magic-can-be-real · 3 years
I used to think this was all a fairytale. running through fields of sunshine, kissed by grace. sitting by the fire, surrounded by the warmth of another's love. up until now, these used to be things I'd dream about while chasing my own shadow. something about these nights makes it worth it.
there was another, there is another, there'll be another, and I will never be alone.
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magic-can-be-real · 4 years
and suddenly the world got brighter, the roads were darker, the grass was greener. there was hope in the air like how the snowflakes fill the winter night sky. it feels like coming home to a lost love and finding peace in their arms. 
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magic-can-be-real · 4 years
From my very first breath to the one I take now, I have been kissed with sunshine and bound with grace. Since then, there has been a girl inside of me just waiting to become. To that girl, keep shining light on the world, keep creating, keep being you. You carry so much love within your fingertips and nothing could rip it away. You are right where you belong and I promise you, you will do so much more than just bloom.
i am the girl who became on this day.
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magic-can-be-real · 5 years
@universalmemoir is an amazing writer and I recommend her work to anyone. She knows how to take words and shape them into a beautiful masterpiece.
if anyone is willing to write a short “review” of my writing, please send me a message with your review and your name/what you’d like to be referred to. i’d love to feature some reviews in my book description and/or author description. <3
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magic-can-be-real · 5 years
“I'm jealous of you.”
Why, out of anyone else in the world, would you be jealous of me? I wrecked and destroyed and burned. The things I have faced will leave a permanent scar on my soul and I am wishing that the wounds don’t burst open,,, again. Tell me of the light you see in my eyes. How did we find each other, and before then, where have you been all my life? // ais
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magic-can-be-real · 5 years
you and I will constantly be walking that beach. for the first time, I saw the same sky from that night and nothing will ever be the same. you took everything from me to save me, and in the end, did it really? I am left defenceless from this life I now have to live without you. there is no escape. how much longer until we can abandon the rules that were made to keep us bound? when can I wake up from this dream?
- a book I never finished.  // ais
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magic-can-be-real · 5 years
as i stare at the moon, i see the marks you have left on my soul. the dew glistens off the grass as i reflect upon it, and i admire my beauty. it has been far too long since i have been at peace with myself and the darkness i bring. maybe it's time to start again.
// ais
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magic-can-be-real · 5 years
if i could wish for one thing, i would wish for you, for you are my wish.
the love who completes me. // ais
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magic-can-be-real · 5 years
I want to collapse
drowning in the ocean that is you.
// ais
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magic-can-be-real · 5 years
i met you in a dream and i wish i could write you back into my life, but my hand aches and cries in pain from the lines i have written, desperately trying to forget you, drowning myself in a love i don't know how to love. i have tried and tried to let you go but no matter what i do i cant let go of the last thread that always connected us together. as i hold tight at the chain around my neck i remember what we were and what we could have been but i will never know if that is what you really wanted. you wanted to grow. you wanted to leave me, surrounded by the dirt of my past and forgetting me there like a spect of dust all of my heroes have turned in to as they claimed they were saving me. all i wanted to do was change. i wanted to be different. but you kept changing before i could settle myself. it got to the point where i wasn't you and you weren't me. i sent you away in hopes to find myself but all that did was made me forget who i really was.
maybe i met you in a dream, maybe you are gone, but i won't be me until i write you back into my story i'm still trying to plan. i called you my best friend in hopes to love myself. i shared my stories i disguised as your own to give me a place to escape from myself. these hands can never erase the lines i have written because those are my lines that held my dreams and that will tell the story of myself. maybe, when the time is right, i'll realize it wasn't just a dream and i won't have to wait and mourn for who i once was. i can be complete. i would be myself.
// ais
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magic-can-be-real · 5 years
mary, did you know
everything? the sea, the sky, the ground and everything on it? the twitter of the birds and the croaks from the frogs? the breeze through the air and the sun beaming down? oh the sun, how she reminds me of you. you're at home. i can only imagine what home feels like. quiet paintings and crochet hooks. old pieces of paper tucked away with your favourite passage. homemade pizza on the 24th. the smell of smoke but with a hint of rose. how i wish to be home with you.
// ais
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magic-can-be-real · 5 years
colour the sky
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let me love you
let me show you what you have been blinded from
oh, you beautiful thing, you
if only you knew
you colour the sky each time you set. 
you may feel colourless but I’ll have you know that you spread something beyond words
there is beauty when you fall
there is hope
because we know you will rise back up, shining brighter and brighter the next day.
let us help you rise.
let us help you see you.
soon you’ll know
the words I crave to tell you
the ones that aren’t allowed to leave my lips
just yet
but don’t you worry, my love
you don’t need to wait much longer
I’m on my way
give it time.
give it love.
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magic-can-be-real · 5 years
Please come home
It's been one year since you've been gone. I held you tight in my arms, not knowing when I could next, if I ever could again. As the tears stung at the corners of my eyes, I felt my heart rip into two. One that would stay incomplete until you returned. Please come home, the words I whispered under my breath every day as my aching heart longed for your return. Please come home, I say, as I wish upon every star waiting for you. Please come home, home to me.
// ais
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magic-can-be-real · 5 years
You remember that magic you felt when we first met?
Locking eyes underwater, even though it burned.
We were tired, yet we kept going
We stopped
We talked
We discovered 
There is more to us that what’s on the surface
The mark we both carry bound us tight
We shared the stories we were scared to tell anyone else
They wouldn’t believe us
They never did
You are that magic spark that set me on the journey of a life time
One that has suffocated me
One that has crushed me
One that has burned me
And one that has drowned me
But here I am
Holding on with your thread as you pull me back home
// ais
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magic-can-be-real · 5 years
i'm still waiting.
i have been trained to lie
running away from myself
aching and longing to be whole again
desperately craving to be found.
being too scared to reach further than my arms allow me.
my eyes sting as the tears fall
drowning myself in my own ocean
hoping it could fill me once more
but it never does
it never does.
// ais
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magic-can-be-real · 5 years
She Tried
She tried to cry
but it hurt
and the back of her throat and it burned as she tried to clear it.
She tried to speak
but it came out broken
sounding like shattered glass being cracked over and over.
She tried to be brave
but she was scared
of herself and what she knows she can do.
She tried to move on
but it was hard
because her past would always be with her.
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magic-can-be-real · 5 years
She Tried
She tried to cry
but it hurt
and the back of her throat burned as she tried to clear it.
She tried to speak
but it came out broken
sounding like shattered glass being cracked over and over.
She tried to be brave
but she was scared
of herself and what she knows she can do.
She tried to move on
but it was hard
because her past would always be with her.
// ais
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