Meus Sentimentos Companheiros
Medo, tristeza e raiva
Chegamos a um novo patamar
Não porque tomaram posse
De um canto em minha alma,
Isso já fizeram quando era mais jovem,
Não porque ocorreu
De me levarem a um poço fundo,
A escuridão e as aguas frias dele
Já me são familiares,
Mas unicamente pois desta vez,
Ao invés de debater em ansiedade
Ou quase me afogar em depressão,
Eu consegui algo inédito:
Flutuei complacente e calmo,
Ora olhando a luz fora do poço,
Que nunca se apaga, misteriosamente,
E outrora o fundo do poço,
Com escuridão que não há de sumir.
My Fellow Feelings
Fear, sorrow and rage
We've reached a new level
Not because you've taken hold
Of a corner of my soul,
You've done it already when I was younger
Not because it happened
That you dragged me to a deep well,
The darkness and cold waters of it
Already are familiar to me,
But uniquely for this time,
Instead of debating in anxiety
Or nearly drown myself in depression,
I've achieved something unprecedented:
Floated complacent and calm,
Times seeing the light out of the well,
That never goes out, mysteriously,
And nother time the bottom of the well,
With darkness that shall not go out.
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My Fellow Feelings
Fear, sorrow and rage
We've reached a new level
Not because you've taken hold
Of a corner of my soul,
You've done it already when I was younger
Not because it happened
That you dragged me to a deep well,
The darkness and cold waters of it
Already are familiar to me,
But uniquely for this time,
Instead of debating in anxiety
Or nearly drown myself in depression,
I've achieved something unprecedented:
Floated complacent and calm,
Times seeing the light out of the well,
That never goes out, mysteriously,
And nother time the bottom of the well,
With darkness that shall not go out.
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Se sou cavaleiro,
Sou um sem chamado
Vagando por aí
Quero achar uma princesa
Que me faça viver
Que me dê um novo morrer
Pois ontem morri pelo eu todo
Mas hoje quero viver por ti
Para que amanhã possa morrer pelo teu amor
If I'm knight,
I'm one without a calling
Straying around there
I want to find a princess
That makes me live again
That gives me a new dying
For yesterday I died for my whole
But today I want to live for you
So that tomorrow I can die for your love
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If I'm knight,
I'm one without a calling
Straying around there
I want to find a princess
That makes me live again
That gives me a new dying
For yesterday I died for my whole
But today I want to live for you
So that tomorrow I can die for your love
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Mar de Eu
Então, já olhaste a praia
Percebes tanta gente nela
Mas podes ver que nem todos estão
Para onde foram?
Simples, sou mar
E estes poucos bem-aventurados
São os que saíram do horizonte
Não te culpes por ver pouco
Por mais que as águas clamem por gente
As ondas, naturais, incontroláveis,
Arrastam para a praia, medrosas
Há fossas, há tempestades, há coisas
Que na praia você nunca há de imaginar
Pois assim é esse medroso mar eu
Mas se ainda queres pegar barco
E sumir da praia para águas fundas
Não irei resistir de forma alguma
Hei de mostrar tudo o que tenho
De raso céu azul até escura fossa da alma
Sea of Me
So, have already looked at the beach
Notice so many people on it
But you can see not everyone is
Where have they gone to?
Simple, I'm sea
And those few well-adventured
Are the ones who left the horizon
Don't blame yourself for seeing little
As much as the waters claim for people
The waves, natural, uncontrollable,
Drag to the beach, cowards
There's drenches, there's storms, there's things
That on the beach you'll never imagine
For this way is this cowardly sea me
But if you still want to get boat
And be gone from the beach to deep waters
I won't resist in any form
Shall show all I have
From shallow blue sky to dark drench of the soul
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Sea of Me
So, have already looked at the beach
Notice so many people on it
But you can see not everyone is
Where have they gone to?
Simple, I'm sea
And those few well-adventured
Are the ones who left the horizon
Don't blame yourself for seeing little
As much as the waters claim for people
The waves, natural, uncontrollable,
Drag to the beach, cowards
There's drenches, there's storms, there's things
That on the beach you'll never imagine
For this way is this cowardly sea me
But if you still want to get boat
And be gone from the beach to deep waters
I won't resist in any form
Shall show all I have
From shallow blue sky to dark drench of the soul
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Jardim de Sangue
Um coração sangrando
Ainda batendo forte
Preso em uma lança
É tudo que eu sou
Há só tanta dor
E a grande, constante necessidade
De eu bater, repetir e bater
Sangrar até estar seco
Mas estou no meio
De um potencialmente belo jardim
E conforme meu sangue molha o chão
As plantas crescem belas
Então absorver-ei o estresse
Engolir-ei gritos de desespero
Continuar-ei apesar de ondas e ondas
De depressão e ansiedade
Para que eu sangre um belo jardim
Para o qual um dia olharei
E antes de um último respiro
Direi que valeu cada gota
Blood Garden
A bleeding heart
Still beating strong
Stuck on a pike
Is all that I am
There's just so much hurt
And the huge constant need
For me to beat, repeat and beat
Bleed until I'm dry
But I'm in the middle
Of a potentially beautiful garden
And as my blood soaks the soil
The plants grow beautiful
So I'll soak up the stress
Swallow screams of despair
Continue despite waves and waves
Of depression and anxiety
So I can bleed a beautiful garden
Upon which one day I'll look
And before a last breath
Say was worth every drop
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Blood Garden
A bleeding heart
Still beating strong
Stuck on a pike
Is all that I am
There's just so much hurt
And the huge constant need
For me to beat, repeat and beat
Bleed until I'm dry
But I'm in the middle
Of a potentially beautiful garden
And as my blood soaks the soil
The plants grow beautiful
So I'll soak up the stress
Swallow screams of despair
Continue despite waves and waves
Of depression and anxiety
So I can bleed a beautiful garden
Upon which one day I'll look
And before a last breath
Say was worth every drop
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Why does iFood constantly put ads about a 3kg container of Nutella
Like if you want me to have it so much buy it for me you cowards, it's no secret I'm poor and you probably already know my address
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(bad thing happens)
me: wtf i don’t deserve this
(good thing happens)
me: …
me: wtf i don’t deserve this
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Desejo Deprimido
Ser fraco por um dia
Por um mero momento
Para que pudesse chorar de joelhos
E não me sentir culpado
Nesse mundo onde
A força deve ser diária
Por cada singular momento
Com olhos secos e joelhos quase quebrados
A culpa da tristeza me sobrecarrega
Depressed Wish
To be weak for a day
For a mere moment
So I could cry on my knees
And not feel guilty for it
In this world where
The strength must be daily
For every single moment
With dry eyes and nearly broken knees
The guilt of the sadness overwhelms me
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Depressed Wish
To be weak for a day
For a mere moment
So I could cry on my knees
And not feel guilty for it
In this world where
The strength must be daily
For every single moment
With dry eyes and nearly broken knees
The guilt of the sadness overwhelms me
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Do shit, then notice it was shit and regret it later.
That's called growing up.
“tumblr is so embarrassing-”
I was on deviantart and fanfiction.net for the entire first decade of this century
embarrassing content is a normal part of being a teen on the internet
listen, this ain’t new, my buddy, my pal, everyone is embarrassing always
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Simplesmente É
Minha sanidade
Um barco perfurado
Veja-o afundar
Minha felicidade
Um petisco para os famintos
Veja-o ser consumido
Meu contento pela vida
Uma moeda para os pobres
Veja-a ser tomada
Minha vontade de viver
Um grão de poeira no vento
Veja-o ir embora
Simply Is
My sanity
A pierced boat
Watch it sink
My happiness
A snack for the hungry
Watch it be consumed
My content for life
A coin for the poor
Watch it be taken away
My will to live
A speck of dust in the wind
Watch it be gone away
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Simply Is
My sanity
A pierced boat
Watch it sink
My happiness
A snack for the hungry
Watch it be consumed
My content for life
A coin for the poor
Watch it be taken away
My will to live
A speck of dust in the wind
Watch it be gone away
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Ah yes
My low self-esteem explained quickly
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