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Problem Solving for Teams!!!
Today we learned about ideas vs. solutions. This is interesting. An idea can lead to another idea and another and another and so on. Most ideas are just that...ideas. They won’t go anywhere unless one idea is taken, separated from the other ideas and then pulled apart to create the next step. On the other hand a solution is a problem given and you come up with the solution to the problem. Ideas is almost like the middle man. Problem - idea - solution. That is how it should be but we mix them up, confuse them, get stuck on one part and don’t get past it. Solutions = ideas.
To have a successful team collaborative problem solving (CPS). CPS is more objective and more direct towards a solution or problem, usually external. It is more focused on facts and follows a step-by-step process that ends with implementation. This helps break down ideas to pave a way to the solution. Ideas are the raw materials of a solution. How to bring it all together. Complete the cycle without any loop holes or faults. Mind you it won’t be perfect at any point. Any solution will always be a work in progress.
I struggled a bit to create success with my CPS process because we had a good idea but I couldn’t wrap my mind around the solution. So the process makes sense but if tested in real life, there would be so many fails and flaws that I just didn’t see much hope of it working. Our idea was good, any idea was good but instead of jumping into it and not really understanding what is expected of the problem will help. Plus having each person say their own idea before deciding is a good thing. We listened to one or two ideas and we just went full speed ahead. Without really looking at our solution or thinking it through and asking more questions.
One thing I learned from the creative problem solving process is that gave everyone a chance to say what they want to say before jumping in. Sure it’s fun to make and create something but that doesn’t mean to get in there and following along blindly. Hear the ideas. See it from all angles. Choose the better idea or the idea that everyone agrees with and like a mind map, create sub-topics for the main idea and have separate branches for each sub idea. Then allow the creative juices to flow because one part leads to the next which leads to the next. Of course, along the way there will be problems and failed attempts but the point is to have fun with an idea, stop overthinking and seeing where that idea leads too.
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Ideas, Ideas, Ideas!!!!
This week we focused on brainstorming/ideation and what the difference is. How are they effective and when to use which.
Brainstorming focuses building on and identifying new associated ideas. This means you have an idea and now your going to research, develop and grow this idea (s). It is all about taking an idea and branching out, developing it further, bringing points of diversity into it and some new perspectives won’t hurt for the idea. Almost like a mind map: the main idea in the middle with a big branch that is the sub-heading and from there smaller branches that focuses on key points. This allows for organization, free flow and allowing my imagination to run wild.
This will allow the ideas to become about the quantity because the more ideas (quantity) the better the quality of ideas. Almost like one thing leads to the next the more ideas you come up with and how they relate or what they have in common. This can be an effective tool because it allows for creativity to flow freely and more then one idea can be used before narrowing it down. This can help with everyday life when I’m organizing my desk at home/work. Or designing a product for a company and so many ideas but what to do with it all.
I learned a lot through the sessions because at first I was scared to let myself go. I wasn’t allowing myself to feel, I was over thinking it too much. I couldn’t get more than a couple of ideas because I kept ‘thinking’ instead of letting it come to me naturally. I did learn a lot about myself, where my creative strengths and weaknesses are, how to let come and do something naturally instead of over thinking it. I actually enjoyed doing the personal creative profile because I could add my perspective, feelings and emotions of that time and express myself in a positive light. There was struggles for sure like the Solve It. It took me a while to get into it because I couldn’t relate to the topic, I couldn’t focus on it. Once I can relate to a topic the natural juices just flowed freely and it felt great. I felt free and a bit silly to have fun and enjoy myself in the process.
What I learned will help me be more creative in the future because I know that I can make contributions during group meetings. Or raise my idea when before I was a bit shy, hiding in the corner and watching everyone else do their part before I said what I wanted to say. I know I have a fear (my idea isn’t good enough or smart enough) and I have a block (judge me before my idea is even on the table. So to avoid judgement I don’t say anything). This helped me because I know it is there and every day I can work on bettering myself because I know what is standing in my way of future success, happiness and fun.
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Solve it!!!
Solve It!!! This week was very challenging because we did an in-class activity where we had to follow a series of steps to building creative skills. It is a personal process for whole brain thinking. Creative problem solving is about brining a creative solution to a problem. Not an idea but how to actually solve it. This can be very challenging because for me it seems to ‘all over the place’ or it can be narrowed down to a single point. This can also be reversed and looked at as an opportunity.
For this exercise we had to follow a series of steps. Step 1: Determine the Issue or Opportunity. Step 2: Write a clear problem statement. Step 3: Generate Ideas. Step 4: Identify the Best Idea. Step 5: Write your (my) vision. The first time we tried this I found it very difficult. Not being creative or the thinking was the hard part for me but the topic we spoke about didn’t grab my interest. We had to write about how am I going to get my dream job. It is a good topic but not something that would take my attention because in today’s time it is very hard to have a dream job. Mostly people follow whatever pays the most money. Passion and dream jobs don’t necessarily go with money and working.
So the first time for me was hard. At the conclusion of the first part I found that I would much rather go after my passion instead. Then we had the chance to choose a topic for ourselves and follow it. My topic was (step 1) I have a dream. The issue or problem is -> how can a dream be turned into reality? Then I wrote out all the good things and bad that can happen with this topic. Will I have the proper funds to bring a dream into reality? Will people believe about my dream? What does people have to do with my dream? Will I believe in my dream? Giving myself a chance to dream big. Don’t stop at one dream but have more than one, keep expanding and growing. Can dreams be combined? Where am I willing to take it to? Can a dream be a passion? How far will I take my dream? Can it change? Can I learn/grow from it? What is my dream. Then we chose three statements......I just chose one. It was What is my dream?
For my problem statement (step 2) I wrote “How to be able to have my own zoo?” For the next part (step 3) I had to come up with some ideas on how to go about this. What are some ideas on how I could own zoo? What if I...could adopt all kinds of dogs? What if I...can buy a huge property? What if I...can buy all kinds of dogs and raise them myself or from puppy? What if I ...can take a class to get more knowledge on how to raise animals and create my won zoo? For the next part (step 4) I had to get the best idea. What if I ...can take a class to get more knowledge on how to raise animals and create my own zoo? For the last part (step 5) I created and captured my vision.
“Know what you passion is and go after your dreams!” this is my vision :) I see myself living on this huge property surrounded by forests. There is various toys of all shapes and sizes littering the grass. Having my own zoo has been a childhood fantasy because I love animals. Always have and always will. No matter where I look there will always be a fluff ball to hold no matter how big or small and someone that I can cuddle with.
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Mind mapping and Idea mapping :)
This week we talked about mind mapping and idea mapping. This was a really interesting class because I learned how to do a mind map when I was in grade 4. As for idea mapping...never heard of it:) I really did have problems to study and sometimes I still struggle to study. Mind mapping really helps me to break down content, not make it seem so overwhelming and it’s a colourful experience. Idea mapping on the other hand gave me a completely new perspective on how to look at certain things and how to break it down.
Mind mapping begins with a simple, catching word in the centre. I made mine colourful and bold so it caught my attention. Then there is these curved lines that leads away form the big word. I normally make 5 or 6 of these lines (sometimes more), depending on the content and write the topic name in one word. This allows me to organize topics. It also allows me to summarize and break down sentences to get to the main ideas. And from there I continue to branch off. One branch leads to the next and the next and the next. Lastly, I would add pictures at the end of a completed section to help me better remember.
Idea mapping is something completely different. It is like enhancing personal creativity. To allow myself to let it flow naturally, not stopping it and not judging. To just let it out. Our activity for this part was to walk around the school and be open to what I see around me. When I see something, I really need to look at it and think more of it than just an object. Almost like seeing something with the first time (with new eyes and new perspective) even though I’ve seen it a million times before. We had to be with whatever we saw. I saw a door. When I studied it I saw it differently and began to question “why the door as there”, “what is its purpose”? “why can’t it just be an open space?” and these questions made me really look at the door. We had to describe the difference of how we felt before to what I am seeing now as I’m looking at the door. This contributed to my creativity because it opened my mind. Allowed me to see with a whole new angle and perspective than just being close-minded about it.
Both of these tools help me be more creative because they are both useful in many areas of my life. A mind map I can use when studying, or want to make an idea bigger where as idea mapping allows me to focus on one thing. Break it down, break it apart, see it from all sides and angles and just letting it out. These tools would benefit me because it gives me the chance to actually “see” the things around me that allows me my everyday functions. It allows me to appreciate it and be grateful that it is there for me to use and it also makes me question that if it wasn’t there how would my life be any different.
Some experiences that I’ve noticed since doing this exercise was seeing a window for the first time, a friend’s dog and really understanding the love and knowledge they possess and lastly my mom’s bird feeders as they sway in the wind. These allowed me to really see them and appreciate them and understand their purpose and function.
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This is week 3 and we learned about Creative Skills and Attitudes. This means all things creative, my mental blocks to my creativity how to overcome it. I actually didn’t know that I had a block or two to my creativity because at first I did think it’s child’s play to be creative or all arts and crafts and colours. So to actually have a chance to examine that thinking closely, and kick it to the curb was a breath of fresh air. My three creative blocks are: 1) What is creative to me isn’t necessarily creative to someone else = being judged. 2) Takes me out of my comfort zone and challenges me in some cases 3) I set lower goals for myself because I honestly don’t think I can do it
These are some of my biggest creative blocks I was able to determine from a whole list of blocks. And looking at it now it does seem really silly but some of these blocks have actually put me in a sad, depressing spot.I’m so scared of taking that leap of faith that I overlook the good things, challenges and changes that will possibly come with it. It isn’t always easy to allow myself to fail AND BE OKAY with it. We (myself included) always aim for perfection that we forget that to get there we have to make mistakes. And I always question how can I be more creative? Is there even such a thing? It it possible?
To overcome a block, I moved to the WHY. WHY is there a block? WHY am I afraid? My biggest fear is being judged. Is it because of what people will say to me, positive or negative? Is it what people will say behind my back once I leave or showed my creative piece? Is it what people will think but simply not tell me? At what point will people start to judge and will I simply accept their judgement? Is all judgement bad? It’s so much easier to be in the background, hiding, staying invisible than being on the front line and ask for a death sentence. People are cruel, it is just the way of life. I had my teachers, parents and family members tell me all the time people judge simply because they are jealous. I thought there was more to it than just jealousy.
Being judged is all about my mental and emotional state. When I was younger, I use to care all the time what people thought about me. And I let those people who judged me get away with it and win. That’s like me saying that I cared more about THEIR opinion than my own. People judge even though they don’t have all the facts!!! How messed up is that?!?! People have nothing better to do so that’s #1 thing they go to. Stare at other people and judge them. Some people are more cruel than others but judgement is all the same. Allowing others’ judgement to affect you, is NOT healthy. It lowers your self-esteem, it’s soooo not a confidence booster and it’s just plain hurtful.
By overcoming this block, it starts with me. Judge others less and you will also be judged less. Don’t be part of the judgement cycle. Don’t allow others to get to you simply because they don’t know any better. The best way to get rid of a bad habit is to replace it with a better habit. To accept something for what it is simply because you can’t change it is more freeing then trying to change something that can’t be changed. Accept it for what it is, deal with it and move on. Also instead of being judgemental, ask questions. Become curious and interested in someone else and try to understand their reasoning for their actions. I celebrate all the good things I have accomplished because if I don’t celebrate my accomplishments, WHO WILL????
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So, this will be week 2 of class! According to my teacher, I AM CREATIVE!! Wow, who would believe that one? This week we learned about being left brain, right brain, the difference between the two, and how they function. Left brain = the analytical part of the brain. Logic, language, science, math, school, everyday doing. Right brain = the creative part of the brain. Doing, design, colours, intuition, arts and music, hobbies. This means that one part of the brain can’t function without the other. They are both necessary to everyday living and enjoyment :)
My questions for this week is to talk about what is my creative inclination? Why did I pick that particular inclination?
My creative inclination is to build puzzles. I love to build puzzles, which you might find very funny but it’s really amazing to take something that is broken apart and make it whole again. It takes patience, a good eye for attention to detail and it can take weeks to complete a puzzle depending on the size of the puzzle. Puzzles for some is a means of entertainment, for others it’s a hobby or an enjoyment because of the challenge. Puzzles are considered to be a full-brain workout (The Daily Alternative, 2016). It’s very stimulating and it feels like I accomplished something once I completed the puzzle (The Daily Alternative, 2016). According to a study, when someone (me) builds puzzle, both sides are forced to work together and communicate, which increases cognitive function (The Daily Alternative, 2016). The occipital lobe a workout. which is part of the brain that allows us to see colours, shapes and recognize textures associated with building puzzles (The Daily Alternative, 2016).
Building puzzle can apparently help with short-term memory loss. This is what the experts say (The Daily Alternative, 2016). We all had our moments on exams, or presentations when I know I studied it and for the life of me I can’t remember it. It’s at the tip of my brain, and no matter what I think about, it just stays in the shadows. When I pick up a puzzle piece, I look at other pieces on the board, trying to decide where this particular puzzle piece will go (The Daily Alternative, 2016). Am I following the colour of the puzzle in my hand, a certain cut out of the puzzle that will fit into a specific spot on the board, it is part of the frame or just a random piece (The Daily Alternative, 2016).
I am a visual learner. I learn by seeing something and then applying it to the situation. I can’t just sit in a class and take it all in, I have to write colourful notes to understand better what the teacher is trying to teach me. Being visual means I prefer to see images, pictures, videos, power points, maps and colours to organize my information and communicate with others (, 2017). I can visualize the outcome of what the puzzle is supposed to look like, and once its done I do feel really good about myself.
The Visual (Spatial) Learning style. (2017). Retrieved from
The Alternative Daily. (2016). The Health Benefits of Puzzle Building. Retrieved from So the whole “WHAT is creativity?” CREATIVITY IS TO BRING SOMETHING NEW, TO YOU, INTO BEING!!” I have to apply this quote to building puzzle. Somehow, this quote will go with building puzzle. I learned that by actually paying attention to building puzzle, focusing on the texture and having an eye for attention to detail. This isn’t always easy but somehow it happens. Also building puzzles is a hobby of mine. To me it’s very relaxing and peaceful and my favourite time to build puzzles is closer to bed time. When it’s quiet in my room, some music for background noise and having my creative juices flowing. I take something that is broken and make it whole again.
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There are many creative learning and communication styles. Here are just a few as part of the introduction :)
1) We learn by doing: speaking out, freely giving views and opinions, jumping in before necessarily understanding it all. 2) We learn by thinking: first logically learn about and analyze the situation and then jump in to give your thoughts and ideas (you get your first learning from the “doing” folks and when comfortable, you jump in).
3) We learn by reflecting: you like to learn by observing and then reflecting. You are more comfortable giving your ideas one on one or in small groups.
This is all very interesting and it teaches me a lot about myself, and yes even though I am different and unique, I still attributes that I can contribute to my job one day :)
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What is creativity? How can I be creative? Can anyone be creative? What is creativity all about? So I’m taking Business Creativity and Innovation as one of my courses this semester. I never expected that business can be creative or that I can be creative while doing business. There are so many myths and legends that come with creativity that it covers so many areas. When I think of creativity, I mostly think art, children, fun and play times when I was younger. There is so much more to creativity, who knew? So in class we will be working through out the semester to know that I am creative, to understand the facts, theories and techniques in creativity and to apply and develop my creative ability in different situations. There are many different learning and communication styles. All of this will be covered through-out the course :)
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