[Random question counter-attack!!! -- but with a twist]
What would Momina consider as her charmpoint(s)?
What would Hayato consider as Momina's charmpoint(s)? 🤭
Ahhh, Ein!! Thank you for appearing in my inbox!! 🥰 praying today was a bit easier for you! 🫂🌸🌸🌸 also oh my gosh, you made the ask even cuter!!
Text from above under the readmore!
Momina: um...ah...Mimi says it's my cheeks...! That makes me happy...!
Momina: Yama-kun said it was my laugh! Hehe!
Momina: Master says it's my teeth...! I don't like how he says it but I know he means well so I'm happy...!
Momina: Ruru-chan says it's my face! She says I'm super cute!
Momina: Hehe...Koko-chan has said it's my passion...!
Momina: So...I think all and all, I'm pretty charming, huh? Ehehe.
Hayato: Huh!? Why do you want to know...!?
Hayato: ...
Hayato: her charm point...
Hayato: [Blush]
Hayato: ...there's too much to list...that she stands by me...even when upset at me...she's always trying her best!!
Hayato: I wish she'd care for herself more but...well, I can do that...Her heart is her main charm point. Everything else is bonus.
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answering @dreamieparadise ' charm point question ' slowly & staggered. Anyway ! First up, Kai! If it's not his face, it would be his surname. 'Ai' . He's very aware of how people react to his appearance and he does very much take advantage of this. His biggest haters are Momina and Kyoko.
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ouran high au, were miruku breaks the vase but it's momina that is slaving away in the host club, she is also the one experiencing the hot hostclub men activities.
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— Sophocles, an excerpt from 'Elektra,' (tr. Anne Carson) (via lunamonchtuna)
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—you care for me. I feel it like an axe in my chest.
Cynthia Bond, from ‘Ruby’
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quick doodle of Apple in that dress Rach/el Zeg/ler recently wore (except I made it longer!) Since there has been talk lately between a few friends and I that Apple is very Snow White coded/themed I felt this was very fitting <3 tho it feels a lot less Hollywood glam when Apple wears it lol
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#acromous-art#* I REMEMBER THIS THIS CONCEPT FOR HIS ZANPAKUTO IS STILL EVERYTHING TO ME 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#* ignore me V fjskskkss im just gushing..! THE EYES! the everything!!!!
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ship dynamic i really like
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Ingeborg Bachmann, from The Book of Franza (tr. Jan van Heurck)
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Paul Tran, from All the Flowers Kneeling; "Scheherazade/Scheherazade"
[Text ID: With him I had an audience. Both heads / at attention. Ravenous. A kind of ravishing. Tell me / you like it. I told him I liked it. Tell me how bad // you want it. I told him I wanted it bad, maybe, / because I did want, badly, to / be remade, changed so thoroughly // at the core of my being, the corridor through / which he entered like a king, / though he was far from a king, and in doing so // took me, at least part of me, with him. I was willing / by then, by force, to entertain my executioner.]
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“Nobody taught me to want. But now I want. I remain lying down with eyes open, looking at the ceiling. Inside is the darkness. A pulsating “I” is taking shape.”
— Clarice Lispector, Água Viva (via bacchicmaiden)
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“Violence, too, is a teacher.”
— Maggie Smith, from “Stone″, Goldenrod (via voirlvmer)
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“So if you gonna hurt me, why don’t you hurt me a little bit more ?”
— Låpsley / hurt me (via forgottenfeeelings)
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