thought before he heard a loud bang coming from outside and a uniformed policewoman entered the interrogation cell.
She was definitely a sight for sore eyes even though the uniform looked big on her, she had y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes.
The girl sat down in front of Jerome with a serious look on her face as she adjusted the hat that had fallen in front of her eyes, it was quite an adorable view and the ginger couldn't help but smile even more and lean forward purring "Hello doll, what are you doing here" she continued to look at him in silence, slamming a hand down on the table when she wasn't expecting it "I ask the questions here, sir! " she picked up the papers that were on the table adjusting her hat again as she read the papers or so it seemed "What were they questioning you about sir?" Jerome raised an eyebrow in amusement as he continued to look at her tilting his head "aren't you supposed to know that, you're from the GCPD aren't you, you cute little thing" she looked at him throwing the papers over her shoulder indifferently "first of all, sir, do you want to go to jail for insulting a public official? YOU are adorable with your puppy dog eyes and your freckles, but that's not relevant, secondly, sir, as I told you before I'm asking the questions here" the man nodded and continued to look at her amused as he sat better in his chair "yes, ma'am" the girl paused for a moment looking at him "do you want to go to jail again?! for attempting to seduce a public official?!" Jerome opened his mouth to add something raising his eyebrows when he saw her almost lie down on the table to put her index finger to his lips to silence him giving him a view of her neckline, he met her eyes making a smirk and purr.
The girl sat back in her chair adjusting her police officer hat again which was falling over her eyes again wrinkling her nose in a cute way before meeting his gaze "you have nice eyes, sir....but this is getting boring" she stood up abruptly slamming her hands against the table "CONFESS! " she squinted her eyes interrupting him sitting down again "you don't want to confess! fine" she quickly leaned forward "you're a difficult person, huh....if I give you a candy will you listen to me?" the ginger raised an eyebrow "alright, alright, if I give you two candies will you answer me without lying? "the man moved his face closer to her playing along "are you trying to corrupt me?" she moved closer making their foreheads touch "I am, sir" they looked into each other's eyes for a few moments before she burst into a fit of laughter leaning back in her chair "I was just kidding" the ginger started giggling with her not understanding exactly why but still laughed stopping to look at the girl's cute face which became completely serious "I don't share my candy".
The door opened making them both turn their heads, Jim walked in looking first at Jerome and then at the girl quickly grabbing the handcuffs as she stood up giggling "Nooo! Jimmy!!! You ruined our game! " the commissioner grabbed her managing to hold her against the table as he put the handcuffs on her rolling his eyes at her comment "kinky, I don't think I'm into that sort of thing but there's a first time for everything, isn't it" she giggled "shut up, Y/n" he looked at his colleagues handing her over to them "be careful she doesn't get away again this time, you only have to take her in the van to Arkham" Y/n snorted slightly "Mr Gordon, can you fix my hat please, I can't see anymore" Jim looked at her taking it off and placing it on the table "take her away please" she smiled waving enthusiastically at Jerome as they took her away returning his smile as he didn't stop staring at her murmuring "I'll see you again very soon, you cute little thing, don't worry and we can continue the game, you'll have your hat and maybe you'll share your candy with me" he smiled evilly chuckling.
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manson-av · 3 years ago
Too innocent
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Pairing: Jerome Valeska X Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff
Words: 381
Summary: Jerome and Y/n after a fight
Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English.
That morning Jerome didn't want to get out of bed still thinking back to the fight he had the day before with Y/n.
It wasn't his intention, he didn't want to but he was angry at his mother and he was in a rage, especially after he saw a guy hit on her.
He regretted it, definitely, with that fight he could lose the only person who cared about him and cared about how he felt.
So he decided to go apologize to her by knocking on her trailer, getting no response he sat outside waiting, deciding to go back to his trailer only a few hours after one of the Graysons told him that Y/n had gone out the other night and hadn't returned.
He had to wait until evening to hear from her, finding her sitting in his trailer staring at the table with a glass of water beside her "Y/n?" she looked up, meeting the ginger's eyes "Jerome! I was just looking for you, your mother left a few minutes ago, I thought about what you said yesterday about me being too innocent and not living my life and're right and that's why-" she was quickly interrupted by the ginger's lips crashing against hers and then slowly pulling away "I was starting to fear you were dead...have you been drinking? "she nodded looking with tears in her eyes into his and pouting which made the boy smile slightly because he liked her just the way she was, innocent, sweet but not stupid "after the fight I thought about it and got drunk for the first time, I'll never do it again, I've had a headache all day, I don't know how your mother does it, I tried smoking but it didn't work and I think I got a tattoo".
Jerome slowly sat down looking at her amused and shocked, starting to laugh "what do you mean you think?" she stretched her arm out towards him "I didn't dare to look at it" he nodded amused raising her sleeve looking at a small tattoo on her wrist that said 'Jerome' "is it that bad?" he slowly shook his head turning her face to meet her lips again "don't ever do that again, yes?"
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manson-av · 3 years ago
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pairing: Jerome Valeska X Reader
warnings: smut
words: 1022
summary: Jerome can't take his eyes off Y/n
note: Sorry about the mistakes and the English. I hoped it would come out better but it's pretty shitty, sorry and thank you Jules!
There was a lot of shouting caused by the followers of Jerome's cult, which had formed after his death, they were watching Jerome's video on the big screen in their hideout just waiting for the ginger to arrive as Dwight's promise.
He had fooled them at first but they had managed to find Jerome thanks to Y/n and now they were in the car all three heading for their 'hideout' "I had an idea, you could make a big entrance when you get in" Y/n turned to look at him quickly "excuse me? you?" he glared at her muttering "shut up" he cleared his throat smiling "we have" Jerome nodded absentmindedly as he put his face back on staring at it with a stapler.
When they arrived the ginger made his entrance according to Y/n's idea causing the excited shouting and whistling of the followers that didn't quit, not even when Dwight tried to speak by yelling at them to shut up and trying to silence them in other ways with no success, Jerome continued to watch the scene amused moving his gaze to the girl who was also watching the scene with a small smile on her face, Dwight sighed turning to Y/n who kept looking at him with her arms folded, she giggled moving bringing two fingers to her mouth to whistle catching everyone's attention " SILENCE! SHUT UP!" all the followers fell silent as they looked at her, she gave a small proud smile "well, Mr. Valeska has plans for tonight! How's the carnival construction going?!" one follower raised his hand, Y/n listened to what they had to say and nodded "WE'RE ON A GOOD POINT, YOU!, TAKE CARE TO SEE IF THE ATTRACTIONS ARE OK, YOU, ON THE OTHER HAND, SEE IF THE MAKEUP AND CLOTHES ARE OK, I NEED PEOPLE TO TAKE CARE OF THE TENT AND THE CANNON!” someone raised his hand enthusiastically and she shifted her gaze, "Yes, Kevin, you can get thrown out of the cannon...DOES ANYONE ELSE WANT TO INTERRUPT TO ASK ANYTHING NOT IMPORTANT?" Dwight interrupted her opening his mouth "mine is important" Y/n nodded with a smile ignoring him "AS I THOUGHT, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!" the followers moved quickly going to finish the last things that needed to be prepared for the evening.
The girl turned to look at the two men not noticing the ginger's shivers and hungry look at her "you're welcome" she jumped off the stage leaving with them keeping her hands in her pockets "I like her" the ginger purred without taking his eyes off Y/n.
Evening came, Jerome had taken Bruce to the carnival but he couldn't take his attention off the girl who was telling the followers what to do.
As soon as he saw that she was alone and had entered the other makeup room he left the boy with his followers to do the make up and quickly walked in too seeing her sort the make up, he slowly closed the door with a smirk on his face meeting her look from the mirror "hi doll" she smiled slightly confused "is there anything I can do for you Mr. Valeska?” the ginger nodded moving closer, stopping behind her continuing to look at her from the mirror "you could do many things for me doll face" he purred pressing himself against her when she shivered "yeah? what kind of things?" Jerome chuckled "you can figure out what, doll face."
Y/n smiled in surprise turning to face him, they looked into each other's eyes for a few moments before they both leaned in close connecting their lips in a heated kiss, the ginger pushed her against the table behind her as he deepened the kiss, purring at the feel of Y/n's hands on his chest that lowered to lift his shirt and stroke his abs before he ended up pushed against a chair.
He looked up at her to find her with a smirk on her face "I'm afraid I'd rather be in control" she sat on his lap connecting their lips again "Too bad I'm the boss here, baby doll" she giggled kissing his neck " you sure? " she began to move her hips grinding on his boner moving her kisses towards his ear whispering "I'm pretty sure you want me to be in control, I saw how you reacted when I ordered your followers to do something" she took his earlobe in her mouth sucking on it softly before returning to his neck again removing his shirt and throwing it across the room, Jerome leaned in and kissed her again nodding "hell yes, you're so hot doll when you're bossing other people around" she giggled kissing him back moving away for a moment to remove her shirt "we have to be quick though, we don't want to make your crowd wait, right? " the ginger shook his head making her sit quickly on the makeup table kissing her neck and breasts before lowering himself going under her skirt.
The room quickly filled with moans and heavy breathing, Y/n's head was resting against the mirror, her eyes closed and moans were coming from her mouth as Jerome continued to eat her bringing her to finally reach her orgasm, he moved with a naughty grin looking into her eyes, she returned the look as she caught her breath stroking his hair "good boy" she pushed him back into the chair opening his pant leg and positioning herself sitting down quickly moaning along with him.
She began to bounce listening to the man moan, giggling as she managed to block his hands while continuing to bounce hugging his neck "you're taking it so good babe, so good" she connected their lips again.
Bruce frowned as he shifted his gaze to the room where all the noises were coming from seeing Jerome come out shortly after with a different outfit and a stupid smile on his face, the ginger fixed his hair widening his eyes slightly as a hand grabbed him leading him back into the room.
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manson-av · 3 years ago
Jerome Valeska knows how to put on a tough front. He'll crack jokes, pull pranks, and won't even bat an eye whenever Jeremiah is mentioned. But below that rough exterior is a broken, frightened boy who misses his twin terribly. In his early teen years Jerome Valeska develops social anxiety. At his worst point Jerome couldn't go out in public settings. The second he sees families with kids running around it'll hit him - the overwhelming sense of loneliness. It cripples him for days. He can't eat. Can't sleep and the tears just never stop. The only thing that could get him out of his depression are the animals. As long as he has them and can care for them, he'll eventually snap out of it and return to the mischievous joker he is.
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