maggotmagnet · 2 months
This is the type of brain explosion i come on tumblr in 2024 to see.
i love cutthroat kitchen but bingewatching makes it really stand out how often alton brown refers to himself as ‘daddy’ and makes contestants wear spreader bars
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maggotmagnet · 2 months
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God forbid a guy get a boyfriend in the 90s
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maggotmagnet · 2 months
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Painting I finished this week. :)
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maggotmagnet · 2 months
I seriously am still having an existential crisis over these unforgettable illustrations. 😭
This ship means the world to me, and seeing this art is just making me explode inside...................I cannot thank you enough Flowerbloom and all the amazing people who have liked and reblogged, I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!
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A partial comic adaptation of my favorite fanfic, Call Me Irresponsible by @maggotmagnet!!!
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maggotmagnet · 2 months
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I've seen the trans Skinner headcanon floating around the sphere and I must say. It really amuses me given that it kinda turns The Principal and the Pauper (s9 ep2) into a trans allegory but with identity theft, which I find incredibly amusing in how true it feels to the show, and I support it 100%.
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maggotmagnet · 1 year
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HI! since I'm legally allowed to be gay on tumblr, below please find some Smithers/Burns hilarious stupidity smut I wroteđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁAAHAHHGGGHH!
click here to read my old man yaoi on AO3
18+ readers only please, more warnings there! (Btw it features trans man Smithers!!! I hope ya liek!)
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maggotmagnet · 1 year
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maggotmagnet · 1 year
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Shared in a public post on FB three years ago, my FB memories just brought this up;
This guy was 67 years old when he started his transition. On the right he is pictured 3 years on T and just recently after his top surgery, so about 70 years old.
It is never, ever, too late for you. I suspect that's why he shared it the way he did, to show others not to be afraid, if he can do it as a senior citizen it's okay if you can't do it as a teen. Live. Survive. And whenever you're ready, chase your happiness. You deserve it.
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maggotmagnet · 1 year
"There aren’t any flowers within the images I make, but the flowers are the Black transmasculine people themselves."
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maggotmagnet · 1 year
this is really goodđŸ„č
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WHOA a follow up!! it’s chase and jaiden!
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maggotmagnet · 1 year
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FULL VIEW RECOMMENDED PROHIBITION PART 1/10 Cover + page 1 and 2. The cover artwork was drawn by me and colored by @carcinogenical (Updated 25/4 2020 FULL COMIC UPLOADED) LINKS:
PART 1/10
PART 2/10
PART 3/10
PART 4/10 PART 5/10
PART 6/10
PART 7/10 PART 8/10 PART 9/10 PART 10/10
You can buy the entire comic right now in printed format if you want to support me. Another option is to donate to myko-fior order a drawing commission from me via the same page (◍‱ᮗ‱◍)♡ ✧*。
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maggotmagnet · 2 years
Just dropping by tumblr for the first time in years to say this was really interesting and appreciated :) 
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Scientific articles and official health websites talk about lactose intolerance the same way they talk about fatness.
This is how the National Institutes of Health describes it: “Lactose intolerance is a clinical syndrome that manifests with characteristic signs and symptoms upon consuming food substances containing lactose, a disaccharide.” “Lactose intolerance is a common disease; however, it is rare in children younger than 5. It is most often seen in adolescents and young adults.”
It’s a syndrome. A disease. A medical problem with symptoms and signs.
And then

“On average, 65% of the world’s population is lactose intolerant. The prevalence of lactose intolerance is variable among different ethnicities. It is most common in African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, and Asians and least prevalent in people of European descent.”
Wait wait wait, hold up. It’s in 65% of the world population??? 65% of all humans are lactose intolerant??? 65% of the world is diseased and has such a serious health condition?
Then you start learning more about it outside of these medical articles and organizations. You learn that other animals can’t digest lactose past infancy either. Not even cats, even though we all believe they love milk. Animals, including humans, have a special enzyme as infants that allows babies to drink breastmilk. And after a child stops drinking that milk, the enzyme goes away, leaving the child unable to digest milk anymore.
In the 300,000 years that humans have existed, drinking milk past infancy did not start happening until about 10,000 years ago. It wasn’t until ancient populations in Europe who were pastoralists, and thus raised cows as livestock, forced their bodies to drink milk and caused it to slowly became a genetic mutation that spread throughout different human populations over thousands of years.
You realize that the ability to drink lactose is not the norm. It’s not the default body at all. The ability to digest lactose is a human adaptation that only some humans have, like missing wisdom teeth, blue eyes, and red hair. Lactose intolerance isn’t abnormal. It’s what human bodies were designed to do in the first place! No wonder it’s “rare in children younger than 5.” That’s when babies still have the ability to drink breastmilk!
And what does such a serious disease as lactose intolerance require?
Not consuming dairy.
That’s it.
This “disease” requires avoiding lactose and taking a pill to help you digest it if you need to in a given situation. And if you don’t? The awful consequence of this disease is DEATH—oh, wait, that was a typo. I meant diarrhea. Dairy products like butter and some cheese have very low levels of lactose compared to straight up milk and can sometimes even be eaten without any pills for lactose intolerance at all.
So then why do health organizations and scientific articles consider this a “disease” when it’s just genetic diversity? Well, you were already given the answer.
The people most able to digest lactose? White people. Europe. America. Canada. Australia. Groups so often considered the default. The quotes I gave are from the American government itself, as described by the organization’s website: “Founded in 1887, the National Institutes of Health today is one of the world’s foremost medical research centers, and the Federal focal point for medical research in the United States. The NIH, comprising 27 separate Institutes and Centers, is one of eight health agencies of the Public Health Service which, in turn, is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.”
It’s also important to recognize that the US government extremely subsidizes dairy. There are underground caves of billions of pounds of cheese surplus that the government has stockpiled. Billions upon billions of dollars have been spent on keeping the dairy industry afloat, no pun intended, to the point that everything from those “Got milk?” advertisements to milk in school-provided lunches to Taco Bell’s double steak quesadillas were funded by federal tax dollars put into some cheesy goodness propaganda. Federal tax dollars were even used after the 2010 recession to bail out Domino’s and keep the cheese uh-flowing.
So in a country where most people can digest lactose, most of the people who can’t do so have bodies that are not viewed as the default already, and the government is extremely invested in getting people to eat dairy products, it becomes clear why that country—that government—believes lactose intolerance to be a disease.
Then when you consider:
how fat people are not viewed as the default body either and face immense oppression
how the facts of fatness being incredibly genetic and intentional weight loss not being sustainable in the slightest are kept under the radar from the public
how weight is not actually equal to health when you take all context into account beyond stereotypes and studies with horrendous methodology
how the BMI was created by a statistician (who was never a doctor in the first place and whose work was later used to support eugenics) during the 1800s in order to figure out which body was the average, not the healthiest, in select populations of white European men in the 19th century (and thus which body was the “default,” the “norm,” superior)
how the population measuring tool that is the BMI, never meant or designed to be used on an individual scale, was not commonly used as a measurement of “health” until insurance companies wanted a way to fabricate reasons for charging people more money
how the weight loss industry makes hundreds of billions of dollars every year off of pretending fatness is inherently bad and selling a “cure” that doesn’t work while blaming consumer error to keep people buying said “cure”
and how creating a weight-based social hierarchy benefits the people on top who have power over the rest

you start to understand why fatness is medicalized.
It’s even a common talking point of people and companies obsessed with dieting that humans have evolved to hold onto fat and refuse to lose it in case of potential starvation. In fact, facing starvation even changes your body to want to hold onto body fat even more than it did previously, which includes when you diet since dieting is just self-inflicted starvation. When you face starvation, your descendants are more likely to have genetics that prefer fatness too. And there’s evidence of fatness in human populations going back tens of thousands of years despite diet culture wanting people to believe fatness is a new trend due to people’s “lifestyle choices.” The Venus of Willendorf, an ancient figurine of a fat woman, is estimated to have been created around 30,000 years ago, and there are numerous other Venus figurines of fat women from that era too.
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It’s human diversity, but people who aren’t fat and who pedal diet culture can make so much money and obtain such powerful positions by pretending fatness is abnormal, inhuman, and wrong. Why give up an easy money-making punching bag or admit that your body is not the only “correct” human body when you have no reason not to and so many incentives for keeping the status quo?
As a side note, one of the best examples of diet culture is how you can find countless news articles about whether milk is “good” or “bad” for you despite humans having consumed milk for the past 10,000 years. I think by year one thousand we would have learned if milk was “bad” for us, but the headline “Milk still okay” doesn’t get a news website any clicks.
-Mod Worthy
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maggotmagnet · 3 years
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maggotmagnet · 4 years
I wanted to make an IM Meen mashup but I couldn’t get anything to work well except for these 15 seconds
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maggotmagnet · 4 years
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maggotmagnet · 4 years
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Caption this
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maggotmagnet · 4 years
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