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Billy and Mason 🥹

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See, you always like the drinks I wouldn't even want to pick up and try.. remember now why I avoid drinking with you, sometimes. You know me, I couldn't pull out a dance even if I tried. If you want proof I was on best behavior, you'd have to ask Perrie — though, I don't know how much she'd be vouch for me, so maybe I'm screwed either way. You've met Perrie before, right? We started seeing each other, right before Christmas.
a gentleman and a hero—look at you. you should’ve told me, i’d have given you some solid cocktail recommendations. but honestly, i think my fave was a spicy margarita—bit of a kick. sharing a bottle of wine at dinner? classy. but now i feel like i need proof you were on best behavior. no way you just sat back while everyone else got carried home. you didn’t even have one reckless moment? not even a cheeky dance on a table?
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Ha, hi to you too — no panicking needed though, the universe, on this occasion, isn't trying to fuck things up. I've had no approach from Milan, and I don't expect one. Not sure where the story come from and why people believed it. Also not sure if any team would have much of an interest on a baller who's played five minutes of a season and then been out since. If I'm heading to your country, you'll be amongst some of the firsts to find out. But you've moved to New York? Didn't strike you as the type to locate to the states, Vic.
why do italian newspapers talking about the possibility of you playing in my country and i didn't know about it beforehand? rude. is it bullshit or not? i know you can't technically say it but a little wink or a nod would be nice. also the way you could coming to live in italy when i've moved to new york and that's fucked up. why is the universe trying to screw up our friendship like this?? i object. / @m-mount
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We did have a nice evening in the end, super chill. Nah, I'm with you on that one. I'll participate in gift giving and the rest on Valentines Day, but no grand gestures needed on my part or anything.
i mean no one knows what you want but you. well congratulations on your relationship or special friendship if it isn't in that stage yet. i think you should do what you feel is right. so i know you decided that already and i'm sure they loved it whatever you did. i've been single a few years but if i start dating someone it doesn't have to be a grand gesture on the day,
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I'm telling you.. one of these days, young Amelia needs to find her match, don't you think? She's against it, I'm sure.. and I get it. She settles down publicly, will that be the end of the Chicken Shop, but what if it's in another dimension? The chips having a solo is the only thing I know I'm certain I want, need, to see.
Trust me when I say we're working on it, darling. You know I always have to give the people what they want, right? It's in my nature. It'll be like blind dating to the umpteenth degree. Any song suggestions for us? Or plots to pitch? I, for one, am thinking the fryer on the chips having a solo.
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Don't regret it at all... remember the weekends were full on but only started the good times. Finish school on Friday, rush to London to make sure I made the Friday evening training session.. stay till Sunday night — had my Grandad or brother in the back seat of the car helping me with homework on the way home. Crash, and do a full week of school with training sessions nearer to home. Sounds full on, but it was such a laugh. Oh nah... I don't do horror movies, so couldn't have been that bad, ha ha. The beaches in Australia were great, weren't they? Might retire over there. Probably won't actually, but would be nice to have those views and weather closer to home. Loved the double date too.. getting used to people wanting to double date. Perrie and I are still pretty fresh, but we stayed in a bubble for a while. Did you fly right back home afterwards?
You know, I think you're right. I have been singing since a really young age, and even before then I bet I had some melodies in my head. Wow, that is so young. No wonder why you're so good now though, and I bet you don't regret it at all. That would be pretty damn scary just to say hey you're playing soccer, and take a six year old. That is like a horror movie or something, man. I am here! I am going to come find you so we can do something and hangout. How have you been enjoying the trip so far? Need to have a look at the event schedule, so I can see what we can do. I have been hanging out on the beach a lot with Halle, which I could just do all day if I am being honest. Been my favorite part so far.
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That's what we like, man. Can't be easy.. but I know you'll make it work. Long distance sucks, but I heard it makes the heart fonder or something like that. Great to catch up under down.. feels like it's been a while for sure.
We are. Still as strong as ever. Its hard when we are not in the same country but at least we have that time now. It would be great to catch up while we are here in Australia.
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A Jo Bro's break up wouldn't make a difference to me.. my nieces are far too young to jump on board and I was more of a HSM watcher than I was Camp Rock. I say I... whatever my sisters watched, as the youngest, I had no choice but to watch. But heard you're not doing bad for yourselves, so fair plays mate.
Nah, man -- not a breakup in the cards. That would be news to me, at least. We just announced JonasCon, and there may or may not be an anniversary tour in the works. We've been having a blast reconnecting and making music together again, so I just don't see that happening. Are you wanting a JoBros breakup or something, Mount? Is that what I'm picking up here?
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Mason: We don't need you crashing and burning.. take caree! But we can talk about it if you need.. or not. :) Mason: Subconsciously I must have already known that he made his arrival. Cooler than you?? Fuck, need to meet this Noah myself then.. he might blow my socks off. Mason: Bitching, you?? Come on. Do I believe that? Won't keep him all day, but I'm sure he'll be racing back to the little guy anyhow.
olivia: so much going on. you know me though - i thrive in the chaos. at least until the inevitable crash out hits but that's whatever. we don't need to talk about that right now. olivia: surprise! he actually arrived the very same day you sent this text message. his name is noah and he's pretty cool. possibly cooler than me. olivia: feel free to still steal niall though. i'm sure the man is dying to escape my bitching for a few hours. he's alllll yours, my dude.
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Mason: You were at the superbowl?? Come on, how was the atmosphere? It's something 've always wanted to experience, but we're always in season and schedules clash. Need to see all your vids! Mason: I see what I see on TikTok/Insta but I don't go searching for stuff. But if something pops up, I'll likely see it. Nothing obsessive. Dw, I'm not sat in the middle of a room looking up every bit of gossip online and then telling the world what I've read. But some of it is a bit out there an entertaining. Mason: Not a bad way to be.. in your bubble. More people should be like it. The world would be a less awful place!
josie: kanye can go fall in a hole somewhere. i used to feel really bad for him because you can see he's someone going through it, but now i'm just terrified of him as a human being. my husband and i were at the super bowl so we got to see the performance live and it was amazing to say the least. josie: honestly, no not really. i try to focus my energy on my little bubble and the things that i can control. it's a lot easier to miss those sort of things for me these days when most of my attention goes to my daughters. obviously i watch the news and am aware of some of the bigger happenings, but it feels like i'm less "in it" if that makes sense? josie: what about you? are you someone who likes to keep up?
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Nah, sorry to burst the bubble Ari — I'm a strong Capricorn... and I've been told I'm a true Capricorn too. Are you big on astrology? I don't know much about it, but I know a few people who are super into it so they tell me things here and there. Sorta working, sorta not? How does that one work, hm? Live up the single life, won't you... tell me, have you been mingling? I didn't rate the single life so much.. but I don't think I was doing it right and was focused on the old football and recovery. And now I'm spoken for... that is a saying right? Heard it in a mobile once. Insuring the body doesn't sound like a half bad idea.. this is why I need you around, wouldn't have thought to go down that route. You know, I had a funny tackle and it trigged old injuries. Started with the thigh, found an underlying issue with the hammy too, so you know... nothing far from the norm. But enough of feeling sorry for myself, how did you enjoy Australia? I extended my stay and still wasn't ready to fly out.
Wait, stop the presses, when is your birthday? Mine was the 25th, don't tell me we're just finding out we're both Aquariuses after a damn year of being buds. Very much back to work, I had a movie come out two weeks ago so now I'm sorta working, sorta not. Enjoying the single life and living it up. The injury doesn't surprise me, but I'm starting to think you should insure your body, babe. What'd you do to yourself this time? Tell bestie Ari.
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Are you a big homemaker... what's your go too? I love homemade food, my mums to be specific, but who doesn't love their mums cooking? And I dabble in the kitchen.. I found cooking for one was a little pointless and found myself eating at the training grounds more times that not. But recently I got an extra body or two too cook for, so Chef Mount has been on the come back.
i always say that january is always the longest month of the year and let me tell you it always feels like it. january i've just been homemaking and missing my husband. i haven't played a video game in so long, i don't even think i've played fifa. i thiiiink that it might count. i know for sure that i won't beat you so i'm going to pass.
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Ha ha, and you make a bloody good song too.. so looking forward to listening to it. How's things been anyway? You're pretty busy... new everything after all.
' Exactly, the possibilities are endless. It’s a great opening. Hey, you should know by now that these are my only two options when I’m breaking hearts: either I apologize, or I write a song apologizing. I don’t know any better. -- Ah, maybe? '
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Brointine's... what a word that is! Is that a certified word in the dictionary? It needs to be. What did you get up with in the end, man? Did you have a self care day with the boys.. wouldn't blame ya if you did. Beer and food are two good ways to draw the lads round. Got to love some bowling though, how do you fair? Are you an expert or do you still need the barriers up to get a score over 100?
I can't help but laugh a little at you calling yourself an expert, but thank you, man. And I'm not sure I like that name either, though I suppose Palentine's is a little better, right? Though I've had people tell me it was Brointine's too, which might be slightly better than both! You're right about it not being half bad; I suppose I'm just used to having a partner to spoil, which the romantic in me enjoys. But staying away from socials and not going out to eat sounds like a solid plan. Maybe instead of leaving the house to go bowling like I was thinking about, I'll just have a self-care day in my house! Though, hiding away with some buddies and playing Xbox and PlayStation doesn't sound like a bad idea either. Especially if I supply beer and food for them.
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masonmount posted to his Instagram story. @perrielouxo
#( ╾ social media | instagram. )#( now that i've found you i won't let go — perrie. )#sorry not sorry for perrie spam#but have been experimenting#don't even know if the quality is decent after all that work lololo
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I think the dull weather is one to blame too... don't know where you are, but the sun hits England for even one day and everybody's mood picks up. Have to say, being in Australia and then flying back to some sun, was a great sight. Although, still not as warm as that Aussie sun yet. But you're right... June will be here like tomorrow, probably. Do you and your girlfriend with in the same industry? Gotta be hard when you're stuck on set somewhere and she's on another. But that's why I say we're blessed to live in a world with great technology and FaceTime. All good, all good. Wouldn't want to show you up or anything.
i would say that i am, felt like last month was such a drag, but i think the start of the new year is always like that. january goes by so slow and then after that, the next few months just fly by because i feel like in the blink of an eye we'll suddenly end up in may or june. having your birthday so close to christmas must be nice with double the presents i'm sure. i've just been filming for my show but also finding time to spend with my girlfriend and follow her to her schedules for filming so i can have more time with her. sorry about your injury i hope you recover soon so you can get back out there. i think you have a high advantage so i am going to have to decline since you have warned me and i don't think i want to embarrass myself and talk a big game then end up getting my ass kicked.
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What was your fave cocktail? There was too many in the works for me to even pick one out to try — I took everyone's recommendations instead. Going a bit dramatic with the lawyer. Don't even need to play innocent.. your boy was on best behavior unintentionally. Most drink I had was sharing a bottle of wine at dinner. But me, I was that lifesaver who may have carried a few back to their rooms.
oh, you definitely heard me—australia didn’t stand a chance. but i swear, i was (mostly) on my best behavior. a few cocktails here and there, maybe a little too much tequila one night… but i won’t admit to anything too wild without a lawyer present. and you? don’t try to play innocent with me, i know you had your fair share of fun. spill it, mount—who had to carry you home?
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