God it drives me NUTS in The Algorithm. 
rath oughta put blades on his skirt because that thing flies E V E R Y W H E R E.
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I actually had a conversation with my fiance about this exact thing. We decided that he probably looks completely devoid of emotion. Just totally numb. I don’t think he’s allowing himself to feel a damn thing there. 
Does anybody else wonder what Kylo Ren’s face looks like in this scene?
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I imagine he is trying to be the devoted fanatic that Snoke taught him to be but there is absolute horror behind his eyes and that he is asking himself “How did it ever come to this?” and “what have we done?”
What do you think?
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I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m the face of absolute innocence. 
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what the fuck, why you gotta hurt me like this @lyriumflavoredkisses
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GIF/GRAPHIC TAG GAME: Marvel + favourite color / tagged by dracomartell
I tag: qvcksilver ; devilsdouble    [ rules ]
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I’ve invented ‘The Knife-Wielding Tentacle'👍
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Last Week Tonight s02e35
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it’s that time of the semester, may our favorite egghead bless us and make everything in our favor
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i’m listening
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onlyblackgirl :
dion-thesocialist :
This Black Friday, you can go to Target and get your clothes 40% off, or you can come to my apartment and I’ll get them 100% off.
*goes to target*
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Birth Control and Planned Parenthood
I just wanted to write to you all to let any of your followers know that I had an excellent experience at Planned Parenthood recently. I have had many poor experiences at other doctors’ offices where they did not treat me with respect, but with disdain. Once, without looking at my chart, a PA asked me if I had ever thought about exercise! Ever even thought about it. If she had read my chart she would have known that I had a personal trainer and that I was exercising everyday, but she didn’t because I guess fat people are too stupid to even be capable of thinking about exercise.
Anyway, I have been desperate to get off of my current birth control method (the pills are so inconvenient sometimes) and so I somehow managed to gather up the courage to go to Planned Parenthood. It was such a refreshing experience. Everyone was so incredibly nice to me and so respectful. They were very professional and when I was with the PA discussing the various methods, never once did she bring up my weight. The entire appointment lasted no more than 20 minutes and never once did I get a lecture on my weight or was given sub par healthcare because of my weight.
The Mirena and Paraguard IUDs are not weight dependent! Do not let any doctor lie to you in order to shame you into losing weight! The Paraguard IUD can even be used as emergency contraception (Plan B does not work on larger people so this is an excellent alternative!) When PP says “Care without judgement” they really mean it. Thank you Planned Parenthood!
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friendly reminder
• steve rogers is not a villain • tony stark is not a villain • if you’re going to call anyone a villain • it should be kilgrave • he’s a dick
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Trump Tweeted Fabricated Murder Stats From A Neo-Nazi And This Is How The Media Reported It
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American kids are often told anyone can grow up to be president — but if you’re 10-year-old Alena Mulhern, that’s just a big fat lie. Rather than accept it, she’s taken on the herculean task of changing it.
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having the worst internet connection in your friend group
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It’s a fitting punishment for a monster. To want something so much—to hold it in your arms—and know beyond a doubt you will never deserve it.
Renee Ahdieh, The Wrath and the Dawn (via autisticenjolras)
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