maddysjournal · 6 years
Creative writing prof: You’re in control. You’re the puppet master. You control these characters - what they do, what they say, what they think-
Every writer I know: My characters stopped listening to me and now I’m 8272836 words in to a plot that went of the rails on page 3
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maddysjournal · 6 years
day one complete!
word count for today ; 1306
could be better, could be worse. i’m not too fussed, it was a natura place for me to stop and i’m sure i’ll make it up in another chapter! bring on day two:)
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maddysjournal · 6 years
i cannot believe i got side tracked that easily!!!!!!
actually i can. im always like this. i don’t know why i’m surprised. argh. i’m going to get some coffee, light a candle and then carry on. 
my word count is only 995 i think? i don’t know why i’m finding this so hard! i’ve had this plot idea and these characters in my head for over a year! i think that’s why, actually. i’ve spent so much of my time thinking about them i think i’m scared that what i write will turn out to not be as good as i was expecting? does that even make sense askjskjs i don’t know. i want to get at least up to 1.2k today
how are you finding nanowrimo?
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maddysjournal · 6 years
writing this wip is literally just 50% me imagining future scenes in future books of the series and 50% writing and deleting the same damn scene…//
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maddysjournal · 6 years
nanowrimo begins as does my doom
- my slogan of nanowrimo2018
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maddysjournal · 6 years
as of 11:39, i have five tabs open about neuroscience courses in top uk universities! 
day one
okay! i have hot coffee, chocolate chip pancakes, some lofi beats playing and a window open. i think it’s time to start.
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maddysjournal · 6 years
me: *is completely fine*
me: *realises it's the first day of nanowrimo*
me: *is not fine*
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maddysjournal · 6 years
day one
okay! i have hot coffee, chocolate chip pancakes, some lofi beats playing and a window open. i think it’s time to start.
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maddysjournal · 6 years
and welcome to my writeblr! or, writblr. writing-blr? i’m not really sure yet, this is my first time delving into the world of writing on tumblr. i have been on tumblr for a while though, and this is only a sideblog - if you want to catch me on my main blog then the link is in my description:)
today is november the first! nanowrimo has begun! and i.... have not started to write. oops. it’s half ten and i have all day, but i don’t want to fall into “oh i’ll do it later”. i will finish this introductory post, go and make a coffee, and then i’ll start! 
i know i probably should have made this at least a month ago, post about the planning process and etcetera but the thing is.... i haven’t exactly done any planning process. oops?? i’m just going to wing it, i guess. oh dear. 
so yes! this is my writeblr (writblr?) and i look forward to having it so much! here i will post my thoughts, my rambles, my works and probably a lot more. if you do want to know more about me i have an ‘about’ page linked in my description, and i am always so up to meeting new people and talking! 
my nanowrimo account is also ‘maddysjournal’, feel free to catch me on there!
okay, that’s all for now. i don’t expect many people to see this, but if you do: hi! 
happy nanowrimo, everybody - and good luck!:)
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