magicxscience · 7 years
HEY- REMEMBER ME- yeah- I’ve been dead, but GUESS WHO’S BACK! Erm, not with the ask blog though, but I just wanted to let y’all know that we’re still alive ahahahah XDD it’s just I’ve been super busy with school, so yes my sincerest apologies.
But that doesn’t mean I cam back here for nothing! Here’s a fanfic @nyahoge and I worked on! It’s actually a rewrite of his older (now deleted from the internet unfortunately) fanfic “Memories of Affection” so the idea is somewhat the same, but of course a lot of changes and adjustments has been made. Also many thanks to Rozen for helping us out with the editing this thing for us!
I hope you guys enjoy and I’m really sorry for disappearing on you guys, but I promise it’s because of a lot of important things happening! However the account this is reblogged on @purple-seekers is a blog centered around Add x Aisha related things! We’ll do our best to update the blog often!~ 
Happy reading!~
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Lisianthus || Chapter 1: Strange, but Fascinating.
Chapter List
1 - 2 (coming soon)
     Tap, tap, tap, a familiar noise echoes through a large, yet solitary room. Holograms were opened left and right, papers scattered beneath tables, with a higher amount of crumpled ones below, some not even near the filled trash can that was seemingly kicked over.
     A five lettered message reflected on the pupils of a young man. His magenta eyes were beginning to feel sore, but his expression remained blank. He grew - as much as he hated it -accustomed to these situations. The irritation of failure was the one thing he resented the most, but there was nothing left in there. It dawned on him long ago, and yet it lingers. The feeling of anger, regret and grief only loomed over him. Haunting him. Eating him alive.
     He couldn’t find an answer and this was a verdict he simply couldn’t accept.
     He sat down and placed his tired palms over his eyes. His thoughts were beginning to spiral, he was restless, but there was no solution he could hope come to. All that’s left was the ticking of small clock and the sounds of his holograms doing all the calculations and research he might find useful. The very few sounds that surrounded him began to blur out. It was… quiet.
Keep reading
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magicxscience · 8 years
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Void: Ass.
Esper: Bitch.
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magicxscience · 8 years
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magicxscience · 8 years
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Void: Because.
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magicxscience · 9 years
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magicxscience · 9 years
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magicxscience · 9 years
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Aisha: L-Let’s do this!
You can now ask smol Add and Aisha! Give it a try~ Just type in “smol Add/Aisha” if you need these little kiddies to answer!~ -Val
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magicxscience · 9 years
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New art style everyone ^^” I hope everyone’s okay with it looking more cartoony, if not inform me and I’ll instantly switch back to my typical chibi~ -Val
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magicxscience · 9 years
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Came back from my hiatus only to slap everyone with something depressing, sorry about this guys ^^” - Val
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magicxscience · 9 years
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Ada: Why did you..?
Aiden: Hey.. Don’t scare my like that again okay?
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magicxscience · 9 years
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Aisha: *uses a Resurrection stone* 
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magicxscience · 9 years
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Add: ...
//I’m back from the living dead! Keep those questions coming peeps!
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magicxscience · 9 years
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Angkor: Admit it... You liked it didn’t you?
Aisha: SH-SHUT UP!
//This took me longer than I expected... QwQ Sorry for the late post!
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magicxscience · 9 years
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Aisha: What has been seen cannot be unseen...QwQ
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magicxscience · 9 years
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Add: ... *sighs* do it for her....
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magicxscience · 9 years
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Note: The adult versions I drew is what I think they would look like in the future, or at least close to what I can think of. Tbh, I was just too lazy to think and did what I could ^^”  One more thing, if the family picture looks familiar; it’s because I used this as my reference image. -Val
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magicxscience · 9 years
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Aisha: Aaaand we’re open!
Add: I can’t believe I got dragged into this...!
Before You Ask:
Specify which classes between the two, would you like your questions answered. Otherwise, it’ll only be answered by their base classes!~
You can also ask the kid versions of Add and Aisha just by putting smol before their names~
A link to your answer will be sent to you, so don’t worry ^^ you won’t miss anything!
Some questions will be answered really late, depending on what the given question may be.
I have another blog a personal blog here, just in case you peeps wanna bother me there instead.
Anything close to NSFW is acceptable, but of course those will be answered privately. I wanna make this a clean blog guys! QwQ
Most importantly have fun and don’t hesitate to ask anything!
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