fight like a girl
33 posts
I've seen gypsies who made it all the way And kept going, kept rolling with nowhere to go Nowhere to go. As far as I've seen, from the bush In the wilderness, to every known city. I've been to Saudi Arabia, dug up Calcutta, So I went to Mozambique, Istanbul, Rio, Rome Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Taiwan, Great Britain Belfast, to the desert, Spain Some little bitty island in the middle of the Ṗacific All the way back home, to my town To my town. LYLA MARNÒ 28, LONDON IMPORTED. east village, manhattan
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
lylamarno · 6 years ago
( jxck-thcmxs-rp‌.)
“Listen, ma’am if your daughter doesn’t want…listen I can only look for wherever the person who hired me wants to find. Alright, yes please feel free to bring this to the attention of my boss. You too ma’am.” Jack hung up the phone, before turning to the most vacant alley way and letting out what could be an award winning yell of frustration. The wife of a producer had decided that, since her daughter didn’t want to film in a ruined cottage, that she would have Jack look for a different filming location. One problem; Jack only changed her search if the person who initially hired her decided to change their location. And so far they hadn’t. She turned back to the street to find someone staring at her, probably quite concerned about Jack’s current state of mind. “Sorry you had to see that, you wouldn’t believe the client I just got off of the phone with.”
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the guttural scream had caught her by surprise, but the first instinct she’d had was to hurry toward the source. if she needed to kick someone’s arse, even better, being prim and proper and polite all the time in america was becoming too much of a drag. she misses running her tongue off in the murkier parts of london. nothing like native notoriety. “ oh.” shoulders slump, almost disappointed. a shrug follows “ oh well, guess i can have my hero moment some other time then. your client’s a slag if she caused that whole banshee situation.”
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lylamarno · 6 years ago
( caleb-finch‌.)
He watched her dance around, chuckling as he tucked his hands into the pockets of his nice pants. Caleb normally dressed nice- some sort of button-up shirt, whether short sleeve or long, and some dark trousers. It was what he was comfortable in. He certainly painted a picture of the posh British man. “The rosemary chicken is very good. I’ve had it a few times before and always enjoyed it. But I’ve never put nips in a slushie before. So that’s certainly new.” He added. “You can always come visit me at the Teaspoon.”  He pointed out, though he knew that answer wasn’t great. He was always working- whether scheduling, helping behind the counter, or working on inventory or cleaning.
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“ well then if you like it, it’s good enough for me, and alcohol in slushies is an experience everyone should have,” there is a self satisfied expression with the spread of pink lips as she prances alongside him. normally she’d urge him to try something he hasn’t already had a few times before, but adventure should sometimes come with concessions. small routine comforts even in the face of the unknown could be powerfully profound. besides, she’s well aware of the boundary between encouraging and pushy. “ sure while i’m here for the summer. but you don’t come home much sir, and that is a tragedy. it’s been what... three years since you left and moved here?”
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lylamarno · 6 years ago
( caleb-finch‌.)
“I never did anything like that before, but. It sounds good. Perhaps we could buy nips and add them to slushies?” He asked, a bit confused but eager to at least try it. The 40 year old definitely hadn’t really gone out of the box like that before. “Most of my times binge-drinking in Uni were just at parties. Nothing very exciting. A food cart sounds delicious though. There’s one with rosemary chicken and spicy sauce.” He pointed out.
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buy nips and add them to slushies. “ there he is! catching up at long last!” she laughs miming a drum tap and cymbal smash with delicately presented fists and twirls around on the tips of her toes, pointing at him with a flourish like he’s a star. “ we’ll make a sinner out of you yet, poshboy — rosemary chicken sounds amazing. let’s go! have you had it before?” it has to be nothing short of memorable, caleb deserves a good day, a good break, and a great time. even if it’s just for his tastebuds. “ see that’s why we’re going to make this day exciting. i barely see you.” correction, she never sees him. not since he moved.
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lylamarno · 6 years ago
( halebarrett‌.)
the force of her palms against his chest has him staggering backward with a laugh, bumping into the person behind him. the expletives they get are stuff of LEGEND. it only has them clutching each other in muted hard laughter, hushing each other as they attempt to walk, arm in arm in a straight line like civilized human beings. palm graces his chest in mock offence.   “    calling me stupid. i never !!  i have plenty of things to be figuring out like, do i want to sign another contract with the channel. do i want to shoot concepts or do i actually want to tell stories ? like actually go into film ?   i mean realistically we probably all knew i was going to graduate to cinematography at some point, but i don’t know how far i really want to go. i have all these photos that haven’t seen the light of day. maybe i give up videos for awhile and just focus on the art in photos. what’s the point in furthering it if i don’t know what IT is yet ?  i need a bit more time.    ”  she’s not wrong, he’d thought he’d be back by now as well. 
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this is their default. laughing fucking hard at something no one else finds funny. she leans her head into him, listening with absolute attention as they walk. it’ll stop her from giving disapproving looks thrown their way the actual finger. “ you’ve had quite a lot of time, you understand this yeah? last i saw your dad, he’s ready start helping you apply for grants. he’ll go batshit mental when he hears this d’you realise?” fingers press into his flesh, whether to apply pressure or to reassure him, she doesn’t make clear. “ are you planning to be a sad starving artist? no disrespect, but look at camden town? plenty there. don’t be a fucking coward, there’s plenty out there to take y’money d’you know what i mean?” she could knock his head. she will. probably later, because she’s spotted something familiar. “ this is where we’re going?? hale y’posh bastard!” 
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lylamarno · 6 years ago
( oliverpdavies‌.)
“Honestly, yes.” He chuckled, sipping his drink again. “I mean, I wouldn’t be one to follow the crowd. Jumping off cliffs is not my idea of a good time. But, most people are sheep, really. I tip my hat and raise my glass to the rest of them.” He set his drink down, stretching out his hand to shake. “Oliver Davies. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Doctor.”
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“ i always thought it would be a cold day in hell before common sense became un-common.” she takes a long drink from her cocktail. it’s finishing too quickly and she’s nowhere near buzzed enough. “ s’pose hell’s freezing then.” what a time to be alive... “ lyla,” she takes his hand and shakes it. “ honestly, i’m just pleased you’re not a serial killer.”
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lylamarno · 6 years ago
( dearjclene‌.)
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          the male in question stormed off after the other woman’s tirade, grunting and shoving past the rest of the audience - including jolene. she turned to look back at the fellow brunette with a draw of lips over teeth, “well! looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning.” she tried diffusing the situation with gentle humor. “are you okay? you look really, really pissed.” something that was entirely rare for the escort. hazel eyes squinted as they got a better look at the girl. she looked like the ghost of a memory - sounded like one too. jolene added delicately, “you look really…familiar. have we met before?”
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dark stare laden with daggers and pitchforks is still staring after him like as if she does know buddha and is formulating what her bad karma pitch will be in her head. “ he could have at least paid part of the damages. fucking sod.” features shift abruptly, twisting into something kinder toward the victim of such corrupt bias and waves away her thanks as she hands over her shiny amex card. thick unruly hair flicks when she turns to face the voice. “ dunno, i’m not from here. you been to richmond? london. or imperial college — did exchange in holland, if you were there.”  it’s only now that she properly takes in the other’s dark hair, doe eyes. a skeptical furrow appears between her brows, eyes squinting slightly. have they met before?  “ who are you?”
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lylamarno · 6 years ago
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“ — you’ve gone and taken it upon yourself to ruin this poor woman’s dress that she just paid for and now you’re saying it’s her fault?” the voice that rings out is shrill, appalled and loud enough to gather a tiny audience. they’ve the nerve to telling her to calm down. she’s calm. she! is so! calm! she meditates regularly!  “ you, are what’s wrong with this fucking planet, and me and my mate buddha, if we’ve got anything between us... we’re gonna endeavour to fuck your life up, okay? but apart from that, have a lovely day and an equally lovely night with that tainted conscience of yours.”    @dearjclene
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lylamarno · 6 years ago
( halebarrett‌.)
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the grin slides onto plump lips EASILY with her.  “  is that code for ‘ buy me a slurpee’ ?  ”    they are thick as thieves, walking down east village, and despite the inconsistencies and concern swirling in his mind, it still feels like he’s walking on a CLOUD. how warm it feels, to notice that even in a world where everything changes, this part still stays the same.   “   nah he needs his sleep because he’s gone and done that stupid thing again with the caffeine. y’want me to be honest ? i’m just not ready to be bullied into a graduate program. not that there’s anything wrong with taking it, i want to figure things out first.   ”  he’ll be turning 29 in august, he shouldn’t still be this indecisive, he can hear his father’s voice echoing in his ears already.  “  besides i learn better out on the streets than i do doing papers, you know that.  ” 
“ that’s code for buy me a slurpee, bitch! ” she stops in her tracks and gives him a playful shove, a giggle bursting out of her as she takes his arm once he rejoins her. james is not here, so she’ll disregard that topic for now.  “ not to be a buzzkill mate, but what are these things you’re intending to be figuring out again?” lyla isn’t taking sides, but from her perspective, he’s standing at the crossroads of two very good options. hale doesn’t strike her as the type to settle permanently in new york. “ yes, but your field in graduate study means proving your mettle out on the streets with actual projects, not papers!” fingers accost the stubble of his cheek in an infantilising gesture meant to shame the man into submission. “ you’re so cute when you’re stupid. but admit it you’re hiding from the clan aren’t you? i mean really, blerb’s used to all these barmy americans, but you i’d’ve thought would be back in camden by now taking on london’s finest. ”
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lylamarno · 6 years ago
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“If you see ads with a certain girl who looks like you, you’ll be like, ‘Oh, I want to wear that makeup. It looks good on her, maybe it’ll look good on me,’” she says. “And it’s rare that I see somebody who I can relate to.” Rahimi says more needs to be more when it comes to diversity in beauty. She wants options for different skin tones, more makeup collections for girls like her, and more products for naturally curly hair (which she is finally learning to embrace).
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lylamarno · 6 years ago
( caleb-finch‌.)
Caleb looked at her incredulously, definitely not expecting such an elaborate plan after such a short time. “Wh-… yes, I do drink on occasion, um, but.” He opened and closed his mouth, trying to come up with some reason to say no. But he couldn’t think of one. He SHOULD get out of his comfort zone more, and he never had days off lately… “…Alright. What do you like to drink?” Caleb relented a bit shyly, tucking his hands into his pockets as he walked with her.
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his incredulity only heightens her cheeky confidence, wiggling thick brows suggestively at him. “ remember when we were kids back home, like just under or over 18, and we’d spike the punch or... go into 7 eleven and get a slushie yeah? and lace the thing with vodka or rum? fruity icy goodness...” she gives a jittery shoulder shrug at the memory, assuming at this point, that he has had the same experience. she taps his chest gently with fingertips and tugs him along. “ we should do that. shall we also stop at a food cart on the way? my friend hale is always raving about one or the other.” caleb needs to get out of his shell more, and she wants to have a good day, blend these two together and she’s on an impassioned mission. 
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lylamarno · 6 years ago
( oliverpdavies‌.)
Oliver only chuckles, taking a sip of his drink. “Because most people wouldn’t dare wonder about the way our world is slowly crumbling.” He pauses. “Most people just type up a FaceBook status about global warming, and go on with their day. But you’re surrounding yourself with it. That’s impressive to me.” He grins. “I’m just here, a nut for people like Shakespeare, trying to teach some children some entertainment before it all comes crashing down.”
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the man’s impervious. she doesn’t know if she should be annoyed or impressed. “ so by that same logic... if most people were jumping off a cliff. are you going to be impressed by the handful that don’t?” to her it’s not that impressive, it’s common sense. what she’s doing feels like a natural, obvious choice. what’s absurd is that the common man isn’t making the natural, obvious choice. what a fucking tragedy.  “ anyway shakespeare’s biggest fanboy, i think it’s really strange that you tell me about your family, your academic history and your job, but you haven’t given me your name.”
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lylamarno · 6 years ago
( halebarrett‌.)
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“  crab cakes,  ”  he begins decisively as they stroll out into the shaded sunshine in east village.  “  we should eat crab cakes.  ”  he’d been about to ask the obvious question and this is what’d come out instead.   “  and a nice ice blended beverage — you still like those right. not a slurpee, something proper.   ”    //.   @lylamarno
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how she preens in his company! smile radiant as ever, voice glowing and crooning at him as she allows her weight to press into delicate hand digging into his shoulder, hanging off him. “ crab cakes! a good idea. but i’ll have you know, slurpees are proper. don’t be a snob. but take me wherever you must, show me beautiful things - is blerb not joining us?” she releases his shoulder blade and skips ahead, turning to face him to walk backwards. “ but at the same time. what’s the deal? i thought you were going to come home to london after you’re finished with all this.” the unspoken question is there. why are you still here?
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lylamarno · 6 years ago
( si-daniels‌.)
“As you very well shouldn’t- go to an American doctor. Not if you can help it. The healthcare here sucks.” Silas said, catching up to the child and the woman she’d run to, hunching over a bit to catch his breath when he was sure that Serena was distracted enough and wouldn’t start running again. He huffed, straightening up, “Yeah, I just didn’t want anyone snatching up my kid while I couldn’t run fast enough. Creeps keep away if they think she’s got rabies… Plus, she is a little bit feral.” He stepped up, pulling the now-giggling girl onto his hip and offering a smile to Lyla, “Thank you for distracting her.”
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about the healthcare, she is abundantly aware. if her family had lived in this hell-scape instead of back in england she reckons she’d already be dead. or worse off working a blue collar job, wasting away and being depressed. all not things to be joking about. lyla continues to stare the child down with a healthy dose of caution, willing herself not to smile yet. she’s been thrown up on before, scratched, had her hair pulled and been bitten by one of these, more than once. she doesn’t feel like taking chances. ( she does love kids though )   “ well i didn’t do anything... was minding m’own business, don’t see how that deserves any gratitude.” she’d cowered mere seconds ago. weakling.  “ anyway she doesn’t look feral. maybe you should put a hazard sign on her.”
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lylamarno · 6 years ago
( jamesstarling‌.)
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“  they haven’t sent me anything yet i expect they will. and ask him if he’s packed, i’m organised.  ”  at her chide, a shit-eating grin is cast at his friend with zero remorse whatsoever.  “  go on mate, make it a good one so we can all hear you.  ”  he earns a harsh dig into his ribs for that and doubles over in genuine pain.  “  ow !!  what did i do ?!  ”  he’s still nursing the area when she leaps forward, the residue of a grimace still on his features while he stares bewildered at her.  “ .  .  .  what  —  what are we supposed to be looking at, your manicure ?  ”  eyes narrow into a squint, neck craning forward.  “  you haven’t even got one what’re you on about ?  ”   //.  @jamesstarling​
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“    i’m packed…     you know —- mostly.    i’ve got all the important stuff.        ”    what begins as a wounded declaration dissipates quickly into a mumbling mess of uncertainty,   which after a stretched out pause he ends with a breathy:      “      i’ll pack tonight.       ”         he’s hoping it’s inaudible enough so he can get away with ‘but i did told you’ later   —— yet whatever sign there was of shame is wiped clean by that (rightfully earned) strike    &     replaced by a victorious ,  taunting smile.    “    tough it up,  champ.    ”       he slams his arm roughly against hale’s spine,    leaning into him to peer closely into her hand.    “     um .     i—  ”          what’s he supposed to do here?    he gives the tip of her finger a small peck   &    recoils ,    eyes scanning for a reaction to further instruct.      “    love ya?        ”          @lylamarno​
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typical james. and typical hale. she’ll scold them later. it won’t do to be ill-prepared for glastonbury, how do they not know this by now? at their ensuing responses however, her expression wilts into disturbed confusion. manicure? love ya? thick unruly hair is given an incredulous shake. “ guys! the ring, you’re supposed to be looking at the ring.” she shakes it, held aloft with even greater emphasis. “ i’m engaged!!!” another excited little skip before she reminds herself to maybe dumb it down slightly. “... that means i’m getting married, to another human being...” she says slowly, like one would to children in primary school. @jamesstarling​ , @halebarrett​
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lylamarno · 6 years ago
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“What’s that book from Harry Potter? The one that has, like, teeth….”
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lylamarno · 6 years ago
( pearloldman‌.)
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“My ex just invited me to his engagement party. Worst part… he put +1 so three questions… 1. do I go?  2.  If I do go who can I take with me? 3. what should I wear? I do want to go as I think if I don’t go he will know that I’m still single.”
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“ 1. he invited you to his engagement party? that is so lame. if it were wedding it would be less black and white, but en-gage-ment party?? i’ll go over there and cut all his ties and socks and shoelaces right now. i barely know you, or him, but i will. why did he think that was okay, did you introduce them? 2. me, you don’t know the amount of contraband i can hide in all this hair. 3. that’s what american express is for, i’ve got one and no real excuse to use it, we’ll chalk it up to philanthropy.” pretty good offer if she says so herself.
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lylamarno · 6 years ago
( carter-aldren‌.)
“It’s exciting because I might get to do a modeling deal? How is that NOT exciting?” His smile faded a bit, scratching at the back of his neck. “Uh, he asked for my number so we could keep in contact about the job. Why?”
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“ oh if you want to be a model then it’s exciting sure.” her nose wrinkles a little, gears, in her head continuing to turn. “ a model with a big bum? a bum model? i hadn’t thought about anything that way before. turn around, let me see.” is that too forward? oh well, too late now, she doesn’t care. a fry is inserted into her mouth for a thoughtful chew. “ but if it was meant to be professional... strictly professional... wouldn’t he also have asked for your email? how do you know it wasn’t a ploy to get your number because he has a male bum fetish?” 
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