magpierights · 4 years
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the black-throated magpie-jay is a corvid species found in northern mexico. this bird has raucous almost parrot-like calls and typical corvid intelligence. they are known for their extremely long tails and slightly curled crests. these birds are omnivorous and their varied diets include eggs, insects, and fruit.
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magpierights · 4 years
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she is inquisitive
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magpierights · 4 years
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i’m just a teenage magpie babie
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magpierights · 4 years
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Australian Magpie 🖤
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magpierights · 4 years
Australian Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen)
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The Australian Magpie is a medium sized passerine native to all parts of Australia. Magpies are closely related to the other Australian black and white birds, Butcherbirds and Currawongs. The Australian Magpie can reach 45cm in length, a wingspan of 85cm and a weight of 350g.
The Australian Magpie was named for its similarity in colouring to the European Magpie, which is also black and white. Aussie Maggies are one the countries' most well known songbirds. Early mornings in bushland suburbs are often full of the chorus of the territorial Magpies.
Although much of the year Magpies are a passive bird, in some months of Autumn and Spring, they become aggressively territorial, and viciously attack any intruder near their nest. They will even chase birds of prey from the area. But they are infamous for their attacks on humans, which can result in serious injury to the head and face. Many bike riders and pedestrians wear specially decorated hats to try and ward off Magpies during this time.
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magpierights · 4 years
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Song Breath
Australian Magpie - Cracticus tibicen
Photographer: Angela Robertson Buchanan
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magpierights · 4 years
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Here's a bit of a 5 minute sketch for tonight, not up to my usual standard, but I wanted to highlight a specific thing that I may turn into a bigger piece eventually.
(Tldr; the word magpie has come to mean black and white, and so many things are named after it)
The term "magpie" is derived from two origins. The bird it was originally named for, the European Magpie, was named for Magaret, denoting chattiness(?) and old Latin "pīca", literally the Latin word for European Magpies. Subsequently, the term "pied" came about, which describes something with two colours, usually black and white.
So, the word "Magpie" was given to many other animals, often birds, that displayed colour-schemes similar to the European Magpie.
For example, the Black Magpie, although closely related to the European Maggie, comes from a family of colourful birds, and is one of the only species in its genus that is black and white.
The Australian Magpie, unlike these other two, is not even in the corvid genus, but is still a songbird, and was named specifically after the European species. And the Magpie Lark, which may have been named after either the Australian or European Magpie, is a type of flycatcher, distantly related to the others by a large margin.
Also pictured here is the Magpie Butterfly, a close relative of Monarch Butterflies, which is white with black splotches all over it. (Sorry for the massive infodump)
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magpierights · 4 years
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magpierights · 4 years
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magpierights · 4 years
I am very excited to meet the baby, whenever that will be.
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magpierights · 4 years
Some Australian Magpies (Cracticus tibicen) enjoying a treat of mince and  Wombaroo mix. 
It’s important not to supplement feed wildlife too often so they don’t become dependent on you for their main food source. It’s also important to feed them healthy food if you chose to supplement feed! For instance, mince and dog food is actually not good for magpies… so feed healthy alternatives like this Wombaroo mix instead. Of course, an unhealthy treat isn’t bad so long as it’s in moderation ;) 
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magpierights · 4 years
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Been drawing a bunch of tiny Australian birds :D …the actual birds may not be tiny :|
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magpierights · 4 years
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Pascal the Magpie chick - 90% fluff, 10% leg, 100% adorable!! 
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magpierights · 4 years
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Precious Avya.
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magpierights · 4 years
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magpierights · 4 years
tumblr users who write discourse in an extremely combative tone and then tack on ‘(x) group HAS to reblog’ at the end are as annoying as tumblr users that are like uwu friendly reminder 
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magpierights · 4 years
This website is packed with resources and interesting ideas and perspectives but for the major demographic - aka teenagers who feel like outcasts irl, it can feel a bit overwhelming. Social justice can have the effect where you moralise everything, overly question yourself and live in perpetual uncertainty as to what is right, what is wrong, what is good. The worst part is when the answer to those questions vary: even people in the same schools of thought have vastly different takes so people are just stuck in this eternal limbo of uncertainty. 
I used to feel this and it really took a hit towards who I am. Whenever I would write I would hate myself for not having enough characters of x identity or not doing x well enough. I would beat myself up for some of the things I said when I was thirteen, thinking it was reflective of who I am, thinking whatever I might have said would cancel out all the learning and growing I have taken part in since then. 
Learn what you can but live and let live as well. Don’t beat yourself down, don’t overthink things. Social justice is rooted in love, compassion and equity. Tumblr does tend to frame social justice in that idea of mercy and redemption stuff (v Christian really) which leads to its own problems. 
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