
I am so enthused about #Press for Peace a collaboration with @drnellymomtalk, a soulful, sister Peace Mama Warrior and me on @internationalwomensday_global. We represent the blending of East and West in our live Sacred Activism ~ PeaceLearning dialogue on Mom Talk LA. Borders are man-made, meant to keep people separate. Hearts Unite Globally. Oneness is not sameness. We stand for peace, freedom, and safety for all women and children. Men, too. Join us 11am-1pm PST. March 8. Mom Talk LA. #internationalwomensday #peace #mamas #peacemakers #drnellymomtalk #wendysilvers #drnellyfarnoodyzahiri #millionmamasmovement #andishetv #peacelearningparenting
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The Revolutionary Power of Black Panther Marvel’s new movie marks a major milestone By JAMIL SMITH The first movie I remember seeing in a theater had a black hero. Lando Calrissian, played by Billy Dee Williams, didn’t have any superpowers, but he ran his own city. That movie, the 1980 Star Wars sequel The Empire Strikes Back, introduced Calrissian as a complicated human being who still did the right thing. That’s one reason I grew up knowing I could be the same. ☄☄☄☄☄☄☄☄☄☄☄☄☄☄ If you are reading this and you are white, seeing people who look like you in mass media probably isn’t something you think about often. Every day, the culture reflects not only you but nearly infinite versions of you—executives, poets, garbage collectors, soldiers, nurses and so on. The world shows you that your possibilities are boundless. Now, after a brief respite, you again have a President. 😔😔😔😔😔😔😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😕😔 Those of us who are not white have considerably more trouble not only finding representation of ourselves in mass media and other arenas of public life, but also finding representation that indicates that our humanity is multifaceted. Relating to characters onscreen is necessary not merely for us to feel seen and understood, but also for others who need to see and understand us. When it doesn’t happen, we are all the poorer for it. 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😕😔 This is one of the many reasons Black Panther is significant. What seems like just another entry in an endless parade of superhero movies is actually something much bigger. It hasn’t even hit theaters yet and its cultural footprint is already enormous. It’s a movie about what it means to be black in both America and Africa—and, more broadly, in the world. Rather than dodge complicated themes about race and identity, the film grapples head-on with the issues affecting modern-day black life. It is also incredibly entertaining, filled with timely comedy, sharply choreographed action and gorgeously lit people of all colors. Read entire article. (at Los Angeles, California)
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Do you recognize yourself my understated, wild, badass, Goddess, Priestess, Queens, Nymphs, sisters and mamasisters? I see you. You work, pray and play hard, speak truth to pseudo power, run with the wolves, howl at the moon, plant and harvest the food, care for the babies, children and Mama Gaia, and, shift paradigms with your sacred medicine. You are magic! #real #wild #badass #priestess #goddess #spiritualcoach #fire #transformation #love #magic (at Los Angeles, California)
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As we continue to #rise ... #rise #together #theawakened #awakenedmother #spiritual #mama #mamacoach #influencers #peace (at Los Angeles, California)
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Wisdom Wednesday with moi, Wendy Silvers. #wisdom #wisdomwednesday #wendysilvers (at Los Angeles, California)
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This busy mama surrenders all at the altar of Love daily, sometimes hourly. My superfoods shake receives Big Love Blessings. #bam #theawakenedmother #meditate #surrender #superfoods #spiritualcoach (at Los Angeles, California)
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This beautiful Daddy Daughter love just warmed my heart. The impact of a loving, involved dad on the well being of their children is profound. #fatherdaughter #daddysgirl #conscious #fatherhood (at Agape International Spiritual Center)
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Omgoddess, this woman, Leah, @mamavation !! What a powerful, visionary mama on a mission! Leah is the founder/creator of @shiftcon! Thank you @mamavation for the invitation to speak at your amazing @shiftcon !! What a joy and honor! Amazing Shiftcreators in one space! Looking forward to next year! @thedanifaust @thecrunchymommy @mamasland @tribedemama #shiftcon #mamavation #ecowellness #sonalifiske #socialmediamom #health #truthspeaker #sacredactivism #mamawarriors (at Hotel Irvine)
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When an amazing influencer like AshleySchaefer @earthjusticemom of @OM4dtheplanet, tweets what you said. @shiftcon @shiftconmedia @mamavation @danifaust #shiftcon #honored #called #humbled #truthspeaker #momsonamission #mommyblogger (at Hotel Irvine)
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Welcome Shifters!! Ready to shift? I'm so enthused about the Sacred Activism - the Path of Mother to Transform the World presentation tomorrow, 9:45-11 am. Zoom link to come. Mamas are getting BIG LOVE - their time has come!! @mamavation @shiftcon hiftcon @sonalifiske @thedanifaust @tribedemama @_supermamas #shiftcon #wendysilvers #leahsegedie #danifaust #mamapower #transformation
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#21 of #365 Acts of the Awakened Mother. Light and Dark. The transforming power of Divine Mother love holds both the light and dark with compassion. She knows that it is the unwavering nonjudgmental light of love that illuminates the darkness. #divinemother #compassion #nonjudgment #light #love #darkness #spiritualcounselor #spiritual #universal (at Los Angeles, California)
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#22 of #365 Acts of the Awakened Mother Imagine ... For the next 24 hours, only allow yourself to focus on things that you love about yourself. #leadwithlove #mindgym #reset #reimagine #wisewomen #theawakenedmother #bethechange #loveyou #visionary (at Los Angeles, California)
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#21 of #365 Acts of the #Awakened Mother Do you! Wisdom from @angelacstyles. Those who truly want to see you succeed help you rise, to the best of their abilities, and then help you stay there. #kindness #walkthetalk #kindacts #generosity #doyou #bewise #rise #staywoke (at Los Angeles, California)
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Unless our bodies evolve immediately, things are gonna get interesting. Don't believe the hype. Radiation is not hip and cool. Take care of yourself and your children. #5g #cellphone #celltower #emf (at Los Angeles, California)
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My husband @johnsilversmusic when he was a young 20-something --- so irresistible! He didn't have an inkling about what transformation lay ahead in his future - lil 'ol me and our precious girl. What an adventure, this path called love, marriage and parenthood is! It is not for the faint of heart! #husband #irresistible #adventure #love #marriage #baby #heart #transformation #parenthood (at Los Angeles, California)
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#20 of #365 Acts of the Awakened Mother As you move through any seeming dark void of sadness, pain, growth, grief, even creativity, let the feeling tone of peace light up your heart. Remember that babies grow in the darkness of a womb for almost 10 months. And, lotus' grow in mud. Peace isn't the absence of conflict, it's the absence of violence. Peace is a state of consciousness and it's right where you are. #peace #awakenedmother #light #sadness #pain #grief #creativity (at Los Angeles, California)
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#19 of #365 Acts of the Awakened Mother Wherever your heart is, home is. Come home to your heart. Mothers are the heart of the home. Women are the heart of the world. #ourtime #risen #awakening #awaken #awakenedmother #beauty #oneness #home #sovereign (at Los Angeles, California)
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