madeofwut · 2 years
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Choose joy.
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madeofwut · 2 years
Politics is actually like
one of the top reasons to cut someone out of your life? Where the fuck did we get this idea it’s an invalid reason to abandon people? It’s literally your statement on how you think society should exist and what rights you think people should have and how. It ain’t fucking “My uncle Craig’s dead to me because he takes his sandwiches with the crust on” it’s “My uncle Craig has consistently stated a hatred of minorities and poor people for longer than I’ve been alive, of course I’m gonna call him a piece of shit”
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madeofwut · 3 years
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madeofwut · 3 years
Dances Moving! (2017) you are my greatest friend. you are my worst enemy. you are my number one source of comfort. you destroy any semblance of emotional stability i think i might have left. you are a phenomenal piece of art that i could ramble on about forever. you are a video that teaches me how to do the crab walk
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madeofwut · 3 years
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Oh no. I seemed to have fallen into some sort of rabbit hole. The next set is some 1930's sort of thing? Sort of got thinking about rubberhose animation and well... This is the weird thing that came out of that.
Basically I tried to redo the Phyrexian Praetors in old cartoon style.
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The first one I did was Sheoldred, felt decently Betty Boop-y. Had a lot more trouble with the horrible spider butt with a very John Dillworth-y kind of smile.
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Got into something of a groove and did Vorinclex next. And the big galoot felt very Bluto/Sinbad. The skull isn't as animalistic as his real face is, but I decided it was a good time to reference the Skeleton Dance.
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The third one was Jin-Gitaxias, and he was just a delight. If a little odd to figure out. Won't lie mostly vibing off of "The Ghost of Stephen Foster" here. And maybe an old cartoon vulture or two. Went with an accordion spine leading into baggy pants.
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Definitely the easiest one I wound up doing. Elesh Norn just wound up having some Olive Oyl proportions. Long limbs, offbalance noodly proportions to match her cumbersome headwear.
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Urabrask was definitely the one I struggled the most with. Mostly because even in his main card art, its hard to tell what's going on with him. Plus there isn't exactly much that "looks" like him in old cartoons. Initially considered going a dragon route, before stumbling upon Andy the Anvil (Skullgirls) and just giving him weird boat smokestacks and a mouth that vaguely resembled a cow-catcher. Sort of get the industrial vibe.
And yes... there is a color version (of the characters at least). By the time I was working on the background I had thrown on Black & White filter, and was just trying to use more oil-painty brushes to keep it separate from the characters.
The background was meant to be an afterthought, I swear. Maybe I'll try and put a color version of that together too.
Anyways off I go... Doing my various other art projects.
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madeofwut · 3 years
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This tracks.
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madeofwut · 3 years
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when you've been taken without glasses
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madeofwut · 3 years
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Speedpaint brush test~
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madeofwut · 3 years
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WI HA-JOON ( 위하쀀 ) 2021 | êč€ì •í›ˆ ph. for Men’s Health Korea
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madeofwut · 3 years
in real life you will probably not respond to harassment in a sexy, clever, scripted way where you come out with the upper hand and everyone claps. you will freeze up and your moment will pass, or your voice will shake when you tell them to stop and you’ll realize two minutes later that you’re gross and sweaty and sticky from the adrenaline. maybe you’ll be on the ball and answer in a way you actually think is pretty smart and get ignored, or they’ll get more aggressive when you mouth off to them. you almost never will walk away feeling victorious. you walk away feeling uncomfortable and relieved that it’s over. you’ll think about it later and imagine that maybe you could have said something else. maybe you’ll feel ashamed that you weren’t quicker-witted, weren’t able to cut them down to size, weren’t able to avoid that lingering sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, as though there’s some kind of magical words you could have said that would have left you feeling less powerless. there really aren’t. 
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madeofwut · 3 years
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madeofwut · 3 years
Unmute !
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madeofwut · 3 years
Just so you know, a normal response to a child breaking something is to first check to see if they got hurt and then if they’re old enough make them help clean it up. And then afterwards explaining to them how to avoid doing that in the future. At no point is yelling necessary to make them understand why they shouldn’t do that.
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madeofwut · 3 years
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madeofwut · 3 years
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Not today, Venus Flytrap
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madeofwut · 3 years
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Saw this on Twitter and I am screaming 💀
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madeofwut · 3 years
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the legend: high enough
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