El Mayarah
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maidenxfmight · 4 years ago
[📱to little danvers]: I have been put on house arrest! [📱to little danvers]: jk. ollie wouldn’t do that to me. [📱to little danvers]: but he’s probably considered it. […] [📱to little danvers]: have you seen helena lately? or /could/ you see helena for me? [📱to little danvers]: i hate making anyone play middle-woman for me, but she’s up to no good and I’m worried about her. and i’m not convinced she wouldn’t take a shot at me if she saw me again.
[📱to Dinah-mite 🧨 ] hold on [📱to Dinah-mite 🧨 ] dinah slow down [📱to Dinah-mite 🧨 ] what happened? helena did /what/? [...] [📱to Dinah-mite 🧨 ] she won’t talk to me, she keeps telling me to leave her alone
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maidenxfmight · 4 years ago
( 📩 → UNKNOWN ): Patrick? [ …. ] ( 📩 → UNKNOWN ): I don’t know why I feel like Shar had something to do with this.  ( 📩 → UNKNOWN ): Who exactly told you to say hi to Patrick? [ …. ] ( 📩 → UNKNOWN ): Who am I talking to exactly? Hello to you too.
[📱to Unknown ] wait so this /is/ patrick? hello patrick! i really thought i was being had [📱to Unknown ] i don’t know who this shar is, though, sorry
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maidenxfmight · 4 years ago
[📱to Dinah-mite 🧨 ] hey dinah! i saw oliver the other night and was thinking of you [📱to Dinah-mite 🧨 ] it’s just been a while, and i wanted to check in [📱to Dinah-mite 🧨 ] are you doing okay?
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maidenxfmight · 4 years ago
[📱to Unknown ] someone gave me this number and said say hello to patrick [📱to Unknown ] hello patrick? [📱to Unknown ] gosh, I really hope this is actually a patrick...
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maidenxfmight · 4 years ago
[📱to Clark ] another thing [📱to Unknown ] could i use the Fortress for– [DELETED] [📱to Unknown ] i was wondering if we could have the cerem– [DELETED] [📱to Unknown ] no, actually, i’d like to talk in person [📱to Unknown ] coffee?
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maidenxfmight · 4 years ago
[📱to Clark ] your son threatened to leave the family the other night [📱to Clark ] that’s right, your son [📱to Clark ] not my nephew [📱to Clark ] because he left the family :( [📱to Clark ] is he doing okay?
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maidenxfmight · 4 years ago
closed starter for @ofcosmicwonder​
“Look, look, look!” Kara practically fell against Donna as she plopped down onto the couch next to her. She spun the bracelet against her wrist, the blues and golds shifting in the light as it went. Her chest felt full. It was like the first time she’d seen someone alive after pulling them from peril. It was like poetry and friendship and love and all of those things that made her want to yell from rooftops. She leaned her head against Donna’s shoulder and sighed, instead.
There were so many things about Earth that hadn’t settled yet, but that moment felt right. “I’m...gosh, is it weird that I’m nervous? No regrets, actual, Kryptonian courting.”
She wished her dad was there.
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Everything was in place. Almost. “Now I’m all settled. We have to get you figured out. Tell me...” She hesitated, still so unsure. “Tell me about Illyana.”
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maidenxfmight · 4 years ago
It was a statement to how distracted he was after the chaos recently. As the Green Arrow, he prided himself on being the hunter. Like a feline, he could often sense when the watcher became the watched. Yet that telling snap-in-the-wind sound that he was so used to hearing from Superman’s hovering gave her away. He should have realized she was there far sooner.
“Sorry,” he muttered, standing from his crouch at the edge of the rooftop overlooking a nearby community center. “Still a little on edge. From the…after,” he smirked, mirroring her word choice. Leave it to Oliver Queen to make light of a serious situation. “I love taking down a drug dealer or wrapping up a present for the cops after a gang fight. Give me one of those any day. But this…,” he trailed off with a shrug, not sure how to put this other thing into words. “How am I supposed to fight something I can’t even see?”
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“I...I’ll tell you when I figure that out.” Kara relaxed the set of her shoulders, taking in Oliver’s profile against the city lights. It had been days of fighting off ghosts, and the gnawing of anger that tugged tight in her chest. Her jaw ached from clenched teeth, and she could still feel the echos of half-moon indents in her palms. She’d learned long ago her greatest battles would never be fought against something physical.
It hardly helped Oliver. It was easier to fight something you could grab with both hands. It meant you could also let go, and the imprints would fade. She shifted on her feet, and wondered what it was Oliver had spent days battling. “I’ve learned getting help, well...helps. Things have a way of coming into focus, when you’re not trying to battle them alone.”
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maidenxfmight · 4 years ago
The Sahara was vast. Sometimes it seemed as endless as the ocean. In a way it reminded him of Daxam, with its own vast deserts, the dark blue hues the sand made as it shifted, ever shifting, ever changing. They had a saying about that, even, not that Lar even remembered the exact saying. Something about change and its inevitability. It felt apt now though, the truth behind it anyway, as he watched golden sands dance in the sweltering winds. He felt properly terrified at the prospect of flying toward the only heartbeat close enough for him to hear. Not that it would have mattered if they were in the middle of Time’s Square, for as well as he knew its idiosyncrasies. There was a nervous energy in the air, crackling and uncomfortable and, again, terrifying, as he floated just far enough to still turn around and decide that this, whatever this was, could wait just one more day. There was so much that had been lost, so much he could stand to lose. He took a breath and wondered if somewhere out there on a ship or on a new, forsaken planet the remaining Daxamites would remember the saying in its entirety.
The formality was a little funny, actually, and he struggled not to let his lips curl into a fond lopsided smile as he landed, the simple sight of her with her unsure footing and darting, courageous eyes enough that he relaxed if only so that he could reach out to reassure her that this wasn’t scary and not be a liar. “Hello, Kara Zor-El.” He said instead, his hands tangling together behind his back as he bowed properly. “Of course. You asked.” He grinned privately to himself. As if she could call on him and he not come. The thought was, well, not silly, misguided maybe, or maybe he was just bold. His mother told him often to use his words and mean them, though he found that it was possible she had just created an outlier, in that way if no other.
“The milky way looks beautiful here. This planet is lucky.” He said, not bold enough to let the moment pass without a fight, “You must have never gotten a view of our galaxy like this from Kandor.” He shook his head. He had never even gotten a view like this from the outskirts on Daxam and the light pollution there was nothing compared to the cities. “I remember the lights of the floating city being blinding when I was on Krypton. I imagine your city must have been much the same, no?”
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“No, you– you couldn’t really see the stars like this on Krypton. We had telescopes, but..” She looked up at the sky. Kara wasn’t sure if she could handle the thought of Krypton. How the spires stretched so far into the sky they nearly disappeared, how it sounded when the wind blew through the crystals. She could remember the Jewel Mountains, and her first ceremony at the Fire Falls. Everything was so bright in so many ways, whether it be the red light of Rao off the jewels, the lights of buildings and pods blotting out the atmosphere, or the warm radiance of the fire as it spilled off the cliff.
The Sahara wasn’t Krypton. It was the wind blow sand across the soles of her shoes and lit only by the patchwork of pinpricks of light in the sky. It was beautiful in its own way, of course. Kara picked it because–
“If you look, there...” She pointed to a space between brighter stars, where a small dot of light could be seen. It looked almost reminiscent of what the humans called Beetlejuice, a faint orange-red tint to it. “There’s Rao.”
She could’ve picked the Fortress of Solitude, she knew Kal would have let her. It’s landscape was so much like home, with all the pieces assembled in one place. She could’ve picked Sanctuary, for there she wouldn’t even have to ask. There were her memories, bathed in red that was constantly shifting with the waters around it. What she’d stolen from Kal was gathered there, it was the Krypton she’d created. She could’ve made this look like home, but she didn’t want to.
She wanted to be able to see Rao’s light herself. To know that somehow, despite time and distance and devastation, his gladsome rays could still shine down upon them.
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She looked back down to Lar. He’d bowed when he landed in front of her. He spoke her language in kind, and shared memories of the same star. He’d shown time and again that he understood what culture and the loss of it meant, how hard it could be to both respect and uphold it, while also trying to find their place in a world that was so entirely different. He’d been respectful of her beliefs, even as she’d thrown them back in his face, angry and unseeing. The Sahara wasn’t Krypton, and neither was Lar.
But Kara found she loved him, anyway. She loved him even if traditions told her not to, she loved him even if her father would scoff. She loved him even while she struggled to come to terms with letting go of the pieces of Krypton she had left. She loved him.
Because he bowed, and he smiled, and she knew he loved her, too.
She pulled in a breath, and straightened her shoulders. This wasn’t about letting go of Krypton, or its traditions. It was about acknowledging where those traditions had been wrong, and molding them around something new, something better. Something that would let the both of them love without letting go of what was important to them.
“I’m sorry for the formality, but...” She tried for professional, for the same type of formal presentation that would have taken place on Krypton, but she found the corners of her lips pulling up in a smile. If only for a moment. She pulled the formal proposal from behind her back, and the last time those papers had been laid between them, she shoved them right back at him. Her voice shook when she continued.
“Lar Gand of Daxam, I would like to propose a formal courting between the House of El and the House of Gand.” She held the packet out. In it, her own drawings had been added. Lar in Cincinnati with his head tipped back in laughter, or with his head bowed over a book of poetry. Her own poems that reminded her of him, words written in the blank spaces between. At the end were all the signatures Lar had gathered, but an additional page was added reflecting Lar’s family, with Brainy’s own signature at the end.
“We have...we still have so much to work through, so much to talk about. And I know that. I know we’re not ready for the Fire Falls. But, Lar–” She shifted and slid just the smallest bit closer, “I love you. I love the person you are, I love your poems, I love laughing with you. I want to be with you. I want to promise to be with you.”
With that, she pulled out the bracelets she’d found in the bathroom ceiling. Lar had done an amazing job with them, the colors perfect. Kara had added one more gold thread, something of her own, signifying the work they’d both put in. “If, if you’ll have me.”
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maidenxfmight · 4 years ago
closed starter for @cfvalors​
It was Kara’s turn to feel her heart beating out of her chest. It was her turn to shift on her feet, barely touching the sand below her. Surely she didn’t even have to give Lar coordinates; he’d be able to hear the sheer nervous energy of her.
It could be any other. She could let it be any other night. They could read poetry with the blanket of stars spread above them, and pretend there weren’t bracelets in her pockets. Kara could keep pretending there wasn’t something there until the stars themselves ran out, but she didn’t want to. Because there was Lar with his hands on the sides of her face and a gentle smile on his own. With his lips pressed against her forehead and the familiar cadence of Kryptonian on his tongue. With his bravery and his kindness and his love for life despite all that was thrown at him.
She could pretend, but then there was Lar.
“Hello, Lar Gand.” She started before he could fully settle in front of her. She’d picked the Sahara for the wide swath of stars displayed proudly overhead, for how calm and how quiet it could be. But standing there, she really just felt open. Exposed. Her heart a loud drumbeat against still desert sand. Raw and still unworthy for a man who’d offered such forgiveness. “I’m glad you came.”
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maidenxfmight · 4 years ago
[📱to the best lantern ] is this a code? [📱to the best lantern ] a trend? [📱to the best lantern ] do i need to check tumblr for new slang? are you in trouble?? [📱to the best lantern ] your language changes so much, idk what this means!
(✉️ ➡️ zombie bear ): zombie bear!
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maidenxfmight · 4 years ago
[ ✉ ⟹ Kara Zor-El ] : Paperwork? How positively primeval. [ ✉ ⟹ Kara Zor-El ] : Familiar enough. My predecessor didn’t tend to care to remember the positive aspects of the culture.
[ … ]
[ ✉ ⟹ Kara Zor-El ] : Oh. Wait a tick. [ ✉ ⟹ Kara Zor-El ] : I see.
[ … ]
[ ✉ ⟹ Kara Zor-El ] : Genetically, physically, it’s slightly out of uniform, but I’m very willing to be a participant given our unusual circumstances. That is, of course, if you’re alright with these slight alters. [ ✉ ⟹ Kara Zor-El ] : I know the print of a Coluan is the last thing anyone of Krypton would want on their documentation.
[...] [📱to Brainiac 5 ] i promise it’s not something i haven’t considered at great length, Brainiac 5 [📱to Brainiac 5 ] there are a lot of Kryptonian traditions i can’t uphold, some i’d give anything to have again, and some probably best let go [...]
[...] [📱to Brainiac 5 ] did you know my father, Zor-El, he manufactured a virus designed to kill anyone and anything without Kryptonian dna? he was willing to kill anyone who wasn’t /us/ [📱to Brainiac 5 ] my people were [📱to Brainiac 5 ] we weren’t right about a great number of things, and closing ourselves off and claiming superiority, we weren’t right about that [📱to Brainiac 5 ] and i know this isn’t what we were talking about, not really, but what i mean to say is my family wasn’t perfect. my family did /awful/ things [📱to Brainiac 5 ] and they did those things in the name of Kryptonian values [...] [📱to Brainiac 5 ] i care who /you/ are. you’re lar’s best friend, you’re so incredibly smart, you care about people i believe much more than you give yourself credit for [📱to Brainiac 5 ] you’re curious, you’re brave [📱to Brainiac 5 ] you’re everything built over the years that is /good/ about your family. i’m not my father, and you’re /not/ the Coluan who bottled Kandor [📱to Brainiac 5 ] you’re Brainiac 5 [...] [📱to Brainiac 5 ] so, i’ve given this a lot of thought, and i don’t need to hold every tradition, sometimes those traditions weren’t right. i’m not offended to have /your/ signature on this document [📱to Brainiac 5 ] i’d love for you to sign, really. and i know it would mean the world to lar, as well.
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maidenxfmight · 4 years ago
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I’m sorry I couldn’t  s a v e  you… but I can  a v e n g e  you.
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maidenxfmight · 4 years ago
[📱to Mr. Rand! ] danny! [📱to Mr. Rand! ] i know i’m just the random reporter who interviewed you once, and maybe also the person who put together a /lot/ of cribs...but i hear tell congratulations are in order! [📱to Mr. Rand! ] so, congratulations!
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maidenxfmight · 4 years ago
[📱to The BEST ] hi!! [📱to The BEST ] i just wanted to thank you for last night, i know the order was last minute and you were just closing. it means a lot that you’d stay open late for us [📱to The BEST ] you should know the party was great, as were your potstickers [📱to The BEST ] hands down the best potstickers i’ve ever had
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maidenxfmight · 4 years ago
(✉ → kara 💙 ): do you remember that photographer for the central city citizen? kamilla? it’s her. i don’t think i’ve ever seen him so nervous.  (✉ → kara 💙 ): it’s a cooking competition.  (✉ → kara 💙 ): my favorite contestant just got eliminated. she had a flash apron :( 
[📱to Barry 💛 ] oh! yes! [📱to Barry 💛 ] text him he’s going to do great [📱to Barry 💛 ] wait no, don’t text him, just let him do great [📱to Barry 💛 ] :( [📱to Barry 💛 ] would’ve been better if it was a supergirl apron :)
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maidenxfmight · 4 years ago
“Oh, I wasn’t ‘spectin’ t’ wait, chere. If whoever did dis gon’ announce it, I may not be listenin’ 'cause I’ll be busy doin’ what I can.” Waiting and Remy LeBeau were not really synonymous. He much preferred to just get going, whether that was a good idea or not. And with the power outage, waiting around really did not sound like a good idea. Who knew what could happen in the meantime? Remy nodded at her assertion that they should find who was responsible. “I’m down for dat. But how we gonna find dem? I’ll run out t’ every corner o’ de city if I gotta, don’ you worry 'bout dat. But I’d kinda like t’ have a lead or two t’ start. Hence why I was hopin’ for some kinda 'Hey, I did this!’ t’ have some idea o’ where t’ go.”
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Kara hesitated. Lar had his theories about the ghosts, Kara’s ran along the same vein. They looked familiar. The emotions, that was different, but the constructs? Kara had seen similar made by friends, by people she loved. The green hues usually came hand in hand with hope. The thought of that same hope being associated with fear and destruction...Kara hoped she was wrong. Whoever made them would come back to their senses, and they’d have to remember they made them.
Kara thought of bridges, and how Jon sometimes didn’t meet her eyes. How living in the aftermath of the worst of yourself was one of the hardest things to do.
"It’s someone with a lot of power. I don’t know many people who can make you...” She pulled in a breath, “Feel so much, but I know people who might be familiar with the ghosts.”
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