magduhlaneuh · 6 years
me: *is overwhelmed by things i absolutely have the time to do*
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magduhlaneuh · 7 years
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magduhlaneuh · 7 years
me in bed, thinking about everything my mental illness has taken from me
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magduhlaneuh · 7 years
Imagine finishing a show and moving on with your life. Can’t relate.
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magduhlaneuh · 7 years
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magduhlaneuh · 7 years
me, watching people surpass me in literally every possible way: haha! great for them :) also! starting at noon i will be burying myself under leaves and decaying slowly, feel free to stop by!
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magduhlaneuh · 7 years
If you’re in a relationship, and you are afraid to tell your friends about something that your partner did to you because you are afraid they will think badly of your partner, that’s a red flag.
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magduhlaneuh · 7 years
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magduhlaneuh · 7 years
assert your dominance by calling your friends by their student ID number
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magduhlaneuh · 7 years
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magduhlaneuh · 7 years
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Why Winona Ryder Doesn’t Regret Opening Up About Depression
Twenty years ago, mental health was a taboo topic. After all, opening up about mental illness is difficult enough for anyone, let alone an A-list actress launching a Hollywood career. Today, Ryder says she’s glad that she was so up front about depression and anxiety.
Gifs: PinnacleKS
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magduhlaneuh · 7 years
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magduhlaneuh · 7 years
Why in such a rush, friend? When we rush, we miss out on many of the beautiful aspects of life. We miss out from feeling beautiful feelings. Witnessing beautiful events. Dreaming beautiful dreams. Please do not rush. Set goals, accomplish tasks, and get it done; but do not fly by so fast that you’re unable to enjoy the process.
Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin (via thepowerwithin)
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magduhlaneuh · 7 years
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magduhlaneuh · 7 years
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magduhlaneuh · 7 years
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magduhlaneuh · 7 years
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ig: @Lnesperada
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