Making Fiends Halloween Headcanons 🎃 💙 💚
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🎃 Original headcanons 💙
💚 Ao3 version 🎃
Charlotte 🎃💙:
• This year for Halloween she’s going as a rainbow unicorn fairy candy princess! 🌈 🦄 🧚 🍬 👸
• Buttons, her small hamster, is dressed as her noble steed, and Buttons 2, her “puppy”, is dressed as a cowboy.
• Charlotte helps her grandma bake Halloween cookies and carve pumpkins!
• The blue girl is blissfully ignorant as to why the people of Clamburg are so terrified on this holiday.
• While trick or treating, she encounters a group of not so friendly fiends who don’t look too happy to see her. The creatures growl in anger, showing off their massively sharp teeth as they slowly approach Charlotte, ready to attack her. Instead of running away like most would in a situation like this, the blue girl decides to happily feed the monsters her clams, beef jerky, and grape punch candy, turning them benevolent.
• When Charlotte spots Vendetta “trick or treating” (she’s really just taking candy from the other children) with her giant hamster, the blue girl’s eyes sparkle in excitement as she rushes over and asks Vendetta if the three of them can go all trick or treating together. Vendetta, of course, says no, but Charlotte continues to ask, pestering the other girl to no end.
Vendetta 🎃💚:
• She LOVES Halloween! It’s the one day a year where she gets to take and devour all the free candy she wants and terrorize the stupid people in town.
• She sends her fiends and giant hamster off to go decorate her home with evil and scary Halloween decor.
• IF she’s feeling generous, which isn’t likely, she might give a piece of candy or two to her tiny parents.
• This year, she will be a witch and her hamster will be a vampire.
• She tells he fiends to take people's candy and deliver it to her.
• When Charlotte comes and starts bothering her, Vendetta decides to create a Halloween-themed fiend to destroy the stupid girl. What happens is the same old same old - Vendetta makes the fiend, but Charlotte somehow finds a way to make the fiend friendly or have it do something to her benefit.
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making fiends art i forgot to post
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These two are siblings.
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I mean i can't be the only one who thinks that they look SIMILAR in a RELATED way??
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making fiends was dare i say a little Gender for the time vendetta made a giant evil pink pony to eat charlotte and when charlotte asked if it was a boy or a girl pony vendetta was like uhh i dont know. a girl?? and then charlotte named it john.
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Round 8|Ζ (Final Round)
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This one’s a little weird but you gotta roll with me:
What if vendettas name isn’t her birth name. Like, who would name their child “revenge”? No sane couple would do that. BUT someone (a very angry child) would name them self something “evil” and “dark”. Therefore, vendetta rename herself before the show. Most likely to have a evil sounding name.
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Charlotte has high pain tolerance.
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I made a Making Fiends oc, so here he is!
(Just don't take him too seriously-)
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[Info under the cut cuz the post got too long-]
Despite the condition that Clamburg is in currently, Milo still somehow manages to be enthusiastic about it.
At least, that's what he wants you to believe.
Milo is one of Clamburgs unfortunate residents, and most importantly, Maggie's brother. Maggie and Milo have the same, depressing world view, but they choose to cope with it differently. While Maggie does it through writing poetry, Milo does it with a different form of writing.
Jokes! Writing jokes, to be specific.
Before Vendetta took over Clamburg, he had the dream to become a comedian. But due to the strict rules that Vendetta implemented, he's unable to make jokes.
Why? Because they make people laugh.
And Vendetta hates any form of happiness that isn't her own.
So, now he only makes jokes that are more depressing/concerning than funny, so that they make no one laugh.
That would also be his main role in the show:
Saying dark humor one liners that flew over the heads of the little kids that were watching the show.
He's making the most out of what he can have.
...even if it has 20 layers of sarcasm coated around it.
His relationship with Maggie is interesting, which is a topic I'll cover in a future post! It'll also cover everything else important regarding their family in general.
Transparent versions of the edits because I like how they turned out:
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Charlotte is a girl lover. That’s not even a headcanon is just canon.
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Okay okay, so. I love the idea that Vendetta still goes to bed on time and brushes her teeth twice a day and does all of the stuff a first grader would choose not to do if they were in charge of themself. Like, obviously she makes Grudge do housework like washing clothes and dishes and tidying, Vendetta seems to like some order though. She likes a routine. When she traded parents with Charlotte and Charlene dusted and moved all her stuff she was angry, everything has a place in her household and you will not disturb it!
But yeah, idk, her sticking to a 7:30 bed time as an idea is funny to me. She could do whatever she wants but she still chooses to go to bed on time.
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Charlotte listens to girl in red.
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If vendetta had ever put her hair down in the show, Charlotte would be a flustered idiot. 
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Making fiends hanahaki AU
Charlotte get the hanahaki disease from vendetta hating hear
At first vendetta is super happy about Charlotte going to die but then realized that life would get boring without her
If you want to the shipping side you can say that vendetta realizes that she is in love with Charlotte.
Charlotte cough up blue flowers because-
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I feel like it would be cool if when vendetta gets really upset or feels a really strong emotions her eye have a shade of electric blue. The same is with Charlotte but her eyes would have a shade of green. Only for really strong emotions like intense grief or insanity.
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