lydia-griplas · 6 years
Final Reflection
This term was extremely interesting and helpful for me. I personally have felt quite ‘scared’ and lacking in confidence and have found the idea of being out of university and in the industry very daunting. This term helped me realise that I am definitely not the only one and that nobody has it all figured out. Additionally - having people in the industry talk to us made me feel ease. 
The highlight of the term for me was when Tyla Mason came and spoke to us - I think it was great hearing from an ex CTCA student because it was relatable, it was also inspirational because she is freelancing at such a young age and that is a goal of mine. It was great to get some tips from her and hear about her struggles and challenges was well as her successes. 
Another class that I really found helpful in particular was when people from the industry came to speak to us and gave up tips on our internships, how to go about them, what to do and what not to do. It was very helpful to hear directly from them exactly what an employer looks for in an internship. I liked that they were very blunt and direct because it gave us raw and real advice for our upcoming internships. Our internships are something that I am anxious about but they also put me at ease and made me feel a little less stressed.
All in all this was a great term and I can definitely say I learnt and benefited a lot from it. I loved hearing directly from people in the industry, it made the classes more interesting and interactive which personally I love. 
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lydia-griplas · 6 years
Career Road Map
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lydia-griplas · 6 years
Considering Freelancing
Pros of being a freelancer: 
Flexible schedule 
You are your own boss
You can choose which clients you want to work with
No transport costs 
You can work from anywhere
Cons of being a freelancer:
Unreliable income
Easy to be distracted/must be disciplined
Daily routine 
Feeling isolated 
Nobody to cover for you 
Higher risk 
Why this way of working would/would not be well suited to my strengths and weaknesses:
Having a flexible schedule would be great for me because I love having the freedom of planning my day myself and making my own schedule, however, the downside of that for me is that I can be easily distracted and I struggle to manage my time well. 
I like the idea of being my own boss because I like to be in control and choose what I want to do rather than be told. I would also have the freedom to choose which clients I want to work with. 
Having no transport costs is a major bonus, however, I struggle to concentrate in my own home and would prefer getting out of the house so I would be better suited to going to a work space/office.
I am a very sociable person and I prefer working with and around people so being isolated and not having colleagues is definitely a con for me. 
I get bored with the same routine day in and day out so the spontaneity of freelancing would be much better suited to me. 
Established freelancers in your industry that I look up to:
What is it about this person and their work that makes them remarkable?
What could you learn from them if you were to embark on a career of freelancing yourself?
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lydia-griplas · 6 years
Entrepreneur Questions
My Questions for entrepreneurs:
I would consider starting my own business because:
I would consider starting my own business because:
After hearing from the entrepreneurs it made me think:
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lydia-griplas · 6 years
Freelancing Questions
My questions for freelancers:
How do you recommend getting your name out there when you are starting up?
Should I expect to struggle for money in the begining? And is the money enough to survive on/raise a family/pay rent etc when you are established or is it unpredictable?
What would be the number one piece of advise you could give someone starting to freelance ?
Do you think it's a viable option to start freelancing as soon as youre finished varsity or would you recommend gaining some experience working for a company first?
Do you work from home or is it better to rent a studio ?
I would consider Freelancing because:
The work hours are flexible
I can work from anywhere in the world
I am my own boss
I have full creative license
Unlimited earning potential
I would not consider Freelancing because:
I'd have a lot more responsibility
It's a big financial risk
Its unpredictable
Bigger work load
After hearing from the freelancers it made me think:
It made me realise how hard it was to be successful in the industry as a freelancer. However it also made me realise that if you can establish yourself as a freelancer in the industry it is extremely worth it. I realised you have to take risks, be extremely, wise, but ambitious and organised.
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lydia-griplas · 6 years
Interview Questions
Senior Interior Designer / Project Manager at Weylandts
(10 years from now)
What attracted you to this particular position?
I think this position excites me the most because it is something different and something that I could learn new things from. It is a well-paying job and has flexible hours. I also love  and am very passionate about interiors.
What in your experience or education do you feel prepared you for this specific role?
I have have studied at one of the best design academies and feel that with my education at CTCA, I have gained expertise in the industry, I have also worked at numerous companies as well as freelanced and
Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
I see myself in a secure job, hopefully confident in my career or in the direction I am headed in. I see myself successful and would like to think I’d have gained somewhat of a reputation in the industry.
How would you frame your biggest strengths and weaknesses within the context of the responsibilities of this position.
I love to work with people and a job like this requires you to work with people and be able to communicate. I am good at taking control and being organised however, my weakness is that I can get overwhelmed and could struggle to handle the work load and responsibility, however have learnt to overcome this.
How much would you be looking for in terms of cost-to-company remuneration?
Considering that this is a job that expects a lot of experience, skill and comes with responsibility I would expect a good salary, as well as a meal and tea/coffee etc and also a good staff discount on the products.
Do you have any questions for us?
How much responsibility would I be given in relation to the rest of the employees?
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lydia-griplas · 6 years
Super Intern
- Be open to learn, ask questions and be inquisitive 
- Be willing to work hard and put in the effort to ‘prove yourself’
- Make an effort to get to know the employees, and adapt into the company 
- Be professional, appear the part.
- Remember where you stand and that you are an intern. Be respectful
- Make sure to take initiative, if you don't take control you won't get anywhere 
- Ask for dummy briefs (keep yourself busy)
- Be prepared to adapt to different situations 
- Critical thinking 
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lydia-griplas · 6 years
Why would you like to work at this particular organisation?
Weylandts is a very successful and well known company and it would be incredible to be part of a company that I admire. 
Why would you want to have this particular position?
This position is something that is out of my comfort zone, however is something I am interested to delve into and explore. This position would also be great as it would add to my experience.
What additional information would you need in order to know whether you would definitely want to apply for this job?
Is there a company culture?  How would I fit into that?
Would this job set me up for other opportunities and higher positions in the company?
How would taking this job fit in to your broader career plan?
This job would be something I may decide to try out in my career if I am looking for something different and to push myself beyond my boundaries. This would be something I'd apply for later in my career perhaps 5-15 years from now. 
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lydia-griplas · 6 years
Why would you like to work at this particular organisation?
The organisation is a lifestyle publishing house and seems like an amazing company. I’d like to work somewhere that I can work hard but have fun and be surrounded by a creative environment with like-minded people. 
Why would you want to have this particular position?
This position is of a creative director which is a great position to have, it  boasts experience in the industry and is great way to gain experience in a leadership kind of role.
What additional information would you need in order to know whether you would definitely want to apply for this job?
- How much responsibility would I have? Would I work under someone or am I in charge of one side of the company 
How would taking this job fit in to your broader career plan
This job would be one that Id hope to get in 7-10 years from now and I'd love a job like this to teach me enough to give me the push to perhaps open my own company afterwards. 
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lydia-griplas · 6 years
Why would you like to work at this particular organisation?
I would like to work at Life&Brand because it is a well known and successful organisation in Cape Town which I believe would give me great experience that would benefit me. 
Why would you want to have this particular position?
I would like to have this position because it sounds like it is a fun job and suits me and my skills pretty well. They say on the ad that the position would require you to develop “packaging, logos, online adverts, print advertisements, flyers, brochures, invitations, social media artwork, electronic newsletters, promotions, store signage interior and exterior” and these are all things I’d feel comfortable doing, but would also challenge me and I'd have fun in the process.
What additional information would you need in order to know whether you would definitely want to apply for this job?
- Is there opportunity for growth in the position?
- Holidays/leave? 
- Are work hours somewhat flexible?
- Do you allow freelancing on the side?
How would taking this job fit in to your broader career plan?
Taking this job would be a great way for me to get myself into the industry, gain experience and further my skills. I’d be able to add a great job to my CV/portfolio and would set me up for my future in the industry. 
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lydia-griplas · 6 years
What do I want to gain from my internship:
I want to LEARN from the other employees and expand my knowledge 
I want to get an idea of what it is like working in the industry and how things work within an agency
I want to gain professional skills including communicating with clients, deadlines and how to come across and work in a professional manner
I want to gain experience and get an idea of what sector in the industry is best suited to me
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lydia-griplas · 6 years
Internship Questions
Questions I have for my intern-employer:
 What do you look for in an intern? What makes a successful intern and what attributes stand out when considering them for a full-time position.
What would be expected of me as an intern, what projects would I work on and what kind of jobs would I do?
Is there some kind of training in place for interns or will I have a mentor throughout my time at the company? 
What are the chances of being offered a job, is it something that seldom happens or quite a regular process for a company?
How is the industry and what direction does it seem to be going in? Do you think that the industry one that is growing or one that will die out ?
How do client meetings work and will I be involved, do you welcome input from interns or prefer them to sit back and merely listen in on the meetings?
Is there a good vibe between the employees of the company, is it important that the team gets on or is it more important that the job just gets done?
What I want to gain from my internships:
I want to have a good idea of what I like and what I don't like 
Improved work ethic/professionalism
I want to gain contacts/people in the industry that I can network with
Hopefully a job offer 
Experience and learn things I didn't know before
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lydia-griplas · 6 years
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lydia-griplas · 6 years
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lydia-griplas · 6 years
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This is an interesting office design
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lydia-griplas · 6 years
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lydia-griplas · 6 years
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