makeadifference · 3 years
Welcome to "The Voice" This is a page that goes along with "First Nation - together for Indians".
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makeadifference · 3 years
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But how could anybody assume that history is over when so many things are still going on and when the past is still there? Effecting so many Families, communities and Generationes. I think we all agree with that. But I also think that the First Nations won't rest until things are different and they have the feeling to be heared. Of course there are many things that need be changed. And of course that everywhere are many things that need be changed and when responibles never been charged for what they've done than something is going terribly whong.
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makeadifference · 3 years
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Welcome to "The Voice" This is a page that goes along with "First Nation - together for Indians".
Because it is very Inportant to make a different in the Lives of these peoples.
Here you not only find Informations and lovely pictures, you also can find a place to interact as well.
One focus is the every-day-fight of Indigenous People to protect and defend their rights of living a valuable life. Act now and become a part of the Comunity!
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