maddoxlovelysmile · 8 years
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Erika for MTV Movie Awards.
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maddoxlovelysmile · 9 years
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Happy Birthday Dakota! 
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maddoxlovelysmile · 9 years
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These Damie photos! *.*
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maddoxlovelysmile · 9 years
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Last evening I had the chance to watch the new movie #IntoTheWoods. My first thought was that the film would be like another Disney story but I’m happy to announce that it’s actually not!!! This movie is the beginning of a newfound world if you ask me. I was even surprised that kids were in the same room watching it. Although, I feel a little bad for these little guls who saw their prince charming cheating on the princess and all, or the fact that they got a glimpse of how the real #Cinderella story was (written by the #GrimmBrothers) I can’t say that I didn’t altogether like it. I mean, come on you guys! I think that the scriptwriter is super intelligent because our life isn’t always bad and good and vice versa. There may be more downs than ups or the other way around! All in all, I found the script super awesome! This movie is a great advise to both children and adults. Sometimes we need to see the dark side of life to realise the importance of what we’ve got. Btw, I didn’t know that the movie was musical themed and when I figured it out I was like “oh gosh no” but I enjoy the film with all the funny, dangerous & bad aspects of it. The cast was super amazing and there performances were #phenomenal! #InAwe! #Musical #Movie #Critic #GreatCasting
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maddoxlovelysmile · 10 years
my new video dedicated to the Dornan couple! <3
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maddoxlovelysmile · 10 years
omg the new trailer is out sdfkhqerhqw
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maddoxlovelysmile · 10 years
my new video dedicated to Jamie Dornan! What'd you think?
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maddoxlovelysmile · 10 years
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My friends just had their first child. He has been diagnosed with Lissencephaly which is a rare and incurable neurological disorder.
I don’t ask much of my followers. But I am stopping you right now and asking you to AT LEAST reblog this. 
Jaxon’s parents are good people who have very little money. I know we’re all strapped for cash, but like I said, if you can’t donate, please AT LEAST REBLOG this. 
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maddoxlovelysmile · 10 years
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SAGE believes all rapists should be expelled. Do you? Join us on Tuesday October 28th from 10-2 to send our message to university administration. We won’t back down until our campus is safe for everyone. #feminism
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maddoxlovelysmile · 10 years
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Jamie Dornan changed his #Twitter bio to "Father. Husband. Actor. Bad Golfer."
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maddoxlovelysmile · 10 years
My first fan made video about FSOG
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maddoxlovelysmile · 10 years
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"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther… So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
I suppose that this is the one movie that I love that everyone else hates. I don’t know why it got so many negative reviews. Sure, it might have been a bit awkward and clunky at times, and I could have done without the modern-day music, but I thought that it really captured the spirit and tragedy of the book and its characters.
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maddoxlovelysmile · 10 years
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"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther… So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
I suppose that this is the one movie that I love that everyone else hates. I don’t know why it got so many negative reviews. Sure, it might have been a bit awkward and clunky at times, and I could have done without the modern-day music, but I thought that it really captured the spirit and tragedy of the book and its characters.
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maddoxlovelysmile · 10 years
I know we’re fucked up, all right? I’m impulsive and hot-tempered, and you get under my skin like no one else. You act like you hate me one minute, and then you need me the next. I never get anything right, and I don’t deserve you… but I fucking love you, Abby. I love you more than I’ve loved anyone or anything, ever. When you’re around, I don’t need booze or money, or the fighting or the one night stands… all I need is you. You’re all I think about. You’re all I dream about. You’re all I want.
Travis Maddox, Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire (via moonlesscounterpart)
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maddoxlovelysmile · 10 years
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maddoxlovelysmile · 10 years
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New photo of our very own Eloise!
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maddoxlovelysmile · 10 years
omg! That's so sad!!! It's actually cruel!!! Shame on the Irish government! :/
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Okay guys, I’m going to get serious for a minute.  If you’re not in Ireland at the moment, you may not know about the situation regarding the laws on abortion. It is completely illegal, even in cases of rape, incest, fatal foetal abnormality, and other such things.  Women have died in this country because inability to have an abortion put strain on their health. A woman who wasn’t even Irish begged for an abortion because her child was about to die in the womb. The complications arising from her case resulted in her contracting septicaemia, organ failure, and tragically dying.  In 1992, the X Case took place, involving a 14-year-old girl, knowns only as x, who became pregnant after being raped. Instead of offering help to the girl, who because suicidal, they prevented her from travelling out of the country for an abortion. Any Irish woman* who needs an abortion has to travel to the UK, which means if you don’t have the money, you’re out of luck. What does the Irish Government have to say about this? Well, recently the UN confronted the Government about our abortion laws, pointing out that we were breaking Human Rights laws, and that the Government treated Irish women* like vessels. Joan Burton, the Tánaiste, said that there will be no referendum on abortion in this Government’s lifetime. They’re literally saying that they don’t care enough to rectify Human Rights breaches. I am NOT a vessel, and neither are you. Make your voice heard. Come to the March for Choice on the 27th of September in Dublin.  Never give up, never stay quiet.
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