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"All I need is a reindeer..." The Grinch looked around. But, since reindeer are scarce, there was none to be found. Did that stop the old Grinch...? No! The Grinch simply said, "If I can't find a reindeer, I'll make one instead." 🦌🌲 #ralphhateschristmas #andmetooithink #jacktzu
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Davos: Jon snow took a knife in his heart. He died for us
Jon: stop telling people I’m dead
Davos: sometimes I can still hear his voice
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History has its eyes on you 👀
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‘Jesus’ comes from a shortening of the Hebrew version of the name Joshua, while 'Christ’ simply means 'the anointed one.’ To make this clearer to modern Christians, I propose a new Bible translation where Jesus is referred to only as “oily Josh”
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BuzzFeed: 25 things you didn't know about Harry Potter
me, sipping my butterbeer: lmao try me bitch
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How do you do this again?
My husband, inquiring about how to peel a clementine
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With fifteen minutes to spare before I had to get dinner started, I decided to close out of Pinterest and get my makeshift makeup table in shape.
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My bullet journal is not Pinterest-perfect, but it's fun to explore my nonexistent artistic side, nonetheless.
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When @unfuckyourhabitat wants you to make your bed, but you don't know how many more naps you're going to need to make it through this miserable day.
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I finished my three month binge of all 7 and a half seasons Gilmore Girls yesterday and I spent half the rest of the day crying. Correlation or causation? Hmm...
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Saturday Thought
A billion years or so ago, all the way back in 2002, I was dating a boy named Kevin. We dated for three whole weeks. If not for my high school diary, I probably would remember precious few moments from our whirlwind romance. However, thanks to that diary (which was kept in a WordPad doc, written entirely in Comic Sans…ick), I remember every minute of every day that we were involved. One of my diary entries pertained to a night where Kevin and I had plans to go to the movies. I called him to set our plans, and his mom told me that he had gone to J’s house. J was his best friend who went to another school, who I was sort of trying to set up with my friend Krystal, if only for convenience’s sake. I called Krystal to come over and we waited, with my cordless phone, for his call. Well, 7:10 came and went. I wrote in my diary that it was frustrating because I couldn’t even look J up in the phone book and try calling him, because I didn’t even know his last name. Well, to make a very long story fairly short…Kevin had forgotten our plans. We broke up a week later, for unrelated reasons. J and I occasionally communicated via AIM over the course of the next few years. In 2008, we had both just come out of serious relationships and decided to hang out and catch up while he was home from college for the summer. We began dating. We got engaged. We had two kids. And fourteen years after I complained in my diary about not even knowing J’s last name, I took it as my own.
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This never gets old. Like, ever.
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Accurate af
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I never remember to take a 'before' shot, so just picture the contents of all of those bins scattered all over the floor.
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This was my favorite find on my inaugural trip to Primark. Not the bespectacled toddler. I already had her.
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Number one resolution
This year, I will write more. I will stop caring so much about what I'm writing, or how it will be received, and just write until I'm in the habit of writing every day. I am finally learning that I cannot perfect my craft until I start actually crafting it.
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